BMC Sports Science Medicine and Rehabilitation

(The median citation count of BMC Sports Science Medicine and Rehabilitation is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Therapist competencies in the context of group-based exercise programs in medical rehabilitation: a qualitative study with patients and exercise therapists from Germany104
Deactivation of the dorsal anterior cingulate cortex indicated low postoperative sports levels in presurgical patients with chronic ankle instability58
Comparative analysis of land-based vs. water-based balance training on quality of life and physical and psychological deficits in athletes with chronic ankle instability: a randomized controlled trial34
‘Goalkeepers are players too’: key attributes coaches’ look for in talented youth soccer goalkeepers29
Comparative effectiveness of 10-week equipment-based pilates and diaphragmatic breathing exercise on heart rate variability and pulmonary function in young adult healthy women with normal BMI – a quas29
To tape or not to tape: annular ligament (pulley) injuries in rock climbers—a systematic review23
Variations in cumulative workload and anaerobic power in adolescent elite male football players: associations with biological maturation22
Taekwondo win-loss determining factors using data mining-based decision tree analysis: focusing on game analysis for evidence-based coaching20
Acute circulatory and femoral hemodynamic responses induced by standing core exercise at different rotational cadence: a crossover study20
Injuries and illnesses related to dinghy-sailing on hydrofoiling boats20
Oxygen uptake efficiency plateau is unaffected by fitness level - the NOODLE study20
Growth status and age at peak height velocity among youth participants in several sports: the Cracow longitudinal study20
Relationship between scapular control during isometric shoulder flexion and scapular motion during baseball pitching: a cross-sectional study19
Study on the effect of blood flow restriction training combined with IASTAM on ankle strength and function intervention in athletes with chronic ankle instability in sport dance events19
The potential benefits of assessing post-cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPET) in aging: a narrative review18
Effects of whole-body vibration on sensorimotor deficits and brain plasticity among people with chronic ankle instability: a study protocol for a single-blind randomized controlled trial17
Normal pace walking is beneficial to young participants’ executive abilities17
Effects of an overnight high-carbohydrate meal on muscle glycogen after rapid weight loss in male collegiate wrestlers16
Potential benefits of a virtual, home-based combined exercise and mindfulness training program for HSC transplant survivors: a single-arm pilot study16
Prognostic factors for recurrent instability in recreational athletes following arthroscopic Bankart repair: a retrospective study with an average 4.1-year follow-up16
Accelerometer-based prediction of ground reaction force in head-out water exercise with different exercise intensity countermovement jump16
Relative age effects on speed trials in Brazilian athletics16
Analysis of fitness among Korean adults by the cause–effect relation in lump mean scheme15
Gender inclusive sporting environments: the proportion of women in non-player roles over recent years15
A systematic review of the relationship between muscle oxygen dynamics and energy rich phosphates. Can NIRS help?15
Unveiling the influence of hip isokinetic strength on lower extremity running kinematics in male national middle-distance runners: a correlational analysis15
Acute effects of multi-ingredient pre-workout dietary supplement on anaerobic performance in untrained men: a randomized, crossover, single blind study15
From data to action: a scoping review of wearable technologies and biomechanical assessments informing injury prevention strategies in sport15
Analysis of influencing factors of passes in the chinese super league15
Motivational factors for participation in mass running events: a comparative study of females and males with physical disabilities14
Can MRI knee joint measurements predict the population at risk of ACL injury?14
Effects of self-myofascial release interventions with or without sliding pressures on skin temperature, range of motion and perceived well-being: a randomized control pilot trial14
Accuracy validation of a wearable IMU-based gait analysis in healthy female14
Feasibility and usability of GPS data in exploring associations between training load and running-related knee injuries in recreational runners14
Metabolic and cardiovascular responses to continuous and intermittent plank exercises14
Cross-cultural adaptation, validity, reliability and responsiveness of the Japanese version of the Victorian Institute of sports assessment for patellar tendinopathy (VISA-P-J)13
Comparing the effects of traditional resistance training and functional training on the bio-motor capacities of female elite taekwondo athletes13
Effects of a 9-weeks arch support intervention on foot morphology in young soccer players: a crossover study13
Comparison of physical workload and physical work capacity among municipality cleaners in Shiraz to determine number of workers needed to counterbalance physical workload13
The impact of COVID-19 restrictions on Australians' frequency and duration of participation in different types of sport and physical activity12
