Botanical Sciences

(The TQCC of Botanical Sciences is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Diversity, distribution, and classification of Neotropical woody bamboos (Poaceae: Bambusoideae) in the 21st Century22
Las plantas vasculares endémicas de la Sierra Madre del Sur, México19
Floristics in Mexico today: insights into a better understanding of biodiversity in a megadiverse country11
Ecosystem restoration in Mexico: insights on the project planning phase11
Diversidad de plantas vasculares de la Provincia Fisiográfica de la Sierra Madre Oriental, México.11
Niche and interspecific association of dominant tree populations of Zelkova schneideriana communities in eastern China9
Breeding system in a population of the globose cactus Mammillaria magnimamma at Valle del Mezquital, Mexico9
Agricultural management and local knowledge: key factors for the conservation of socio-ecosystems in the face of the pollinator world crisis8
Ethnopharmacology of the Asteraceae family in Mexico7
Roads traveled and roads ahead: the consolidation of Mexican ethnobotany in the new millennium. An essay7
A population genetics study of three native Mexican woody bamboo species of Guadua (Poaceae: Bambusoideae: Bambuseae: Guaduinae) using nuclear microsatellite markers7
Electronic commerce of the endemic plants of northern Morocco (Mediterranean coast-Rif) and Tunisia over the internet7
The role of phytochemical diversity in the management of agroecosystems7
Comparison of traditional knowledge about edible plants among young Southern Tepehuans of Durango, Mexico6
Forest structural parameters and aboveground biomass in old-growth and secondary forests along an elevational gradient in Mexico6
Pollen morphology of the Megamexican cycads reveals the potential of morphometrics to identify cycad genera6
Transition zones and biogeographic characterization of endemism in three biogeographic provinces of central Mexico6
Phytochemical composition and biological activities of the plants of the genus Randia5
Phytotoxic activity of aqueous extracts of ruderal plants and its potential application to tomato crop5
Exogenous trehalose protects photosystem II in heat-stressed wheat5
Flora y Vegetación de la Reserva de la Biosfera Zicuirán-Infiernillo, Michoacán, México5
Edible flowers commercialized in local markets of Pachuca de Soto, Hidalgo, Mexico4
Modelado actual y futuro de la idoneidad de hábitat el ahuehuete ( Taxodium mucronatum Ten.): una propuesta para conservación en México4
Desarrollo floral de Acaciella angustissima (Leguminosae: Caesalpinioideae: Acacieae)4
Ecosystem science: a new approach in the analysis of functional processes in natural and human transformed terrestrial ecosystems4
The online Flora of Mexico: eFloraMEX4
Species distribution of Quercus (Fagaceae) along an altitude gradient, reveals zonation in a hotspot4
Pollen characterization of the bee flora from a Caatinga area of Northeast Brazil4
Paleobotany to understand evolution and biodiversity in Mexico4
Flower morphology variation in five species of Penstemon (Plantaginaceae) displaying Hymenoptera pollination syndrome4
Tree stratum alteration decreases C use efficiency and the stability of litter decomposition in a sacred fir ( Abies religiosa ) forest4
Spatial phylogenetics in Hechtioideae (Bromeliaceae) reveals recent diversification and dispersal4
Las plantas vasculares endémicas del estado de Sinaloa, México4
Nicho de regeneración de Abies religiosa (Kunth) Schltdl. & Cham. en el Monte Tláloc, Parque Nacional Iztaccíhuatl-Popocatépetl, México4
Honey bees change the microbiota of pollen4
Plant growth-promoting bacteria belonging to the genera <em>Pseudomonas</em> and <em>Bacillus</em> improve the growth of sorghum seedings in a low-nutrient soil4
High vascular plant species richness in the Usumacinta River Basin: a comprehensive floristic checklist for a natural region in the Mesoamerican biodiversity hotspot4
Spatial and temporal dynamics of two cacti seed banks in a xerophytic shrubland in Mexico City3
Anatomía foliar de nueve especies de Tagetes L. (Tageteae: Asteraceae)3
Polystemma fishbeiniana (Apocynaceae, Asclepiadoideae), a new species from the Balsas Depression of Michoacán, Mexico3
Ethnobotany of medicinal flora in two communities of the Mixteca Alta in Oaxaca, Mexico3
A phytogeographic assessment of the Sierra Madre Oriental physiographic province, Mexico3
From vegetation ecology to vegetation science: current trends and perspectives3
Melatonin application on phytochemical compositions of Agastache foeniculum under water-deficit stress3
Anatomy and foliar architecture of two Mexican species of Ternstroemia Mutis ex L.f. (Pentaphylacaceae)3
Conceptual and methodological issues in structured population models of plants3
Dinámica del uso de suelo y vegetación en paisajes altamente modificados por actividades agropecuarias en el sur de México3
