Crop Breeding and Applied Biotechnology

(The median citation count of Crop Breeding and Applied Biotechnology is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
BRS A502: an upland rice cultivar for intensive sustainable cropping systems in the Brazilian Cerrado10
Agroindustrial performance and heterosis in sweet sorghum using male-sterile lines with high stem sugar content6
UENF P01, UENF P02 and UENF P03: popcorn hybrids with high phosphorus use efficiency6
Assessment of the cytogenetics and leaf anatomy of synthetic polyploids of Eucalyptus clones5
Molecular marker-assisted selection for seedlessness in atemoya breeding5
IAC Herculândia - a Coffea canephora rootstock multiresistant to Meloidogyne species4
UFSMFW 2202 - Early black oat cultivar for ground cover4
New homologues of the Rpi-chc1 gene in wild and cultivated Solanum species3
BRS Deni - Super-sweet corn open-pollinated variety2
Microsatellite markers in maize: challenges and guidelines for implementing multiplex SSR analyses2
Selective genotyping for discovery of QTL controlling flowering time in dolichos bean (Lablab purpureus L.)2
Deep purple - an open-pollinated variety to induce haploids in tropical maize2
Genetic parameters and correlations of forage yield and nutritional quality in ruzigrass (Urochloa ruziziensis) half-sib families1
Magnus grano: Maximum quality in bean size of conilon coffee1
Pedigree testing for the SCS425 Luiza apple cultivar1
Identification of sources of resistance to race 63-63 of Pseudocercospora griseola in common bean lines1
NDLH 2051-1: a high-yield, sucking pest-tolerant cultivar of cotton1
Analysis of the genetic structure and diversity of a Brazilian macadamia nut (Macadamia integrifolia) germplasm1
UENF N01, UENF N02 and UENF N03: popcorn cultivars with elevated nitrogen-use effectiveness1
Genetic diversity of sweet corn inbred lines of public sectors in Thailand revealed by SSR markers1
Classifying coefficients of genetic variation and heritability for Eucalyptus spp.1
UFSMFW 2101 - very early black oat cultivar with high yield potential1
First Latin American off-patent corn event - Fenaltec 221
Modeling spatial trends and selecting tropical wheat genotypes in multi-environment trials1
Are stomatal area and stomatal density reliable traits for identification of doubled haploids in maize?1
Pyramiding disease resistance in tomato by duplex PCR targeting resistance genes and exploiting gene linkage1
Inheritance of resistance to Fusarium wilt in the carioca grain type common bean1
Selection of superior black oat lines using the MGIDI index1
Imidazolinone resistance, yield potential and agronomic performance of the irrigated rice cultivar BRS A706 CL1
Genetic parameters considering traits of importance for cassava biofortification1
Combined BLUP selection indexes with parents and F2 populations in soybean (Glycine max) breeding1
Exploration of allelic diversity reveals a novel FAD2 (Oleate desaturase) gene in Brassica juncea1
Predicted genetic gains for growth traits and wood resistance in Pinus maximinoi and Pinus tecunumanii1
Inheritance and expression analyses of cry1Ab gene in transgenic pigeonpea tolerant to Maruca pod borer1
Bayesian methods for genomic association of chromosomic regions considering the additive-dominance model1
Identification of promising true sugarcane seed families to explore the possibility of direct commercial cultivation1
MGS Guaiçara and MGS Vereda: Coffea arabica cultivars resistant to the root-knot nematode Meloidogyne paranaensis1
Selection of maize lines and prediction of hybrid and synthetic means using intergroup topcrosses1
‘BRS Sarau’: A new late-ripening table peach cultivar with a wide climatic adaptation1
Genetic parameter estimation for Ilex paraguariensis St. Hill. in Argentina using spatial analysis1
Identification of RILs for agronomic and grain quality traits in rice through Intraspecific crosses0
A new Bayesian approach to the Toler model for evaluating the adaptability and stability of genotypes0
The 34-bp deletion effectively differentiates the monoecious phenotype in cucumber0
Performance of potential parents for a rainfed tropical wheat breeding program0
Adaptability and yield stability of cowpea genotypes in Mato Grosso do Sul0
BRS 438: Sugary cassava cultivar for diversification of the use of storage roots0