A survey of elite and pre-elite athletes’ perceptions of key support, lifestyle and performance factors12
Validity of the estimated angular information obtained using an inertial motion capture system during standing trunk forward and backward bending12
Comparison of resistance training using barbell half squats and trap bar deadlifts on maximal strength, power performance, and lean mass in recreationally active females: an eight-week randomised tria12
What are the odds? Identifying factors related to competitive success in powerlifting12
The association between tibial torsion, knee flexion excursion and foot progression during gait in people with knee osteoarthritis: a cross-sectional study12
The assessment of a novel lower body resistance garment as a mechanism to increase the training stimulus during running: a randomised cross-over study12
Effects of consecutive days of matchplay on maximal hip abductor and adductor strength in female field hockey players11
A multidimensional strategy to managing dysfunctional breathing and exercise-induced laryngeal obstruction in adolescent athletes11
Comprehensive assessment of heavy slow resistance training and high-dose therapeutic ultrasound in managing patellar tendinopathy, a randomized single-blind controlled trial11
Measurement properties of device-based physical activity instruments in ambulatory adults with physical disabilities and/or chronic diseases: a scoping review11
Classifying physical activity levels using Mean Amplitude Deviation in adults using a chest worn accelerometer: validation of the Vivalink ECG Patch11
Dynamic postural control in women athletes with and without nonspecific low back pain with high and low pain-related anxiety- A case-control study11
Reliability and validity of self-report questions for assessing levels of physical activity and sedentary time in adult childhood cancer survivors11
Does inflammation markers or treatment type moderate exercise intensity effects on changes in muscle strength in cancer survivors participating in a 6-month combined resistance- and endurance exercise11
Effect of resistance training on muscle properties and function in women with generalized joint hypermobility: a single-blind pragmatic randomized controlled trial11
Effect of stroke direction on plantar pressure in each foot during the forehand and backhand stroke among healthy adult tennis players of different performance levels10
Parental support for physical activity and children’s physical activities: a cross-sectional study10
The effect of low-level red and near-infrared photobiomodulation on pain and function in tendinopathy: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized control trials10
The physiological and physical benefits of two types of concurrent training: a randomized controlled trial10
Effects of electrode size and placement on comfort and efficiency during low-intensity neuromuscular electrical stimulation of quadriceps, hamstrings and gluteal muscles10
Characteristic MRI findings of the shoulder, elbow, and wrist joints in elite wheelchair basketball players10
Overhead squat assessment reflects treadmill running kinematics10
Hypothesized mechanisms of death in swimming: a systematic review10
Teleneurorehabilitation program (virtual reality) for patients with balance disorders: descriptive study10
The efficacy of intermittent pneumatic compression and negative pressure therapy on muscle function, soreness and serum indices of muscle damage: a randomized controlled trial10
Association of TNF-α -308G > A polymorphism with susceptibility to tendinopathy in athletes: a case–control study10
Relationship between maximal oxygen uptake, within-set fatigue and between-set recovery during resistance exercise in resistance-trained men and women10
The phase angle cut-off point capable of discriminating hemodialysis patients with reduced exercise tolerance: a cross-sectional study10
Hip adduction and abduction strength profiles in elite and sub-elite female soccer players according to players level and leg limb-dominance10
Physical activity patterns in type 1 diabetes in Spain: The SED1 study9
Home-based cardio-oncology rehabilitation using a telerehabilitation platform in hematological cancer survivors: a feasibility study9
Effects of a neuromuscular training program using external focus attention cues in male athletes with anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: a randomized clinical trial9
Effects of mini-basketball training program on social communication impairments and regional homogeneity of brain functions in preschool children with autism spectrum disorder9
Identifying the factors affecting ‘patient engagement’ in exercise rehabilitation9
Does high-frequency resistance exercise offer additional benefits to older adults? learnings from a randomized controlled trial9
Factors associated with the Single Leg Squat test in female soccer players: a cross-sectional study9
Quantification of the demands of cricket bowling and the relationship to injury risk: a systematic review9
A framework exploring the therapeutic alliance between elite athletes and physiotherapists: a qualitative study9
Innate immunity changes in soccer players after whole-body cryotherapy9
Effects of combining diaphragm training with electrical stimulation on pain, function, and balance in athletes with chronic low back pain: a randomized clinical trial9
Resistance-induced brain activity changes during cycle ergometer exercises9
