Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing

(The median citation count of Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing is 7. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
New frontiers and future directions in interactive marketing: Inaugural Editorial315
How chatbots' social presence communication enhances consumer engagement: the mediating role of parasocial interaction and dialogue121
Enhancing the value co-creation process: artificial intelligence and mobile banking service platforms114
Perceived authenticity of social media influencers: scale development and validation108
Digital servitization value co-creation framework for AI services: a research agenda for digital transformation in financial service ecosystems89
Behavioral consequences of customer inspiration: the role of social media inspirational content and cultural orientation86
How interactivity and vividness influence consumer virtual reality shopping experience: the mediating role of telepresence71
Should I suggest this YouTube clip? The impact of UGC source credibility on eWOM and purchase intention67
From direct marketing to interactive marketing: a retrospective review of the Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing65
“I want to be as trendy as influencers” – how “fear of missing out” leads to buying intention for products endorsed by social media influencers65
The impact of Internet celebrity characteristics on followers' impulse purchase behavior: the mediation of attachment and parasocial interaction64
Hey Alexa: examining the effect of perceived socialness in usage intentions of AI assistant-enabled smart speaker60
Creating immersive and parasocial live shopping experience for viewers: the role of streamers' interactional communication style57
Social media influencers as human brands: an interactive marketing perspective48
A persuasive eWOM model for increasing consumer engagement on social media: evidence from Irish fashion micro-influencers47
The role of brand interactivity and involvement in driving social media consumer brand engagement and brand loyalty: the mediating effect of brand trust45
Examining consumer participation on brand microblogs in China: perspectives from elaboration likelihood model, commitment–trust theory and social presence44
Artificial intelligence-enabled personalization in interactive marketing: a customer journey perspective44
The impact of storytelling in creating firm and customer connections in online environments41
Unveiling drivers and brand relationship implications of consumer engagement with social media brand posts37
Influencers' intimate self-disclosure and its impact on consumers' self-brand connections: scale development, validation, and application36
Exploring the optimized social advertising strategy that can generate consumer engagement with green messages on social media36
Enhancing brick-and-mortar store shopping experience with an augmented reality shopping assistant application using personalized recommendations and explainable artificial intelligence35
“I will buy what my ‘friend’ recommends”: the effects of parasocial relationships, influencer credibility and self-esteem on purchase intentions35
Augmenting brand community identification for inactive users: a uses and gratification perspective34
The impact of artificial intelligence stimuli on customer engagement and value co-creation: the moderating role of customer ability readiness33
Conversation, storytelling, or consumer interaction and participation? The impact of brand-owned social media content marketing on consumers’ brand perceptions and attitudes32
Brand avatars: impact of social interaction on consumer–brand relationships32
Customer engagement and value co-creation/destruction: the internal fostering and hindering factors and actors in the tourist/hotel experience31
From social capital to consumer engagement: the mediating role of consumer e-empowerment29
The role of perceived social media agility in customer engagement28
How to motivate opinion leaders to spread e-WoM on social media: monetary vs non-monetary incentives28
Enhancing resilience to negative information in consumer-brand interaction: the mediating role of brand knowledge and involvement28
How perceived interactivity affects consumers' shopping intentions in live stream commerce: roles of immersion, user gratification and product involvement26
A conceptual framework for understanding the antecedents and consequences of social selling: a theoretical perspective and research agenda25
Influence of self-disclosure of Internet celebrities on normative commitment: the mediating role of para-social interaction25
Let it flow: the role of seamlessness and the optimal experience on consumer word of mouth in omnichannel marketing25
How social media advertising features influence consumption and sharing intentions: the mediation of customer engagement24
It makes a difference! Impact of social and personal message appeals on engagement with sponsored posts24
Video storytelling ads vs argumentative ads: how hooking viewers enhances consumer engagement24
Flow matters: antecedents and outcomes of flow experience in social search on Instagram24
The impact of Covid-19 on customer journeys: implications for interactive marketing23
How can autonomy improve consumer experience when interacting with smart products?23
How interaction experience enhances customer engagement in smart speaker devices? The moderation of gendered voice and product smartness23
Reading between the lines: untwining online user-generated content using sentiment analysis22
You absolutely (don’t) need this!examining differences on customer engagement components for (anti)haul youtubers’ videos22
How social presence influences consumer purchase intention in live video commerce: the mediating role of immersive experience and the moderating role of positive emotions22
To buy or not to buy, that is the question: understanding the determinants of the urge to buy impulsively on Instagram Commerce21
Editorial – The misassumptions about contributions20
Augmented reality interactive technology and interfaces: a construal-level theory perspective20
AI-powered touch points in the customer journey: a systematic literature review and research agenda19
Contactless service encounters among Millennials and Generation Z: the effects of Millennials and Gen Z characteristics on technology self-efficacy and preference for contactless service19
The effect of image enhancement on influencer's product recommendation effectiveness: the roles of perceived influencer authenticity and post type18
