Acta Crystallographica A-Foundation and Advances

(The median citation count of Acta Crystallographica A-Foundation and Advances is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Salt or co-crystal ambivalent systems23
Fracture-induced broken inversion symmetry and crack healing in organic crystals19
Ordering phenomena in rare-earth oxoborates RCa4O(BO3)3 (R = Er, Y, Dy, Gd, Sm, Nd, La)13
Crystal adaptronics: intersectional and collective properties and effects of dynamic molecular crystals12
Automation of room-temperature data collection on BIOMAX beamline12
Understanding the mechanism of polymer- and solvent-mediated mechanochemical synthesis of pharmaceutical polymorphic cocrystals using in situ CLASSIC NMR spectroscopy11
Searching for a hydrogen-ordered counterpart of ice IV through in situ high-pressure powder neutron diffraction experiments9
Structural analysis of clock protein complex in solution by the integrated approach with analytical ultracentrifugation and small-angle scattering8
High-throughput and high-resolution powder diffraction measurement system for accelerating green materials science and engineering8
The (3+1)-dimensional superspace description of an incommensurately modulated organic zwitterion dehydrate with solvent disorder7
SBGrid: optimizing your software and compute environment to accelerate structural biology/cryo-EM research7
The transmembrane protease TMPRSS2 as a potential target for treatment of virus infection7
Tuning in: understanding cryptophyte light-harvesting antenna proteins6
In situ 3D-ED in liquid to study the structural transformation of functional materials during electrochemical reactions: challenges and progress6
Control of fibrosis with enhanced safety via asymmetric inhibition of prolyl-tRNA synthetase 16
Crystallography online by the Bilbao Crystallographic Server: new online programs for the analysis of the symmetry of low-dimensional materials5
T cell receptor recognition of unusual antigens5
Polarised neutrons for magnetic pair distribution function analysis: methods and applications5
TmSb2O4Br: the first tetragonal lanthanoid oxoantimonate bromide without mixed-cation occupation4
Advanced detector and data pipeline design to fully utilize experiments at next-generation synchrotron sources4
Evolution of intermolecular contacts with temperature and pressure in bromoethane and iodoethane4
SO(3)-equivariant neural networks from cryo-EM particle picking4
The preferential orientation of silicon phases formed during non-hydrostatic compression4
STXM – scanning transmission X-ray microscopy4
Structural mechanism of peptide exchange of MHC-I complexes in antigen presentation4
Driving knowledge discovery at a one-stop-shop for exploration of experimentally determined PDB structures and computed structure models4
Conceptual design of a beamline for classical XAFS spectroscopy at the future ultra low emittance storage ring PETRA IV4
Going beyond the conventional in operando XRD to understand battery cell performance under non-ambient conditions4
Deep learning-based predictions of electron-density maps from input Patterson maps4
High-pressure behavior and metastable phases of Si x Ge1−x alloys4
DIMAS: a web-based service crystallography submission and data management system3
Complementary use of electron and X-ray microcrystallography to reveal quantum structural information of organic molecules3
Defect characterization of SiC wafers by polarized light microscopy under a condition slightly deviated from crossed Nicols3
Ultrafast dynamics of photoexcited states in cerium oxide3
Structural mapping of the PEAK pseudokinase interactome identifies 14-3-3 as a molecular switch regulating PEAK3/Crk signalling3
Crystal structure of fungal tannase from Aspergillus niger3
Structure and physical properties of Mg-based metallic glasses prepared by a melt spinning technique3
The structural revelation of the smallest functional pyruvate kinase from Entamoeba histolytica3
Complex magnetic structures in EuPtAs3
Synthesis and characterization of gold nanorods3
Crystal packing and pore topology in co-crystals based on C60 fullerene in combination with other molecules2
Half way to hypusine. Molecular basis of deoxyhypusination2
Cryo-EM structure of the soluble formate dehydrogenase from Rhodobacter capsulatus2
Enabling extensibility of an MX data acquisition platform with the Bluesky Python library2
Mixed crystals of linear oleogelator molecules: existence criteria2
Crystal structure of a MarR family protein from the psychrophilic bacterium Paenisporosarcina sp. TG-14 in complex with a lipid-like molecule2
Understanding electronic structure and reactivity of halogen-bonded cocrystals – synergy of experiment and theory2
