Journal of Water and Climate Change

(The median citation count of Journal of Water and Climate Change is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Spatial variability of ENSO-based monsoon rainfall in the coastal region of southeastern India69
Streamflow projections under climate change framework for the Mahanadi River catchment, India55
Evaluating The hydrological response due to the changes in climate and land use on streamflow in the Karkheh basin, Iran53
An increase in temperature under the shared socioeconomic scenarios in the Volta River Basin, West Africa: implications for economic development46
The dynamics of Paiku Co lake area in response to climate change45
Research on the risk of drought disasters in the middle reaches of the Yellow River coupled with ecosystem entity44
Is the rate of extremely climate-intensifying rainfall for Bangkok severely propagating into flooding?43
Exploring climate-change impacts on streamflow and hydropower potential: insights from CMIP6 multi-GCM analysis42
Impact of meteorological drought on agriculture production at different scales in Punjab, Pakistan35
Daily streamflow prediction based on the long short-term memory algorithm: a case study in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta34
Effects of sea level rise on salinity and tidal flooding patterns in the Guadiana Estuary34
Trends and variability of water balance components over a tropical savanna and Eucalyptus forest in Australia31
Modernization of the left bank irrigation system of the Kaudulla reservoir of Sri Lanka31
Spatial varying and co-occurring future climate changes over a heterogeneous river basin: a multivariate approach30
Estimation of multivariate design quantiles for drought characteristics using joint return period analysis, Vine copulas, and the systematic sampling method30
Water table dynamics beneath onsite wastewater systems in eastern North Carolina in response to Hurricane Florence28
Quantifying the significance of basin parameters and hydro-climatic factors to water and sediment yields across spatio-temporal scales in mountainous river Basin, Sikkim26
Spreading of the semi-arid climate across South Africa25
Statistical analysis of climate change over Hanumangarh district25
Microclimate adaptability analysis of waterfront traditional villages: a case study of Mingyuewan Village in Suzhou25
Impact assessment of climate change on water resources of the Kokcha watershed: a sub-basin of the Amu Darya river basin in Afghanistan25
Combining agriculture, social and climate indicators to classify vulnerable regions in the Indian semi-arid region25
Understanding the impact of changes in land-use land-cover and rainfall patterns on soil erosion rates using the RUSLE model and GIS techniques: A study on the Nagavali River basin24
Evaluation and projection of the annual maximum streamflow in response to anthropogenic and climatic effects under nonstationary conditions in the Hanjiang River Basin, China23
Rainfall extremes under climate change in the Pasak River Basin, Thailand23
Interactive influence of climate variability and land-use change on blue and green water resources: a case study from the Ganjiang River Basin, China23
Assessment on the economic damage of trading households due to urban inundation23
Characterizing variability of spatial patterns of annual and seasonal precipitation of Turkey and identifying the probable driving factors including teleconnection patterns22
A novel approach to determine spatial prioritization of flooding mitigation practices based on coupled hydrodynamic and rainfall-tracking model21
Performance of CHIRPS for estimating precipitation extremes in the Wala Basin, Jordan21
Effect of climate change on soil erosion rate in a tropical Indian catchment20
Spatiotemporal analysis of precipitation variability based on entropy over Iran20
Impacts of climate change on streamflow of Qinglong River, China19
Evaluation and projection of a snow coverage rate over the Upper Yarkant River Basin, China19
Quantifying the effects of watershed subdivision scale and spatial density of weather inputs on hydrological simulations in a Norwegian Arctic watershed19
Accounting for climate change in water infrastructure design: evaluating approaches and recommending a hybrid framework19
Temporal and spatial variations of extreme precipitation in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay area from 1961 to 201818
Flood-susceptibility-based building risk under climate change, Hyderabad, India18
Beneficial effect of climate change on wheat yield and water footprints in the Middle-Manyame sub-catchment, Zimbabwe18
Investigating streamflow variability and hydroclimatic teleconnections: a comparison of regulated and unregulated streamflow stations18