Effectiveness and safety of manual therapy when compared with oral pain medications in patients with neck pain: a systematic review and meta-analysis9
Does mental fatigue affect performance in racket sports? A systematic review9
Prevalence of abnormal and borderline electrocardiogram changes in 13, 079 Chinese amateur marathon runners9
Correction: Mental health symptom burden in elite ice hockey players and its association with self-reported concussive events9
Are active video games useful in the development of gross motor skills among non-typically developing children? A meta-analysis9
Technical–tactical analysis of small combat games in male kickboxers: effects of varied number of opponents and area size8
Impact of body fat, body water content, and skeletal muscle mass index on peak salivary lactate levels after squat jump exercise in healthy non-athlete adult males8
Explanation and verification of the rules of attack in table tennis tactics8
Influence of contextual factors on physical demands and technical-tactical actions regarding playing position in professional soccer players8
Within-week differences in external training load demands in elite volleyball players8
Comprehensive linear and nonlinear analysis of the effects of spinning on dynamic balancing ability in Hungarian folk dancers8
Impact of squat set configuration on mechanical performance in paired sets of upper-body exercises8
Prediction of fat-free mass from body surface area in young basketball players8
Pre-operative knee extensor and flexor torque after secondary ACL rupture: a comparative retrospective analysis8
Elastic band resistance training increases adropin and ameliorates some cardiometabolic risk factors in elderly women: A quasi-experimental study8
The impact of maturation level, not chronological age, on attentional control: implications for sports injury prevention in female adolescents8
Unilateral and bilateral training competitive archers differ in some potentially unhealthy neck-shoulder region movement behaviour characteristics8
Changes in the hormonal and inflammatory profile of young sprint- and endurance-trained athletes following a sports camp: a nonrandomized pretest-posttest study8
Estimation of energy expenditure of Nordic walking: a crossover trial8
One-year developmental changes in motor coordination and tennis skills in 10–12-year-old male and female tennis players8
Exercise induced hypoalgesia after a high intensity functional training: a randomized controlled crossover study8
Foot tapping and unilateral vertical jump performance in athletes after knee surgery: an explorative cross-sectional study8
The effect of Aqua Stretching exercises and Pilates on pain, function and spine posture in patients with ankylosing spondylitis: a randomized controlled trial8
Isometric blood flow restriction exercise: acute physiological and neuromuscular responses7
The effect of using a sports application on the quality of sleep in patients with heart failure: a randomized clinical trial study7
Hyaluronic acid injections for chronic tennis elbow7
The effects of intermittent hypoxic training on the aerobic capacity of exercisers: a systemic review and meta-analysis7
How limb dominance influences limb symmetry in ACL patients: effects on functional performance7
Aerobic capacity in swimming, cycling and arm cranking in swimmers aged 11–13 years7
Home-based high-intensity interval training improves cardiorespiratory fitness: a systematic review and meta-analysis7
The effect of the combination of whole body vibration and shoe with an unstable surface in chronic ankle instability treatment: a randomized clinical trial7
Positional transversal release is effective as stretching on range of movement, performance and balance: a cross-over study7
Participation and dropout of Hockey New South Wales participants in 2017 and 2018: a longitudinal study7
Effect of an acute exercise on early responses of iron and iron regulatory proteins in young female basketball players7
Estimation of anaerobic threshold by cardiac repolarization instability: a prospective validation study7
Disablement in the Physically Active Scale Short Form-8: psychometric evaluation7
Effect of trunk exercise upon lumbar IVD height and vertebral compliance when performed supine with 1 g at the CoM compared to upright in 1 g7
Effect of low-intensity muscle strength training on postoperative rehabilitation and adverse events in patients with knee osteoarthritis over 55 years of age: a meta-analysis7
A preliminary study on the feasibility of community game-based respiratory muscle training for individuals with high cervical spinal cord injury levels: a novel approach7
Intra- and intersession reliability and agreement of the Unilateral Seated Shot-Put Test outcome measures in healthy male athletes7
The influence of maturation, fitness, and hormonal indices on minutes played in elite youth soccer players: a cross-sectional study7
Sex differences in the physiological responses to cardiac rehabilitation: a systematic review7
A randomized trial on the efficacy of split-body versus full-body resistance training in non-resistance trained women7
What are the impact and the optimal design of a physical prehabilitation program in patients with esophagogastric cancer awaiting surgery? A systematic review7
A randomized sham-controlled trial on the effects of dual-tDCS “during” physical therapy on lower limb performance in sub-acute stroke and a comparison to the previous study using a “before” stimulati7
