Astrophysical Journal Letters

(The TQCC of Astrophysical Journal Letters is 14. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Voyager 1 Electron Densities in the Very Local Interstellar Medium to beyond 160 au980
A Universal Power-law Prescription for Variability from Synthetic Images of Black Hole Accretion Flows898
GRB 211211A: A Neutron Star–White Dwarf Merger?739
Two Sites of r-process Production Assessed on the Basis of the Age-tagged Abundances of Solar Twins719
Accretion-modified Stars in Accretion Disks of Active Galactic Nuclei: The Low-luminosity Cases and an Application to Sgr A*636
Cosmology with Galaxy Photometry Alone593
Alfvén Speed Transition Zone in the Solar Corona562
Determination of Solar Wind Angular Momentum and Alfvén Radius from Parker Solar Probe Observations535
Helium Fluxes Measured by the PAMELA Experiment from the Minimum to the Maximum Solar Activity for Solar Cycle 24524
Revisiting a Disky Origin for the Faint Branch of the Sagittarius Stellar Stream518
Effect of H2S on the Near-infrared Spectrum of Irradiation Residue and Applications to the Kuiper Belt Object (486958) Arrokoth366
The Occurrence of Powerful Flares Stronger than X10 Class in Solar Cycles338
Coplanar Circumbinary Planets Can Be Unstable to Large Tilt Oscillations in the Presence of an Inner Polar Planet333
First Evidence of Intrinsic Alignments of Red Galaxies at z > 1: Cross Correlation between CFHTLenS and FastSound Samples301
Inertial-range Magnetic-fluctuation Anisotropy Observed from Parker Solar Probe’s First Seven Orbits251
New Constraints for Supernova Models from Presolar Silicon Carbide X Grains with Very High 26Al/27Al Ratios249
Lava Worlds Surface Measurements at High Temperatures249
PHANGS–JWST First Results: Variations in PAH Fraction as a Function of ISM Phase and Metallicity246
The AMS-02 Cosmic-Ray Deuteron Flux is Consistent with a Secondary Origin244
PHANGS–JWST First Results: Massive Young Star Clusters and New Insights from JWST Observations of NGC 1365243
Evolution of Magnetic Field Fluctuations and Their Spectral Properties within the Heliosphere: Statistical Approach225
Constraining the Thickness of TRAPPIST-1 b’s Atmosphere from Its JWST Secondary Eclipse Observation at 15 μm205
Diverse Carbonates in Exoplanet Oceans Promote the Carbon Cycle202
Carbon-bearing Molecules in a Possible Hycean Atmosphere202
Origins of the Evil Eye: M64's Stellar Halo Reveals the Recent Accretion of an SMC-mass Satellite180
High-eccentricity Migration with Disk-induced Spin–Orbit Misalignment: A Preference for Perpendicular Hot Jupiters157
Formation of Low-mass Black Holes and Single Millisecond Pulsars in Globular Clusters155
Presolar Stardust in Asteroid Ryugu151
Spectroscopic Detection of Alfvénic Waves in the Chromosphere of Sunspot Regions148
The Rotation of Magnetic Flux Ropes Formed during Solar Eruption146
Are Delayed Radio Flares Common in Tidal Disruption Events? The Case of the TDE iPTF 16fnl145
Solar Wind Ion Sputtering of Sodium from Silicates Using Molecular Dynamics Calculations of Surface Binding Energies144
X-Ray Quasi-periodic Eruptions Driven by Star–Disk Collisions: Application to GSN069 and Probing the Spin of Massive Black Holes137
Machine Learning the Sixth Dimension: Stellar Radial Velocities from 5D Phase-space Correlations122
The Warm Neptune GJ 3470b Has a Polar Orbit120
Binning is Sinning: Redemption for Hubble Diagram Using Photometrically Classified Type Ia Supernovae111
Alive but Barely Kicking: News from 3+ yr of Swift and XMM-Newton X-Ray Monitoring of Quasiperiodic Eruptions from eRO-QPE1110
The Kinematic and Chemical Properties of the Close-in Planet Host Star 8 UMi107
New Constraints on the Dark Matter Density Profiles of Dwarf Galaxies from Proper Motions of Globular Cluster Streams106
Plasma Emission Induced by Electron Beams in Weakly Magnetized Plasmas101