Impact of climate-induced extreme events and demand–supply gap on water resources in Bangladesh18
Statistical downscaling of high-resolution precipitation in India using convolutional long short-term memory networks18
A systematic literature review on adoption and impact of micro-irrigation18
Optimal pipe-sizing design of water distribution networks using modified Rao-II algorithm17
Wavelet-based analysis of hydro-climatic and vegetation dynamics in heterogeneous agro-climatic zones of East Africa17
Spatiotemporal variation characteristics of precipitation and urbanization effects in Shenzhen from 1960 to 201917
Morpho-hydrodynamic processes impacted by the 2022-extreme La Niña event and high river discharge conditions in the southern coastal area of West Java, Indonesia17
Flood assessment using machine learning and its implications for coastal spatial planning in Phu Yen Province, Vietnam16
Enhancing climate-resilient urban river restoration: predictive modeling of geomorphic changes15
Nitrous oxide emission from a flooded tropical wetland across a vegetation and land use gradient15
Role of water users in the conservation of forests on the southern slopes of Mount Kilimanjaro15
Holocene environmental evolution history based on sporopollenin and micropaleontological reconstruction of KY-01 in the Yellow River Delta15
Effect of Metro rail extension on flood risks of Bangkok Metropolitan Authority outskirt due to climate and land use land cover changes15
Application of the HBV model for the future projections of water levels using dynamically downscaled global climate model data15
Identification of the most appropriate adaptation for rice and wheat in the face of climate change in eastern India15
Characteristics and attribution analysis of runoff and sediment evolution in the Wei River mainstream, China15
Assessment of microbial water treatment by direct solar radiation disinfection approach15
Response of carbon budget to climate change of the alpine meadow in Gannan using the CENTURY model15
Climate change intensifies the drought vulnerability of river basins: a case of the Magat River Basin15
Trend and change-point analyses of meteorological variables using Mann–Kendall family tests and innovative trend assessment techniques in New Bhupania command (India)15
Biochar and mycorrhiza enhance soil carbon storage and reduce CO2 emissions in wastewater-irrigated turf14
Ecosystem service change from lost surface water for farming in the Middle Drâa Valley, southern Morocco: an economic valuation through a replacement cost approach14
Comparative study of reservoir operations using TLBO, PSO and DE optimization techniques: an experiment on the Hirakud reservoir, Odisha, India14
Spatiotemporal variation and teleconnections of extreme precipitation in the Upper Indus Basin: insights for natural hazard assessment14
Hydrological response in a highly urbanized watershed in China14
Model-based analysis of the impact of climate change on hydrology in the Guayas River basin (Ecuador)14
Framing a social network analysis approach to understanding reputational power in the water governance of Johor, Malaysia14
Effect of different timescales of drought on water productivity of rain-fed winter wheat in arid and semi-arid regions13
Comparison of flow simulations with sub-daily and daily GPM IMERG products over a transboundary Chenab River catchment13
Future trends in atmospheric circulation patterns over Africa south of the equator13
Prediction of S12-MKII rainfall simulator experimental runoff data sets using hybrid PSR-SVM-FFA approaches13
Hydrologic modeling by means of a hybrid downscaling approach: an application to the Sai Gon–Dong Nai Rivers Basin13
Water resources availability under different climate change scenarios in South East Iran13
Impact of climate change on water scarcity in Pakistan. Implications for water management and policy13
Drought forecasting using W-ARIMA model with standardized precipitation index13
Projected changes in extreme precipitation indices over the Lake Urmia basin in Iran13
Assessing climate change impacts on hydrology: application to Zacapu and Pastor Ortiz aquifers (Mexico)13
Spatio-temporal change in rainfall over five different climatic regions of India13
Precipitation trend identification with a modified innovative trend analysis technique over Lake Issyk-Kul, Kyrgyzstan13
Assessment of flood susceptibility prediction based on optimized tree-based machine learning models13
Editorial: Water management addressing societal and climate change challenges13
Implementing IWRM approaches with climate-change adaptation on riverside slum upgrading, Indonesia13
Differences in sum-of-hourly and daily reference evapotranspiration for a rice–wheat cropping system in Ganga Basin, India12
Climate change impact on extreme value and its frequency distribution function in a karst basin, Southwest China12
