Health Information Science and Systems

(The H4-Index of Health Information Science and Systems is 19. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Classification of COVID-19 chest X-rays with deep learning: new models or fine tuning?125
Contact tracing apps for the COVID-19 pandemic: a systematic literature review of challenges and future directions for neo-liberal societies75
COV-ECGNET: COVID-19 detection using ECG trace images with deep convolutional neural network66
COVID-19 infection map generation and detection from chest X-ray images59
Classification of normal and depressed EEG signals based on centered correntropy of rhythms in empirical wavelet transform domain58
Detecting autism spectrum disorder using machine learning techniques53
A hybrid AI approach for supporting clinical diagnosis of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in adults51
Classification of COVID-19 pneumonia from chest CT images based on reconstructed super-resolution images and VGG neural network37
An algorithm for Parkinson’s disease speech classification based on isolated words analysis36
MDU-Net: multi-scale densely connected U-Net for biomedical image segmentation35
Monitoring COVID-19 pandemic through the lens of social media using natural language processing and machine learning30
Machine learning models for classification and identification of significant attributes to detect type 2 diabetes28
Automatic breast lesion segmentation in phase preserved DCE-MRIs27
BTC-fCNN: Fast Convolution Neural Network for Multi-class Brain Tumor Classification26
New bag of deep visual words based features to classify chest x-ray images for COVID-19 diagnosis26
Hand tremor detection in videos with cluttered background using neural network based approaches24
COVID-19 diagnosis from chest x-rays: developing a simple, fast, and accurate neural network23
MHA: a multimodal hierarchical attention model for depression detection in social media20
Computer-aided diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma fusing imaging and structured health data19