Combined use of X-ray diffraction and microtomography for accurate cement hydration studies2
Application of cryo-EM to understanding of peptide and small-molecule binding to G protein-coupled receptors2
Synthesis and application of chiral metallosupramolecular materials2
Electronic structure crystallography: capture excited/distorted states of optical materials experimentally2
Layer groups associated with 2-way 2-fold fabrics2
Incommensurate structures and radiation damage in K2V3O8 and Rb2V3O8 mixed-valence vanadate fresnoites2
The in vivo macromolecular crystallography platform at Nagoya University2
Thermal diffuse scattering of framework materials: a coarse-grained approach2
Deciphering the sequence of phase transitions in KNiCl32
Uncovering new ligandable sites in STEP (striatal-enriched protein tyrosine phosphatase)2
Development of gigapixel imaging XAFS2
Measureable order parameters from small-beam diffraction measurements on glasses2
Investigation of soluto-capillary convection in Ge x Si1−x melts – 15 years of microgravity research2
Visualizing macromolecular structures in situ by cryo-EM and cryo-ET2
Defective CuI/InIII corners trapped in an ordered lattice of barium copper indium selenide2
Ligand-induced room-temperature dual emission in two-dimensional silver cluster-assembled material1
Dual-axis aligned artificial water channels formed via water-induced self-assembly1
Hyperpolarization of biomolecules in eutectic crystals at room temperature using photo-excited electron1
Simultaneous DSC and structural studies of liposomes1
Development of giant crystalline molecular rotor mediated by bulky N-heterocyclic carbene gold(I) complex1
The outreach and education programme of the IUCr1
The study for understanding the reaction mechanism of tRNA seleno-modification enzyme SelU1
Making the most of crystal polymorphism in fragment-based lead discovery1
High-energy isochoric synthesis of elusive iodoplumbic acid1
Thermoresponsive crystals of N-alkylated diketopyrrolopyrrole dyes1
Structural basis for strychnine activation of human bitter taste receptor TAS2R461
Ultrafast light soft martensitic materials1
Development of a drug screening pipeline on SPring-8 macromolecular crystallography beamlines1
Evolution of elliptical SAXS patterns from aligned objects and lamellar arrays during deformation1
Loose polymorphs of DL-menthol and their compression1
Routine room-temperature protein structure determination in situ on Diamond beamline VMXi: current status and recent developments1
The development of metal–organic frameworks for oxygen separation that is both reversible and selective at room temperature1
Capillary crystallization: a versatile tool for chemical crystallography and absolute configuration determination1
Using mesoporous metal–organic frameworks to immobilize hydrogen-bond donating (HBD) organocatalysts1
Time-resolved nanobeam X-ray diffraction of a relaxor ferroelectric single crystal under an alternating electric field1
Structural biology response to biomedical threats1
Statistical analysis of coordination environments of metals in organic and organometallic crystals1
Emergent helical texture of electric dipoles1
Mineralogical-crystallographic approach enabling new paths towards a sustainable use of resources1
High-pressure research and crystallography: the great unification1
From crystallographic 'failures' to novel insights in plant growth and defence regulation1
Using ionic liquids to determine the origin of specific ion-binding modulation of key protein properties1
Pushing the limits of structure prediction with non-canonical amino acids1
Investigating shear-sensitive samples with laboratory SAXS1
Synthesising diamond and lonsdaleite by shear-induced phase transformations1
Deep learning for improving grain mapping from near-field high-energy diffraction microscopy1
On the accuracy of DFT methods for supporting the discovery of mechanically compliant molecular crystals using predicted face-dependent Young's moduli1
Accurate crystal structures of ices from X-ray and ED with Hirshfeld atom refinement1
BioMAX: the flagship macromolecular crystallography beamline at MAX IV1
Pyrazine diyldimethanol – water-based room-temperature synthesis and single-crystal structural characterization of new coordination polymers, hydrogen bonding, halogen bonding1
Structural and physical properties of R-BTBT-CONHC14H29 (R = H, C8H17)1
Micro-focus Raman studies on elastically flexible small peptide crystals1
New perovskites from high-pressure synthesis1
Electron–phonon coupling mediated self-trapped exciton emission in organic–inorganic hybrid manganese halides1