Effects of aerosol emission changes on sea ice concentration and thickness in the Russian Arctic during the 2020 lockdown12
Modeling the impact of climate change on streamflow responses in the Kessem watershed, Middle Awash sub-basin, Ethiopia12
Mean sea level modelling using the neural network along the Chennai coast12
Multimodal climate change prediction in a monsoon climate12
Representative concentration pathways (RCPs) used as a tool to evaluate climate change impact on maize crop production in the Woybo catchment of Ethiopia12
Variation characteristics of Poyang Lake water area and its response to meteorological factors in the past 35 years12
Climatic characteristics and main weather patterns of extreme precipitation in the middle Yangtze River valley11
Hydrological assessment of the Gundlakamma sub-basin through SWAT modeling: integration of land use land cover (LULC) and climate changes11
Assessment of climate change impact on hydrology of a transboundary river of Bhutan and India11
Future virtual water flows under climate and population change scenarios: focusing on its determinants11
Flood forecasting using an improved NARX network based on wavelet analysis coupled with uncertainty analysis by Monte Carlo simulations: a case study of Taihu Basin, China11
Water quality prediction: a data-driven approach exploiting advanced machine learning algorithms with data augmentation11
Response of runoff in the upper reaches of the Minjiang River to climate change11
Dynamics of precipitation regions of Turkey: A clustering approach by K-means methodology in respect of climate variability11
Runoff prediction using hydro-meteorological variables and a new hybrid ANFIS-GPR model11
Application of machine learning algorithms for flood susceptibility assessment and risk management11
Predicting the peak flow and assessing the hydrologic hazard of the Kessem Dam, Ethiopia using machine learning and risk management centre-reservoir frequency analysis software11
Analyzing the relationship between meteorological changes and evapotranspiration trends in Gia Lai province, Central Highlands of Vietnam11
Assessing the impacts of climate change on drought-prone regions in Bhima sub-basin (India) using the Standard Precipitation Index11
The effect of temperature and digested sewage sludge cover over tailings on the leaching of contaminants from Ballangen tailings deposit11
Effects of uncertainty in determining the parameters of the linear Muskingum method using the particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm11
Impact of climate change on the streamflow of the Arjo-Didessa catchment under RCP scenarios11
Indigenous knowledge systems based climate governance in water and land resource management in rural Zimbabwe10
Analysis of extreme rainfall in Oti River Basin (West Africa)10
The key role for groundwater in urban water-supply security10
Impacts of different El Niño events in the decaying summer on the oceanic source of summer rainfall for eastern China: A perspective from stable isotope10
Estimation of regional intensity–duration–frequency relationships of extreme rainfall by simple scaling in Thailand10
Recognizing the relationship between the groundwater level and hydrological time-series: a case study of the Ardabil Plain10
A comparison of the performance of different innovative trend assessment approaches for air temperature and precipitation data: an application to Elazığ Province (Turkey)10
Microsprinkler irrigation in combination with nutrient management influences crop and water productivity and water-nutrient dynamics in large cardamom-growing soils in the hilly sub-Himalayan region o10
The impact of environmental regulation on water resources carrying capacity in the Yangtze River Economic Belt10
Analysis of hydrological regime evolution and ecological response in the Min River, China10
Water allocation sustainability assessment in climate change: a modeling approach using water footprint and just policy10
Changes in the wintertime hydroclimatic regime in St. John River, Maine, USA10
Simulation and attribution analysis of runoff–sediment in the Upper Basin of Fenhe River, China10
Application of dynamic and conceptual models for simulating flow hydrographs in an urbanized catchment under conditions of controlled outflow from stormwater tanks10
Spatial distribution of the contamination and risk assessment of potentially harmful elements in the Ghizer River Basin, northern Pakistan9
Attribution analysis of runoff and sediment changes in the Yellow River Basin based on the Budyko framework9
Projection of mean and extreme precipitation and air temperature over India: a CMIP6 analysis9
Hydrological assessment of the Tungabhadra River Basin based on CMIP6 GCMs and multiple hydrological models9
