Digital Scholarship in the Humanities

(The TQCC of Digital Scholarship in the Humanities is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-12-01 to 2024-12-01.)
Digital cultural colonialism: measuring bias in aggregated digitized content held in Google Arts and Culture25
Digital humanities and digital social reading20
Sustainability and complexity: Knowledge and authority in the digital humanities17
Applying AI to digital archives: trust, collaboration and shared professional ethics16
Bias and representativeness in digitized newspaper collections: Introducing the environmental scan10
The use of AR to preserve and popularize traditional Chinese musical instruments as part of the formation of the tourist attractiveness of the national art of Guizhou province10
Trump’s and Biden’s styles during the 2020 US presidential election8
A survey of computational methods for iconic image analysis8
Shanghai memory as a digital humanities platform to rebuild the history of the city7
A systematic review of Wikidata in Digital Humanities projects7
A multimodal turn in Digital Humanities. Using contrastive machine learning models to explore, enrich, and analyze digital visual historical collections7
Understanding the Middle East through the eyes of Japan’s Newspapers: A topic modelling and sentiment analysis approach7
Are translated Chinese Wuxia fiction and western heroic literature similar? A stylometric analysis based on stylistic panoramas7
Digital History and the Politics of Digitization6
Semiotically-grounded distant viewing of diagrams: insights from two multimodal corpora6
Approaching language levels and registers in written Chinese with the Menzerath–Altmann Law6
Towards a knowledge base of medieval and renaissance geographical Latin works: The IMAGO ontology6
WebGIS approach of entity-oriented search to visualize historical and cultural events6
Enriching contextualized semantic representation with textual information transmission for COVID-19 fake news detection: A study on English and Persian5
Digital humanities, knowledge complexity, and the five ‘aporias’ of digital research5
Multichannel convolutional neural networks for detecting COVID-19 fake news5
Linguistic features evaluation for hadith authenticity through automatic machine learning5
The interpretation of topic models for scholarly analysis: An evaluation and critique of current practice5
‘Smart Museum’ in China: From technology labs to sustainable knowledgescapes5
Metre as a stylometric feature in Latin hexameter poetry4
Rural versus urban fiction in contemporary Chinese literature - Quantitative approach case study4
How the Word Adjacency Network (WAN) works4
A warring style: A corpus stylistic analysis of the First World War poetry4
Translator attribution for Arabic using machine learning4
PaleoCodage—Enhancing machine-readable cuneiform descriptions using a machine-readable paleographic encoding4
Word embeddings and semantic shifts in historical Spanish: Methodological considerations4
Deep contextual disambiguation of homonyms and polysemants4
VR as a metaleptic possible world of global citizenship embodiment: a cognitive stylistic approach4
A graph database of scholastic relationships in the Babylonian Talmud4
Encoding the haunting of an object catalogue: on the potential of digital technologies to perpetuate or subvert the silence and bias of the early-modern archive4
Author verification of Nahj Al-Balagha4
An analysis of the Word Adjacency Network method—Part 1—The evidence of its unsoundness3
Quantitative analysis of character networks in Polish 19th- and 20th-century novels3
Topic modelling on archive documents from the 1970s: global policies on refugees3
AreDaojingandDejingstylistically independent of each other: A stylometric analysis with activity and descriptivity3
Reading in Europe—Challenges and lessons learned from the case studies of the READ-IT project3
Generating a sentiment dictionary in R and dictionary-based sentiment analysis in Turkish texts3
On assessing metadata completeness in digital cultural heritage repositories3
GECEM Project Database: A digital humanities solution to analyse complex historical realities in early modern China and Europe3
Knowledge-based relational search in cultural heritage linked data3
Knowledge graph-based metaphor representation for literature understanding3
‘Uniformity’ or ‘Dispersion’?—The evolution of Chinese poetic word categories’ distribution patterns3
Gender inequality and female body language in children’s literature3
Mapping information and identifying disinformation based on digital humanities methods: From accuracy to plasticity3
Infrastructuring digital humanities: On relational infrastructure and global reconfiguration of the field3
A data-driven approach to studying changing vocabularies in historical newspaper collections3
Fractality in Chinese prose3
Shakespeare and principal components analysis3
Medicine in theMonthly Review: Revealing public medical discourse with topic modelling3
Text mining Mill: Computationally detecting influence in the writings of John Stuart Mill from library records3
An ontology of masters of the Babylonian Talmud2
Different processes for translating expressive versus informative texts? A computer-assisted study of professionals’ English–Chinese translation2
Who could be behind QAnon? Authorship attribution with supervised machine-learning2
