Journal of Cognitive Psychology

(The median citation count of Journal of Cognitive Psychology is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
Verbal insight revisited — dissociable neurocognitive processes underlying solutions accompanied by an AHA! experience with and without prior restructuring19
Does autonoetic consciousness in episodic memory rely on recall from a first-person perspective?15
Auditory distraction can be studied online! A direct comparison between in-Person and online experimentation14
Out-of-body memory encoding causes third-person perspective at recall14
The effect of true and false unreportable hints on anagram problem solving, restructuring, and the Aha!-experience14
Sweet taste brings happiness, but happiness does not taste sweet: the unidirectionality of taste-emotion metaphoric association13
Motivation through insight: the phenomenological correlates of insight and spatial ability tasks12
The mental model theory of free choice permissions and paradoxical disjunctive inferences12
The effect of information gap and uncertainty on curiosity and its resolution12
Dissociation between the subjective experience of insight and performance in the CRA paradigm11
Insight as discovery11
Insight is not always the same: differences between true, false, and induced insights in the matchstick arithmetic task10
The susceptibility of compound remote associate problems to disruption by irrelevant sound: a Window onto the component processes underpinning creative cognition?10
The role of attention for insight problem solving: effects of mindless and mindful incubation periods9
Right-hemisphere coherence to speech at pre-reading stages predicts reading performance one year later9
What is my teacher talking about? Effects of displaying the teacher’s gaze and mouse cursor cues in video lectures on students’ learning9
Sex differences in mental rotation: the role of stereotyped material, perceived performance and extrinsic spatial ability9
Beautiful mind: grouping of actions into mental schemes leads to a full insight Aha! experience8
Do we prioritise memory for cheaters? Rebuttal evidence from old/new effects in episodic memory8
The importance of studying the role of filled pauses in the construction of a coherent representation of spontaneous spoken discourse8
Picturing yourself: a social-cognitive process model to integrate third-person imagery effects8
Cognitive load theory and its measurement: a study of secondary tasks in relation to working memory8
Electrophysiological correlates of the continued influence effect of misinformation: an exploratory study7
Decision making and mental imagery: A conceptual synthesis and new research directions7
Third-person perspectives in photographs influence visual and spatial perspectives during subsequent memory retrieval7
Can the negative footprint illusion be eliminated by summative priming?7
The effect of practice test modality on perceived mental effort and delayed final test performance6
Assessing changes in brain electrical activity and functional connectivity while overtaking a vehicle6
Orthographic learning of novel words in adults: effects of exposure and visual attention on eye movements6
Working memory capacity, removal efficiency and event specific memory as predictors of misinformation reliance6
Type of encoded material and age modulate the relationship between episodic recall of visual perspective and autobiographical memory6
The approximate number system and mathematics achievement: it's complicated. A thorough investigation of different ANS measures and executive functions in mathematics achievement in children6
Imagery processing in action memory–mental imagery is necessary to the subject-performed task effect5
An explanation of or-deletions and other paradoxical disjunctive inferences5
Irrelevant changing-state vibrotactile stimuli disrupt verbal serial recall: implications for theories of interference in short-term memory5
Visual perspective in imagination and memory of factual and fictional stories5
On pleasures of the mind related to humour and insight problem solving: an investigation of people’s awareness of what they like and why5
Sleep and incubation: using problem reactivation during sleep to study forgetting fixation and unconscious processing during sleep incubation5
Links between depressive symptoms and the observer perspective for autobiographical memories and imagined events: a high familial risk study5
Unusual uses and experiences are good for feeling insightful, but not for problem solving: contributions of schizotypy, divergent thinking, and fluid reasoning, to insight moments5
Describing the structure of concepts through different feature levels5
Identifying obstacles to transfer of critical thinking skills5
Emotional arousal enhances the impact of long-term memory in attention5
Learning to avoid biased reasoning: effects of interleaved practice and worked examples5
Culture and visual perspective in mental time travel: the relations to psychological well-being5
Two routes to the same place: learning from quick closed-book essays versus open-book essays5
Is attentional discounting in value-based decision making magnitude sensitive?4
Feature integration is not the whole story of the sequence effects of symbolic cueing4
Recollective experience mediates the relation between visual perspective and psychological closeness in autobiographical memory4
I lie because I am good at: psychopathic traits do not influence the effects of fabrication on memory4
Frequent media multitasking is not associated with better cognitive flexibility4
Seeing red as anger or romance: an emotion categorisation task4
The reverse Mozart effect: music disrupts verbal working memory irrespective of whether you like it or not4
Self-referential processing in false recognition and source monitoring: Self-other differences4