Assessing the influence of land use/land cover dynamics and climate change on water resources in Upper Blue Nile, Ethiopia9
Date production in the Al-Hassa region, Saudi Arabia in the face of climate change9
Evolution of water–energy–food–climate study: current status and future prospects9
Hydrologic response of arid and semi-arid river basins in Iraq under a changing climate9
Impacts of climate change on food system security and sustainability in Bangladesh9
A geospatial modelling for glacial lake outburst floods susceptibility analysis in the central Himalayas9
Prediction of future groundwater levels under representative concentration pathway scenarios using an inclusive multiple model coupled with artificial neural networks9
Geospatial assessment of early summer heatwaves, droughts, and their relationship with vegetation and soil moisture in the arid region of Southern Punjab, Pakistan9
Double decomposition with enhanced least-squares support vector machine to predict water level9
Evaluating the impact of rainfall–runoff model structural uncertainty on the hydrological rating of regional climate model simulations9
Assessment of critical thermal characteristics and land surface dynamics of an Indian metropolitan city9
Impact of forest cover and human intervention on crop water footprint9
Development of evaluation framework for the selection of run-of-river hydropower potential sites to be included in the Zambian Hydropower Atlas9
Drought detection in Java Island based on Standardized Precipitation and Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI)9
Analysis of past and projected changes in extreme precipitation indices in some watersheds in Côte d'Ivoire9
Modelling climatic trends for the Zambezi and Orange River Basins: implications on water security9
Comparative analysis of the influence of temperature and precipitation on drought assessment in the Marmara region of Turkey: an examination of SPI and SPEI indices9
Analyzing the impact of climatic conditions on rainfed wheat yield in northwest Iran: a parametric and nonparametric approach9
A review on climate change impacts, models, and its consequences on different sectors: a systematic approach9
Corrigendum: Journal of Water and Climate Change 1 March 2024; 15 (3): 1155–1171: Interdisciplinary integration of land use and drainage planning for urban adaptation under the climate change s8
Risk assessment of possible impacts of climate change and irrigation on wheat yield and quality with a modified CERES-Wheat model8
Effect of chemical clogging on the permeability of weakly consolidated sandstone due to reinjection at different temperatures8
Experimental study on the water–rock interaction mechanism in a groundwater heat pump reinjection process8
Runoff modeling in Kolar river basin using hybrid approach of wavelet with artificial neural network8
Impact of land-use and land-cover change on soil erosion using the RUSLE model and the geographic information system: a case of Temeji watershed, Western Ethiopia8
Integration of machine learning and hydrodynamic modeling to solve the extrapolation problem in flood depth estimation8
Asymmetric response of above- and below ground biomass of C3- and C4-dominated grasslands to aridity8
Assessment of climate change impact on hydrological components of Ponnaiyar river basin, Tamil Nadu using CMIP6 models8
Response of runoff and nitrogen loadings to climate and land use changes in the middle Fenhe River basin in Northern China8
Research on urban waterlogging risk prediction based on the coupling of the BP neural network and SWMM model8
Autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) approach to study the impact of climate change and other factors on rice production in South Korea8
Evolution characteristics and relationship of meteorological and hydrological droughts from 1961 to 2018 in Hanjiang River Basin, China8
Modeling and predicting suspended sediment load under climate change conditions: a new hybridization strategy8
Temporal variations characteristic of precipitation in the Three Gorges Reservoir area from 1961 to 20168
Influence of digital economy on industrial wastewater discharge: evidence from 281 Chinese prefecture-level cities8
Hydrological simulation of the Jialing River Basin using the MIKE SHE model in changing climate8
Rainfall variability and trends in the Borana zone of southern Ethiopia8
Perspectives of sustainable development vs. law enforcement on damage, pollution and environmental conservation management in Indonesia8
Adaptation strategies for rainfed rice water management under climate change in Songkhram River Basin, Thailand8
Enhancing streamflow prediction in the Wujiang River basin: a two-stage decomposition approach with deep learning integration8
User perceptions and acceptance of treated greywater reuse in low-income communities: a narrative review8