The L-phase precipitates in Al–Mg–Si–Cu alloys1
Activated bacterial TIR proteins: NADase activity and filamentous assemblies1
In situ energy-dispersive X-ray diffraction microscopy with the Planetary Instrument for X-ray Lithochemistry (PIXL) on Mars1
Monkeypox virus C7L is a Bcl-2-fold protein that binds human pro-apoptotic Bcl-2 proteins1
Advancing materials characterization using neutron diffraction at ORNL's Spallation Neutron Source (SNS), the High-Flux Isotope Reactor (HFIR) and the Future Second Target Station (STS)1
Interplay of short-range orientational order and lattice dynamics in negative thermal expansion material Cd(CN)21
Transition metal elements in coloured beryl: application of anomalous X-ray scattering1
HIP bonded Fe–Cu interface shows anomalous Cu phase1
Image-guided diffraction at Diamond Light Source: the DIAD beamline1
Discovery and structural characterization of novel nanobodies targeting the Cavin1 complex essential for forming caveola membrane vesicles1
Structural interpretation into catalysis based on substrates' poses in class C β-lactamase ACC-11
Biomolecular small-angle scattering: data reproducibility, benchmarking predictive methods and best practice reporting1
Characterisation of NiRAN domain of RNA-dependent RNA polymerase of SARS-CoV-2 as a potential drug target and a novel kinase1
Structural basis for the assembly of the DNA cleavage-religation core of type IIA topoisomerase1
Determining complex spatial patterns during crystallisation of soft matter1
Machine learning assisted reverse Monte Carlo modeling for neutron total scattering data1
Portable energy-dispersive X-ray diffraction analyser for lunar applications1
Targeting multiple proteins that scavenge, transport and metabolize Neu5AC in Gram-negative bacteria1
A decade of quantitative mineralogy on Mars: results from the CheMin X-ray diffractometer on the Mars Science Laboratory rover Curiosity1
Correlative imaging with multi-modal scanning probe microscopy1
Simultaneous X-ray ptychography, X-ray fluorescence and X-ray excited optical luminescence experiments in metal halide perovskites: correlating morphology, chemical heterogeneity and optoelectronic pr1
Time-resolved binding of initiation factor 1 to the ribosomal decoding center1
Uranium oxide hydrate materials with secondary metal ions: revealing complex crystal structures using synchrotron crystallographic beamlines1
Science during a pandemic – remote access to neutron diffractometers1
Multi-faceted dynamic behaviour of a flexible metal–organic framework through post-synthetic modification1
The crystal structure of the UBR box of UBR4 reveals type-2 N-degron binding mechanism1
Increasing the structural complexity of lantern-type coordination cages1
Nanoscale spatial mapping of chemical state and bonding variations using XANES and EXAFS: fast reduced dose measurements using sparse sampling approaches1
High-throughput scattering data processing on field-programmable gate arrays1
Saturated nitrile solids on Titan1
A continuous map of the Cambridge Structural Database in meaningful coordinates1
Evaluation of surrogate models for the incorporation of tetravalent actinides in monazite- and zircon-type phases for long-term disposal1
Reducing errors and increasing accuracy of small-molecule crystal structures1
Structure determination of nanocrystalline metal–organic frameworks by 3D electron diffraction1
Teaching crystallographic symmetry1
Structural plasticity in I-Ag7 links autoreactivity to hybrid insulin peptides in type I diabetes1
Development of magnetic (Fe–Ga) multi-layered thin films for applications in magnetic sensor devices1
Mechanoresponsive luminescence switching by polymorphs and doped crystals of donor–acceptor-type benzothiadiazoles1
Situations where small-molecule raw data should be made available1
Biocrystallography as a means of communication with the general public on the coronavirus and the RNA world1
Solid-state spiro-rhodamines: rational design of photoactive materials1
Cell-free and in-cell protein crystallization for high-throughput screening of structure determination1
Xshuffle: a statistical sampling toolbox for enhancing the accuracy of TR-SFX data analysis1
Towards atomic scale multi-elemental quantification based on inelastic electron scattering physics1
Experimental visualization of conduction pathways and direct observation of fast lithium-ion diffusion in superionic conductors using neutron scattering1
Time-resolved structural studies for nanoparticle systems and their early event dynamics in biological environments: system investigations for nanomedical applications1
