Journal of Cognitive Psychology

(The TQCC of Journal of Cognitive Psychology is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
There is no belief update bias for neutral events: failure to replicate Burton et al. (2022)16
How attentional resources of the same or across sensory modalities and task load affect cognitive performance? A multi-sensory integration study16
Early reading profiles of L2 English learners: how orthographic knowledge predicts reading comprehension14
Mind wandering and contextual binding13
“Threatening” mechanism of disorder: evidence from attentional bias13
An evaluation of the role of inductive confirmation in relation to the conjunction fallacy13
The specific brain activity of dual task coordination: a theoretical conflict-control model based on a qualitative and quantitative review11
The cognition of programming: logical reasoning, algebra and vocabulary skills predict programming performance following an introductory computing course11
Self-reference and cognitive effort: source memory for affectively neutral information is impaired following negative compared to positive self-referential processing10
Children with developmental dyslexia show an increased variable foreperiod effect9
Right-hemisphere coherence to speech at pre-reading stages predicts reading performance one year later9
The relationship between computational thinking and mental rotation ability: a functional near-infrared spectroscopy study9
Revisiting the debate on germane cognitive load versus germane resources9
Spaced example-based learning facilitates advanced mathematics learning in college students8
Primary-school children’s knowledge of transitivity of probability and of bounds of probability8
Probability of minority inclusion is underestimated8
The whole is more than the sum of its parts – addressing insight problem solving concurrently from a cognitive and an affective perspective8
Are we taking too many pictures? An investigation of the impact of smartphone photography on memory8
“Let the music play” – experimental study on background music and time preference7
Emotional arousal enhances the impact of long-term memory in attention7
Replicating and extending hemispheric asymmetries in auditory distraction: no metacognitive awareness for the left-ear disadvantage for changing-state sounds6
Executive control functions and theory of mind among plurilingual adults6
Moving distractors and moving targets: combining a response priming task with moving prime stimuli and a flanker task6
Is there an infidelity-based reproductive processing advantage in adaptive memory? Effects of survival processing and jealousy processing on recall performance6
Eye-movement methodology reveals a shift in attention from threat to neutral stimuli with self-reported symptoms of social anxiety across children, adolescents and adults5
Sleep and incubation: using problem reactivation during sleep to study forgetting fixation and unconscious processing during sleep incubation5
Sweet taste brings happiness, but happiness does not taste sweet: the unidirectionality of taste-emotion metaphoric association5
Age of acquisition effects on the decomposition of compound words5
The discovery and innovation of AI does not qualify as creativity5
Irrelevant emotional expressions interfered with response inhibition: the role of contrast emotions5
Beyond input: Language learners produce novel relative clause types without exposure.5
Positive effects of a beta-frequency binaural beats programme on memory5
Recollective experience mediates the relation between visual perspective and psychological closeness in autobiographical memory5
The role of working memory in unfamiliar word processing across proficiency levels: evidence from eye movements5
The reverse Mozart effect: music disrupts verbal working memory irrespective of whether you like it or not5
Unraveling the distinct ambiguities of happiness and fear: neurodynamic and machine learning perspectives4
Representing negated statements: when false possibilities also play in the mind4
The effect of mindfulness meditation on the perceived duration of pain4
The ruminative cycle in smokers: on the relationship between cigarette smoking behaviour, rumination, difficulties in thought suppression, and emotion regulation4
Colour terms: native language semantic structure and artificial language structure formation in a large-scale online smartphone application4
The modulation of emotional awareness using non-invasive brain stimulation techniques: a literature review on TMS and tDCS4
Empirical evidence of the role of executive functions in tolerance of emotional distress4
The categorical relational process mechanism in enactment learning: effects of divided attention and categorical cues4
What is my teacher talking about? Effects of displaying the teacher’s gaze and mouse cursor cues in video lectures on students’ learning4
Conspiracy theories: why they are believed and how they can be challenged3
The benefits of thinking about past successes. Recalling agency leads to greater susceptibility to positive cues in ambiguous facial expressions3
Language-specific cognitive flexibility is related to code-switching habits and interactional context; domain-general cognitive flexibility is not3
Should I stay or should I go now? Empirical and real-life observations of the effect of uniform colour on inhibitory control3