Supporting athletes during a challenging situation: recommendations from a global insight of COVID-19 home-based training experience7
Effects of combined aerobic exercise and diet on cardiometabolic health in patients with obesity and type 2 diabetes: a systematic review and meta-analysis7
Effects of 4 weeks of foot exercise on subjective outcome and foot plantar pressure in elite adolescent dancers with hallux valgus: a pilot study7
Knee pain in young sports players aged 6–15 years: a cross-sectional study in Japan7
Postural balance impairment following arthroscopic rotator cuff repair in the early postoperative period: a prospective cohort study7
Effects of multicomponent exercise intervention on cardiometabolic risk factors in children and young adults with cerebral palsy: a multiple-baseline trial7
Shoulder biomechanics of para-table tennis: a case study of a standing class para-athlete with severe leg impairment6
Sex-related differences in visuomotor skill recovery following concussion in working-aged adults6
Injuries in alpine summer sports - types, frequency and prevention: a systematic review6
Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the rapid assessment of physical activity questionnaire (RAPA) in Hungarian elderly over 50 years6
The ability of a submaximal cycle ergometer test to detect longitudinal changes in VO2max6
Asymmetries of foot strike patterns during running in high-level female and male soccer players6
Ultrasonography of the multifidus muscle in student circus artists with and without low back pain: a cross-sectional study6
Home-based circuit training improves blood lipid profile, liver function, musculoskeletal fitness, and health-related quality of life in overweight/obese older adult patients with knee osteoarthritis 6
Fatigue and recovery in ballet: Exploring the experiences of professional South African ballet dancers6
Kitesurfing and snowkiting injuries in Norway: a retrospective study6
The association of dietary insulin load and dietary insulin index with body composition among professional soccer players and referees6
Is there an association between total physical activity level and VO2max among fitness club members? A cross-sectional study6
Musculoskeletal pain as the effect of internal compensatory mechanisms on structural and functional changes in body build and posture in elite Polish sitting volleyball players6
Effects of exercise intervention on balance function in children with cerebral palsy: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials6
Influence of muscle volume on jumping performance in healthy male and female youth and young adults6
Associations between cardiorespiratory fitness, fatness, hemodynamic characteristics, and sedentary behaviour in primary school-aged children6
Gut microbiota and metabolic responses to a 12-week caloric restriction combined with strength and HIIT training in patients with obesity: a randomized trial6
Functional outcomes after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: unravelling the role of time between injury and surgery, time since reconstruction, age, gender, pain, graft type, and concomitant 6
Effect of combining eight weeks of neuromuscular training with dual cognitive tasks on landing mechanics in futsal players with knee ligament dominance defect: a randomized controlled trial6
Can heat conditions affect the heart rate responses, perception of effort, and technical performance of young male football players during small-sided games? a comparative study6
Fatigue effects on the knee flexors neuromuscular parameters during repeated sprinting6
Random forest model to identify factors associated with anabolic-androgenic steroid use6
Drop jumps versus sled towing and their effects on repeated sprint ability in young basketball players6
Physical and technical demands of offence, defence, and contested phases of play in Australian Football6
The impact of resistance exercise range of motion on the magnitude of upper-body post-activation performance enhancement6
Self-assessed performance-based function test versus patient-reported outcome measures for knee and hip osteoarthritis6
Analysis of the consumption of sports supplements in elite fencers according to sex and competitive level6
Musculoskeletal practices for the preparticipation physical examination5
The effects of fluid absorption and plasma volume changes in athletes following consumption of various beverages5
Effects of maximal-versus submaximal-intent resistance training on functional capacity and strength in community-dwelling older adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis5
The center of pressure position in combination with ankle dorsiflexion and trunk flexion is useful in predicting the contribution of the knee extensor moment during double-leg squatting5
CRBP-TS - evaluation of a home-based training and health care program for colorectal, breast, and prostate cancer using telemonitoring and self-management: study protocol for a randomized controlled t5
The effect of omega3 fatty acid supplementation on PPARγ and UCP2 expressions, resting energy expenditure, and appetite in athletes5
Athletes’ experiences of using a self-directed psychological support, the BAck iN the Game (BANG) smartphone application, during rehabilitation for return to sports following anterior cruciate ligamen5
Relationship between a body shape index and muscle strength index in Chinese university students: a cross-sectional survey5