Investigating Protoplanetary Disk Cooling through Kinematics: Analytical GI Wiggle99
The Origin of the Doppler Flip in HD 100546: A Large-scale Spiral Arm Generated by an Inner Binary Companion98
Search for Black Hole Merger Families91
Lyα Halos around [O iii]-selected Galaxies in HETDEX89
A Large Population of Faint 8 < z < 16 Galaxies Found in the First JWST NIRCam Observations of the NGDEEP Survey88
Astrometric Accelerations as Dynamical Beacons: A Giant Planet Imaged inside the Debris Disk of the Young Star AF Lep84
The Role of High-frequency Transverse Oscillations in Coronal Heating82
Searching for the Signal of a Primordial Black Hole from CMB Lensing and γ-Ray Emissions81
Is Betelgeuse Really Rotating? Synthetic ALMA Observations of Large-scale Convection in 3D Simulations of Red Supergiants79
The Composition and Power of the Jet of the Broad-line Radio Galaxy 3C 12079
Discovery of the Closest Ultra-stripped Supernova: SN 2021agco in UGC 385578
8.9 hr Rotation in the Partly Burnt Runaway Stellar Remnant LP 40-365 (GD 492)77
Misaligned Spinning Binary Black Hole Mergers in Hot Magnetized Plasma74
Small-scale Anisotropies of Cosmic Rays from Turbulent Flow73
Evidence for Enrichment of Niobium-92 in the Outer Protosolar Disk73
Electric Field Screening in Pair Discharges and Generation of Pulsar Radio Emission73
Radiative Magnetohydrodynamic Simulation of the Confined Eruption of a Magnetic Flux Rope: Magnetic Structure and Plasma Thermodynamics72
Compound Eruptions of Twin Flux Ropes in a Solar Active Region71
The Solar-cycle Variations of the Anisotropy of Taylor Scale and Correlation Scale in the Solar Wind Turbulence70
Time Dependence of 50–250 MeV Galactic Cosmic-Ray Protons between Solar Cycles 24 and 25, Measured by the High-energy Particle Detector on board the CSES-01 Satellite70
Star Formation Suppression by Tidal Removal of Cold Molecular Gas from an Intermediate-redshift Massive Post-starburst Galaxy70
Multipoint Observation of the Solar Wind Interaction with Strong Lunar Magnetic Anomalies by ARTEMIS Spacecraft and Chang’E-4 Rover70
Return of 4U 1730–22 after 49 yr Silence: The Outburst Properties Observed by NICER and Insight-HXMT69
RR Lyrae Stars Belonging to the Candidate Globular Cluster Patchick 9968
Elucidating the Formation of Ethynylbutatrienylidene (HCCCHCCC; X1A′) in the Taurus Molecular Cloud (TMC-1) via the Gas-phase Reaction of Tricarbon (C3) with the Propargyl Radica66
Thermal History of Asteroid Parent Bodies Is Reflected in Their Metalorganic Chemistry65
Cold Dark Matter and Self-interacting Dark Matter Interpretations of the Strong Gravitational Lensing Object JWST-ER164
What are the Composition and Power of the Jet in Cyg X-1?64
Highly Energetic Electrons Accelerated in Strong Solar Flares as a Preferred Driver of Sunquakes64
PIC Simulation of Double Plasma Resonance and Zebra Pattern of Solar Radio Bursts63
Successful Recovery of an Observed Meteorite Fall Using Drones and Machine Learning63
Constraining the Jet Composition of GRB 221009A with the Prompt TeV Emission Limit63
Reconciling Multi-messenger Constraints with Chiral Symmetry Restoration63
An Electron-scattering Time Delay in Black Hole Accretion Disks62
Multipoint Turbulence Analysis with HelioSwarm62
Formation of Lunar Basins from Impacts of Leftover Planetesimals62
Preferential Heating of Protons over Electrons from Coherent Structures during the First Perihelion of the Parker Solar Probe61
Does or Did the Supernova Remnant Cassiopeia A Operate as a PeVatron?61
The Contribution of Electrons to the Sputter-produced O2 Exosphere on Europa61
AC Her: Evidence of the First Polar Circumbinary Planet60
Tidally Tilted Pulsations in HD 265435, a Subdwarf B Star with a Close White Dwarf Companion60
Extended Cyclotron Resonant Heating of the Turbulent Solar Wind60