Exploration of primary and secondary sphere coordination by unsymmetric pyrimidine sulfanyl and aminopyrazole ligands1
Single-crystal X-ray diffraction studies of pressure-induced valence tautomerism in a cobalt–dioxolene complex0
Tape drive sample delivery system for time-resolved serial femtosecond crystallography0
Towards a better understanding of the role of Annexin A2–S100A10 tetramer in diseases0
The crystal structure of entrapped 8-hydroxyquinoline molecules in an interleaved hydrogen-bonded zigzag channel of sulfamethoxazole molecules0
Polymorphism of ribavirin at high pressure0
Automatic data analysis on ESRF MX beamlines0
In situ X-ray diffraction study of shock and release dynamics of SiO20
Crystal structure and possible biological role of Rv0398c: a hypothetical protein of Mycobacterium tuberculosis0
High-resolution powder diffraction data collection on beamline ID22 at ESRF0
Developing MOZi, a chimeric MOF protein to aid structure-based drug design in MOZ0
Influence of hyroxycitrate and tripolyphosphate modifier combination in calcium oxalate crystallization0
Hydration-dependent structural phase transitions and magnetism of platinum vacancy-ordered double perovskites0
Towards formally validated crystallographic software0
Chemical synchrotron serial X-ray crystallography (CSSX) with MOFs and POMs0
Exploring the guest-induced structural dynamics in MOFs by in situ PXRD techniques0
Green luminescence in heavily carbon-doped GaN synthesized by atomic substitution under high pressure and high temperature0
Data reduction in protein crystallography0
Zernike3Deep: a semi-classical AI approach for improved heterogeneity analysis0
Molecular recognition of amino acids and neurotransmitters by cucurbituril in water0
How crystallography informs the design of functional materials0
Fluoride-ion conductors for future solid-state battery applications0
Solution of single-crystal diffuse scattering problem using 3D-ΔPDF deconvolution0
Protein–Ligand Binding Database (PLBD) of crystal structures and intrinsic thermodynamic parameters0
Charge-density waves in EuAl4 and SrAl40
Development and characterization of electrospun nanofibres based on PCL and 4-chlorochalcone0
Structural analysis of CUB domain containing protein-10
High-resolution structure determination at 100 kV enabled by new Falcon-C direct electron detector0
Serial crystallography made simple: easing the learning curve of multi-crystal diffraction experiments with new fixed-target methods0
The interaction between the HIV capsid and nuclear pore complexes revealed by cryo-electron tomography0
Coherent magnetic excitations in the Kondo semimetal CeFe2Al100
The local structure of oxygen deficient perovskite Sr2ScGaO5 polymorphs explored by total neutron scattering and EXAFS0
Experimental charge density and phase transition studies of a new hybrid perovskite: the complementarity between powder diffraction, single-crystal diffraction and magnetic measurements0
Predicting the early stages of solid-state precipitation in Al–Pt alloys0
Negative linear compressibility in Se under pressure0
My cryo-EM path to Genentech0
Structural basis of 3′-end poly(A) RNA recognition by LARP10
The twisted link between a dual function glutamate transporter and episodic ataxia0
Crystallographic and in silico screening for inhibitors of heparanase0
Room-temperature type-II multiferroic phase induced by pressure in cupric oxide0
Cloud-based online XRD laboratories and synchronized remote collaboration platform for education and training0
Avenues for cocrystallisation of pharmaceuticals using solid-state methods0
Structure of the complex of camel peptidoglycan recognition protein-short (PGRP-S) with heptanoic acid at 2.15 Å resolution0
A periodic calculation for a periodic system: using projector-augmented wave densities as a basis for Hirshfeld atom refinement0
Metal-like ductility and malleability in organic plastic crystals0
Generalized Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya interaction and chirality-induced phenomena in chiral crystals0
Anaplastic lymphoma kinases and ligands: structure, mechanism and antagonism in cancer and metabolism0
Molecular-assembling basis for MALT1 activation in the CBM complex0
SAXS for the study of molecular mechanisms involved in tuberculosis disease0
Understanding photoswitchable ferroelectrics by combined in situ XRD with light and electric field0
Development and application of X-ray spectroscopic ptychography at SPring-80
3D ED on epitaxial thin films0
CrystalMELA: a machine learning-based web platform for crystal system classification0
Can we witness proteins traversing conical intersections via FEL-based crystallography?0
