Migration Studies

(The median citation count of Migration Studies is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Migration as Adaptation?67
Research on climate change and migration where are we and where are we going?34
To vote or not to vote? Migrant electoral (dis)engagement in an enlarged Europe25
‘We always open our doors for visitors’Hospitality as homemaking strategy for refugee women in Istanbul21
From the state of the art to new directions in researching what Brexit means for migration and migrants20
Twitter as social media arena for polarised social representations about the (im)migration: The controversial discourse in the Italian and international political frame19
‘The library is like a mother’: Arrival infrastructures and migrant newcomers in East London16
Queer kinship and the rights of refugee families13
The ethics of migration policy dilemmas12
Floating sanctuaries: The ethics of search and rescue at sea11
Shoring up economic refugees: Venezuelan migrants in the Ecuadoran labor market11
What explains immigrant–native gaps in European labor markets: The role of institutions10
Escaping from pollution: Air pollution and the settlement intentions of floating migrants in Chinese cities9
Subjective and intangible factors in migration decision-making: A review of side-lined literature9
The impact of the Internet on migration aspirations and intentions8
The role of migration in enhancing resilience to climate change8
Chameleon brokers: A translocal take on migration industries in the Thai-Swedish wild berry business8
Migration and development in Ethiopia: Exploring the mechanisms behind an emerging mobility transition8
Identity or interests? Religious conservatives’ attitudes toward Syrian refugees in Turkey8
International politics of migration in times of ‘crisis’ and beyond the COVID-19 pandemic7
Estimating international migration flows for the Asia-Pacific region: Application of a generation–distribution model7
Discrimination against Roma: Evidence from two survey experiments in Norway7
Refugee protection: ‘Here’ or ‘there’?7
Educational and migration aspirations among children of Mexican migrant returnees in a border context6
Mind the gap: The role of family policies and the gender-egalitarian climate in shaping gender and ethnic labour market inequalities in Europe6
Explaining migrant integration policies: A comparative study across 56 countries6
The elusive triple win: addressing temporary labour migration dilemmas through fair representation6
Emotions: functions and significance for attitudes, behaviour, and communication6
Climate change, human mobility, and development6
Infrastructures of migration and the ordering of privilege in mobility6
Immigrant legalization: A dilemma between justice and the rule of law5
Migration and ‘pull factor’ traps5
Foreigner, migrant, or refugee? How laypeople label those who cross borders5
Germany, year 2020. The tension between asylum right, border control, and economy, through the imperative of deservingness5
Welcome in my back yard? Explaining cross-municipal opposition to refugees through outgroup size, outgroup proximity, and economic conditions5
Adolescent immigrant youth: Creating spaces of belonging5
Why do immigrants become less happy? Explanations for the decrease in life satisfaction of immigrants in Germany over time5
Urban citizenship for all? Exploring the limits of an agenda in São Paulo’s squats5
Addressing migrants’ well-being during COVID-19: An analysis of Chinese communities’ heritage language schools in Germany5
Restricting emigration for their protection? Exit controls and the protection of (women) migrant workers5
Globalised citizenship and the perceived legitimacy of immigration control: narratives and acts of resistance in immigration detention4
Spiritual ambiguity in interfaith humanitarianism: Local faith communities, Syrian refugees, and Muslim–Christian encounters in Lebanon and Jordan4
A transnational social contract: Social protection policies toward Non-Resident Keralites4
Migration aspirations in forced transnational families: the case of Syrians in Turkey4
Kept apart: Routine family separation in the UK family immigration system as times of crises4
How Should We Talk About Climate Change and Migration?3
Political integration and the career opportunities of immigrants in political parties: Experiences from Swedish party organisations3
Banal bordering: Everyday encounters between migrants and security officers3
Digital emotivescapes: Everyday media practices of Sahrawi refugee diasporic women in Spain and Mauritania3
Slavery, lived realities, and the decolonisation of forced migration histories: An interview with Dr Portia Owusu3
The demographic determinants of inter-provincial migration declines in Canada: A decomposition analysis3
Strategic calculations? Partisan differences in support for Puerto Rican migration to the mainland USA3