Reactance and turbulence: examining the cognitive and affective antecedents of ad blocking18
Drivers of satisfaction and usage continuance in e-grocery retailing: a collaborative design supported perspective17
Consumer brand engagement on social media in the COVID-19 pandemic: the roles of country-of-origin and consumer animosity17
How social media's cause-related marketing activity enhances consumer citizenship behavior: the mediating role of community identification17
Luxury brands join hands: building interactive alliances on social media17
Does cluttered social media environment hurt advertising effectiveness? The moderation of ad types and personalization17
How a doer persuade a donor? Investigating the moderating effects of behavioral biases in donor acceptance of donation crowdfunding17
Let's play with emojis! How to make emojis more effective in social media advertising using promocodes and temporal orientation17
Do sensory reviews make more sense? The mediation of objective perception in online review helpfulness16
How playable ads influence consumer attitude: exploring the mediation effects of perceived control and freedom threat16
Value co-creation through branded apps: enhancing perceived quality and brand loyalty16
Does the length of a review matter in perceived helpfulness? The moderating role of product experience16
Celebrity selection in social media ecosystems: a flexible and interactive framework16
Corporate digital responsibility (CDR) in the age of AI: implications for interactive marketing15
Examining identity- and bond-based hashtag community identification: the moderating role of self-brand connections15
Sharing is entertaining: the impact of consumer values on video sharing and brand equity15
4W of user-generated content: why who we are and where we post influence what we post14
Webrooming or showrooming? The moderating effect of product attributes14
Editorial – What is an interactive marketing perspective and what are emerging research areas?14
Demystifying congruence effects in Instagram in-feed native ads: the role of media-based and self-based congruence13
Artificial intelligence in interactive marketing: a conceptual framework and research agenda13
The effect of novelty in in-game advertising: examining the moderating role of interactivity and congruency13
How consumers react to woke advertising: methodological triangulation based on social media data and self-report data13
Birds of a feather flock together: matched personality effects of product recommendation chatbots and users12
How social media self-efficacy and social anxiety affect customer purchasing from agile brands on social media12
Order matters: effect of use versus outreach order disclosure on persuasiveness of sponsored posts12
Predicting value cocreation behavior in social media via integrating uses and gratifications paradigm and theory of planned behavior12
What you see is what you get: assessing in-game advertising effectiveness12
Post-pandemic marketing: when the peripheral becomes the core12
Effects of personal innovativeness and perceived value of disclosure on privacy concerns in proximity marketing: self-control as a moderator11
Show products or show people: an eye-tracking study of visual branding strategy on Instagram11
I am feeling so good! Motivations for interacting in online brand communities11
Why should you respond to customer complaints on a personal level? The silent observer's perspective11
In-store interactive advertising screens: the effect of interactivity on impulse buying explained by self-agency11
Effects of content characteristics on stages of customer engagement in social media: investigating European wine brands11
Is my design better? A co-creation perspective for online fashion design11
Impact of brand community supportive climates on consumer-to-consumer helping behavior11
Are you engaged? The influence of brand schematicity on online brand engagement and brand purchase11
Boost your email marketing campaign! Emojis as visual stimuli to influence customer engagement11
Strengthening consumer–brand relationships through avatars10
The effect of E-commerce virtual live streamer socialness on consumers' experiential value: an empirical study based on Chinese E-commerce live streaming studios10
To pay or not to pay: understanding mobile game app users' unwillingness to pay for in-app purchases10
The effects of augmented reality shopping experiences: immersion, presence and satisfaction10
Promoting smart wearable devices in the health-AI market: the role of health consciousness and privacy protection10
How sharenting drives sherub marketing: insights from an interpretative phenomenological perspective9
How to overcome online banner blindness? A study on the effects of creativity9
The power of numbers: an examination of the relationship between numerical cues in online review comments and perceived review helpfulness9
Fans behave as buyers? Assimilate fan-based and team-based drivers of fan engagement8
Somewhat pushy but effective: the role of value-laden social media digital content marketing (VSM-DCM) for search and experience products8
Using personalization for cause-related marketing beyond compassion fade on social media8
Multirooming: generating e-satisfaction throughout omnichannel consumer journey design and online customer experience8
Beyond visual clutter: the interplay among products, advertisements, and the overall webpage8
Make the apps stand out: discoverability and perceived value are vital for adoption8
How consumer opinions are affected by marketers: an empirical examination by deep learning approach8
Consumer bias against evaluations received by artificial intelligence: the mediation effect of lack of transparency anxiety8
Effects of the anthropomorphic image of intelligent customer service avatars on consumers' willingness to interact after service failures7
Impact of delightful somatosensory augmented reality experience on online consumer stickiness intention7
Ride-sharing platforms: the effects of online social interactions on loyalty, mediated by perceived benefits7
How emotions impact the interactive value formation process during problematic social media interactions7
The virality of advertising content7
Impacts of brand digitalization on brand market performance: the mediating role of brand competence and brand warmth7
How the characteristics of social media influencers and live content influence consumers' impulsive buying in live streaming commerce? The role of congruence and attachment7
The impact of emerging technology influences product placement effectiveness: a scoping study from interactive marketing perspective7