npj Systems Biology and Applications

(The median citation count of npj Systems Biology and Applications is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
gDesigner: computational design of synthetic gRNAs for Cas12a-based transcriptional repression in mammalian cells53
Network inference from perturbation time course data49
An Allee-based distributed algorithm for microbial whole-cell sensors35
MorphoSim: an efficient and scalable phase-field framework for accurately simulating multicellular morphologies32
Longitudinal single-cell data informs deterministic modelling of inflammatory bowel disease31
Spatial computational modelling illuminates the role of the tumour microenvironment for treating glioblastoma with immunotherapies30
Functional stratification of cancer drugs through integrated network similarity25
Protein painting reveals pervasive remodeling of conserved proteostasis machinery in response to pharmacological stimuli24
Comparative analysis of metabolic models of microbial communities reconstructed from automated tools and consensus approaches23
Sunset Yellow protects against oxidative damage and exhibits chemoprevention in chemically induced skin cancer model21
A benchmark of RNA-seq data normalization methods for transcriptome mapping on human genome-scale metabolic networks19
NERO: a biomedical named-entity (recognition) ontology with a large, annotated corpus reveals meaningful associations through text embedding19
Optimization of nutrient utilization efficiency and productivity for algal cultures under light and dark cycles using genome-scale model process control19
High-throughput platform for yeast morphological profiling predicts the targets of bioactive compounds18
Identification of Probucol as a candidate for combination therapy with Metformin for Type 2 diabetes18
CTCFL regulates the PI3K-Akt pathway and it is a target for personalized ovarian cancer therapy18
Transcriptome analysis of clock disrupted cancer cells reveals differential alternative splicing of cancer hallmarks genes18
Comprehensive molecular interaction map of TGFβ induced epithelial to mesenchymal transition in breast cancer16
Digital twins elucidate critical role of Tscm in clinical persistence of TCR-engineered cell therapy15
Executable models of immune signaling pathways in HIV-associated atherosclerosis15
Large-scale computational modelling of the M1 and M2 synovial macrophages in rheumatoid arthritis15
Knowledge-based mechanistic modeling accurately predicts disease progression with gefitinib in EGFR-mutant lung adenocarcinoma15
Cell morphology-based machine learning models for human cell state classification15
Transomics2cytoscape: an automated software for interpretable 2.5-dimensional visualization of trans-omic networks14
Data-driven modeling of core gene regulatory network underlying leukemogenesis in IDH mutant AML14
Network topology and interaction logic determine states it supports13
Agent-based modeling of the prostate tumor microenvironment uncovers spatial tumor growth constraints and immunomodulatory properties12
Practical parameter identifiability and handling of censored data with Bayesian inference in mathematical tumour models12
Assessing biological network dynamics: comparing numerical simulations with analytical decomposition of parameter space12
Severe testing with high-dimensional omics data for enhancing biomedical scientific discovery12
A possible path to persistent re-entry waves at the outlet of the left pulmonary vein12
Exploring heterogeneous cell population dynamics in different microenvironments by novel analytical strategy based on images11
Network medicine informed multiomics integration identifies drug targets and repurposable medicines for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis11
Designing function-specific minimal microbiomes from large microbial communities10
Effective dose window for containing tumor burden under tolerable level10
Operating principles of interconnected feedback loops driving cell fate transitions9
Mapping drug-target interactions and synergy in multi-molecular therapeutics for pressure-overload cardiac hypertrophy9
Multi-omics reveals new links between Fructosamine-3-Kinase (FN3K) and core metabolic pathways9
Multilayer modelling of the human transcriptome and biological mechanisms of complex diseases and traits9
Multi-bioinformatics revealed potential biomarkers and repurposed drugs for gastric adenocarcinoma-related gastric intestinal metaplasia9
Biopsy location and tumor-associated macrophages in predicting malignant glioma recurrence using an in-silico model9
Measuring criticality in control of complex biological networks9