A new set of quantitative trait loci linked to lipid content in Coffea arabica0
Ethanol from maize hybrids in Brazil0
Exploitation of heterosis in tobacco breeding in Brazil0
De novo transcriptome assembly and development of EST-SSR derived functional domain markers for Pandanus amaryllifolius0
Cacao parents help their offsprings to fight witches’ broom and black pod rot infections0
Genetic control of quantitative and qualitative traits of Calycophyllum spruceanum in the Peruvian Amazon0
SCS453 Noninha and SCS454 Carvoeira - new banana cultivars of the Prata subgroup0
Sequence Analysis of the Arcelin-Phytohaemagglutinin-α-Amylase Inhibitor (APA) Locus in Three Phylogenetically Arrayed Phaseolus vulgaris Clones0
Lack of antibiosis against Mahanarva spectabilis (Distant) (Hemiptera: Cercopidae) in Cenchrus purpureus (Schumach.) Morrone germplasm0
Stacking effective ASR and APR rust genes for multiple disease resistance in bread wheat cultivars0
Genotype x environment interaction in the iron and zinc biofortification of common bean grains0
Genome-wide association study revealed genetic loci for resistance to fusarium wilt in tomato germplasm0
Improvement of vegetable soybean: genetic diversity and correlations of traits between immature and mature plants0
UNEMAT Pedro and UNEMAT Malagueta Pantaneira: New pepper cultivars with increased resistance to anthracnose0
‘IAC SEMPRE VERDE’: a wild-derived peanut cultivar highly resistant to foliar diseases0
Adaptability and stability of soybean for grain yield in shaded environments0
Genotype by environment interaction and stability analyses of durum wheat elite lines evaluated in Ethiopia0
Evidence of maternal effect on the inheritance of flax (Linum usitatissimum L.) seed coat color0
Use of machine learning models-based image analysis for classification of haploid and diploid maize0
IPR Alvorada - Dwarf Arabica coffee cultivar with high yield0
Viability of the use of inbred progenies in recurrent selection in perennial plants0
ISSR and SRAP for assessing genetic variability of Indonesian local rice genotypes (Oryza sativa L.)0
Genetic analysis and gene mapping of the purple glume tip trait in rice (Oryza sativa)0
Variation in palm tree plastidial simple sequence repeats, characterization, and potential use0
Role of sweet potato GST genes in abiotic stress tolerance revealed by genomic and transcriptomic analyses0
New approaches using selection index in sweet potato breeding for biofortification0
Sex determination of papaya var. ‘Maradol’ reveals hermaphrodite-to-male sex reversal under greenhouse conditions0
Early haploid identification by stomatal guard cell length in tropical supersweet corn using different inducers0
Optimization of the assessment of anthracnose severity in artificially inoculated common beans0
Quantitative genetic characterization of an in vivo germplasm collection of Hymenaea stigonocarpa Mart. ex Hayne0
Comparison between doubled haploid lines and lines obtained via the bulk method in tobacco0
Pyramiding of resistance alleles to grape powdery mildew assisted by molecular markers0
Genetic parameters and selection for multiple traits in sorghum for forage purposes0
Agbiogeneric soybean with glyphosate tolerance: Genetic transformation of new Colombian varieties0
Statistical significance, selection accuracy, and experimental precision in plant breeding0
Estimation of mean performance and heterosis in cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) based hybrids in cabbage0
Genetic base and origin of cytoplasmic genes of Brazilian cowpea cultivars0
BRS A504 CL: a new herbicide resistant upland cultivar with high quality grain0
Screening of tomato hybrids for resistance to Fusarium wilt0
Bayesian segmented regression model to evaluate the adaptability and stability of maize in Northeastern Brazil0
Investigating the resistance of common bean germplasm to Colletotrichum lindemuthianum and its implications for breeding0
Stable clone selection for oil and herb yield using GGE biplot model in climate-smart lemongrass0
Preponderant alleles at Hd1 and Ehd1 lead to photoperiod insensitivity in japonica rice varieties0
Genetic diversity and structure of Hancornia speciosa Gomes populations characterized by microsatellites markers0
Adaptability and stability of black bean genotypes for Rio de Janeiro, by GGE biplot analysis0
