Journal of Optics

(The TQCC of Journal of Optics is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Interaction between sources and the superposition principle in interference phenomena65
Beam displacement tolerances on a segmented mirror for higher-order Hermite–Gauss modes52
Multi-wavelength off-axis digital holographic microscopy with broadly tunable low-coherent sources: theory, performance and limitations50
A novel spatial phase-unwrapping method based on single-pixel binarized line pattern for real-time 3D measurement50
Effect of light ellipticity and polarization angle on the transient dynamics of the ground-state Hanle effect46
Purely transverse spin angular momentum modulated by the singularity phase44
Slab cholesteric waveguide with randomly fluctuating propagation constant39
Control of frustrated double ionization channels with the carrier-envelope phase of few-cycle linearly polarized laser pulses39
Distinguishing bacteria from minerals in a layered sample using time-resolved Raman spectroscopy and global analysis38
An all-digital approach for versatile hybrid entanglement generation36
Nesting and degeneracy of Mie resonances of dielectric cavities within zero-index materials34
Folding-assisted plasmonically induced transparency in coupled graphene nanodisks34
A full-field optical crazimeter34
Symmetry-protected bound states in the continuum in graphene nanoribbons31
Computer generated color rainbow holographic stereogram31
Giant longitudinal spin Hall effect for elliptically polarized light under surface plasmon resonance30
Rytov variance of plane and spherical waves, and scintillation index in weak to strong underwater turbulence29
High-efficiency broadband blazed metagrating working in visible light29
Properties of electron lenses produced by ponderomotive potential with Bessel and Laguerre–Gaussian beams27
Detuning regulation of temporal solitons in a CaF2 microcavity25
Optical solitons generated by a symbiotic organism search algorithm23
Controlled light-induced longitudinal magnetization spots with opposite directions23
Spatially divided two-step phase-shifting method for computational optical scanning holography22
Plasmonic response of a nanorod in the vicinity of a metallic surface: local approach with analytical solution22
Plasmonic excitations in two-dimensional materials: effects of structural symmetry and material anisotropy22
Coexisting and cooperating light–matter interaction regimes in a polaritonic photovoltaic system21
Ultratransparent photonic crystals realize positive and negative refractions20
Generation of various vortex beams based on transformation materials19
Polarization conversion and lateral shifts in multilayered structure with finitely-gapped topological surface states19
Coupling to multi-mode waveguides with space-time shaped free-space pulses19
Integral order photonic RF signal processors based on a soliton crystal micro-comb source18
Multi-resonant forward optical parametric oscillations without external mirrors based on nonlinear photonic crystals of LiTaO318
Characterization of spatiotemporal couplings with far-field beamlet cross-correlation18
Design of pure silica-based photonic crystal fiber for supporting 114 OAM modes transmission18
Light switching between localized and delocalized states in chiral moiré-like photonic lattice18
Extraction of the characteristics of vortex beams with a partial receiving aperture at arbitrary locations18
Switching dynamics in -symmetric structures with saturable cubic nonlinear response17
Effect of electron–phonon interactions on a three-level QD-based spaser: linear and quadratic potentials17
A theoretical study on deep ultraviolet supercontinuum generation in subwavelength optical fiber16
The phase uncertainty from the fringe contrast of interferogram in Doppler asymmetric spatial heterodyne spectroscopy16
Edge-mode polariton chains in the dielectric whispering gallery modes and two-dimensional material’s topological system16
Enhanced fluorescence signal using stray light shutter in a quantitative PCR chip16
A simple pulse shape for an EM pulse propagating through dispersive strong turbulence16
Polarization-independent dislocation modes in photonic crystals15
A new criterion for self-healing quantification of structured light beams15
Extracting phonon coupling parameters from multi color center photoluminescence15
High-speed physical layer secure communication scheme based on synchronous chaotic and electro-optic self-feedback dual-phase encryption14
Bi-directional high-order orbital angular momentum mode generation using gratings in high numerical aperture fiber14
High transmission of circularly polarized light and circular dichroism with all-dielectric metamaterial14
Pump-induced thermo-optic manifestation lead adiabatic ultrashort-pulse optical parametric generation in long LiNbO3 crystals13
