Journal of Water and Climate Change

(The H4-Index of Journal of Water and Climate Change is 23. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Evaluating The hydrological response due to the changes in climate and land use on streamflow in the Karkheh basin, Iran69
An increase in temperature under the shared socioeconomic scenarios in the Volta River Basin, West Africa: implications for economic development55
Climate change and hydrological risk in the Pacific: a Humanitarian Engineering perspective53
The dynamics of Paiku Co lake area in response to climate change46
Research on the risk of drought disasters in the middle reaches of the Yellow River coupled with ecosystem entity45
Is the rate of extremely climate-intensifying rainfall for Bangkok severely propagating into flooding?44
Exploring climate-change impacts on streamflow and hydropower potential: insights from CMIP6 multi-GCM analysis43
Impact of meteorological drought on agriculture production at different scales in Punjab, Pakistan42
Effects of sea level rise on salinity and tidal flooding patterns in the Guadiana Estuary35
Modernization of the left bank irrigation system of the Kaudulla reservoir of Sri Lanka34
Daily streamflow prediction based on the long short-term memory algorithm: a case study in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta34
Spatial varying and co-occurring future climate changes over a heterogeneous river basin: a multivariate approach31
Trends and variability of water balance components over a tropical savanna and Eucalyptus forest in Australia31
Estimation of multivariate design quantiles for drought characteristics using joint return period analysis, Vine copulas, and the systematic sampling method30
Water table dynamics beneath onsite wastewater systems in eastern North Carolina in response to Hurricane Florence30
Quantifying the significance of basin parameters and hydro-climatic factors to water and sediment yields across spatio-temporal scales in mountainous river Basin, Sikkim28
Microclimate adaptability analysis of waterfront traditional villages: a case study of Mingyuewan Village in Suzhou26
Understanding the impact of changes in land-use land-cover and rainfall patterns on soil erosion rates using the RUSLE model and GIS techniques: A study on the Nagavali River basin25
Combining agriculture, social and climate indicators to classify vulnerable regions in the Indian semi-arid region25
Statistical analysis of climate change over Hanumangarh district25
Spreading of the semi-arid climate across South Africa25
Impact assessment of climate change on water resources of the Kokcha watershed: a sub-basin of the Amu Darya river basin in Afghanistan25
Interactive influence of climate variability and land-use change on blue and green water resources: a case study from the Ganjiang River Basin, China24
Assessment on the economic damage of trading households due to urban inundation23
Characterizing variability of spatial patterns of annual and seasonal precipitation of Turkey and identifying the probable driving factors including teleconnection patterns23
Evaluation and projection of the annual maximum streamflow in response to anthropogenic and climatic effects under nonstationary conditions in the Hanjiang River Basin, China23
Rainfall extremes under climate change in the Pasak River Basin, Thailand23