
(The TQCC of Stat is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
A stochastic locally diffusive model with neural network‐based deformations for global sea surface temperature24
RankFromSets: Scalable set recommendation with optimal recall13
Reducing the statistical error of generative adversarial networks using space‐filling sampling12
Controlling costs: Feature selection on a budget11
Hosting a data science hackathon with limited resources11
Bayesian inference for polycrystalline materials7
Approximation of the quasi‐deviance function for the time‐changed Lévy processes by the first‐exit time of the inverse Gaussian subordinator7
A high‐dimensional classification rule using sample covariance matrix equipped with adjusted estimated eigenvalues7
A cautionary note on the variance of empirical pair correlation function7
On a new test of fit to the beta distribution7
Deep learning models to predict primary open‐angle glaucoma6
Better together: Extending JMP® with open‐source software6
Non‐asymptotic moment bounds for random variables rounded to non‐uniformly spaced sets6
Reproducible research practices: A tool for effective and efficient leadership in collaborative statistics6
Better nonparametric confidence intervals via robust bias correction for quantile regression6
Multivariate tests for the multi‐sample location problem based on depth function6
Outlier robust model averaging based on Sp criterion6
Iterative estimating equations for disease mapping with spatial zero‐inflated Poisson data5
Adapting conditional simulation using circulant embedding for irregularly spaced spatial data5
Development of network‐guided transcriptomic risk score for disease prediction5
Consistency of permutation tests of independence using distance covariance, HSIC and dHSIC5
Variational inference for the latent shrinkage position model5
New bounds and search for maximin distance U‐type designs5
Finite mixture model of hidden Markov regression with covariate dependence5
Higher order asymptotic refinements in Bell regressions5
Differentially private outcome‐weighted learning for optimal dynamic treatment regime estimation4
Hierarchical modeling of irregularly spaced financial returns4
Considerations in developing a financial model for an academic statistical consulting centre4
Methods for building a staff workforce of quantitative scientists in academic health care4
High‐dimensional differential networks with sparsity and reduced‐rank4
On quantifying heterogeneous treatment effects with regression‐based individualized treatment rules: Loss function families and bounds on estimation error4
Do good: Strategies for leading an inclusive data science or statistics consulting team4
Table inference for combinatorial origin‐destination choices in agent‐based population synthesis4
Collaborative analysis for energy usage monitoring and management on a large university campus3
Efficient estimation for the proportional hazards model with left‐truncated and interval‐censored data3
Bayesian hierarchical modeling on covariance valued data3
Characteristic function and Laplace transform‐based tests for exponentiality in the presence of random right censoring3
Maximum likelihood estimation and the local asymptotic mixed normality in a second‐order branching process with continuous state space3
Targeted deep learning: Framework, methods, and applications3
Test of independence for Hilbertian random variables3
Semi‐parametric generalized linear model for binomial data with varying cluster sizes3
Simultaneous confidence bands for nonparametric regression with equal cluster size3
Multilevel varying coefficient spatiotemporal model3
Spatial dynamic panel models with missing data3
High‐dimensional non‐parametric tests for linear asset pricing models3
Asymptotic behaviour of a non‐autonomous multispecies Holling type II model with a complex type of noises3
Bias analysis of generalized estimating equations under measurement error and practical bias correction3
A Discussion of “A Note on Universal Inference” by Tse and Davison3
Gaussian process regression and classification using International Classification of Disease codes as covariates3
How to write about alternatives to classical hypothesis testing outside of the statistical literature: Approximate Bayesian model selection applied to a biomechanics study3
A hierarchical meta‐analysis for settings involving multiple outcomes across multiple cohorts3
Observation‐driven exponential smoothing3
An importance sampling approach for reliable and efficient inference in Bayesian ordinary differential equation models3
Issue Information3
Score‐based test in high‐dimensional quantile regression for longitudinal data with application to a glomerular filtration rate data3
Dirichlet process mixture models using matrix‐generalized half‐t distribution3
Exact confidence intervals for the difference of two proportions based on partially observed binary data3