Goos–Hänchen shift of a light beam tunable by graphene in the resonant optical tunneling structure13
Scalings for diffraction-decorated caustics in gravitational lensing13
Diffraction grating parameter retrieval using non-paraxial structured beams in coherent Fourier scatterometry13
Advancing 3D shaping of vectorial light by counter-propagation of self-healing scalar and vector Bessel–Gaussian beams13
Imaging through a multimode optical fiber with principal component analysis and a variational autoencoder12
Continuous rotational motion in birefringent particles using two near-orthogonally polarized optical tweezers beams at different wavelengths with low ellipticity12
Generation and evolution of vortex array with variable-ratio lateral-shearing interferometry12
Arbitrary spatially variant polarization by unitary transformations in a common path interferometer12
In-plane radiation pattern generated by large particles in dielectric substrates12
Machine learning assisted GaAsN circular polarimeter12
Systematic investigation of spectral characteristics and sensing characteristics of microfiber knot resonator12
Generating asymmetric aberration laser beams with controlled intensity distribution12
Wavefront detection method for orbital angular momentum modes based on conformal mapping–spatial phase-shifting interferometry12
Measurement of irregular particle size from the reconstructed shape images12
Broadband absorption of monolayer MoS2 in visible region using a tetramerized nanorod metasurface12
Ultrafast bipolar conductivity driven by intense single-cycle terahertz pulses in a topological insulator Bi2Se312
Wavefronts, light rays and caustic associated with the refraction of a plane wavefront by a conospherical lens12
Single-molecule and -particle spectroscopy in Leiden: absorption, scattering and fluorescence11
Modeling of a dual-wavelength fiber amplification system for further mid-infrared generation11
Broadband optical transmission through two-dimensional hole arrays11
Ultra-thin water-based metasurface with dual-broadband perfect absorption11
Vortex surface plasmon polaritons on a cylindrical waveguide: generation, propagation, and diffraction11
A five-band terahertz metamaterial absorber with properties of polarization-insensitive and wide-angle tolerance based on bulk Dirac semimetal11
Continuous variable multipartite entanglement in cascaded nonlinearities11
Resolved terahertz spectroscopy of tiny molecules employing tunable spoof plasmons in an otto prism configuration10
Recent major advancements in perovskite solar cells10
High-efficiency and high-precision identification of transmitting orbital angular momentum modes in atmospheric turbulence based on an improved convolutional neural network10
Design of a broadband reflection mirror for the water window region using a stacked multilayer with optimized structure10
Asymmetric multi-image encoding and hiding scheme with structured fingerprint phase masks using gyrator transform and phase-shifting digital holography10
Highly confined low-loss light transmission in linear array-enabled hybrid plasmonic waveguides10
Enhanced cross-Kerr nonlinearity induced PT -symmetry in optical lattices10
High Q chiroptical responses with maximum chirality in all-dielectric metasurfaces driven by quasi-bound states in the continuum10
Optical encryption using phase modulation generated by thermal lens effect10
From Imbert–Fedorov shift to topologically spin-dependent walking off for highly confining fiber-guided twisted light10
Study on mode properties of GaAs-based hybrid plasmonic terahertz waveguides9
Miniature snapshot mid-infrared spectrometer based on metal-insulator-metal metasurface9
Comparative analysis of off-axis digital hologram binarization by error diffusion9
Multi-dimensionally modulated optical vortex array9
A multiband and multifunctional metasurface polarization converter using split-ring resonators9
Enhanced circular dichroism of an X-shaped nanostructure by asymmetric surface plasmon interference9
Bandgap engineering and amplification in photonic time crystals9
Integrated silicon photonics chip fabricated by CMOS compatible technology for low-bit-error-rate quantum key distribution9
Multi-foci metalens based on all-dielectric metasurface with simultaneous amplitude and phase modulation9
Complex far fields and optical singularities due to propagation beyond tight focusing: combined effects of wavefront curvature and aperture diffraction9
Investigation of the effects of polarisation and alignment method of retarders in isoSTED microscopy9
Aliphatic and aromatic amine based nitrogen-doped carbon dots: a comparative photophysical study9
Tunable anisotropic plasmon-induced transparency in black phosphorus-based metamaterials9