Self-consistent 3D Radiative Transfer for Kilonovae: Directional Spectra from Merger Simulations59
Evolution of Subsurface Zonal and Meridional Flows in Solar Cycle 24 from Helioseismological Data58
A Rapidly Evolving High-amplitude δ Scuti Star Crossing the Hertzsprung Gap58
Extreme Tidal Stripping May Explain the Overmassive Black Hole in Leo I: A Proof of Concept57
Predicting the Water Content of Interstellar Objects from Galactic Star Formation Histories57
A Radio Counterpart to a Jupiter-mass Binary Object in Orion57
SuNeRF: 3D Reconstruction of the Solar EUV Corona Using Neural Radiance Fields57
Standing Solitary Waves as Transitions to Spiral Structures in Gravitationally Unstable Accretion Disks56
VVV-WIT-12 and Its Fashionable Nebula: A 4 yr Long-period Young Stellar Object with a Light Echo?56
The Maximum Isotropic Equivalent Energy of Gamma-Ray Bursts56
The Force-freeness of the Solar Photosphere: Revisit with New Approach and Large Data Sets55
Nanoflare Heating of the Solar Corona Observed in X-Rays55
One, Two, Three ... An Explosive Outflow in IRAS 12326-6245 Revealed by ALMA54
Solar Energetic Particle Track-production Rates at 1 au: Comparing In Situ Particle Fluxes with Lunar Sample-derived Track Densities54
Resolving the Collimation Zone of an Intermediate-mass Protostellar Jet54
Stars Bisected by Relativistic Blades54
Stars Lensed by the Supermassive Black Hole in the Center of the Milky Way: Predictions for ELT, TMT, GMT, and JWST53
Can Stochastic Resonance Explain Recurrence of Grand Minima?52
Explosive Nucleosynthesis in Core-collapse Type II Supernovae: Insights from New C, N, Si, and Al–Mg Isotopic Compositions of Presolar Grains52
S8 Tension in the Context of Dark Matter–Baryon Scattering51
On the Injection Scale of the Turbulence in the Partially Ionized Very Local Interstellar Medium51
Two Homologous Quasi-periodic Fast-mode Propagating Wave Trains Induced by Two Small-scale Filament Eruptions51
Probing Dust and Gas Properties Using Ringed Disks51
The Kelvin–Helmholtz Instability at the Boundary of Relativistic Magnetized Jets51
Elusive Iron: Detection of the FeC Radical (X 3Δ i ) in the Envelope of IRC+1021649
The Diverse Molecular Gas Content of Massive Galaxies Undergoing Quenching at z ∼ 149
Possibility of Secondary i- and s-processes Following r-process in the Collapsar Jet48
Jupiter’s Metastable Companions48
Is the Black-widow Pulsar PSR J1555–2908 in a Hierarchical Triple System?48
A Kiloparsec-scale Molecular Wave in the Inner Galaxy: Feather of the Milky Way?48
SN 2023emq: A Flash-ionized Ibn Supernova with Possible C iii Emission47
JWST Reveals Bulge-dominated Star-forming Galaxies at Cosmic Noon47
Quadratic Frequency Dispersion in the Oscillations of Intermediate-mass Stars47
On the Contribution of Unresolved Pulsars to the Ultra-high-energy Galactic Diffuse Gamma-Ray Emission47
The Early Radio Afterglow of Short GRB 230217A47
Hints of a Sulfur-rich Atmosphere around the 1.6 R Super-Earth L98-59 d from JWST NIRspec G395H Transmission Spectroscopy46
The Discovery of Three Pulsars in the Globular Cluster M15 with FAST46
Mechanism of Circular Polarization in Giant Pulses and Fast Radio Bursts46
Turbulence and Particle Acceleration in a Relativistic Plasma45
No Thick Atmosphere on the Terrestrial Exoplanet Gl 486b45
Observations of the Quiet Sun during the Deepest Solar Minimum of the Past Century with Chandrayaan-2 XSM: Sub-A-class Microflares outside Active Regions45
Solar Origin of Compressive Alfvénic Spikes/Kinks as Observed by Parker Solar Probe45
Spectra of Magnetic Turbulence in a Relativistic Plasma45
The Magnetic Origin of Solar Campfires45
Gear Up for the Action Replay: Leveraging Lensing for Enhanced Gravitational-wave Early Warning44
Evidence for Corotation Origin of Super-metal-rich Stars in LAMOST-Gaia: Multiple Ridges with a Similar Slope in the ϕ versus L z Plane44