Advice for isolated statisticians collaborating in academic healthcare centre settings2
Sequential pathway inference for multimodal neuroimaging analysis2
Non‐degenerate U‐statistics for data missing completely at random with application to testing independence2
A (non‐central) chi‐squared mixture of non‐central chi‐squareds is (non‐central) chi‐squared and related results, corollaries and applications2
Modernizing k‐nearest neighbors2
Nonparametric regression with ordinal responses2
Bayesian Multilayered Mediation Analysis for Cancer Pharmacogenomics2
Sparse multivariate functional principal component analysis2
Fast estimators for the mean function for functional data with detection limits2
Solving the missing at random problem in semi‐supervised learning: An inverse probability weighting method2
A fast algorithm for integrative community detection of multi‐layer networks2
A unified approach for outliers and influential data detection: The value of information in retrospect2
Visualizing the food landscape of Durham, North Carolina2
Equivalence testing for multiple groups2
Matrix‐variate time series modelling with hidden Markov models2
Valid two‐sample graph testing via optimal transport Procrustes and multiscale graph correlation with applications in connectomics2
Multilevel joint modeling of hospitalization and survival in patients on dialysis2
Dirichlet process mixture models with shrinkage prior2
Semiparametric Bayes instrumental variable estimation with many weak instruments2
Concentration and Model Selection Consistency of the Group Lasso for α$$ \alpha $$‐Mixing Errors2
Autocorrelated Errors in Panel Linear Regression: A New Objective Bayesian Perspective2
A mutual information criterion with applications to canonical correlation analysis and graphical models2
Trend filtering for functional data2
Visualisation and outlier detection for probability density function ensembles2
Multi‐step‐ahead prediction interval for locally stationary time series with application to air pollutant concentration data2
Causal inference in the presence of missing data using a random forest‐based matching algorithm2
Creating optimal conditions for reproducible data analysis in R with ‘fertile’2
Stochastic actor‐oriented modelling of the impact of COVID‐19 on financial network evolution2
On the use of ordered factors as explanatory variables2
Estimation of the ROC curve and the area under it with complex survey data2
Visual tests for elliptically symmetric distributions2
Statistical significance calculations for scenarios in visual inference2
A space‐time model with temporal cyclostationarity for probabilistic forecasting and simulation of solar irradiance data2
James–Stein estimation of the first principal component2
Community detection in attributed collaboration network for statisticians2
Decompositions of Information Criteria in Joint Model Under Probit Link for Response2
Using extreme value theory to evaluate the leading pedestrian interval road safety intervention2
Composite likelihood ratio testing under nonstandard conditions using tangent cones2
On Alleviating Spatial Confounding Issues With the Bayesian Lasso2
Information limits for detecting a subhypergraph2
Convergence rate for nonparametric quantile regression with a total variation penalty2
Gradual variance change point detection with a smoothly changing mean trend2
Estimating average treatment effect on the treated via sufficient dimension reduction1
Bayesian nonparametric multiway regression for clustered binomial data1
Predictive and sensitive analysis of a bivariate skewed spatial process based on the Bayesian framework1
Crafting statistical analysis plans: A cross‐discipline approach1
Covariance‐based low‐dimensional registration for function‐on‐function regression1
Family‐wise error rate control in Gaussian graphical model selection via distributionally robust optimization1
A modified SEIR model with a jump in the transmission parameter applied to COVID‐19 data on Wuhan1
Least favourability of the uniform distribution for tests of the concavity of a distribution function1
Working well with statisticians: Perceptions of practicing statisticians on their most successful collaborations1
On improvability of model averaging by penalized model selection1
Anomaly detection of time series correlations via a novel Lie group structure1
Low‐rank approximation for smoothing spline via eigensystem truncation1
The data science discovery program: A model for data science consulting in higher education1
Parametric nonstationary covariance functions on spheres1
Documenting and communicating the contributions of embedded statisticians: Show me the value!1
Detecting changes in mean in the presence of time‐varying autocovariance1
Appropriate use of parametric and nonparametric methods in estimating regression models with various shapes of errors1