Longitudinal changes in youth baseball batting based on body rotation and separation5
Effectiveness of a behavioral medicine intervention in physical therapy on secondary psychological outcomes and health-related quality of life in exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation: a randomized, c5
The impact of inactivity during the COVID-19 pandemic on the physical performance of high school athletes5
Inter-season training effects on cardiovascular health in American-style football players5
Co-creating holistic injury prevention training for youth handball: Development of an intervention targeting end-users at the individual, team, and organizational levels5
Do cool shirts make a difference? The effects of upper body garments on health, fluid balance and performance during exercise in the heat5
Exploring of two different equated instability resistance training programs on measure of physical fitness and lower limb asymmetry in pre-pubertal weightlifters5
The effects of alteration in muscle activation on the iliotibial band during an exhaustive run5
Personalized paths for physical activity: developing a person-centered quantitative function to determine a customized amount of exercise and enhancing individual commitment5
The effect of high-intensity intermittent and moderate-intensity continuous exercises on neurobiological markers and cognitive performance5
Acute responses to a potentiation warm-up protocol on sprint and change of direction in female football players: a randomized controlled study5
Electromyographic analysis of the traditional and spin throwing techniques for goalball games related to ball velocity for selected upper extremity muscles5
Concentration levels of selected hormones in judokas and the extent of their changes during a special performance test at different ambient temperatures5
Risk factors for overuse injuries in a cohort of elite Swedish track and field athletes5
Exercise intervention protocol in children and young adults with cerebral palsy: the effects of strength, flexibility and gait training on physical performance, neuromuscular mechanisms and cardiometa5
Psychometric validation of the Korean version of PROMIS 29 Profile V2.1 among patients with lower extremity problems5
Effects of plyometric jump training on measures of physical fitness and lower-limb asymmetries in prepubertal male soccer players: a randomized controlled trial5
Effectivity of a mHealth intervention for individuals with obesity: a study protocol for a controlled intervention study5
Orosomucoid: a promising biomarker for the assessment of exercise-induced fatigue triggered by basic combat training5
Knowledge and practice of the physical activity prescription by generalists and specialist physicians of the city of Kinshasa: a cross-sectional study5
Musculoskeletal pain and its association with health status, maturity, and sports performance in adolescent sport school students: a 2-year follow-up5
Exploring Motivation and Barriers to Physical Activity Among Educated Adult Saudi Women at Taif University5
Effects of pre-exercise acupuncture stimulation on heart rate response during short-duration exercise5
The effect of abdominal bracing on respiration during a lifting task: a cross-sectional study5
The effects of cocoa flavanols on indices of muscle recovery and exercise performance: a narrative review5
A comparative study of university training of sports and physical activity kinesiologist5
Relationship between shoulder and elbow range of motion and ultrasonographic structural abnormalities in the elbow of Taiwanese high school baseball players5
Intrinsic variables associated with low back pain and lumbar spine injury in fast bowlers in cricket: a systematic review5
In which rounds were the most rotations of key players made, and how did this affect physical activity? Analysis of the eight best teams of the 2018 FIFA world cup Russia5
PLAR: a combined percutaneous and arthroscopic treatment for iliotibial band syndrome description of surgical technique and short-term results: description of surgical technique and short-term results5
The effect of transcranial direct current stimulation on bilateral asymmetry and joint angles of the lower limb for females when crossing obstacles5
Identification of muscle weakness in older adults from normalized upper and lower limbs strength: a cross-sectional study5
Validity of the frame subtraction method in dynamic postural stability5
Multicomponent exercises to prevent and reduce back pain in elderly care nurses: a randomized controlled trial5
Effect of adding hip exercises to general rehabilitation treatment of knee osteoarthritis on patients’ physical functions: a randomized clinical trial5
Incidence of injury and pain in referees in German national handball leagues: a cohort study5
CrossFit® open performance is affected by the nature of past competition experiences5
Effects of aerobic, resistance, and combined exercise training on body fat and glucolipid metabolism in inactive middle-aged adults with overweight or obesity: a randomized trial4
A survey of contextual factors and psychological needs satisfaction as correlates of youth athletes’ developmental outcomes in the Ethiopian sports academy context4
Proprioceptive training methods (PTM) in female soccer players – a systematic review4
Effects of 36-hour recovery on marksmanship and hormone concentrations during strenuous winter military survival training4
Effects of small-sided games and running-based high-intensity interval training on body composition and physical fitness in under-19 female soccer players4
