npj Quantum Information

(The H4-Index of npj Quantum Information is 41. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
Towards practical quantum computers: transmon qubit with a lifetime approaching 0.5 milliseconds147
Variational fast forwarding for quantum simulation beyond the coherence time139
Efficient and noise resilient measurements for quantum chemistry on near-term quantum computers131
Emergence and control of complex behaviors in driven systems of interacting qubits with dissipation95
Symmetry-resolved entanglement detection using partial transpose moments94
Leakage reduction in fast superconducting qubit gates via optimal control93
Laser-annealing Josephson junctions for yielding scaled-up superconducting quantum processors91
Iterative quantum amplitude estimation88
The Born supremacy: quantum advantage and training of an Ising Born machine79
Finding flows of a Navier–Stokes fluid through quantum computing74
Resource-efficient quantum algorithm for protein folding73
Practical quantum computation of chemical and nuclear energy levels using quantum imaginary time evolution and Lanczos algorithms72
Unfolding quantum computer readout noise71
Solid-state qubits integrated with superconducting through-silicon vias70
Identifying optimal cycles in quantum thermal machines with reinforcement-learning67
Feasibility of satellite-to-ground continuous-variable quantum key distribution65
Full daylight quantum-key-distribution at 1550 nm enabled by integrated silicon photonics64
Low rank representations for quantum simulation of electronic structure63
Parallel quantum simulation of large systems on small NISQ computers62
Saving superconducting quantum processors from decay and correlated errors generated by gamma and cosmic rays61
Experimental authentication of quantum key distribution with post-quantum cryptography60
Nearest centroid classification on a trapped ion quantum computer57
Proposal for space-borne quantum memories for global quantum networking54
Storage of photonic time-bin qubits for up to 20 ms in a rare-earth doped crystal54
Entanglement across separate silicon dies in a modular superconducting qubit device52
Fundamental limits of quantum error mitigation52
Machine learning of high dimensional data on a noisy quantum processor51
Optimal operation points for ultrafast, highly coherent Ge hole spin-orbit qubits50
A variational toolbox for quantum multi-parameter estimation46
Scalable quantum computer with superconducting circuits in the ultrastrong coupling regime45
Gigahertz measurement-device-independent quantum key distribution using directly modulated lasers45
Classical variational simulation of the Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm44
Effective routing design for remote entanglement generation on quantum networks44
Implementation of a 46-node quantum metropolitan area network44
Multi-exponential error extrapolation and combining error mitigation techniques for NISQ applications43
Spectrally reconfigurable quantum emitters enabled by optimized fast modulation43
Flexible entanglement-distribution network with an AlGaAs chip for secure communications42
High-performance quantum entanglement generation via cascaded second-order nonlinear processes42
Imaging and certifying high-dimensional entanglement with a single-photon avalanche diode camera42
Gate-free state preparation for fast variational quantum eigensolver simulations41
Quantum circuit architecture search for variational quantum algorithms41
Energy-participation quantization of Josephson circuits41