CORDEX Ensemble-based drought projections for Sindh Province of Pakistan under climate change8
Forecasting saltwater intrusion volume and sulfate content in a wastewater collection system. Case study: Barreiro/Moita WWTP, Portugal8
Performance assessment of methods to estimate initial hydrologic conditions for event-based rainfall-runoff modelling8
Do farmers perceive climate change clearly? An analysis of meteorological data and farmers’ perceptions in the sub-Himalayan West Bengal, India8
Climate change and its impacts in extreme events in Morocco (observation, monitoring, and forecasting)8
Evaluation of the potential for carbon sink and association with land occupation8
Performance evaluation of soft computing techniques for forecasting daily reference evapotranspiration8
Projecting aridity from statistically downscaled and bias-corrected variables for the Gediz Basin, Turkey8
Spatial and temporal variation characteristics and attribution analysis of land water storage changes in China8
Evaluation of four bias correction methods and random forest model for climate change projection in the Mara River Basin, East Africa7
Type-2 fuzzy chance-constrained linear fractional programming model for a water resource management system: A case study of Taiyuan city, China7
Climate change impact on blue and green water resources distributions in the Beijiang River basin based on CORDEX projections7
Evaluation of drought resistance and index screening of foxtail millet cultivars7
Enhancing urban flood resilience: interdisciplinary integration of climate adaptation, flood control, and land-use planning from 3PA to 4PA7
Performance evaluation of univariate time-series techniques for forecasting monthly rainfall data7
Spatial–temporal distribution and forecasting model of precipitation using dynamic-statistical information fusion7
Optimum location for energy recovery and leakage reduction in water distribution networks7
Editorial: Impact of climate change on hydrology and water resources7
Understanding the conflict and cooperation in the Yarlung Tsangpo-Brahmaputra River Basin under climate change: a quantitative view based on water events7
Assessing the impacts of land use and climate change on streamflow generation in the Nowrangpur catchment based on the SWAT–land-use update tool7
An examination of the fluctuation and long-term persistence of drought regimes in the Jing River basin using the PDSI–SWAT model7
Evaluation of nonlinear dynamic patterns of extreme precipitation and temperatures in central England during 1931–20197
Streamflow forecasting in a climate change perspective using E-FUSE7
Nonlinear control of climate, hydrology, and topography on streamflow response through the use of interpretable machine learning across the contiguous United States7
Performance assessment of interpolation techniques for optimal areal rainfall–temperature estimation: the case of two contrasting river catchments, Akaki and Mille, in Ethiopia7
Spatiotemporal evolution and the driving factors of meteorological drought in the Hun-Taizi River basin, NE China7
Application of hydrological models in climate change framework for a river basin in India7
Climate projections and the parallel energy availability in the case of Kombolcha town, South Wollo Ethiopia7
Analysis of changes in the ecohydrological situation and its driving forces in the Li River Basin7
Ganga, GAP, and lockdown: potential threats to the biodiversity of the river7
Potential soil moisture deficit: A useful approach to save water with enhanced growth and productivity of wheat crop7
Climate change impact on the estimation of reference evapotranspiration, water requirement, and irrigation requirement in irrigated areas (a case study: Bardsir plain)7
Assessment of the hydrological drought risk in Calgary, Canada using weekly river flows of the past millennium6
Hydro-meteorological response to climate change impact in Ethiopia: a review6
Integrated assessment of flood and drought hazards for current and future climate in a tributary of the Mekong river basin6
The implications of food loss on East Africa's environment and water resources6
Performance of potential evapotranspiration models in Peninsular Malaysia6
The spectrum of uncertainty in flood damage assessment6
Reviving indigenous technology for promoting the concept of failsafe design in building climate-resilient weirs for irrigation6
Evaluating the effects of different pollution reduction scenarios on the total phosphorus concentration of a mountainous river basin in southwest China using SWAT model: a case study of the Donghe Riv6
Response of runoff and suspended load to climate change and reservoir construction in the Lancang River6
Electrolytic treatment of crystal violet by TiO2–Fe–C electrodes6