Cardiopulmonary exercise testing and impedance cardiography in the assessment of exercise capacity of patients with coronary artery disease early after myocardial revascularization4
Knowledge of cardiovascular disease risk and exercise duration among asymptomatic sedentary male individuals participating in Islamic prayer (Salaah)4
Prophylactic ankle supports effects on time to stabilization, perceived stability and ground reaction force during lateral landing in female collegiate athletes with chronic ankle instability4
Prevalence of supplement usage and related attitudes and reasons among fitness athletes in the gyms of Kashan and its relationship with feeding behavior: a cross-sectional study4
Cardiac rehabilitation in children and adolescents with long QT syndrome: the RYTHMO’FIT pilot study4
Isokinetic muscle strength cannot be related to the odds ratio of musculoskeletal injuries in young elite wrestlers4
Effects of biofeedback on biomechanical factors associated with chronic ankle instability: a systematic review with meta-analysis4
Factors contributing to exercise tolerance in patients with coronary artery disease undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention4
Comparing the effects of Pilates, corrective exercises, and Alexander’s technique on upper cross syndrome among adolescent girls student (ages 13–16): a six-week study4
Effect of personal activity intelligence (PAI) monitoring in the maintenance phase of cardiac rehabilitation: a mixed methods evaluation4
Evaluation of frailty in geriatric patients undergoing cardiac rehabilitation after cardiac procedure: results of a prospective, cross-sectional study4
Starters and non-starters soccer players in competition: is physical performance increased by the substitutions?4
Side differences of upper quarter Y balance test performance in sub-elite young male and female handball players with different ages4
Effect of a four-week isocaloric ketogenic diet on physical performance at very high-altitude: a pilot study4
Off- to in-season body composition adaptations in elite male and female endurance and power event athletics competitors: an observational study4
Is there a correlation among landing stability, ankle dorsiflexion range of motion, and ankle stiffness during single-leg landing?4
Perspectives of adults living with HIV attending the opportunistic infections clinic at Chitungwiza central hospital in Zimbabwe towards physical activity: a cross-sectional survey4
Comparison of the level of physical activity after the COVID-19 pandemic in Poland, Slovakia and the Czech Republic4
The effectiveness of a golf injury prevention program (GRIPP intervention) compared to the usual warm-up in Dutch golfers: protocol design of a randomized controlled trial4
Effects of acute exercise on spontaneous physical activity in mice at different ages4
Another market segment: sport event tourism by disabled athletes4
High school rugby coaches’ knowledge and opinions of concussion in KwaZulu Natal province in South Africa: an ecological cross-sectional study4
Aerobic exercise and cognitive function in chronic severe traumatic brain injury survivors: a within-subject A-B-A intervention study4
Current trends in physical and physiological profile of elite WKF karate athletes: a systematic review4
The podium illusion: a phenomenological study of the influence of social support on well-being and performance in elite para swimmers4
The impact of strategic napping on peak expiratory flow and respiratory function in young elite athletes4
Sports injuries patterns in children and adolescents according to their sports participation level, age and maturation4
Lower extremity compression garments use by athletes: why, how often, and perceived benefit4
Effects of 12-weeks resistance training and vitamin E supplementation on aminotransferases, CTRP-2, and CTRP-9 levels in males with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease: a double-blind, randomized trial4
The effect of expertise on postural control in elite sport ju-jitsu athletes4
Sex differences in the consumption of over-the-counter analgesics among amateur volleyball players4
Evaluating match running performance in elite Australian football: a narrative review4
Nutritional knowledge, attitude, and practice of professional athletes in an Iranian population (a cross-sectional study)4
The effects of technological and traditional feedback on back squat performance in untrained women4
The variability of physical enjoyment, physiological responses, and technical-tactical performance according to the bout duration of small-sided games: a comparative study between female and male socc4
Associations of physical activity and soybean product consumption with psychological symptoms: a cross-sectional survey of Chinese university students4
Efficacy of massage versus massage with post isometric relaxation in temporomandibular disorders: a randomized controlled trial4
Factors affecting nutritional knowledge, attitude, practices and dietary intake among national players in Kathmandu, Nepal: a cross-sectional study4
Self-reported experience of orofacial injury, preventive practice, and knowledge of Iranian adolescent martial art athletes towards sports-related orofacial injuries4
The effect of physical activity level on the severity of diastolic dysfunction4
Effects of Pilates exercises on spine deformities and posture: a systematic review4