Bayesian outcome selection modeling1
High‐dimensional regression coefficient estimation by nuclear norm plus l1 norm penalization1
Empirical Bayesian analysis through the lens of a particular class of constrained Bayesian hierarchical models1
Prediction Interval Transfer Learning for Linear Regression Using an Empirical Bayes Approach1
Asymptotic normality and confidence region for Catoni's Z estimator1
Issue Information1
Linear regression analysis for interval‐valued functional data1
VtNet: A neural network with variable importance assessment1
A Corrected Score Function Framework for Modelling Circadian Gene Expression1
Graph sampling by lagged random walk1
Spectral analysis of networks with latent space dynamics and signs1
A skew‐tquantile regression for censored and missing data1
A Discussion of “A Note on Universal Inference” by Tse and Davison1
Covariate‐adaptive randomization with variable selection in clinical trials1
GEAR: On optimal decision making with auxiliary data1
Design criteria for model discrimination in factorial experiments with potential failing runs1
How a novel partnership, to support rural healthcare teams, changed how we define what it means to be a practicing statistician1
An EWMA sign chart for monitoring processes with fixed and variable sample sizes1
Statistical inference on group Rasch mixture network models1
Strong consistency estimators of the Brennan‐Schwartz diffusion process based on martingales approach1
A general approximation to nested Bayes factors with informed priors1
Model averaging‐based sufficient dimension reduction1
The student staffing advantage: Data Science Consulting Service at NC State University Libraries1
Characterization of a robust probabilistic framework for brain magnetic resonance image data distributions1
Computational procedures for quality assessment of latent concepts1
A sparse empirical Bayes approach to high‐dimensional Gaussian process‐based varying coefficient models1
Double verification for two‐sample covariance matrices test1
Equity‐weighted bootstrapping: Examples and analysis1
Multivariate measurement error models with normal mean‐variance mixture distributions1
Graph spatial sampling1
On a new higher order kernel for density estimation1
Optimal designs for crossover model with partial interactions1
New mixed ranked set sampling variations1
A Note on Confidence Intervals for a Binomial p: Andersson–Nerman vs. Wilson1
Homogeneity of marginal distributions for a large number of populations1
A Discussion of “A Note on Universal Inference” by Tse and Davison1
An improved tensor regression model via location smoothing1
Family of Hermite Polynomials Adapted to Mixture Experiments With Random Perturbations in the Directional Effects of the Components1
Model selection for generalized linear models with weak factors1
An asymptotically efficient closed‐form estimator for the Dirichlet distribution1
Sparse Hanson–Wright inequality for a bilinear form of sub‐Gaussian variables1
Comparison between continuous and periodic inspections in step‐stress tests1
A method for obtaining efficient UE(s2)‐optimal two‐level supersaturated designs1
Deep spectral Q‐learning with application to mobile health1
A single index model for longitudinal outcomes to optimize individual treatment decision rules1
Robust penalized M‐estimation for function‐on‐function linear regression1
Orthogonal designs with branching and nested factors1
On the non‐identifiability of unified skew‐normal distributions1
Nonasymptotic support recovery for high‐dimensional sparse covariance matrices1
Statistical learning for predicting density–matrix‐based electron dynamics1
Causal effect random forest of interaction trees for learning individualized treatment regimes with multiple treatments in observational studies1
SwISS: A scalable Markov chain Monte Carlo divide‐and‐conquer strategy1
The academic collaborative statistician: Research, training and evaluation1
An optimal exact interval for the risk ratio in the 2×2$$ 2\times 2 $$ table with structural zero1
Nonparametric precedence chart with repetitive sampling1
Robust index of confidence weighted learning for optimal individualized treatment rule estimation1
Significance of modes in the torus by topological data analysis1
CoxKnockoff: Controlled feature selection for the Cox model using knockoffs1
Tractable Ridge Regression for Paired Comparisons1
Goodness‐of‐fit test for semiparametric copula models with bivariate interval‐censored data1
Mode merging for the finite mixture of t‐distributions1
Random projections for quantile ridge regression1
A partial EM algorithm for model‐based clustering with highly diverse missing data patterns1
Ensemble mapper1
Statistical inference for nonparametric censored regression1
Generalisation bounds for kernel PCA through PAC‐Bayes learning1
A Discussion of “A Note on Universal Inference” by Tse and Davison1