Comparison of photon-pair generation rate between the sideband and fundamental modes of spontaneous four-wave mixing9
Quantum metasurfaces of arrays of Λ-emitters for photonic nano-devices9
Numerical investigations on a photonic nanojet coupled plasmonic system for photonic applications9
Dynamics of femtosecond synthesized coronary profile laser beam filamentation in air9
Channel multiplexing of FSO systems based on singular optics approaches9
Online nonlinearity elimination for fringe projection profilometry using slope intensity coding9
Photoinduced dynamic tailoring of near-field coupled terahertz metasurfaces and its effect on Coulomb parameters9
Optical waveguide power splitter with adjustable splitting ratio using non-Hermitian shortcuts to adiabaticity9
Generation of megawatt soliton at 1680 nm in very large mode area antiresonant fiber and application to three-photon microscopy8
Spatial phase retrieval of vortex beam using convolutional neural network8
Enhancing secrecy rates in visible-light communications with signal-dependent noise: exploring optical jamming technique8
Design of ultra-compact thin-film lithium niobate edge coupler based on micro–nano structure8
Plasmonic vortices: a review8
Image reconstruction from speckle patterns on double diffusers condition by deep learning8
Performance evaluation of aeronautical uplink/downlink free-space optical communication system with adaptive optics over gamma–gamma turbulence channel8
Tunable Fano resonance in a novel compact metal–insulator–metal structure8
Compact passive system for speckle-free uniform illumination in RGB laser projectors based on incoherent focusing8
Generation of pulse trains with nonconventional temporal correlation properties8
18.4 GHz evenly spaced flat multi-wavelength Brillouin–Raman comb fiber laser in the U-band region8
Single-Fourier transform based full-bandwidth Fresnel diffraction8
Utilizing phase-modulated Lissajous to enhance spatial and temporal resolution of laser scanning microscopy8
Relevance of longitudinal fields of paraxial optical vortices8
The rise of intelligent adaptive metasurfaces8
Real-time full Stokes quantitative imaging with a pixelated polarization camera8
Light localization in a linearly graded-index substrate covered by intensity dependent nonlinear self-focusing cladding8
New customizable digital data container for optical cryptosystems8
Design and fabrication of polarization independent LCoS phase modulators with polymer waveplate and analog driving8
Orbital angular momentum sidebands in second harmonic generation of a vortex beam by a nonlinear crystal with inhomogeneous refractive index7
Investigation of metal-insulator-metal waveguides with elliptical-nanodisk resonator for high contrast ratio all-optical logic gates7
Design of a calibratable optical antenna system based on ring array light source7
Optimal trap velocity in a dynamic holographic optical trap using a nematic liquid crystal spatial light modulator7
Enhancement of wavefront measurement sensitivity in a zonal wavefront sensor without curtailing the sensing speed7
Terahertz bi-functional polarization converter based on interference mechanism supported by diatomic metasurfaces7
The modified Gerchberg–Saxton algorithm for subwavelength resolution holographic image with speckle suppression7
Spatial differentiation of optical beams using a resonant metal-dielectric-metal structure7
Infrared plasmonic refractive index sensor utilizing 2D grating of nano-bowtie particles for both gas and liquid7
Quantification of the effects of grid angulation on image quality in single-grid-based phase-contrast x-ray imaging7
Chiral perovskite based metasurface for linear and circular dichroism7
Enhancing UV photodetection sensitivity via pulsed laser optimization in SnO2:WO3/Si nanostructures7
Tailoring surface plasmon-exciton polariton for high-performance refractive index monitoring7
A multi-dimensional modulation format for spectral efficiency improvement of PPM system and its BER performance analysis in free-space optical communication7
Configurable lateral optical forces from twisted mixed-dimensional MoO3 homostructures7
Measures of helicity and chirality of optical vortex beams7
Roadmap on optical sensors7
Realization of spinful metaphotonic stokes skyrmions7
Emitter design for efficient waveguide spectral lens7
Robustly packaged lithium niobate resonator-based temperature sensor7
A numerical study of a multifunctional metamaterial with efficient terahertz absorption and low infrared emission7
Plasmon gain in HgTe/CdHgTe multi-quantum-well heterostructures7
Speckle autocorrelation separation method based on frequency intensity for tracking moving object beyond optical memory effect7
Propagation characteristics of twisted cosine-Gaussian Schell-model beams7