Digital transit ports for the illicit trade in antiquities: the case of the ‘Afghan Genizah’2
TBX and ‘Lemon’: What perspectives in terminology?2
Noisy medieval data, from digitized manuscript to stylometric analysis: Evaluating Paul Meyer’s hagiographic hypothesis2
Normalization of Ukrainian letters, numerals, and measures for natural language processing2
“I would I had that corporal soundness”: Pervez Rizvi's Analysis of the Word Adjacency Network Method of Authorship Attribution2
A formal representation of the divine comedy’s primary sources: The Hypermedia Dante Network ontology2
An analysis of the Word Adjacency Network method—Part 2—A true understanding of the method2
Using named entity recognition and network analysis to distinguish personal networks from the social milieu in nineteenth-century Ottoman–Iraqi personal diaries2
Digital Humanities and disability: A systematic literature review of cultural accessibility for people with disability2
Open scholarship in Australia: A review of needs, barriers, and opportunities2
Exploring the possibilities of Thomson’s fourth paradigm transformation—The case for a multimodal approach to digital oral history?2
Eye Tracking in Second Language Acquisition and Bilingualism: A Research Synthesis and Methodological Guide. Aline Godfroid2
Integrating traditional ritual dance and minority culture of Western Hunan into dance instruction: Utilizing information technology to preserve China’s intangible heritage2
Stylometric similarity in literary corpora: Non-authorship clustering andDeutscher Novellenschatz2
Bertalign: Improved word embedding-based sentence alignment for Chinese–English parallel corpora of literary texts2
Building linked lexicography applications with LexO-server2
Relational perspectives as situated visualizations of art collections2
Uncovering Environmental Change in the English Lake District: Using Computational Techniques to Trace the Presence and Documentation of Historical Flora2
Interpreting through AI: A note on the possibility of weaving ancient traditions with novel technologies2
Digital methods in cartographic source editing2
Patronage and ideology: A corpus-assisted investigation of Eileen Chang’s style of translating herself and the other2
Provenance visualization: Tracing people, processes, and practices through a data-driven approach to provenance2
Exploring the similarity between Han’s and non-Han’s Yuan poetry: Resistance distance metrics over character co-occurrence networks2
A learning approach towards metre-based classification of similar Hindi poems using proposed two-level data transformation2
Constructing a digital system of historical geographic information from the perspective of digital humanities: a case study of the historical geographic information database of Tibetan Buddhist monast2
Same text, same discourse? Empirical validation of a discourse analysis methodology for cultural heritage2
Towards a common model for European poetry: Challenges and solutions2
One-third of a century on: the state of the art, pitfalls, and the way ahead relating to digital humanities approaches to translation and interpreting studies2
Modelling the Rongorongo tablets: A new transcription of the Échancrée tablet and the foundation for decipherment attempts2
A systematic review of Automatic Term Extraction: What happened in 2022?2
Sentiment analysis in cross-linguistic context: How can machine translation influence sentiment classification?2
Using search engines as a retrieval tool for translating newly coined expressions and terminology between Chinese and English1
Polysemy, synonymy, and metaphor: The use of theHistorical Thesaurus of Englishin translation studies1
An application of data visualization technique in Arabic literature and linguistics1
A seminatural approach towards restoration, classification, and pattern extraction from heritage Hindi poetry: A probabilistic case study with Dohā chanda1
Vector hermeneutics: On the interpretation of vector space models of text1
Effective annotation for the automatic vectorization of cadastral maps1
A free market in extreme speech: Scientific racism and bloodsports on YouTube1
Hacking stylometry with multiple voices: Imaginary writers can override authorial signal in Delta1
Facsimile narratives: Researching the past in the age of digital reproduction1
Eye movement pattern of reading Chinese Classics1
An analysis of the writing of ‘suicide cult’ members1
Lexical and function words or language and text type? Abbreviation consistency in an aligned corpus of Latin and Middle English plague tracts1
Humanities and engineering perspectives on music transcription1
Identifying social norm violation in movie plots: from Borat to American Pie1
Modern architecture in the professional discourse: analysis of the Architectural Biennial of Quito’s 1976–92 archive using bipartite networks1
The transmission of ‘The West Saxon Royal Genealogy’: a phylogenetic approach1
Diachronic delta: A computational method for analysing periods of accelerated change in literary datasets1
Finding common features in multilingual fake news: a quantitative clustering approach1
The Digital Humanities Coursebook: An Introduction to Digital Methods for Research and Scholarship. Johanna Drucker1
Likelihood calculations for reconstructed lacunae and Papyrus 46’s text of Ephesians 6:191
Whose Language? Whose DH? Towards a taxonomy of definitional elusiveness in the digital humanities1
