Basic and Clinical Andrology

(The median citation count of Basic and Clinical Andrology is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-12-01 to 2024-12-01.)
Human testis-expressed (TEX) genes: a review focused on spermatogenesis and male fertility27
D-chiro-inositol, an aromatase down-modulator, increases androgens and reduces estrogens in male volunteers: a pilot study25
Contribution of serum anti-Müllerian hormone in the management of azoospermia and the prediction of testicular sperm retrieval outcomes: a study of 155 adult men19
Decline of semen quality over the last 30 years in Uruguay15
Effects of Covid-19 vaccination on different semen parameters14
Male cancer patient sperm cryopreservation for fertility preservation: 10-year monocentric experience12
Will whole-genome sequencing become the first-line genetic analysis for male infertility in the near future?12
Is ferroptosis involved in ROS-induced testicular lesions in a varicocele rat model?11
Long-term outcomes after penile prosthesis placement for the Management of Erectile Dysfunction: a single-Centre experience10
Temperature is not a major factor in the differentiation of gonocytes into ad spermatogonia and fertility outcome in congenitally cryptorchid boys10
The NLRP3 inflammasome: molecular activation and regulation in spermatogenesis and male infertility; a systematic review10
The association between plant-based diet and erectile dysfunction in Chinese men10
d-Chiro-Inositol improves testosterone levels in older hypogonadal men with low-normal testosterone: a pilot study9
Extra-cellular vesicles of the male genital tract: new actors in male fertility?9
Use of penile shear wave elastosonography for the diagnosis of Peyronie’s Disease: a prospective case–control study8
Resveratrol ameliorates bisphenol A-induced testicular toxicity in adult male rats: a stereological and functional study8
Male obesity is associated with sperm telomere shortening and aberrant mRNA expression of autophagy-related genes8
ICSI outcomes for infertile men with severe or complete asthenozoospermia8
Effects of vitamin D supplementation in extender on sperm kinematics and apoptosis following the freeze-thaw process in normozoospermic and asthenozoospermic Holstein bulls7
Lipopolysaccharide-preconditioned allogeneic adipose-derived stem cells improve erectile function in a rat model of bilateral cavernous nerve injury7
Micronutrient supplements as antioxidants in improving sperm quality and reducing DNA fragmentation7
Azoospermia and reciprocal translocations: should whole-exome sequencing be recommended?6
Viruses, bacteria and parasites: infection of the male genital tract and fertility6
LRWD1 expression is regulated through DNA methylation in human testicular embryonal carcinoma cells5
Management of Fournier’s gangrene during the Covid-19 pandemic era: make a virtue out of necessity5
Epigenetic markers in the embryonal germ cell development and spermatogenesis5
Dnali1 is required for sperm motility and male fertility in mice5
Morphometric analysis and redox state of the testicles in nandrolone decanoate and swimming treated adult male rats5
Human seminal virome: a panel based on recent literature5
Microscopic subinguinal varicocelectomy for testicular pain: a retrospective study on outcomes and predictors of pain relief5
Hormonal response after masturbation in young healthy men – a randomized controlled cross-over pilot study5
For patients with non-obstructive azoospermia, the outcome of testicular sperm extraction correlates with self-esteem, sexual health and the quality of the couple’s relationship5
miR-122-5p regulates the tight junction of the blood-testis barrier of mice via occludin4
Vitamin D levels and human sperm DNA fragmentation: a prospective, cohort study4
Risk factors of premature ejaculation and its influence on sexual function of spouse4
Beneficial effects of hypotaurine supplementation in preparation and freezing media on human sperm cryo-capacitation and DNA quality4
Is there a relationship between serum vitamin D and semen parameters? A cross-sectional sample of the Iranian infertile men4
Effect of androgens on Sertoli cell maturation in human testis from birth to puberty4
Effect of oral alpha-lipoic acid (ALA) on sperm parameters: a systematic review and meta-analysis4
Seminal plasma biomarkers for predicting successful sperm retrieval in patients with nonobstructive azoospermia: a narrative review of human studies3
Revised manuscript R2, clean version are serum levels of 25-hydroxy vitamin D reduced following orchiectomy in testicular cancer patients?3
A novel role for CFTR interaction with LH and FGF in azoospermia and epididymal maldevelopment caused by cryptorchidism3
Prevalence and factors associated with erectile dysfunction among adult men in Moshi municipal, Tanzania: community-based study3
Mild COVID-19 has no detrimental effect on semen quality3
Causal association between JAK2 and erectile dysfunction: a Mendelian randomization study3
Long-term effect of sleeve gastrectomy surgery on Hormonal Profile, Semen Parameters and sexual functions of obese infertile men; a prospective observational study3
Semen quality changes during infection and recovery phases of mild-to-moderate COVID-19 in reproductive-aged patients: a prospective case series3
Sperm chromatin structure assay (SCSA®) and flow cytometry-assisted TUNEL assay provide a concordant assessment of sperm DNA fragmentation as a function of age in a large cohort of approximately 10,002
Nrf2 enhances the therapeutic efficiency of adipose-derived stem cells in the treatment of neurogenic erectile dysfunction in a rat model2
Sarcoidosis of the spermatic cord – case report and literature review2
Association between metabolic disorders and seminal plasma miRNA levels: a pilot study2
Testicular impairment in Primary Adrenal Insufficiency caused by Nicotinamide Nucleotide Transhydrogenase (NNT) deficiency - a case report: implication of oxidative stress and importance of fertility 2
Nose size indicates maximum penile length2
Predictive factors for orchiectomy in adult’s spermatic cord torsion: a case‐control study2
Non-obstructive idiopathic azoospermia vs azoospermia with antecedents of cryptorchidism: ways and probabilities of becoming parents2
Molecular clues in the regulation of mini‐puberty involve neuronal DNA binding transcription factor NHLH22
Efficacy of acupuncture for psychogenic erectile dysfunction: a randomized, sham-controlled trial2
Psychological status of infertile men during the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic in China: a cross-sectional investigation2
Is BRD7 associated with spermatogenesis impairment and male infertility in humans? A case-control study in a Han Chinese population2
The role of male hypogonadism, aging, and chronic diseases in characterizing adult and elderly men with erectile dysfunction: a cross-sectional study2
Motivational stimuli to donate sperm among non-donor students2