Quantum-enhanced rubidium atomic magnetometer based on Faraday rotation via 795 nm stokes operator squeezed light6
Dihedral beams6
Berry phase with tunable topological charge in Sagnac interferometer6
Propagation property of the abruptly auto-focusing multi-focus beam6
Imaging evaluation of computer-generated hologram by using three-dimensional modified structural similarity index6
Multifunctional optical logic device based on nanoscale rectangular ring resonator6
Nonlocal cubic and quintic nonlinear wave patterns in pure-quartic media6
Spiral phase plasma mirror6
Calculating the area of a particular deformation region of an optical surface based on the finite element method6
Optical delay lines in topological microring resonator array6
Synthesis of multi-functional substrate integrated tensor metasurfaces6
Performance analysis of angular diversity receiver based MIMO–VLC system for imperfect CSI6
Fabry–Perot interference enhanced transverse magneto-optical Kerr effect in Ce:YIG nanopore array on an anodic aluminum oxide template6
Differential sensing approaches for scattering-based holographic encryption6
Enhanced confinement of infrared surface plasmon polaritons in borophene waveguides6
3D mapping in optical trapping of polystyrene particles applying the Gerchberg–Saxton modified with 2D Legendre polynomials6
Broadband reflectors with a disordered layered structure: statistical properties of high performing configurations selected via genetic algorithm6
Roadmap on optical communications6
Narrowband-to-broadband switchable and polarization-insensitive terahertz metasurface absorber enabled by phase-change material6
Multiple mode-locked regimes of an Er/Yb double-clad fiber laser based on NPR6
Optical response properties and bipartite entanglement in a hybrid optomechanical system assisted by Kerr-nonlinearity and amplitude modulated drive field6
Creation and manipulation of optical Meron topologies in tightly focused electromagnetic field6
Free-space propagation of double-ring perfect optical vortex beams6
Linear polarization splitting and circular polarization accumulation in a weakly focused linear polarized Gaussian light beam6
Performance optimization of solid state dye sensitised solar cells (ssDSSCs) using two different electron transport layers (ETLs), using SCAPS-1D simulation software6
Enhancement of image quality in planar Airy light-sheet microscopy via subtraction method6
Optical Archimedes screw with acceleration of both trajectories and orbital angular momentum6
The generating and modulating characteristics of bound states in the continuum for both TE and TM polarizations by one-dimensional photonic crystal slabs6
Difference-frequency generation in an AlGaAs Bragg-reflection waveguide using an on-chip electrically-pumped quantum dot laser6
Magnetic field-engineered optical nonlinearity in germanene nanotubes6
Reduced interfacial recombination in perovskite solar cells by structural engineering simulation6
Explosive gas sensor based on photonic crystal fiber6
Line-encoded structured light measurement method in measuring shiny and transparent objects6
Three tailorable optical vortices generated by a modified fractal spiral forked plate6
Long period fibre gratings inscribed by sinusoidal intensity modulated femtosecond laser5
Facile fabrication of superhydrophobic gold loaded nanoporous anodic alumina as surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy substrates5
A polarization-insensitive triple-band perfect metamaterial absorber incorporating ZnSe for terahertz sensing5
Golay coded thermal wave imaging for inclusions inspection in titanium alloy (Ti-6Al-4V): an analytical study5
Evaluation of nonlinear behavior of Airy, cos-Airy, and cosh-Airy beams with and without optical vortex5
Spin–orbit interaction in non-paraxial Gaussian beams and the spin-only measurement of optical torque5
The channel capacity of the free space communication link based on Bessel-like beams5
Multilayer thin-film based nanophotonic windows: static versus electrotunable design5
Dual-band circular dichroism in chiral metamaterial absorber based on vanadium dioxide5
Numerical study of polarization evolution governed by linear birefringence, twist-induced circular birefringence and nonlinear birefringence in a single-mode optical fiber5
Extending the degree of polarization concept to higher-order and orbital angular momentum Poincaré spheres5
Theoretical study on fabrication of sub-wavelength structures via combining low-order guided mode interference lithography with sample rotation5
Numerical investigation of metasurface narrowband perfect absorber and a plasmonic sensor for a near-infrared wavelength range5
Enhancing spontaneous emission using structural resonances of self-assembled monolayers5
Dispersive mirror characterization and application for mid-infrared post-compression5