Testing the Galaxy-collision-induced Formation Scenario for the Trail of Dark-matter-deficient Galaxies with the Susceptibility of Globular Clusters to the Tidal Force44
Magnetic Braking during Direct Collapse Black Hole Formation44
Formation and Evolution of Transient Jets and Their Cavities in Black Hole X-Ray Binaries44
Accretion from Winds of Red Giant Branch Stars May Reveal the Supermassive Black Hole in Leo I44
Millimeter Light Curves of Sagittarius A* Observed during the 2017 Event Horizon Telescope Campaign44
Role of Planetary Radius on Atmospheric Escape of Rocky Exoplanets43
Gaia EDR3 Parallax Zero-point Offset Based on W Ursae Majoris-type Eclipsing Binaries43
Low-mass Galaxy Interactions Trigger Black Hole Activity43
Improving Planet Detection with Disk Modeling: Keck/NIRC2 Imaging of the HD 34282 Single-armed Protoplanetary Disk43
Constraining Possible γ-Ray Burst Emission from GW230529 Using Swift-BAT and Fermi-GBM43
A Black Hole Kicked at Birth: MAXI J1305-70443
PHANGS–JWST First Results: The Dust Filament Network of NGC 628 and Its Relation to Star Formation Activity43
Superheavy Elements in Kilonovae43
Formation of a Solar Filament by Magnetic Reconnection, Associated Chromospheric Evaporation, and Subsequent Coronal Condensation43
Efficient Formation Pathway of Methyl Formate: The Role of OH Radicals on Ice Dust42
The Earliest Stage of Galactic Star Formation42
Measuring Turbulence with Young Stars in the Orion Complex42
Trojan Globular Clusters: Radial Migration via Trapping in Bar Resonances41
The Discrepancy between Observed and Predicted Heliospheric Energetic Neutral Atoms below Solar Wind Energy41
Emission Properties of Periodic Fast Radio Bursts from the Motion of Magnetars: Testing Dynamical Models41
Snowflakes in a Furnace: Formation of CO and Dust in a Recurrent Nova Eruption40
Kepler-411 Star Activity: Connection between Starspots and Superflares40
Explanation of Heliospheric Energetic Neutral Atom Fluxes Observed by the Interstellar Boundary Explorer40
Discovery of a Rare Eclipsing Be/X-Ray Binary System, Swift J010902.6-723710 = SXP 18240
Did a Kilonova Set Off in Our Galactic Backyard 3.5 Myr ago?40
Kinetic Features of Alpha Particles in a Pestchek-like Magnetic Reconnection Event in the Solar Wind Observed by Solar Orbiter40
Exploiting Machine Learning and Disequilibrium in Galaxy Clusters to Obtain a Mass Profile40
Isotopic Enrichment of Planetary Systems from Asymptotic Giant Branch Stars39
Enhanced Star Formation Activity of Extreme Jellyfish Galaxies in Massive Clusters and the Role of Ram Pressure Stripping39
Harmonic Maser Emissions from Electrons with Loss-cone Distribution in Solar Active Regions39
When the Peas Jump around the Pod: How Stellar Clustering Affects the Observed Correlations between Planet Properties in Multiplanet Systems39
Discovery of A Large-scale Bent Radio Jet in the Merging Cluster A51439
Signatures of a Distant Planet on the Inclination Distribution of the Detached Kuiper Belt39
Ice Sublimation in Planetesimals Formed at the Outward Migrating Snowline39
Intermittent Electron-only Reconnection at Lunar Mini-magnetospheres39
Linear and Circular Polarimetry of the Optically Bright Relativistic Tidal Disruption Event AT 2022cmc39
Third and Fourth Harmonics of Electromagnetic Emissions by a Weak Beam in a Solar Wind Plasma with Random Density Fluctuations39
Unusual Emission Variations Near the Eclipse of Black Widow Pulsar PSR J1720−053338
Evolution of Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejection Complexity: A Numerical Study through a Swarm of Simulated Spacecraft38
Radio Signature of the Strong Compression between a Streamer and a Coronal Hole Boundary38
On the Chemical and Kinematic Signatures of the Resonances of the Galactic Bar as Revealed by the LAMOST-APOGEE Red Clump Stars38
Polar Circumtriple Planets and Disks Can Only Form Close to a Triple Star38
Bumpy Superluminous Supernovae Powered by a Magnetar–Star Binary Engine38
The Aligned Orbit of a Hot Jupiter around the M Dwarf TOI-420137
Formation of Magnetically Truncated Accretion Disks in 3D Radiation-transport Two-temperature GRMHD Simulations37
Simulating X-Ray Reverberation in the Ultraviolet-emitting Regions of Active Galactic Nuclei Accretion Disks with Three-dimensional Multifrequency Radiation Magnetohydrodynamic Simulations37
Modeling of Joint Parker Solar Probe–Metis/Solar Orbiter Observations37
Day–Night Transport-induced Chemistry and Clouds on WASP-39b: Gas-phase Composition37
Electromagnetic Turbulence in the Electron Current Layer to Drive Magnetic Reconnection37
The Nature and Composition of Jupiter’s Building Blocks Derived from the Water Abundance Measurements by the Juno Spacecraft37
Why Do Chromospheric Oscillations in Sunspot Umbrae Appear to Propagate Downward?37
Superhorizon Perturbations: A Possible Explanation of the Hubble–Lemaître Tension and the Large-scale Anisotropy of the Universe37
A Sample Bias in Quasar Variability Studies37
Twin Extreme Ultraviolet Waves in the Solar Corona36
Void Galaxy Distribution: A Challenge for ΛCDM36
AT 2022aedm and a New Class of Luminous, Fast-cooling Transients in Elliptical Galaxies36
Satellite Constellation Avoidance with the Rubin Observatory Legacy Survey of Space and Time36
On the Phase-mixed Eccentricity and Inclination Distributions of Wide Binaries in the Galaxy36
Living with a Red Dwarf: The Rotation–Age Relationships of M Dwarfs36
Constraining High-energy Neutrino Emission from Supernovae with IceCube36
Saddle-shaped Solar Flare Arcades36
GRB 191019A: A Short Gamma-Ray Burst in Disguise from the Disk of an Active Galactic Nucleus36
IXPE Observations of the Quintessential Wind-accreting X-Ray Pulsar Vela X-136
End-to-end Kilonova Models of Neutron Star Mergers with Delayed Black Hole Formation35
Influence of Heliolatitudinal Anisotropy of Solar FUV/EUV Emissions on Lyα Helioglow: SOHO/SWAN Observations and WawHelioGlow Modeling35
Supermassive Black Hole Spin Constraints from Polarimetry in an Equatorial Disk Model35
Robust Detection of Hot Intragroup Medium in Optically Selected, Poor Galaxy Groups by eROSITA35
The Case for Technosignatures: Why They May Be Abundant, Long-lived, Highly Detectable, and Unambiguous35
Unified Picture of the Local Interstellar Magnetic Field from Voyager and IBEX35
PDS 70b Shows Stellar-like Carbon-to-oxygen Ratio35
Double “acct”: A Distinct Double-peaked Supernova Matching Pulsational Pair Instability Models35
A Time-efficient, Data-driven Modeling Approach for Predicting the Geomagnetic Impact of Coronal Mass Ejections35
The Halo Bias inside Cosmic Voids35
Dependencies of Mantle Shock Heating in Pairwise Accretion35
A Tale of Three: Magnetic Fields along the Orion Integral-shaped Filament as Revealed by the JCMT BISTRO Survey35
Probing Velocity Dispersion Inside Coronal Mass Ejections: New Insights on Their Initiation35
Formation Rate of Quasiperiodic Eruptions in Galactic Nuclei Containing Single and Dual Supermassive Black Holes34
The Extraordinary Outburst in the Massive Protostellar System NGC 6334 I-MM1: Strong Increase in Mid-Infrared Continuum Emission34
Most Planets Might Have More than 5 Myr of Time to Form34
The Radius of PSR J0740+6620 from NICER and XMM-Newton Data34
Development of a Deep Learning Model for Inversion of Rotational Coronagraphic Images Into 3D Electron Density34
LOFAR Detection of 110–188 MHz Emission and Frequency-dependent Activity from FRB 20180916B34
Origins of Hot Jupiters from the Stellar Obliquity Distribution34
An XMM-Newton EPIC X-Ray View of the Symbiotic Star R Aquarii34
Deep Synoptic Array Science: Implications of Faraday Rotation Measures of Fast Radio Bursts Localized to Host Galaxies33
Panic! at the Disks: First Rest-frame Optical Observations of Galaxy Structure at z > 3 with JWST in the SMACS 0723 Field33
Redder than Red: Discovery of an Exceptionally Red L/T Transition Dwarf33
NEID Reveals That the Young Warm Neptune TOI-2076 b Has a Low Obliquity33
Optical Continuum Reverberation in the Dwarf Seyfert Nucleus of NGC 439533
No Large Dependence of Planet Frequency on Galactocentric Distance33
Relation of Microstreams in the Polar Solar Wind to Switchbacks and Coronal X-Ray Jets33
Strong H2O and CO Emission Features in the Spectrum of KELT-20b Driven by Stellar UV Irradiation33
Prospects for Water Vapor Detection in the Atmospheres of Temperate and Arid Rocky Exoplanets around M-dwarf Stars33
Early Results from GLASS-JWST. XVII. Building the First Galaxies—Chapter 1. Star Formation Histories for 5 < z < 7 Galaxies33
Stability Constrained Characterization of the 23 Myr Old V1298 Tau System: Do Young Planets Form in Mean Motion Resonance Chains?33
A BL Lacertae Object at a Cosmic Age of 800 Myr33
PHANGS–JWST First Results: Rapid Evolution of Star Formation in the Central Molecular Gas Ring of NGC 136532
A Luminous Red Supergiant and Dusty Long-period Variable Progenitor for SN 2023ixf32
An X-Ray Census of Active Galactic Nuclei in the Virgo and Fornax Clusters of Galaxies with SRG/eROSITA32
Early Results from GLASS-JWST. VI. Extreme Rest-optical Equivalent Widths Detected in NIRISS Wide Field Slitless Spectroscopy32
Statistical Properties of the Population of the Galactic Center Filaments: the Spectral Index and Equipartition Magnetic Field32
Morpheus Reveals Distant Disk Galaxy Morphologies with JWST: The First AI/ML Analysis of JWST Images32
Fallback Supernova Assembly of Heavy Binary Neutron Stars and Light Black Hole–Neutron Star Pairs and the Common Stellar Ancestry of GW190425 and GW20011532
Far-ultraviolet to Near-infrared Observations of SN 2023ixf: A High-energy Explosion Engulfed in Complex Circumstellar Material32
Probing the Milky Way Stellar and Brown Dwarf Initial Mass Function with Modern Microlensing Observations32
Impact of the SpaceX Starlink Satellites on the Zwicky Transient Facility Survey Observations31
CEERS MIRI Imaging: Data Reduction and Quality Assessment31
Extreme Mass Loss in Low-mass Type Ib/c Supernova Progenitors31
Spin Doctors: How to Diagnose a Hierarchical Merger Origin31
Detection of Dust in High-velocity Cloud Complex C–Enriched Gas Accreting onto the Milky Way *31
Detection of Carbon Monoxide in the Atmosphere of WASP-39b Applying Standard Cross-correlation Techniques to JWST NIRSpec G395H Data31
r-process Viable Outflows are Suppressed in Global Alpha-viscosity Models of Collapsar Disks31
CECILIA: The Faint Emission Line Spectrum of z ∼ 2–3 Star-forming Galaxies31
Red Spiral Galaxies at Cosmic Noon Unveiled in the First JWST Image31
RUBIES: Evolved Stellar Populations with Extended Formation Histories at z ∼ 7–8 in Candidate Massive Galaxies Identified with JWST/NIRSpec30
General Circulation Model Constraints on the Detectability of the CO2-CH4 Biosignature Pair on TRAPPIST-1e with JWST30
PHANGS–JWST First Results: Stellar-feedback-driven Excitation and Dissociation of Molecular Gas in the Starburst Ring of NGC 1365?30
Reionization and the ISM/Stellar Origins with JWST and ALMA (RIOJA): The Core of the Highest-redshift Galaxy Overdensity at z = 7.88 Confirmed by NIRSpec/JWST30
Directly Tracing Cool Filamentary Accretion over >100 kpc into the Interstellar Medium of a Quasar Host at z = 130
Schwarzschild and Ledoux are Equivalent on Evolutionary Timescales30
When the Stars Align: A 5σ Concordance of Planetary Nebulae Major Axes in the Center of Our Galaxy30
SDSS J134441.83+204408.3: A Highly Asynchronous Short-period Magnetic Cataclysmic Variable with a 56 MG Field Strength30