Cross Cultural & Strategic Management

(The median citation count of Cross Cultural & Strategic Management is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Early evidence of leadership skills and strategies in managing the impact of COVID-19 pandemic in the hospitality industry20
The entrepreneurial advantages of experiencing foreignness: leveraging shocks for capability clusters18
Investigating the impacts of microlevel CSR activities on firm sustainability: mediating role of CSR performance and moderating role of top management support17
Cross Cultural and Strategic Management: a retrospective overview using bibliometric analysis16
Expatriate demographic characteristics and host country national support: an empirical investigation in Central/South America14
A social practice theory perspective on green marketing initiatives and green purchase behavior13
Cultivate customer loyalty in national culture: a meta-analysis of electronic banking customer loyalty13
Cross-cultural differences in information processing of chatbot journalism: chatbot news service as a cultural artifact13
On the micro-foundations of corporate social responsibility: a perspective based on dynamic managerial capabilities13
Humanistic leadership in a Chinese context13
How relationship quality, autonomous work motivation and socialization experience influence the adjustment of self-initiated expatriates in China12
Friend or foe? The effects of harmonious and obsessive passion on entrepreneurs’ well-being, strain and social loneliness12
Editorial: Competitive productivity (CP): advancing the competitiveness paradigm11
Moderating effects of national culture on the psychological contract breach and outcome relationship: a meta-analysis11
A systematic international entrepreneurship review and future research agenda10
CSR authenticity and micro-foundations of business: a systematic review10
Closeness or opportunistic behavior? Mediating the business ecosystem governance mechanisms and coordination relationship9
Family firms and their participation in cross-border acquisition waves: evidence from India9
Gender differences in organizational commitment and rewards within Japanese manufacturing companies in China8
Doing well by doing good: why is investing in university social responsibility a good business for higher education institutions cross culturally?8
The impact of organizational position level and cultural flow direction on the relationship between cultural intelligence and expatriate cross-border adaptation8
Family firms, national culture and corporate social performance: a meta-analysis8
Mathematical modeling of optimal allocation of remote workforce: an interdisciplinary investigation with Hofstede's cultural factors and managerial ability7
What matters for the future? Comparing Globe's future orientation with Hofstede's long-term orientation7
Consequences of xenocentrism and ethnocentrism on brand image of Starbucks: moderating effects of national culture and perceived brand globalness between Colombia and Spain7
From focus to ambidexterity: the choice of catch-up strategy for EMNEs7
Limiting role of resource dependence: an examination of director interlocks, board meetings and family ownership7
Relationship between Big Five personality traits and knowledge sharing behaviour: moderating role of Islamic work ethics7
Assessing the effect of innovation diffusion and technology readiness theories on attitude, behavioral intention and implementation of smart learning6
Can the media breed CEO overconfidence? A sociocognitive perspective in the Chinese context6
The effect of succession on corporate governance reform under the Chinese clan culture context6
Mission drift or mission fulfillment? Examining microfinance's financial and social performance with growth curve modeling and variance decomposition6
Strategic improvisation: an introductory conceptual framework6
Interpersonal knowledge transfer within the multinational enterprise: incorporating identity based quasi-formal knowledge governance mechanisms6
The too-much-of-a-good-thing effect of new ventures' opportunity development on innovation strategy under the Chinese context6
Effective communication during organizational change: a cross-cultural perspective5
The dark side of teamwork–the relationship between social stressors, social resources and team member well-being in monocultural and multicultural work teams5
Does humane orientation matter? A cross-cultural study of job characteristics needs-supplies fit/misfit and affective organizational commitment5
The role of subnational cultural value on animosity: the China-South Korea THAAD crisis5
Collectivistic norms, beliefs and Mexican OCBs: gender and generation differences5
Choosing between the formal and informal economy: how do managers decide?5
A multigroup SEM analysis of the antecedents and moderating influence of culture on workplace deviance behavior5
Influence of socioemotional wealth on non-family managers’ risk taking and product innovation in family businesses5
The single and joint effects of financial intervention policies introduced by governments and power distance culture on returns of equity markets during the COVID-194
Ethically questionable negotiation tactics: the differential roles of national, societal and individual cultural values4
Cognitive cultural intelligence and entrepreneurial alertness: evidence from highly educated, employed immigrants in the USA4
The relevance of bilateral political relations between countries for the completion stage premium of cross-border mergers and acquisitions4
Demystifying the role of internal dynamics in the path of innovative competitiveness: a serial mediation model of international joint ventures4
A synthesized retail brand personality framework: a cross-cultural study of Taiwan and the United States4
Local sourcing and MNC subsidiary performance: a legitimacy perspective4
State ownership and early internationalization of Chinese firms: the moderating roles of firm size and the proportion of SOEs4
Cultural distance and customer orientation strategy of Chinese service MNEs under the belt and road initiative4
Opportunism, bounded rationality and governance choices in exploration alliances: the moderating role of boundary spanners' guanxi3
Understanding the (lack of) utilization of work-family practices: a multilevel perspective3
Governors' pro-market ideology as institutional enablement of firm internationalization3
Revisiting the influence of cultural novelty and emotional stability on general adjustment of expatriates hosted in emerging economies3
The cost of foreign ownership: Voluntary sustainability reporting and financial performance in an emerging economy3
Extending the boundaries of psychological ownership research: measurement, outcomes, cultural moderators3
Struggling or juggling: work-life balance challenges of Western self-initiated women expatriates in the United Arab Emirates3
Influence of national and regional level social capital on entrepreneurial activity3
Empower me or not? Influence of societal culture3
The effects of ethnic diversity and friendship ties on managers' emotional exhaustion: a network-based case study of Caribbean information technology firms2
Coolly provocative: a microfoundational framework of interorganizational cultural distance and exploratory innovation2
Leader, context and CSR: evidence from Taiwan2
Deal completion in mergers and acquisitions: past accomplishment and future direction2
Do religions account for important cultural differences? An analysis across 100 religious groups in 27 African Countries2
Employees' reactions to CSR perception and disclosure in the presence of multilevel contingencies2
Testing spillover-crossover effects of work-family conflict and family-work conflict on Indonesian spouses2
How would you respond to stereotype pressure? The effects of perceived occupational stigma on social workers’ proactive behavior in China2
Exploring the antecedents of industry globalization: a longitudinal investigation2
Whether and how managers' negotiable fate belief and knowledge search affect enterprise innovation2
Host country national support to expatriates: a motivated information processing perspective2
Internationalization motives, location advantages and performance: the case of Indian firms from knowledge-intensive industries2
The impact of social media technologies on organization cultural intelligence and new product development in international markets2
Toward improved international joint ventures performance in India: the mediating role of ambidexterity and the moderating role of environmental dynamism2