Foucault’s archeological discourse analysis with digital methodology—Discourse on women prior to the first wave women’s movement1
A methodology for building domain ontology of cultural heritage1
A visualizing analysis of Chinese character processing in the past 40 years (1981–2020)1
Stylometric analysis of Trump’s tweets1
Modelling Chinese contemporary calligraphy: the WRITE data model1
Digital humanities or humanities in digital: revisiting scholarly primitives1
Web archive analytics: Blind spots and silences in distant readings of the archived web1
Machine versus corpus-based translation of multiword terms1
Zeta revisited1
Revealing ‘invisible’ poetry by W. H. Auden through computer vision: Using photometric stereo to visualize indented impressions1
Lemmatization in the collaborative editorial workflow of a medieval French text: The digital edition of the Histoire ancienne jusqu’à César1
Beyond the binary: Trans women’s video activism on YouTube1
Metaphor repositories: the case of the mental health metaphor dictionary1
Digital assemblages with AI for creative interpretation of short stories1
Cultural information bubbles: A new approach for automatic ethical evaluation of digital artwork collections based on Wikidata1
Ancient classical theatre from the digital humanities: a systematic review 2010–211
Personality recognition in Digital Humanities: A review of computational approaches in the humanities1
Networks as interpretative frameworks: using co-citation analysis to explore large corpora of early modern letters1
Arden of Faversham, the authorship problem: Shakespeare, Watson, or Kyd?1
Analysis of fictional characters in the context of artificial intelligence and big data: taking A Dream of Red Mansions for example1
Computational emotion classification for genre corpora of German tragedies and comedies from 17th to early 19th century1
Keynote: Tramando la palabra / Weaving the word1
Hapax remains: Regularity of low-frequency words in authorial texts1
A hybrid part-of-speech tagger with annotated Kurdish corpus: advancements in POS tagging1
Towards terminological resources tailored to the users’ needs: Terminology extraction based on appositive constructions1
Stylometric analysis of characters in Shakespeare’s plays1
An approach to enhance topic modeling by using paratext and nonnegative matrix factorizations1
Exploring Chinese lexical differences based on synergetic-linguistic model1
AGREE: a new benchmark for the evaluation of distributional semantic models of ancient Greek1
Temporal networks of ‘Contrafacta’ in the first three troubadour generations1
The 3D recording of the so-called Spreti sarcophagus in the Basilica of San Vitale (Ravenna, Italy)1
Entropy-based syntactic tree analysis for text classification: a novel approach to distinguishing between original and translated Chinese texts1
A new measurement method of Chinese texts’ difficulty based on the digital analysis of two-character continuations1
Eclectic mimēsis in Imperial Greek oratory: Topological metrics for syntactical quantification using wavelets1
Research on the evaluation of museum website utility index based on analytic hierarchy process: a case study of China's national first-class museums1
Emergent Practices and Material Conditions in Learning and Teaching with Technologies. Teresa Cerratto Pargman and Isa Jahnke1
A brief supplement to ‘The Marlowe Corpus Revisited’ and Phantom Marlowe1
A social network approach to critical discourse studies1
Creativity complicates tweets: a quantitative lens on syntactic characteristics of twitter1
Standards and quantification of coin iconography: possibilities and challenges1
Calculating sameness: Identifying early-modern image reuse outside the black box1
Visual exploration of historical maps1
Comparative network analysis as a new approach to the editorship profiling task: A case study of the Mishnah and Tosefta from Rabbinic literature1
Visualizing textual similarity of Shakespearean suspect texts: An examination of the Henry VI plays1
Retos en construcción de traductores automáticos para lenguas indígenas de México1
Embedding creativity into digital resources: Improving information discovery for art history1
Reading in the mist: high-quality optical character recognition based on freely available early modern digitized books1
Lexical diversity as a lens into the classification of Slavic languages: A quantitative typology perspective1
Unravelling interlanguage facts via explainable machine learning1
Rhyme in classical Latin poetry: Stylistic or stochastic?1
OUP accepted manuscript1
Disentangling semantic and prosodic features of English poetry1
Deep learning-based lexical character identification in TV series1
Some stylometric remarks on Ovid’sHeroidesand theEpistula Sapphus1
An online corpus for the study of historical dialectology:Oralia diacrónica del español1
Storified narrative: Awake photo archives in digital humanities1
Machine Translation and Global Research: Towards Improved Machine Translation Literacy in the Scholarly Community. Lynne Bowker and Jairo Buitrago Ciro1
Exploratory methods for relation discovery in archival data1
Research on the psychology of fictional characters based on artificial intelligencean example study on The Family 1
Cultural specificities of online dictionaries for English learners: Evidence from a user survey and a multimodal discourse analysis1