Transformer-based modeling of Clonal Selection and Expression Dynamics reveals resistance mechanisms in breast cancer8
A multi-omics approach for biomarker discovery in neuroblastoma: a network-based framework8
A multiscale model of the regulation of aquaporin 2 recycling8
Nobel Turing Challenge: creating the engine for scientific discovery8
Olfactory receptors contribute to progression of kidney fibrosis8
Deterministic patterns in single-cell transcriptomic data8
A deep learning approach predicting the activity of COVID-19 therapeutics and vaccines against emerging variants8
Recovering biomolecular network dynamics from single-cell omics data requires three time points7
Positive-unlabeled learning identifies vaccine candidate antigens in the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum7
Asking the right questions for mutagenicity prediction from BioMedical text7
DeepARV: ensemble deep learning to predict drug-drug interaction of clinical relevance with antiretroviral therapy7
Integrative temporal multi-omics reveals uncoupling of transcriptome and proteome during human T cell activation7
Predicting stress response and improved protein overproduction in Bacillus subtilis7
An automated workflow for multi-omics screening of microbial model organisms7
Detecting and understanding meaningful cancerous mutations based on computational models of mRNA splicing7
Publisher Correction: LimeMap: a comprehensive map of lipid mediator metabolic pathways7
NETISCE: a network-based tool for cell fate reprogramming6
Classification of NSCLC subtypes using lung microbiome from resected tissue based on machine learning methods6
ADAS-viewer: web-based application for integrative analysis of multi-omics data in Alzheimer’s disease6
An expanded whole-cell model of E. coli links cellular physiology with mechanisms of growth rate control6
Metabolic function-based normalization improves transcriptome data-driven reduction of genome-scale metabolic models6
Network-based transfer of pan-cancer immunotherapy responses to guide breast cancer prognosis6
Inferring upstream regulatory genes of FOXP3 in human regulatory T cells from time-series transcriptomic data6
IκBα is required for full transcriptional induction of some NFκB-regulated genes in response to TNF in MCF-7 cells6
Radiopharmaceutical transport in solid tumors via a 3-dimensional image-based spatiotemporal model5
Cancer mutationscape: revealing the link between modular restructuring and intervention efficacy among mutations5
Computational identification of surface markers for isolating distinct subpopulations from heterogeneous cancer cell populations5
Tissue-wide cell-specific proteogenomic modeling reveals novel candidate risk genes in autism spectrum disorders5
Metabolic modelling of the human gut microbiome in type 2 diabetes patients in response to metformin treatment5
Computational modeling of AMPK and mTOR crosstalk in glutamatergic synapse calcium signaling5
Peptide hemolytic activity analysis using visual data mining of similarity-based complex networks5
Modelling HIV-1 control and remission5
sciCAN: single-cell chromatin accessibility and gene expression data integration via cycle-consistent adversarial network5
Explainable deep learning for tumor dynamic modeling and overall survival prediction using Neural-ODE5
Codon usage and expression-based features significantly improve prediction of CRISPR efficiency5
Metabolic modelling reveals broad changes in gut microbial metabolism in inflammatory bowel disease patients with dysbiosis5
Representation and quantification of module activity from omics data with rROMA5
Time and dose selective glucose metabolism for glucose homeostasis and energy conversion in the liver5
Revisiting the evolution of bow-tie architecture in signaling networks5
Metacell-based differential expression analysis identifies cell type specific temporal gene response programs in COVID-19 patient PBMCs5
Systems biology approach for enhancing limonene yield by re-engineering Escherichia coli5
Flexible modeling of regulatory networks improves transcription factor activity estimation5
Computational modeling of DLBCL predicts response to BH3-mimetics5
Plasmodium vivax antigen candidate prediction improves with the addition of Plasmodium falciparum data5
Adaptive coding for DNA storage with high storage density and low coverage4
Tipping-point transition from transient to persistent inflammation in pancreatic islets4
Author Correction: Computer modeling defines the system driving a constant current crucial for homeostasis in the mammalian cochlea by integrating unique ion transports4
On the salient limitations of the methods of assembly theory and their classification of molecular biosignatures4