Dynamics of greenhouse gas fluxes and soil physico-chemical properties in agricultural and forest soils6
Estimating IDF curves under changing climate conditions for different climate regions6
Response of climate change and land use land cover change on catchment-scale water balance components: a multi-site calibration approach6
Improving the statistical downscaling performance of climatic parameters with convolutional neural networks6
Assessment of climate change impact on water availability in the upper Dong Nai River Basin, Vietnam6
Using a blue landscape to mitigate heat stress during a heatwave event: a simulation study in a hot-humid urban environment6
Influences of teleconnections on climate variables in northern and northeastern Thailand6
Temporal variation in glacier surface area and glacial lakes in glaciated river basins of Arunachal Pradesh6
Analysis of runoff variation and driving factors in the Minjiang River Basin over the last 60 years6
Hydroclimatic projection: statistical learning and downscaling model for rainfall and runoff forecasting6
Daily lake-level time series spectral analysis using EMD, VMD, EWT, and EFD6
Drought evolution in the Haihe River basin during 1960–2020 and the correlation with global warming, sunspots, and atmospheric circulation indices6
GIS-based spatio-temporal assessment of forest cover change and carbon sequestrations of District Abbottabad, Pakistan6
Simulation and optimization of Lar Dam reservoir storage under climate change conditions6
A review of climate change effects on practices for mitigating water quality impacts6
Performance evaluation and verification of post-processing methods for TIGGE ensemble data using machine learning approaches6
Preliminary assessment of near-shorewave energy potential in the Mozambique Channel6
Comparison of Bayesian and frequentist quantile regressions in studying the trend of discharge changes in several hydrometric stations of the Gorganroud basin in Iran6
Bias correction of ERA5-Land temperature data using standalone and ensemble machine learning models: a case of northern Italy6
Spatio-temporal variability of glacier surface area, ELA, and AAR in the Mago river basin of Arunachal Pradesh6
Estimation of greenhouse gas emissions of a tropical reservoir in Colombia6
Spatial-temporal characteristics of meteorological drought and its relationship with circulation indices over Songhua River Basin, China6
Consequence assessment of the La Giang dike breach in the Ca River system, Vietnam6
Deriving location-specific synthetic seasonal hyetographs using GPM records and comparing with SCS curves6
Estimation of water consumption volume and water efficiency in irrigated and rainfed agriculture based on the WaPOR database in Iran6
Influence of large-scale teleconnections on annual and seasonal floods in Godavari and Narmada River basins6
Impact of climate change on hydro-meteorological drought over the Be River Basin, Vietnam5
Multi-model ensemble projection of mean and extreme streamflow of Brahmaputra River Basin under the impact of climate change5
Comprehensive analysis of the impacts of climate and land use changes on flood damage (Case study: AqQala, Iran)5
Climate-smart agriculture (CSA) and extension advisory service (EAS) stakeholders' prioritisation: a case study of Anantapur district, Andhra Pradesh, India5
Effects of environmental factors on the methane and carbon dioxide fluxes at the middle of Three Gorges Reservoir5
Assessing watershed hydrological response to climate change based on signature indices5
A synergistic framework for dynamic water scarcity assessment: integrated blue and green water5
Quantitative analysis of the human intervention impacts on hydrological drought in the Zayande-Rud River Basin, Iran5
Probabilistic projections of temperature and rainfall for climate risk assessment in Vietnam5
Linking climate change to soil loss estimation in the Kosi river basin, India5
Artificial neural networks for monthly precipitation prediction in north-west Algeria: a case study in the Oranie-Chott-Chergui basin5
Flash drought as a new climate threat: drought indices, insights from a study in India and implications for future research5
Assessing the effects of climate and land-use change on flood recurrence in Kokcha River, Afghanistan5
Spatiotemporal variation characteristics of extreme precipitation in the upper reaches of the Hongshui River Basin during 1959–20165
Modeling and prediction of high-precision global evapotranspiration: based on a different model of physical relationships5
Effect of changes in climate variables on hydrological regime of Chenab basin, western Himalaya5
Quantitative analysis of the impacts of climate and land-cover changes on urban flood runoffs: a case of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania5