Modernist Cultures

(The TQCC of Modernist Cultures is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
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Reading Ray: Avant-Garde and Transnationalism in Interwar Britain1
Before a New Architecture: Frederick Etchells and the Emergence of Architectural Modernity in Britain, from W.R. Lethaby to Le Corbusier1
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Farming and Agriculture in Literary Modernism1
A ‘world of method and intrigue’: Muriel Spark's Literary Intelligence1
The Philological Experience in Finnegans Wake1
Rose Macaulay and Propaganda0
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‘The dawn, the dawn, it comes too soon!’: The Medieval Alba in Ford Madox Ford's Parade's End0
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‘Strange Growths’?: Jean Rhys’s Second World War Material0
Bombast and Sesquipedalian Words: Translation, Mistranslation, and the Epigraph to The Waste Land0
‘Earmarks of Design’: Finnegans Wake, Aurality, and Joyce's Common Reader0
Notes on Contributors0
Samuel Beckett's Radio Geographies0
Beckett's Molloy, the Promise of Youth, and the Postwar0
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Helen Sutherland in Interwar Northumberland: Patronage and Place0
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A Tale of Two Coasts: H.D.’s ‘Mira-Mare’ and Robert Herring’s Cactus Coast0
Rebecca West's ‘Seamed Red Hand’0
‘Fact’ and ‘Truth’: Empire and Culture in David Jones’ The Grail Mass0
Displacements: Current Work on Japanese Modernism0
Notes on Contributors0
Notes on Contributors0
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Anglo-French Poetic Exchanges in the Little Magazines, 1908–19140
Review of What Was Literary Impressionism? by Michael Fried0
B.S. Johnson's Scaffolding: Form, the City, Cancer, Weeds0
‘Patti Smith, Bloomsbury, and the Afterlives of Modernist Objects’0
Muriel Rukeyser's Idea of Poetry: A History of Abstraction0
Alexandra Ksenofontova, The Modernist Screenplay: Experimental Writing for Silent Film0
Sylvia Townsend Warner and the Revolutionary Garden Georgic0
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‘Count Me Out’: Ulysses and/as the Great Refusal0
Notes on Contributors0
Notes on Contributors0
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Review of Modernism at the Beach: Queer Ecologies & the Coastal Commons by Hannah Freed-Thall0
Dumb and Forked: The Street Tree Poetics of Millay and Williams0
Guest Editor's Introduction0
Notes on Contributors0
Obituary: Professor Lawrence S. Rainey0
Notes on Contributors0
Retreating to the Country: R.C. Sherriff's Rural Interwar Novels & Environmental Politics0
Rebecca West and the Double Agent0
Concrete Poetics and Non-Art in John Cage and Dom Sylvester Houédard0
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Bureaucracy across Borders: Administering Cosmopolitan Hospitality at the English P.E.N., 1930–19450
‘savage warnings and notations’: The Women Charting New Sensory Terrains in the Wake of Intelligence Work0
‘Who in This World Knows Anything of Any Other Heart?’: Ford Madox Ford and the New Cardiology0
‘Cheerful AND Profound!’: Elizabeth Bishop’s Buster Keaton0
Heard But Not Seen: Gardens and Their Child Ghosts in Rudyard Kipling, T. S. Eliot and Lucy M. Boston0
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A Peculiar Kind of Particularity: Plants and Animals in Marianne Moore’s Early Poetry0
Black lives and peripatetic practice in Sylvia Townsend Warner’s Summer Will Show and David Garnett’s The Sailor’s Return0
Narratives of Resistance and Remembering in Marcel Proust's Railway Station0
Outside Joke: Virginia Woolf’s Freshwater and Coterie Insularity0
‘Only he remains’: René Char, Botteghe Oscure, and Postwar Poetic Translation0
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Are Puns Mere? Christine Brooke-Rose's Amalgamemnon0
Under Suspicion: Christine Brooke-Rose, Intelligence Work, and the Theory Wars0
Introduction: Modernism and the Environment0
Modernism, Inflation and the Gold Standard in T.S. Eliot and Ezra Pound0
Plays and Fragments: Antigone, Film, Modernity0
Review of Andrew Thacker, Modernism, Space and the City: Outsiders and Affect in Paris, Vienna, Berlin and London0
Notes on Contributors0
In Memoriam: Professor Laura Marcus0
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Anna Snaith, ed., Sound and Literature0
‘I am short of puff’: Katherine Mansfield's Poetics of Breathing0
The Nuclear Family from Wellington to Hiroshima: Eithne Wilkins's ‘Oranges and Lemons’0
‘A draughtsman of words’: The Modernist Crafting of Prosodic Intermediality in E. E. Cummings’ Fauvist and Cubist Palettes0
More Swallows to Follow: Sweeping, Swirling, Wheeling Turns in H.D.’s Asphodel0
‘Choreopiscopally’: James Joyce's ‘Nausicaa’ and Vaslav Nijinsky's The Afternoon of a Faun0
Review of The Edinburgh Companion to D.H. Lawrence and the Arts, edited by Catherine Brown and Susan Reid and The Many Drafts of D.H. Lawrence: Creative Flux, Genetic Dialogism, and the Dile0
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Notes on Contributors0
Spades and Gravers: Clare Leighton, Victor Gollancz and the Radical Countryside0
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Global South Modernism: Tagore, Victoria Ocampo, and the Geopolitics of Horizontal Relations0
‘restore to us the necessary BLIZZARDS’: Early Twentieth-Century Visions of Climatic Change0
‘Puppet of skeletal escapade’: Dance Dialogues in Mina Loy and Carl Van Vechten0
Permission to Wonder: The Palimpsestic Interplay of H.D. & Freud0
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Notes on Contributors0
‘On the Perimeter and Fringe of War’: Norman Nicholson, Rural Modernity and Wartime0
Review of Russomania: Russian Culture and the Creation of British Modernism, 1881–1992 by Rebecca Beasley0
Re-gendering Smart Classicism: Franklin P. Adams, Dorothy Parker, and the Middlebrow Classical Verse Revival0
Notes on Contributors0
‘Sick Hands, Thin and White, Were Always Slipping Offerings across My Windowsill, Offerings for the Little Birdlings’: Multispecies Encounters within and around Modern Rural British Sanatoria0
Review of Modernism and Theology: Rainer Maria Rilke, T. S. Eliot, Czesław Miłosz by Joanna Rzepa0
Notes on Contributors0
Beardsley Men in Early Twentieth-Century Russia: Modernising Decadent Masculinity0
‘The novel is going to rediscover itself’: Dorothy Richardson, The Freewoman, and Individual Expression0
Introduction: Women, Modernism, and Intelligence Work0
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Review of Katherine Ebury, Modern Literature and the Death Penalty, 1890–19500
‘Unreal enchantment’: poetic vocatio(n) and the spoken word in Marcel Proust's À la recherche du temps perdu0
Traces of War in Virginia Woolf's Night and Day0
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Hugh Sykes Davies's Petron: Surrealism, Politics, and Hiking0
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Thinking Backwards/Looking Forwards: Ali Smith’s Virginia Woolf, Metamodernism’s Paranoia0
Bombing Cultural Heritage: Nancy Cunard, Art Humanitarianism, and Primitivist Wars in Morocco, Ethiopia, and Spain0
Yeats's Birds: Recognising the Animal0
Shangri-La on the Popular Front: ‘China’, the Global Left, and Auden and Isherwood’s Journey to a War0
The Armoured Self, Un-becoming the Subject: Reading Julia Ducournau’s Titane (2021) Via Wyndham Lewis and Vorticism0
Surveillance, Security, and Wartime Propaganda: John Lehmann at the BBC0
Rural Ritual, Gardened Faith: Ford Madox Ford's Memorial Plots0