Insights gained from computational modeling of YAP/TAZ signaling for cellular mechanotransduction4
T-cell commitment inheritance—an agent-based multi-scale model4
Splicing junction-based classifier for the detection of abnormal constitutive activation of the KEAP1-NRF2 system4
AutoTransOP: translating omics signatures without orthologue requirements using deep learning4
Author Correction: IκBα is required for full transcriptional induction of some NFκB-regulated genes in response to TNF in MCF-7 cells4
A large-scale Boolean model of the rheumatoid arthritis fibroblast-like synoviocytes predicts drug synergies in the arthritic joint4
A system-level model reveals that transcriptional stochasticity is required for hematopoietic stem cell differentiation4
Network structure and fluctuation data improve inference of metabolic interaction strengths with the inverse Jacobian4
A multiscale model of immune surveillance in micrometastases gives insights on cancer patient digital twins4
BioNetGMMFit: estimating parameters of a BioNetGen model from time-stamped snapshots of single cells3
SARS-CoV-2 remodels the landscape of small non-coding RNAs with infection time and symptom severity3
Early dynamics of chronic myeloid leukemia on nilotinib predicts deep molecular response3
Predicted ‘wiring landscape’ of Ras-effector interactions in 29 human tissues3
Frequency-preference response in covalent modification cycles under substrate sequestration conditions3
Restoring circadian gene profiles in clock networks using synthetic feedback control3
Quantitative model of eukaryotic Cdk control through the Forkhead CONTROLLER3
Crop-GPA: an integrated platform of crop gene-phenotype associations3
Model-informed experimental design recommendations for distinguishing intrinsic and acquired targeted therapeutic resistance in head and neck cancer3
GO2Sum: generating human-readable functional summary of proteins from GO terms3
Computational analysis of arrhythmogenesis in KCNH2 T618I mutation-associated short QT syndrome and the pharmacological effects of quinidine and sotalol3
Author Correction: AutoTransOP: translating omics signatures without orthologue requirements using deep learning3
Systems-level reconstruction of kinase phosphosignaling networks regulating endothelial barrier integrity using temporal data3
Potential value of high-throughput single-cell DNA sequencing of Juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia: report of two cases3
Characterizing heterogeneous single-cell dose responses computationally and experimentally using threshold inhibition surfaces and dose-titration assays3
Surrogate infection model predicts optimal alveolar macrophage number for clearance of Aspergillus fumigatus infections3
Curating and comparing 114 strain-specific genome-scale metabolic models of Staphylococcus aureus3
An integrated study to decipher immunosuppressive cellular communication in the PDAC environment2
Benchmarking and integrating human B-cell receptor genomic and antibody proteomic profiling2
Peripheral gene interactions define interpretable clusters of core ASD genes in a network-based investigation of the omnigenic theory2
Systematic analysis of negative and positive feedback loops for robustness and temperature compensation in circadian rhythms2
Integrated omics of Saccharomyces cerevisiae CENPK2-1C reveals pleiotropic drug resistance and lipidomic adaptations to cannabidiol2
Position-dependent effects of RNA-binding proteins in the context of co-transcriptional splicing2
Microarray integrated spatial transcriptomics (MIST) for affordable and robust digital pathology2
Transient frequency preference responses in cell signaling systems2
Assessing structural uncertainty of biochemical regulatory networks in metabolic pathways under varying data quality2
Proteomic meta-study harmonization, mechanotyping and drug repurposing candidate prediction with ProHarMeD2
Machine learning approach for discrimination of genotypes based on bright-field cellular images2
YAP/TAZ drives Notch and angiogenesis mechanoregulation in silico2
Reverse engineering morphogenesis through Bayesian optimization of physics-based models2
Network modeling links kidney developmental programs and the cancer type-specificity of VHL mutations2
Immune digital twins for complex human pathologies: applications, limitations, and challenges2
Understanding and leveraging phenotypic plasticity during metastasis formation2
Canalization reduces the nonlinearity of regulation in biological networks2
Quantitative systems-based prediction of antimicrobial resistance evolution2
Optimal proteome allocation and the temperature dependence of microbial growth laws2
Quantifying in vitro B. anthracis growth and PA production and decay: a mathematical modelling approach2