Overseas immigration liaison officers: ‘Knowledge brokers’ and transnational spaces of mid-level negotiations shaping extraterritorial migration control practices3
Migrant integration in Turkey: Travels of a concept across borders and domains of knowledge production3
Illusions of objectivity: The two functions of country of origin information in asylum assessment3
How can Mexican migrants reduce the risk of being abandoned by smugglers while clandestinely crossing the US–Mexico border?3
Safe-zone schools and the academic performance of children in mixed-status households: Evidence from the ‘between the lines’ study2
Exploring temporal and topical dynamics of research on climate/environment–migration nexus: A critical comparative perspective2
The centre cannot hold: Arrival, margins, and the politics of ambivalence introduction to ‘arrival at the margins’, a special issue of migration studies2
The poetics of togetherness: Conviviality of asylum-seekers in the shadow of Hong Kong2
Continuum, process, and dyad: three readings of the migration–mobility nexus2
Power (im)balances in ‘conversation triads’ within qualitative research projects in the field of (forced) migration: Chances and challenges in conversations between interpreter, (forced) migrant and r2
Discrimination toward migrants during crises2
Exposure to past immigration waves and attitudes toward newcomers2
Neoliberal humanitarianism: Contradictory policy logics and Syrian refugee experiences in Japan2
Beyond return and resettlement: The impact of exposure and interactions on the post-conflict development of North Waziristan2
Continual arrival and the longue durée: Emplacement as activism among migrant workers in Hong Kong2
Towards a psychoanalytic migration studies: A son, a brother, a father, an American, and his house in a Cameroonian village2
Conflicted presence: The many arrivals of Palestinians in Lebanon2
How migration intentions change during periods of political instability and violence: Panel survey evidence from Kenya2
‘Making sense’ of Turkey’s refugee policy: The case of the Directorate General of Migration Management2
‘Silence is golden’: Vladimir Vertlib’s literary explorations of silence in migration2
‘United through our values’? Expressing unity through value-talk after terrorism in France and Norway2
African perspectives on migration: Re-centring Southern AfricaDeviant Destinations: Zimbabwe and North to South Migration. By Rose JajiI Want to Go Home Forever: Stories of Becoming and Belo1
Instituting the global: The racial analytics of migration1
Shared immigration process, different perspectives: The impact of immigration-related gaps on couple relationships1
National identity and anti-immigrant sentiment: Experimental evidence from Mexico1
Remapping onward migration through the trajectories of Colombian parents in London1
‘Art doesn’t just reflect the world—it engages with it’1
The impact of migration on wages in Costa Rica1
State crisis response versus transnational family living: An online ethnography among transnational families during the pandemic1
From farm to the city? Understanding the motives of entrepreneurial Javanese migration to an Indonesian outer island1
Correction to: Explaining migrant integration policies: A comparative study across 56 countries1
Pursuing futures through children: Crisis, social reproduction, and transformation in Burundi’s transnational families1
Claiming a postcolonial differential citizenship. Contestation of family migration rights in the Netherlands in the wake of Suriname’s independence1
Introduction to Special Issue on Childrens’ Books1
Formal and informal support networks as sources of resilience and sources of oppression for temporary foreign workers in Canada1
Building social capital in a new home country. A closer look into the predictors of bonding and bridging relationships of migrant populations at different education levels1
Second Latin American migratory boom in Spain: From recovery to COVID-191
Newly arrived migrants meet street-level bureaucrats in Jordan, Sweden, and Turkey: Client perceptions of satisfaction–dissatisfaction and response strategies1
Correction to: From farm to the city? Understanding the motives of entrepreneurial Javanese migration to an Indonesian outer island1
Spectrums of in/formality and il/legality: Negotiating business and migration-related statuses in arrival spaces1
Mixed-status informal couples in a cascading crisis. Immobilisation, mobilisation, and normalisation?1
Serial migrant mothers and permanent temporariness in Dubai1
The security implications of transnational population movements: A meta-analysis1
Does free movement of workers boost immigrant employment? New evidence from Germany1
The ethics of immigration: How biased is the field?1
Beyond the binary debates in migration: Experiences of Fulani nomads, sedentary Fulani, and autochthone farmers in Agogo, Ghana1