A wide-angle and ultra-wideband metamaterial absorber based on a cascaded graphite involute windmill blade structure5
Theoretical proposal for the experimental realisation of a monochromatic electromagnetic knot5
Geometry and topological photonics5
Generation of a super-oscillation magnetization hotspot by reversing the electric dipole array radiation5
Polarization detection employing the spectra of composite vortex beams with multi-mode: associating the polarization handedness and topological charge sign5
Broadband absorption of infrared dielectric resonators for passive radiative cooling5
Probing solvent dependent femtosecond transient coherent oscillations to reveal interfacial dynamics5
Improving orbital angular momentum mode transmission with imperfect ring–core fiber5
Germanene: demonstration of the conversion from mode-locked to Q-switched mode-locked in Er-doped fiber laser5
Synthesis of partially coherent Bessel-mode vortex-beams with radial coherence5
Effect of multi-beam propagation on free-space coherent optical communications in a slant atmospheric turbulence5
Integrating angled multimode interferometer with Bragg grating filters for coarse wavelength division (de)multiplexing with optimized shape factor5
Enhancing the directivity of a radiating array element for an optical true-time-delay network5
Nonlinear optical properties of methyl green investigated by the femtosecond Z-scan technique5
Rotating of metallic microparticles with an optimal radially polarized perfect optical vortex5
Time division interferometer setups5
Gain-assisted optical tweezing of plasmonic and large refractive index microspheres5
Improving physical parameters estimation in the single-beam multiple-intensity reconstruction5
Efficient particle collection using concentric optical ring array5
Reflective Fourier ptychography-based depth-recovery & resolution-enhanced real scene hologram acquisition method5
Modulations in Stokes parameters due to electromagnetic longitudinal spatio-temporal coherence5
Scattering of aggregated multi-layered biological cells by Bessel beams5
Imaging lidar prototype with homography and deep learning ranging methods5
Power output optimization in complex laser systems by means of polarization control5
Generation controllable orbital angular momentum beams in fiber laser system5
Photoexcited carrier and phonon morphology of InSb observed with an ultrafast pump-probe microscope5
Simple interferometric setup enabling sub-Fourier-scale ultra-short laser pulses5
Far field ring beam generation based on 3-bit encoded metasurface5
Creation of optical chains with prescribed characteristics5
Method of optimizing deterministic small free-form surfaces for off-axis optical systems with extremely low aberration5
Nanoscale acoustic waves detection enhanced by edge plasmon mode resonance in nanoapertures5
Generation, dynamics and bifurcation of high power soliton beams in cubic-quintic nonlocal nonlinear media4
Surface waves propagating along the interface between a parabolic graded-index medium and a self-focusing nonlinear medium: exact analytical solution4
High-NA optical edge detection via optimized multilayer films4
Continuously spacing-tunable multi-wavelength single-frequency fiber laser based on cascaded four-wave mixing at 1.06 μm4
Research on secure communication technology based on phase conjugate feedback chaotic injection system4
Pressure-dependent bandgap characteristics in photonic crystals with sensing applications4
Novel optical XOR/OR logic gates based on topologically protected valley photonic crystals edges4
Design of a high-resolution magneto-plasmonic biosensor for analyte detection4
Partial nonseparability of spin-orbit modes4
Wide-angle and Fano-shape contrast between emission and absorption in hybrid polariton-involved planar structure4
Design and performance analysis of eight channel demultiplexer using 2D photonic crystal with trapezium cavity4
Optical image encryption scheme with extended visual cryptography and non-mechanical ptychographic encoding4
All-dielectric hybrid VIS-NIR dual-function metaoptic4
Strong spinning thermal radiation enabled by germanium-based chiral dielectric metasurface4
Enhanced Q-factor and effective length silicon photonics filter utilizing nested ring resonators4
Adjustable accuracy of phase steps in a double-aperture common-path interferometer by rotating and displacing grating at Fourier plane4
Adaptive multi-spectral mimicking with 2D-material nanoresonator networks4
Near-infrared doublet zoom lens based on Ge2Sb2Te5 metasurface4
Various resonance lineshapes available in a single microring resonator4
Diffraction of an off-axis vector-beam by a tilted aperture4
Double Hanle resonance dependence on light polarization angle and transverse magnetic field direction4
Bessel–Bessel–Gaussian vortex laser beams4