Systems immunology approaches to study T cells in health and disease2
Systems profiling reveals recurrently dysregulated cytokine signaling responses in ER+ breast cancer patients’ blood2
Stochastic Boolean model of normal and aberrant cell cycles in budding yeast2
Emergence of cyclic hypoxia and the impact of PARP inhibitors on tumor progression2
Hybridizing mechanistic modeling and deep learning for personalized survival prediction after immune checkpoint inhibitor immunotherapy2
EMBED: Essential MicroBiomE Dynamics, a dimensionality reduction approach for longitudinal microbiome studies2
An integrative mathematical model for timing treatment toxicity and Zeitgeber impact in colorectal cancer cells2
High-throughput metabolomics for the design and validation of a diauxic shift model2
Few-shot prediction of amyloid β accumulation from mainly unpaired data on biomarker candidates1
EpiScan: accurate high-throughput mapping of antibody-specific epitopes using sequence information1
A Boolean model explains phenotypic plasticity changes underlying hepatic cancer stem cells emergence1
Understanding repertoire sequencing data through a multiscale computational model of the germinal center1
A systems biology approach to define mechanisms, phenotypes, and drivers in PanNETs with a personalized perspective1
General relationship of local topologies, global dynamics, and bifurcation in cellular networks1
PEACOCK: a machine learning approach to assess the validity of cell type-specific enhancer-gene regulatory relationships1
Enhancing mass spectrometry imaging accessibility using convolutional autoencoders for deriving hypoxia-associated peptides from tumors1
Data-driven energy landscape reveals critical genes in cancer progression1
Making drugs from T cells: The quantitative pharmacology of engineered T cell therapeutics1
GINv2.0: a comprehensive topological network integrating molecular interactions from multiple knowledge bases1
Computational systems biology in disease modeling and control, review and perspectives1
A systems biology model of junctional localization and downstream signaling of the Ang–Tie signaling pathway1
Multiscale, mechanistic model of Rheumatoid Arthritis to enable decision making in late stage drug development1
Argininosuccinate lyase is a metabolic vulnerability in breast development and cancer1
Constructing gene regulatory networks using epigenetic data1
Translocating proteins compartment-specifically alter the fate of epithelial-mesenchymal transition in a compartmentalized Boolean network model1
An architecture for collaboration in systems biology at the age of the Metaverse1
SignalingProfiler 2.0 a network-based approach to bridge multi-omics data to phenotypic hallmarks1
Four features of temporal patterns characterize similarity among individuals and molecules by glucose ingestion in humans1
Integrated-omics analysis with explainable deep networks on pathobiology of infant bronchiolitis1
Mitigating non-genetic resistance to checkpoint inhibition based on multiple states of immune exhaustion1
Diffusion kernel-based predictive modeling of KRAS dependency in KRAS wild type cancer cell lines1
Using predictive machine learning models for drug response simulation by calibrating patient-specific pathway signatures1
Morphological entropy encodes cellular migration strategies on multiple length scales1
Merging metabolic modeling and imaging for screening therapeutic targets in colorectal cancer1
Alzheimer’s disease rewires gene coexpression networks coupling different brain regions1
Spatial interactions modulate tumor growth and immune infiltration1
Topological data analysis of spatial patterning in heterogeneous cell populations: clustering and sorting with varying cell-cell adhesion1
iUMRG: multi-layered network-guided propagation modeling for the inference of susceptibility genes and potential drugs against uveal melanoma1
Logic programming-based Minimal Cut Sets reveal consortium-level therapeutic targets for chronic wound infections1
Systems modeling of oncogenic G-protein and GPCR signaling reveals unexpected differences in downstream pathway activation1
Design principles of improving the dose-response alignment in coupled GTPase switches1
The small world coefficient 4.8 ± 1 optimizes information processing in 2D neuronal networks1
Decoding the principle of cell-fate determination for its reverse control1
Characteristics of mathematical modeling languages that facilitate model reuse in systems biology: a software engineering perspective1
‘Social’ versus ‘asocial’ cells—dynamic competition flux balance analysis1
A data-driven Boolean model explains memory subsets and evolution in CD8+ T cell exhaustion1