Water deficit and salinity modify some morphometric, physiological, and productive attributes of Aloe vera (L.)3
Variación en la morfología foliar, floral y frutal de Magnolia mexicana (DC.) G. Don (Sección Talauma , Magnoliaceae) en México3
Seasonal changes in photosynthesis for the epiphytic bromeliad Tillandsia brachycaulos in a tropical dry deciduous forest3
Diversidad de plantas leñosas en el bosque tropical caducifolio y subcaducifolio de Sierra de Vallejo, Nayarit, México3
Fossil record of Celastraceae: evaluation and potential use in molecular calibrations2
Las afinidades meridionales de la flora de los bosques montanos de México2
Floral development of the myrmecophytic Acacia cornigera (Leguminosae)2
Uso de imágenes aéreas de alta resolución para la detección de cambios en el almacén de carbono en biomasa aérea en comunidades semiáridas, tras la introducción de la especie exótica Cenchrus ciliaris2
Plantas y prácticas de conservación de la medicina tradicional en el suroriente de El Tambo, Cauca, Colombia2
Biodiversity-productivity relationship in urban vascular flora: a comparison between wild edible and non-edible plants2
Biogeographic analysis of ferns and lycophytes in Oaxaca: A Mexican beta-diverse area2
Seasonal changes in gas exchange and yield of 21 genotypes of Coffea arabica2
Cultivo in vitro de Agave potatorum, especie amenazada endémica de México2
Liparis inaudita (Orchidaceae, Malaxidinae), a new species from the Bosque de Protección Alto Mayo, San Martín, Peru2
Gonolobus lozadae , una nueva especie de Apocynaceae del estado de Oaxaca, México2
Primer registro de Pinus pinceana (Pinaceae) para Tamaulipas: aspectos ecológicos y estructurales2
Phenology, yield, and phytochemicals of Capsicum spp. in response to shading2
A morphological analysis of the Mammillaria fittkaui species complex (Cactaceae) reveals a new species from Jalisco, México2
Salvia gomezpompae (Lamiaceae), a new species from Veracruz, Mexico2
Singing the nature - еthnobotanical knowledge in Bulgarian folk songs2
Una nueva especie de Chthamalia (Apocynaceae; Asclepiadoideae; Gonolobeae; Gonolobinae), endémica a Puebla, México2
Impacto del manejo in situ-ex situ del orégano mexicano ( Lippia origanoides Kunth) en el noroeste de Yucatán2
La flora melífera del paisaje aledaño a la Reserva de la Biósfera Sierra del Abra Tanchipa, San Luis Potosí, México2
Effects of water restriction on carbohydrates concentration, starch granules size and amylolytic activity in seeds of Phaseolus vulgaris L. and P. acutifolius A. Gray2
The prickly problem of interwoven lineages: hybridization processes in Cactaceae2
Ecophysiological plasticity of Theobroma cacao L. clones in response to the structure and microclimate of agroforestry systems in Mexico2
Fifty years of Bryology in Mexico2
Biología reproductiva de Thelocactus leucacanthus ssp. schmollii (Cactaceae), un cactus microendémico de Querétaro, México2
A new tropical species of Aphyllon (Orobanchaceae: Orobancheae) from Chiapas, Mexico2
Pollination success in three tropical dry forest orchid species from Mexico: insights from floral display, visitation rates, and flower micromorphology2
Salicylic acid mediated physiological and biochemical alterations to confer drought stress tolerance in Zinnia ( Z. elegans )2
Germination of the exotic Calotropis procera (Aiton) W.T. (Apocynaceae) in Mexico2
Uses and traditional knowledge of <em>Dendropogonella rufescens</em> (Bryophyta: Cryphaeaceae) in a Zapotec community of southeastern Mexico2
Perspectives in plant evolutionary genetics: A field guide in 15 “easy steps” to modern tools in evolutionary genetics and genomics2
Dendrometric variables and traumatic resin ducts in pine species associated with wood-stripping: a traditional practice in the conifer forests of Central Mexico2
Ethnobotanical culture of geophytes in Sakarya province, Turkey2
Light quality and temperature fluctuation promote the germination of Magnolia alejandrae (Magnoliaceae, sect. Macrophylla), a critically endangered species endemic to northeast Mexico2
The species of Mentzelia (Loasaceae) in Mexico, part 1: Sectional diversity2
Patrones de germinación en gramíneas presentes en el Desierto Chihuahuense2
Systematic study and niche differentiation of the genus Aporocactus (Hylocereeae, Cactoideae, Cactaceae)2
Wild plant conservation in Mexico in the 21st century2
Condiciones de germinación y desarrollo de plantas de Pouteria campechiana (Sapotaceae)2
Molecular weight distribution of fructans extracted from Agave salmiana leaves2
Supervivencia de 12 especies de árboles nativos en plantaciones de restauración en la selva estacionalmente seca2
Estructura y secuestro de carbono en manglares urbanos, fundamentos para su conservación en Isla del Carmen, Campeche, México2
Liana community attributes in one of the northernmost neotropical rainforests2