The social verification of implicit knowledge in dyads: the mediating role of confidence3
Distinct patterns of emotional processing in ADHD and anxiety. Evidence from an eye-movement Go/No-Go task3
Semantic verbal fluency: network analysis in Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease3
Evidence for conflict detection from the self-reported conflict measure3
Does learning to write and type make a difference in letter recognition and discrimination in primary school children?3
Individuals with low arithmetic abilities are sensitive to interference during knowledge retrieval from long-term memory across different domains3
Gut thinking and eye tracking: evidence for a central preference heuristic3
The approximate number system and mathematics achievement: it's complicated. A thorough investigation of different ANS measures and executive functions in mathematics achievement in children3
The mental model theory of free choice permissions and paradoxical disjunctive inferences3
Identifying obstacles to transfer of critical thinking skills3
Forgetting during interruptions: the role of goal similarity3
Number of topic-vehicle shared features influences the aptness of metaphors3
Temporal course of the sign effect in intertemporal choice2
The bilingual effect on cognitive development: not an executive function advantage, but a differentiation of mental abilities2
Cognitive skills, individual differences, and nonverbal interview methods in children’s eyewitness recall2
Developmental gender differences in children in a spatial recognition task2
Teaching actively open-minded thinking online: encouraging effects of a serious computer game and an online module2
No easy fix for belief bias during syllogistic reasoning?2
Dual system in the ultimatum game: evidence from the process dissociation procedure2
Choice blindness in autistic and non-autistic people2
Time course of attentional guidance by visual and verbal working memory representations2
Warning—taboo words ahead! Avoiding attentional capture by spoken taboo distractors2
Attraction effect in crowded decision spaces: exploring the impact of decoys in choices among numerous options2
Creativity: definitions and computability2
Leaping across the mental canyon: higher-order long-distance analogical retrieval2
Reward-dependent dynamics and changes in risk taking in the Balloon Analogue Risk Task2
Cat ownership, psychotic experiences and moral decision-making in sacrificial dilemmas: A study in the United Arab Emirates2
Effects of gum chewing and repetitive motor activity on sustained attention in adults with attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder2
Motor affordance or gender-stereotyped nature of physical activity – what is more important for the mental rotation performance of female athletes?2
Working memory capacity, removal efficiency and event specific memory as predictors of misinformation reliance2
Conditional learning abilities in Down syndrome and Williams syndrome2
With concreteness details fade: dissociative effect of labelling of concrete and abstract stimuli on memory2
Sex differences in mental rotation: the role of stereotyped material, perceived performance and extrinsic spatial ability2
The effect of ageing on confrontation naming in healthy older adults: a three-level meta-analysis2
Using intentional and incidental encoding instructions to test the transfer inappropriate processing shift account of verbal overshadowing2
Success starts with the first step: insight problem-solving stages and their underlying cognitive strategies2
The contribution of static and dynamic tests to the assessment of visuospatial abilities among adult males2
Component processes in task switching: cue switch costs are dependent on a mixed block of trials2
Exploring the interrelationship between recurrent and non-recurrent skills in the problem-solving process2
Test–retest reliability and practice effects on a shortened version of the Category Switch Task – a pilot study2
A closer examination of the risk–reward correlation: an individual-level analysis and exploration in the loss domain2
Attribution of feature magnitudes is influenced by trained reading-writing direction2
Primary task demands modulate background speech disruption during reading of Chinese tongue twisters: an eye-tracking study2
Influence of individual differences in executive functions of WM on the continued influence effect of misinformation2
The importance of performing versus observing meaningful actions, on the enactment benefit to memory2
Decision making and mental imagery: A conceptual synthesis and new research directions2
What makes background music distracting? Investigating the role of song lyrics using self-paced reading2
How state anxiety influences retrospective time perception: the moderated mediation of perceived control and memory bias2
Emerging perspectives on distraction and task interruptions: metacognition, cognitive control, and facilitation-Part 22
Partial habituation to disruption by irrelevant emotive speech—evidence for duplex-mechanism account2
A dual strategy account of individual differences in information processing in contingency judgments2
Why do people pursue goals sequentially when they try to balance cost and utility?2
Seeing red as anger or romance: an emotion categorisation task2
Effects of thought suppression on automatic retrieval of memory: the role of monitoring and cognitive load2