Postmedieval-A Journal of Medieval Cultural Studies

(The median citation count of Postmedieval-A Journal of Medieval Cultural Studies is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
Medieval studies: the stakes of the field12
Becoming postmedieval: The stakes of the global middle ages12
Uneasy presences: Revulsion and the necropolitics of attachment3
Identitarian politics, precarious sovereignty3
Homeland insecurity: Biopolitics and sovereign violence in Beowulf3
Búi and the blámaðr: Comprehending racial others in Kjalnesinga Saga2
Judging sexy women in late medieval France2
Race, medievalism and the eighteenth-century Gothic turn2
Derek Jarman’s medieval blood: Queer devotion, affective medicine, and the AIDS Crisis2
What might a journal be?2
Transgender mutation and the canon: Christine de Pizan’s Livre de la Mutacion de Fortune2
Confronting whiteness: antiracism in medieval studies2
Whiteness, medievalism, immigration: rethinking Tolkien through Stuart Hall1
Narration as Raumschach: Kalila and Dimna in time, space and languages1
Chronologies of the animal turn1
In the Name of Shirāz: The stone mosques of the East African coast reconsidered1
Islamicate fictionalities and transcultural inter/connections1
Voice as talisman: Theorising sound in medieval Japanese treatises on the musical art of sutra chanting1
‘This world is like a water-wheel’: Alexander and Darius in the mirror1
‘Each way means loneliness—and communion’: reading anchoritic literature with T.S. Eliot1
Poems for the Women of Beowulf: A ‘Contemporary Medieval’ Project1
Ethnonationalism and medievalism: reading affective ‘Anglo-Saxonism’ today with the discovery of Sutton Hoo1
Revolting sites1
Retelling the Icelandic family sagas1
Mountains, meaning, mediation: Petrarch’s ‘Ascent to Mont Ventoux’ (1336) and the ecological imagination of classical Chinese poetry1
Editors’ introduction: Medieval Forgeries / Forging the Medieval0
This land is your land: Naturalization in England and Arabia, 500–10000
Ecology in seventeenth-century Japan: the ‘Great Way’ of Kumazawa Banzan0
Gardening time: Horticulture and meditations on time in Song (960–1279) China0
Introduction: Amputation and warfare in the eleventh century: absence, sensation, and embodiment0
About the Cover0
Fictitious waters: Ottoman marvels, fiction, and gender0
The voice astray: Caroline Bergvall’s Dante0
Dance, Institution, Abolition0
Medievalist forgery? Editions, adaptations, and translations of Kudrun in the nineteenth century0
Han Shan’s reclusion: From quasi-homelessness to ultra-homelessness0
Juridical dread and the self-disciplining subject0
Aljamiado retellings of the Hebrew Bible0
Correction to: Dancing the Kleptocene0
Medieval re-creation and translation in Edwin Morgan and Derek Jarman’s archives: A dialogue0
A monstrous king and a forged prophecy: Parody, invention, and social hierarchy in the Kushnāmeh0
Process Essay. ‘A Feather on the breath of God’: Medieval legacies in modern choreography0
Al-Tawḥīdī, Fictionality, and the Mediatedness of Narrative0
In the skin of a donkey: On the moral status of animals of burden in two medieval Spanish versions of ‘The Miller, his Son and the Donkey’0
How to make a book: Alfredian prefaces in theory and practice0
Spacetime, connectivity, multipolarity, juxtaposition0
Sacrilegious bodies: Gender, race, and medieval dance in nineteenth-century missions0
‘Whiteness seeps through’: Resisting colorblind racism in Mandeville’s Travels0
Migrants shaping Europe, past and present: A roundtable0
Praying by hand: meditations on reading with feeling in late medieval England0
Creative practice as research in Old Norse-Icelandic studies: Ancillary characters as storytellers0
The Gender of Magic: Constructions of nonbinary gender categories in Sīrat Sayf ibn Dhī Yazan0
Encountering the environmental uncanny in Su Shi’s Rhapsodies on the Red Cliff: An ecocritical parable in text and image0
Life in the mountains: The encyclopaedic perspective of Liu Xiaobiao’s ‘Treatise on Withdrawing to the Mountains of Jinhua’0
Correction to: Encountering the environmental uncanny in Su Shi’s Rhapsodies on the Red Cliff: An ecocritical parable in text and image0
Are there limits to globalising the medieval?0
Visionary apprehensions: rethinking “premedieval Japan” in terms of a postmedieval sinoscape0
Dream narratives and metafictionality in the Persian Jog Bāsisht0
Toying with dance: A medievalist interprets The Nutcracker ballet0
Dido and Laura in Carthage: White purity, epidermal race, and sexual violence in Petrarch’s Africa0
About the cover0
Forging the medieval on Wikipedia0
‘Velut in sentinam congessit’: Refugees and racism, modern and medieval0
Significant geographies of the Middle Ages: Cluster introduction0
Coda: Interview with Charlotte Ewart0
About the Cover0
Disappearing acts: What Buddhist tree-icons might tell us0
East Asian Palaeoanthropocenes: Responses0
