Environmental Geotechnics

(The TQCC of Environmental Geotechnics is 5. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Effect of pore fluid pH on the collapse behaviour and microstructural evolution of a loess54
Coupling effect on shallow slope stability under infiltration49
Possibility of impervious coating for the geotechnical reuse of soil and solid waste33
Analytical solution for transport of degradable contaminant in cut-off wall and aquifer29
Permeability and solute sorption of unamended and polymer-enhanced geosynthetic clay liners28
Award-winning paper in 202027
Morphological and mineral features of nZVI-induced precipitation on quartz particles24
Environmental assessment of underground coal gasification in deep-buried seams23
Seismic response and stability of abandoned lignite mines in Japan22
Reusing abandoned natural gas storage sites for compressed air energy storage17
Geophysical characteristics of a focused fluid flow system in the western South China Sea15
Hydromechanical modelling of CO2 sequestration using a component-based multiphysics code15
Simulation of water storage in a reclamation cover incorporating tailings consolidation14
Preliminary test results on gas permeability of soils and geosynthetic clay liners14
Effects of organic content on soil-water characteristic curve and soil shrinkage14
Paradigm shifts in incinerator ash, sediment material recovery and landfill monitoring13
Clay–fly ash geopolymer characterisation and application for the removal of lead and zinc13
Design of mass burial sites for safe and dignified disposal of pandemic fatalities13
Grading curve relations for saturated hydraulic conductivity of granular materials12
Improving dust resistance of mine tailings using green biopolymer12
Regional stability and adaptation measures slope failures due to rainfall in Singapore11
Optimisation of microbially induced calcite precipitation protocol against erosion11
Corrosion resistance of polyurethane grouting material in landfill site10
In situ chemical remediation using the jet grouting technique: a field test10
Lime stabilisation of highly compressible surface from soils in ex-Lake Texcoco, Mexico10
Editorial: Sustainable circularity for improving material quality and performance10
Hydrogen gas transfer between a borehole and claystone: experiment and geochemical model10
Editorial: New threats, new solutions: tackling emerging contaminants10
Effect of acid on the hydrophysical properties of red clay9
Effect of wetting–drying cycles on the desiccation of tailings pre-dewatered with super absorbent polymer9
Editorial: Geoenvironmental issues related to gas hydrates, part I8
The role of hydraulic and thermal properties of soil in evaporation: a numerical insight8
Mechanical damage of geotextiles induced by recycled construction and demolition waste8
A practical bio-based reversible permeability control for saturated sands8
Electrical conductivity of sand–clay mixtures8
Analytical solutions for transport of organic solutes in multi-layered porous media8
Sustainable environmental geotechnics practices for a green economy8
Sustainable approaches for brownfield revitalisation & rehabilitation: a case in São Paulo8
The influence of polymer content on the shear wave velocities in fine sand7
Dry shrinkage cracking and permeability of biopolymer-modified clay under dry–wet cycles7
Compressibility and shear strength behaviour of fresh and aged municipal solid wastes7
Low-frequency seismic responses during microbial biofilm formation in sands7
Behaviour of energy piles under climate-change scenarios: a case study in Southern Italy7
Size effect on mudstone strength during the freezing–thawing cycle7
Sustainability challenges of clean-energy critical minerals: copper and rare earths6
Numerical investigation on the mechanical behaviour of karst sinkholes6
Research on the control of high-fill roadbed with tunnel slag in karst sections6
THCM numerical simulations of the engineered barrier system for radioactive waste disposal6
Steady-state analysis of pollutant transport to assess landfill liner performance6
A simplified methodology for determining the thermal performance of thermo-active piles6
Performance of food-waste compost biocovers in mitigating methane emission from landfills6
Detection of hydrocarbon spills by means of a coaxial impedance dielectric sensor6
A thermo-hydro-mechanical finite-element model with freezing processes in saturated soils6
Prediction of hydraulic conductivity of sodium bentonite GCLs by machine learning approaches6
A numerical approach to modelling biodegradable vertical drains6
Analytical solution to axisymmetric consolidation under surcharge–vacuum–electro-osmosis6
Solidification and stabilisation of metal plating sludge with fly ash geopolymers5
A case study on the applicability of elastic velocity models to hydrate-bearing sediments5
Swelling and consolidation behaviour of polymerised bentonites with cation solutions5
Two-stage wetting deformation behaviour of rock-fill material5
Fate and impact of nano/microplastic in the geoenvironment — ecotoxicological perspective5
Influence of salinity on sedimentation during electrokinetic consolidation of dredged mud5
Solidify/stabilise a heavy metal-contaminated soil using a novel steel slag-based binder5