Journal of Eye Movement Research

(The TQCC of Journal of Eye Movement Research is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
A low-cost, high-performance video-based binocular eye tracker for psychophysical research31
Book of Abstracts of the 21th European Conference on Eye Movements in Leicester 202210
Filtering eye-tracking data from an EyeLink 1000: Comparing heuristic, savitzky-golay, IIR and FIR digital filters10
Reading comics: The effect of expertise on eye movements8
SARS-CoV-2 infection impairs oculomotor functions: A longitudinal eye-tracking study7
Quantifying dwell time with location-based augmented reality: Dynamic AOI analysis on mobile eye tracking data with vision transformer7
Persistence of primitive reflexes associated with asymmetries in fixation and ocular motility values6
Smooth-pursuit performance during eye-typing from memory indicates mental fatigue6
Investigating non-visual eye movements non-intrusively: Comparing manual and automatic annotation styles5
Optical and motor changes associated with lighting and near vision tasks in electronic devices5
The state of the art of diagnostic multiparty eye tracking in synchronous computer-mediated collaboration5
An application of eye movement parameters collected from mass market devices for the estimation of a text comprehension5
Rhythmic subvocalization: An eye-tracking study on silent poetry reading5
An eye-tracking-based investigation on the principle of closure in logo design5
The association of eye movements and performance accuracy in a novel sight-reading task5
Influence of complexity and Gestalt principles on aesthetic preferences for building façades: An eye tracking study4
Metacognitive monitoring and metacognitive strategies of gifted and average children on dealing with deductive reasoning task4
Beyond the tracked line of sight - Evaluation of the peripheral usable field of view in a simulator setting4
Advancing Dynamic-Time Warp Techniques for Correcting Eye Tracking Data in Reading Source Code4
Visual strategies of young soccer players during a passing test – A pilot study4
A systematic performance comparison of two Smooth Pursuit detection algorithms in Virtual Reality depending on target number, distance, and movement patterns3
The effect of expertise in music reading: cross-modal competence3
Let’s get it started: Eye tracking in VR with the Pupil Labs eye tracking add-on for the HTC Vive3
Hidden semi-Markov models to segment reading phases from eye movements3
Accounting for visual field abnormalities when using eye-tracking to diagnose reading problems in neurological degeneration3
Angular offset distributions during fixation are, more often than not, multimodal3
Two electrical engineers, one problem, and evolution produced the same solution: A historical note3
Review on eye-hand span in sight-reading of music3
Eye tracking and visual arts. Introduction to the special thematic issue3
Reading Russian poetry: An expert–novice study3
Abstracts of the 22th European Conference on Eye Movements, 25-29 August 2024, in Maynooth (Irland)3
The observer's lens: The impact of personality traits and gaze on facial impression inferences3
Non-goal driven eye movement after a visual search task3
Impact of leading line composition on visual cognition: An eye-tracking study3