The effect of ageing on confrontation naming in healthy older adults: a three-level meta-analysis4
Testing the precision of spatial memory representations using a change-detection task: effects of viewpoint change4
The cognition of programming: logical reasoning, algebra and vocabulary skills predict programming performance following an introductory computing course4
How spatial attention affects the decision process: looking through the lens of Bayesian hierarchical diffusion model & EEG analysis3
Sex-dependent effects of threatening emotion on perceived gaze direction3
Processing visual metaphors in advertising: an exploratory study of cognitive abilities3
Impact of strategy use during N-Back training in older adults3
Neuropsychological functions of nonverbal hand movements and gestures during sports3
The effect of mindfulness and stereotype threat in mental rotation: a pupillometry study3
Does memory bias help in maintaining self-esteem? Exploring the role of self-verification motive in memory bias3
Mood states effect retrieval not encoding in item-method directed forgetting3
The structure of working memory during childhood: a systematic review3
Warning—taboo words ahead! Avoiding attentional capture by spoken taboo distractors3
Transferability and sustainability of task-switching training in socioeconomically disadvantaged children: a randomized experimental study3
Can tests improve learning in real university classrooms?3
Is causation deterministic or probabilistic? A critique of Frosch and Johnson-Laird (2011)3
Application of a Bayesian approach for exploring the impact of syllable frequency in handwritten picture naming3
Temporal course of the sign effect in intertemporal choice3
Is there an infidelity-based reproductive processing advantage in adaptive memory? Effects of survival processing and jealousy processing on recall performance3
A dynamic adjustment model of saccade lengths in reading for word-spaced orthographies: evidence from simulations and invisible boundary experiments3
Navon-induced processing biases fail to affect the recognition of whole faces and isolated facial features3
Motor affordance or gender-stereotyped nature of physical activity – what is more important for the mental rotation performance of female athletes?2
The contribution of static and dynamic tests to the assessment of visuospatial abilities among adult males2
The near- and far-transfer effects of cognitive training on attentional networks in women and men2
Directed forgetting instructions decrease proactive interference within working memory below that of a baseline encode-only condition2
What makes background music distracting? Investigating the role of song lyrics using self-paced reading2
Nonce word evidence for the misinterpretation of implausible events2
Semantic verbal fluency: network analysis in Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease2
With concreteness details fade: dissociative effect of labelling of concrete and abstract stimuli on memory2
Multi-trial free recall dynamics in preschool children and young adults2
Children with developmental dyslexia show an increased variable foreperiod effect2
Cognitive load reduces context recollection for true sentences2
The opposite of a transformation process. An exploration based on diagrams2
Audiovisual looming signals are not always prioritised: evidence from exogenous, endogenous and sustained attention2
Fast logic and belief-bias: it’s less how smart you are than how you think2
Practicing retrieval in university teaching: short-answer questions are beneficial, whereas multiple-choice questions are not2
How state anxiety influences retrospective time perception: the moderated mediation of perceived control and memory bias2
Source credibility and plausibility are considered in the validation of textual information: evidence from a social media context2
Working memory capacity and structure in monolinguals and bilinguals2
How highly creative product descriptions lead to attitude change: a dual-process model2
Why do people pursue goals sequentially when they try to balance cost and utility?2
Autobiographical memory for repeated events: remembering our vacations2
A dual strategy account of individual differences in information processing in contingency judgments2
The modulation of emotional awareness using non-invasive brain stimulation techniques: a literature review on TMS and tDCS2
Number of shared topic-vehicle significant features affects speakers’ preference for metaphorical expressions2
The whole is more than the sum of its parts – addressing insight problem solving concurrently from a cognitive and an affective perspective2
The influence of SOA on working memory guidance of attention2
Event-related brain potentials study of arithmetic fact retrieval in children with different math achievement levels2
Auditory distraction of vocal-motor behaviour by different components of song: testing an interference-by-process account2
The effect of different delivery modes of misinformation on false memories in adolescents and adults2
The categorical relational process mechanism in enactment learning: effects of divided attention and categorical cues2
Effects of cognitive load on perceived internal and external distraction and their relationship with attentional control2
When native contrasts are perceived as non-native: the role of the ear of presentation in the discrimination of accentual contrasts2
Does learning to write and type make a difference in letter recognition and discrimination in primary school children?2
Olfactory and visual vs. multimodal landmark processing in human wayfinding: a virtual reality experiment2
The importance of performing versus observing meaningful actions, on the enactment benefit to memory2
