Paediatrics and International Child Health

(The TQCC of Paediatrics and International Child Health is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
A gastric outlet thickened mucosal fold associated with cytomegalovirus infection in an extremely preterm infant managed by surgical resection31
Early congenital syphilis: missed opportunities in a mother owing to many problems during pregnancy – a case report18
Pulmonary tuberculosis in two preterm infants conceived by in vitro fertilization12
A subarachnoid pleural fistula with massive crystal-clear pleural fluid caused by a lumbar epidural teratoma10
Splenic rupture presenting with marked scrotal ecchymosis in a 2-day-old newborn6
Vitamin B 12 deficiency in mothers and children: risk of neuro-regression6
A 17-year-old boy who presented with acute mononeuropathy was found to have Type 1 diabetes6
Gaps in the tuberculosis preventive therapy care cascade in children in contact with TB5
Clinical characteristics in 26 children with congenital tuberculosis in Central Southern China: a retrospective study5
Protein-losing enteropathy caused by Yersinia enterocolitica colitis5
Haematohidrosis in a 12-year-old boy: blood, sweat and tears5
Effectiveness of phototherapy with and without probiotics for the treatment of indirect hyperbilirubinaemia in preterm neonates: a randomised controlled trial4
Assessment of vitamin B 12 and folate status and their determinants in children aged 6–59 months with severe acute malnutrition admitted to a tertiary-care centre in4
Scurvy: old disease, new lessons4
Relationship between distance of referring facilities and haemoglobin change in children in Malawi3
Co-existing sickle cell anaemia and inflammatory bowel disease: case report and review of the literature3
Nitrous oxide-induced myeloneuropathy in a Thai adolescent: a case report3
An extremely rare case of endophthalmitis in an infant with congenital tuberculosis3
Complications associated with myocardial bridging in four children without underlying cardiac disease: a case series2
Acute demyelinating encephalomyelitis in a child with pulmonary tuberculosis2
Mpox infection in neonates: what we know so far?2
Aortic thrombosis in a neonate with COVID-19-related fetal inflammatory response syndrome requiring amputation of the leg: a case report2
Clinical and laboratory features associated with mortality in children with severe malnutrition in Papua New Guinea2
Decreasing antibiotic over-use by implementation of an antibiotic stewardship programme in preterm neonates in resource limited settings – a quality improvement initiative2
Organophosphate insecticide poisoning with monocrotophos-induced fabricated illness in a 7-year-old girl with refractory seizures over a 4-year period2
Vegetarian diets and diets which restrict animal-source foods during childhood in high-income countries2
Prevalence and management of vitamin D deficiency in children with newly diagnosed coeliac disease: cohort study2
A study comparing short-term outcome in preterm infants of ≤30 weeks gestation between a tertiary neonatal care unit in Bangalore, India and one in London, UK2