Depositional Record

(The TQCC of Depositional Record is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Reef island evolution in a turbid‐water coral reef province of the Indo‐Pacific34
Reconstruction of the Late Miocene to Pliocene continental succession of Samos Island: Palaeoenvironmental implications for the Eastern Aegean domain33
Dolomitisation of carbonate platform margins by fault‐controlled geothermal convection: Insights from coupling stratigraphic and reactive transport models14
Exceptional preservation in Quaternary Atacama Desert Tufas: Evidence for increased groundwater and surface water in the Calama Basin, Atacama, Chile14
Clumped isotope analysis of zoned calcite cement, Carboniferous, Isle of Man13
Issue Information12
Reconstruction of meander‐bend migration from associated channel‐belt architecture recorded in successions of ancient meandering rivers: A case study from the Cretaceous Songliao Basin, China12
Carbon and oxygen isotope characteristics of the Clydach Valley Subgroup, Courceyan, South Wales‐Mendip shelf, UK12
Calcium transfer and mass balance associated with soil carbonate in a semi‐arid silicate watershed (North Cameroon): An overlooked geochemical cascade?10
The Miocene lacustrine carbonate factory of the Ñirihuau Formation, Ñirihuau Basin, North Patagonian Andes, Argentina9
Issue Information9
Palynological evidence of Middle Pleistocene palaeoenvironmental changes from the ‘Buca dell’Onice’ flowstone (Alpi Apuane, Central Italy)9
Holocene evolution of the Banni Plain at the north‐east margin of the Arabian Sea: Constraints from a ca 50 m long sediment core8
Facies variations in gravelly cyclic steps deposited from turbidity currents: Miocene fan delta front deposits compared with a modern active fan delta, central Japan8
Palaeocene to Miocene southern Tethyan carbonate factories: A meta‐analysis of the successions of South‐western and Western Central Asia8
The provenance of a turbidite system within a tectonically active wrench basin: Insights from heavy mineral characteristics of Miocene sandstones in the Tabernas Basin, south‐east Spain8
Submarine lobe deposits of the Point Loma Formation, California: Quantifying event‐bed architecture and lateral heterogeneity7
Issue Information7
Reply to the discussion and comments of Azerêdo et al. (2023) and Schneider et al. (2023) on the paper by Magalhães et al. ‘Middle Jurassic multi‐scale transgressive–regressive cycles: An example from7
The influence of syn‐depositional compaction on clastic sediment distribution in river‐dominated deltas: A modelling study7
Flooding of a carbonate platform: The Sian Kaʼan Wetlands, Yucatán, Mexico—A model for the formation and evolution of palustrine carbonate factories around the modern Caribbean Sea and in the depositi7
Carbonate‐rich megabeds within a Triassic siliciclastic deep‐water system, West Qinling orogenic belt, Central China: Character, processes and implications7
Gypsum lakes, sandflats and soils revealed from the Triassic Red Peak Formation of the Chugwater Group, north‐central Wyoming6
The Late Palaeozoic Ice Age unconformity in southern Namibia viewed as a patchwork mosaic6
The role of carbonate factories and sea water chemistry on basin‐wide ramp to high‐relief carbonate platform evolution: Triassic, Nanpanjiang Basin, South China6
Blood, lead and spheres: A hindered settling equation for sedimentologists based on metadata analysis6
Cretaceous cyclic peritidal carbonates of the Apulia Carbonate Platform (Apulia, southern Italy) in a hierarchical sequence‐stratigraphic perspective: A case study from the Murge area (the Giovinazzo 5
Determination and quantification of sedimentary processes in salt marshes using end‐member modelling of grain‐size data5
Issue Information5
Continental shelves as detrital mixers: U–Pb and Lu–Hf detrital zircon provenance of the Pleistocene–Holocene Bering Sea and its margins5
Mid‐Holocene rainfall seasonality and ENSO dynamics over the south‐western Pacific5
Changes in mesophotic carbonate‐platform export across the end of the last glacial cycle (Saya de Malha Bank, western Indian Ocean)5
An integrated petrographical and geochemical study of the Tredian Formation in the Salt and Trans‐Indus Surghar ranges, North‐West Pakistan: Implications for palaeoclimate5
Exploring the application of dual‐energyCTto discriminate sediment facies in a varved sequence5
On the delimitation of the carbonate burial realm4
Facies distribution and depositional cycles in lacustrine and palustrine carbonates: The Lutetian–Aquitanian record in the Paris Basin4
Water discharge and sediment flux intermittency in the fluvial Escanilla Formation, Spain: Implications for changes in stratigraphic architecture4
Testing the fidelity of zircon as a provenance indicator in fluvial‐fan successions: An example from the Palaeogene Colton Formation, Central Utah, USA4
Petrophysics and sediment variability in a mixed alluvial to lacustrine carbonate system (Miocene, Madrid Basin, Central Spain)4
Lateral heterogeneity of basin‐plain turbidites of the Cloridorme Formation, Quebec, Canada: Implications for horizontal well prediction4
Punctuated aggradation and flow criticality in deep water channel systems4
The role of organic matter in Brazilian Pre‐Salt carbonates4
Hydrologic remobilisation of tephra‐fall deposits: A sedimentological analysis throughout fluvio‐lacustrine systems of North‐West Patagonia4
Hierarchies of stratigraphic discontinuity surfaces in siliciclastic, carbonate and mixed siliciclastic‐bioclastic tidalites: Implications for fluid migration in reservoir quality assessment4
Impacts of Severe Tropical Cyclone Olwyn and the biogeomorphic response, Hamelin Pool, Shark Bay, Western Australia4
A tale of two end members: Tidal deposits in a semi‐arid, low subsidence, open coastal setting versus a high runoff, high subsidence, restricted environment4
Submarine‐channel meandering reset by landslide filling, Taranaki Basin, New Zealand4
Tidally influenced deposits in the Río Alías Strait connecting a marginal basin with the Mediterranean Sea (Pliocene, South‐East Spain)4
Occurrence and Genesis of Cold‐Seep Authigenic Carbonates from the South‐Eastern Mediterranean Sea3
Insights on the biomineralisation processes and related diversity of cyanobacterial microflora in thermogenic travertine deposits in Greek hot springs (North‐West Euboea Island)3
Chemostratigraphic characteristics of trace elements, biomarkers and clay mineralogy indicating environmental conditions within Aptian sediments of the Organyà Basin, North‐east Spain, prior to the on3
Benthic foraminiferal faunas associated with cold‐water coral environments in the North Atlantic realm3
Palaeoecological features of Lower Asselian (Lower Permian) carbonate skeletal mounds in the Pisanyi Kamen’ section (Un’ya River, Northern Urals)3
Multi‐elemental chemostratigraphy of Triassic mudstones in eastern Svalbard: Implications for source rock formation in front of the World’s largest delta plain3
The origin of boulders in the Neoproterozoic of Eastern Sayan Ranges, south‐west Siberia: Glacial transport versus winnowed concretions3
Digital re‐evaluation of down‐dip channel‐fill architecture in deep‐water slope deposits: Multi‐scale perspectives from UAV‐SfM3
Pioneer species of Cyanobacteria in hot springs and their role to travertine formation: The case of Aedipsos hot springs, Euboea (Evia), Greece3