The metaphor of self/environmental cleanliness in the case of moral concepts: an event-related potential study2
Comparing eye fixation and mouse cursor response modes in number line estimation2
Colour terms: native language semantic structure and artificial language structure formation in a large-scale online smartphone application2
The disruptive effects of changing-state sound and emotional prosody on verbal short-term memory in blind, visually impaired, and sighted listeners2
The role of working memory in unfamiliar word processing across proficiency levels: evidence from eye movements2
The effect of gestures on the interpretation of plural references2
Absence of evidence for underspecification in prenominal relative clause attachment2
The neighbourhood frequency effect in naming is influenced by substituted-letter confusability and lexical skills2
Detecting emotion faces in a Posner’s spatial cueing task: the adaptive value of surprise1
Evidence for conflict detection from the self-reported conflict measure1
Effects of task characteristics and task-switching on remote associates test problem solving1
Age of acquisition effects on the decomposition of compound words1
Self-reference and cognitive effort: source memory for affectively neutral information is impaired following negative compared to positive self-referential processing1
The influence of involvement and emotional valence on accuracy judgments and sharing intention of fake news1
Adolescents’ fluid intelligence and divergent thinking: the mediating effect of field dependent independent cognitive style1
Morphological cues as an aid to word learning: a cross-situational word learning study1
Development of conditional learning abilities in children from 3 to 12 years of age1
Event-Related Potentials (ERP) evidence of predictive coding account of time perception in the sub-second range oddball tasks1
Evidence for a group-level performance optimum and performance-neutral adaptation in a procedural task1
Input modality pairings influence dual task costs, but not cognitive load1
Greek-spelling predictors; an investigation of literacy- and cognitive-related factors1
The impact of circumscribed interest distractors on attentional orienting in young children with autism: eye-tracking evidence from the remote distractor paradigm1
Distraction by vocal anger in children and adolescents with hyperactivity1
Attribution of feature magnitudes is influenced by trained reading-writing direction1
Assessing the generalizability of visuospatial bootstrapping in working memory performance to different stimulus types: a conceptual replication1
Reward-dependent dynamics and changes in risk taking in the Balloon Analogue Risk Task1
I can’t live without you: delay discounting in smartphone usage1
Representing negated statements: when false possibilities also play in the mind1
Attentional processing of preserved face and scrambled face distractors in preschool children with autism spectrum condition1
The specific brain activity of dual task coordination: a theoretical conflict-control model based on a qualitative and quantitative review1
Implicit effect of abstract/concrete components in the categorization of Chinese words1
Evidence for reinstating diverse episodic contexts in retrieval-based learning1
Salience effects in memory-based decisions: an improved replication1
Foreseeing interruptions in dynamic environments may undermine the adequacy between perceived and observable task performance1
Verbal overshadowing at an immediate Task-Test delay is independent of Video-Task delay1
Visual salience accelerates lexical processing and subsequent integration: an eye-movement study1
Emerging perspectives on distraction and task interruptions: metacognition, cognitive control and facilitation - part I1
When even the smartest fail to prioritise: overuse of information can decrease decision accuracy1
Cognitive development of imitation of intransitive gestures: an analysis of hand and finger errors1
Speed or duration? Effects of implicit stimulus attributes on perceived duration1
Effects of auditory and tactile distraction in adults with low and high ADHD symptoms1
Forgetting during interruptions: the role of goal similarity1
The effect of emotion regulation on executive function1
No easy fix for belief bias during syllogistic reasoning?1
School-age children can form time-based event expectancy for context-atypical foreperiods1
Irrelevant emotional expressions interfered with response inhibition: the role of contrast emotions1
Beyond input: Language learners produce novel relative clause types without exposure.1
The negative footprint illusion is exacerbated by the numerosity of environment-friendly additions: unveiling the underpinning mechanisms1
When all glasses look half empty: a computational model of reference dependent evaluation to explain depression1
The effects of major depressive disorder symptoms on audiovisual integration1
Crime-Related scenarios do not lead to superior memory performance in the survival processing paradigm1
Effects of irrelevant speech on semantic and phonological judgments of Chinese characters1
Attention allocation in elite football refereeing: conceptual, empirical, and applied considerations1
Visual mental imagery and verbal working memory: evidence from consecutive interpreting1
The key to the observation–inflation effect: the simulation degree of action videos vs. verb–noun phrases1
A comment on arguments of mental model theory of causation1
Reasoning strategy moderates the transition between slow and fast reasoning1
The combined effect of music-induced emotions and neuromodulation on economic decision making: a tDCS study1
Tracking the eye of the beholder: is explanation subjective?1
Effects of thought suppression on automatic retrieval of memory: the role of monitoring and cognitive load1