The Ballet of the Bombs: Isherwood’s camp remake of Dante’s rota of the Sodomites0
Shards in hand: crystal dwelling as ecology0
From the Golden Age to the Kali Age: The evolution of the Qissa/Romance genre in South Asia0
Dancing the Kleptocene0
Dancing in silence in premodern Europe0
Ecologies of things and texts: Nature, matter, and material culture in the Middle Ages0
Tolkien, fandom, critique, and ‘critical joy’: A conversation0
About the Cover0
On stone, storms, and seismic tremors: ecologies of representation in medieval India0
Afterword: Motions of global periodization0
Antisemitism, dance, and the law in the late medieval Holy Roman Empire0
Tracing the legacies of medieval dance: Historical, critical, and artistic approaches0
Rewriting the wild: Fiction, adab, and the making of Majnun’s animal world0
Embodying the wind0
Hic sunt dracones: Eastern Europe in the study of the Middle Ages0
About the Cover0
Motivated fictionality: Worldbuilding and The Thousand and One Nights0
Hearkening to the 'voice' of Teika: Authors and readers of poetry treatise forgeries in medieval Japan0
About the cover0
Of glass, stone, shell, and metal: Ecologies of beads in medieval and post-medieval West Africa0
‘To se hem play, hyt was fayr game’: Playing & dancing in Thomas Chestre’s Sir Launfal0
Correction: The intersection of medieval studies and Indigenous studies: A Norse-Saami case study0
‘I’m on the dark side of the road’: Bob Dylan, William Langland, and being already gone0
An alchemy of medieval Honduras0
In search of lost elsewheres: Medievalism today0
Medieval sanctuary, gothic entrapment, and the fugitive self in Colson Whitehead’s The Underground Railroad0
The simorgh and the celestial conjunction0
Animal feelings: senses of the Carolingian hunt0
Watching the Well-Governed City: painting and surveillance in Trecento Siena0
Dance as a liberating practice into divine darkness?: A systematic theologian re-reads Philo of Alexandria’s descriptions of dance0
Medieval and modern race-thinking in Frank Yerby’s The Saracen Blade0
The intersection of medieval studies and Indigenous studies: A Norse-Saami case study0
Out of sight, but not out of mind: A Middle Dutch religious allegory as guide towards the absent Christ0
Response essay: A hypothesis of the Middle Ages0
Labor, time, and walking through mountains: A response essay0
“What might a journal be?” Reflections from the postmedieval editorial board0
Islamicate fictionalities and transmissions to theory0
Greening the global medieval: Exploring the cultural worlds of the Palaeoanthropocene in East Asia0
The transhistorical, transcultural life of sausages: From medieval morescas to New Mexican Matachines with Aby Warburg0
sinne and sêlen kraft: medieval models of sensory perception in a mural of the Constance Haus zur Kunkel0
About the Cover0
The Just Without Justification: On Meister Eckhart and Political Theology0
‘…The enemy is close and in this sad story, Ximena is the Cid’: Reading The Moor’s Last Sigh in light of Salman Rushdie’s sources0
The birds and the Bedes: Race, gender, and sexuality in Bede’s In Cantica Canticorum0
Publisher Correction: Hearkening to the ‘voice’ of Teika: Authors and readers of poetry treatise forgeries in medieval Japan0
Fictionalities in medieval Arabic texts: A roundtable0
Fictional(ised) beginnings of the Ottoman Dynasty: Notes on the Hikâyet-ı Zuhûr-ı Âl-i ‘Osmân0
Breath, bodies, and sacred text: Thinking about recitation with al-Ghazālī and Kūkai0
Chiasm in choros: The dance of inspirited bodies0
Pathei mathos and skandalon in Le Sacre du Printemps0
About the Cover0
‘Come on Tiger’: An exploration into the political and ecological challenges for tigers in premodern and modern-day Korea0
About the Cover0
‘Dead faces laugh’: Medievalist hungers and Irish republican time, 1917-19810
Gut feelings: On the chansons de geste's visceral aesthetic0
Teaching Chaucer in China in the Republican Period (1912-1949)0
Skulls, worms, and angels: Teaching ritual through the grave in an Aljamiado Ḥadīth0
Correction to: ‘I’m on the dark side of the road’: Bob Dylan, William Langland, and being already gone0
Mount Baoding: A planetary story0
‘A beginning for them all’: The medieval pluriverse of Gloria Naylor’s ‘Sapphira Wade’0
Anthologizing the medieval senses: a methodological overview0
Forging the medieval amidst loss: The Public Record Office of Ireland and Ireland’s medieval history0
Playing the Victim: Mockery, compassion, and racialization in premodern English Buffeting plays0
Osbert of Clare and the reforging of Westminster Abbey’s past0
Marco Polo in trans-regional perspective0
Judas hermeneutics: Literary character and reading in revolt0
Approaching Islamicate fictionalities0
Sensuous reading in the Legatus divinae pietatis0
Trans sanctity: Medievalism and the Vírgenes de la Puerta0
Singing of and with the Other: Flamenco and the politics of pastoralism in medieval Iberia0