Ternary [Cu(dipicolinate)(diimine)] complexes. Structural features versus physiochemically relevant properties and cytotoxic activity0
Structural characterization of pink CaMg0.5Co x Ni0.5−x SiO4 (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.5) sol0
Sc2Cl2[B2O5]: an unexpected scandium chloride oxoborate0
Quantification of local atomic order in Cu x Zr100−x metallic glasses using electron nano-diffraction0
Uncovering the interplay of competing distortions in the Prussian blue analogue K2Cu[Fe(CN)6]0
SARS CoV-2 vaccine particle structure via contrast variation SANS, SAXS and cryo-EM0
Recent advances in data quality and versatility of laboratory PDF experiments0
Structural investigation of HER2 specific protein binder0
Correlation between two- and three-dimensional crystallographic lattices for epitaxial analysis0
Refinement of crystal structures at ultralow resolution with assistance from AlphaFold modeling and Rosetta optimization0
Fully autonomous end-to-end protein to structure pipelines: the CrystalDirect harvester on MASSIF-10
Syntheses and structural studies of iron(III) coordination compounds with pontential spin-crossover applications0
Imaging X-ray diffracted echoes with tele-ptychography0
Cation order determination in Cu-based quaternary chalcogenide semiconductors by multiple edge anomalous diffraction0
Metal–organic and covalent–organic frameworks (MOFs and COFs): from single crystals to novel functional materials0
Crystal-based lead identification by fast fragment and compound screening at the Swiss Light Source0
Luminescent materials at high-pressure: why crystal orientation matters0
Three-dimensional structure determination via correlated scattering with an X-ray laser0
General oscillation strength of core–shell electron excitation by fast electrons based on Dirac solutions0
Multivariate analysis to understand structure–function relationships in metal–organic frameworks0
Direct location of guest molecules in porous crystalline materials by three-dimensional electron diffraction0
Large pore silica adjuvant for oral vaccines0
Cryo-EM structures of metazoan AAA protein Bcs1L captured in ATP hydrolysis suggested a concerted membrane translocation mechanism of folded substrate0
Crystal structure and charge-density analysis at interfaces and domain boundaries using convergent-beam electron diffraction0
Structural and biophysical characterization of the Vibrio cholerae ferrous iron transport protein B (FeoB)0
Contrasting magnetic and multiferroic properties in the isostructural polar magnets LuMWO6 (M = Fe and Cr)0
Structural and functional characterization of Enteroviral 2C protein, an RNA-stimulated ATPase0
Investigating reaction intermediates under realistic conditions with diffraction, imaging and spectroscopy0
Topological states protected by magnetic space groups and spin space groups0
Absolute structure of pharmaceutical salts of vilanterol using 3D ED – from Earth to the Space Station and back0
Transformation of clay minerals in technogenic processes associated with radioactive waste disposal0
Capturing snapshots of metalloenzymes in action0
Using on-the-fly Rietveld analysis to follow in situ synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction experiments in real time0
Grain structure evolution during heat treatment of a semisolid Al–Cu alloy0
An experimental comparison between X-ray ptychography and holography for 3D imaging of biological tissues0
Prediction of DNA hydration based on data mining of crystallographic structures0
Mechanical flexibility in molecular crystals with nitrile...nitrile dipolar interactions: computational prediction and experimental validation0
Electron crystallography – diverse facets of nanocrystalline materials0
Nucleation and reproducibility in protein crystallization assisted by the crystallophore0
Charge-compensation mechanism and structural evolution in metal-ion battery cathodes studied by XAS and XRD0
Fourier-synthesis approach for static charge-density reconstruction from theoretical structure factors of CaB60
From fragment screening to fragment growing – new methods for drug discovery0
Structural studies of SARS-CoV-2 proteins and their complexes0
Polyuronic acid degradation by polysaccharide lyase family 70
Perfect precise colorings of plane semiregular tilings0
New insights on the structure-correlated luminescence of Ce3+-doped fluoride crystals from X-ray absorption spectroscopies0
Identification and structural analysis of a novel two-component toxin complex reveals the assembly of membrane pores regulated by proteolytic activation0
Expanding the crystallographer's toolbox0
Diffraction studies of meteorites at the Australian Synchrotron0