IPR Pérola - Dwarf Arabica coffee cultivar with high resistance to leaf rust and large beans0
A simple and inexpensive procedure to more quickly obtain new varieties in soybean0
Genealogy and genetic base of Brazilian cotton cultivars0
BRS TR271 - a high grain yield and super-early wheat cultivar0
Genetic gain in Passiflora seed traits from recurrent selection among full-sib families0
Development and characterization of elite doubled haploid lines of ornamental kale0
Analysis of heterosis components and prediction of hybrid means based on intergroup topcrosses in maize0
Progeny evaluation and early selection for plant height in Acacia mearnsii improve genetic gains0
Assessing DNA sequence variation in Megathyrsus maximus: an exploratory survey for use in breeding programs0
Selection of superior and stable fodder maize hybrids using MGIDI and MTSI indices0
BRSMG Camaleão: new mungbean cultivar with large, shiny, green seeds0
Row-col method associated with frequentist and Bayesian statistics in a passion fruit population0
‘KU Gold’: a new yellow-fruit papaya cultivar in Thailand0
Chemical composition and antiprotozoal potential of essential oil from half-sib progenies of Varronia curassavica Jacq.0
Genetic parameters and selection index in intraspecific cotton lines in a Brazilian semi-arid region0
Using of relatedness and heritability in a Eucalyptus benthamii trial for conservation and breeding0
QTL mapping for Type II resistance to Fusarium head blight and spike architecture traits in bread wheat0
Caviano: black bean cultivar with large root system and wide adaptability0
IAC VR211 and IAC VM211: new high-yielding cultivars of mung bean and black mung bean0
Population Structure and Diversity of Southeast Asian Rice Varieties0
Assisted selection using molecular markers linked to rust resistance SH3 gene in Coffea arabica0
Karyotype polymorphism of GC-rich constitutive heterochromatin in Capsicum L. pepper accessions0
Genetics of qualitative and quantitative traits in crosses involving cherry and purple tomato genotypes0
CISJU21 - New flax cultivar with yield and phenotypic stability0
Non-destructive estimation of anthocyanin content in yardlong bean based on tristimulus values and reflectance spectra0
BRS Boitatá and BRS Ocauçu: cassava cultivars for the industry0
Hanyou 3015: a water-saving and drought-resistance rice cultivar for dry cultivation in southern China0
Flooding tolerance of sugarcane genotypes under recurring floods in plant and ratoon crops0
BRS 420: Early maturity cassava cultivar for production of flour and starch, adapted to no-till planting and mechanization0
SCS127 CL: Rice cultivar resistant to herbicides of imidazolinone chemical group0
A pseudo-colony PCR method for rapid identification of transgenic sugarcane lines at in vitro stage0
NDLA 3116-3 and NDLA 3104-4: new high yielding cultivars of Asiatic cotton (Gossypium arboreum L.)0
New and efficient AS-PCR molecular marker for selection of coffee resistant to coffee leaf rust0
Caninde2/Milan: promising wheat line to discover novel genes for resistance to wheat blast0
Characterization of the complete chloroplast genome of Camellia tienii (Theaceae) and its relatives0
SCSBRS126 Dueto: irrigated rice variety resilient to cold and heat at reproductive stage0
Molecular diversity, population structure analysis, and assessment of parent hybrid relationships in fodder maize0
Selection of F1 genotypes of pineapple and reaction to inoculation with a Fusarium guttiforme isolate0
Cytogenetic and morphological characterization of lima bean germplasm from the Brazilian Northeast region with a focus on genetic resource conservation0
Genetic diversity of Rhododendron henanense subsp. lingbaoense revealed by whole-genome resequencing0
Causal variant loci and protein-coding genes for soybean bacterial pustule resistance in the flowering stage0
Development of microsatellite panels for molecular fingerprinting of Napier grass (Cenchrus purpureus) cultivars0
Association mapping for common bacterial blight in carioca beans0
Influence of ethylene glycol on Eucalyptus grandis cryopreservation using the V cryo-plate technique0
Genetic control of agronomic efficiency of nitrogen use in maize0
BRS Progresso and BRS Rendeira - new cassava cultivars with tolerance to post-harvest deterioration0
RB036152 - New sugarcane cultivar for restrictive environments0
Genetic analysis of yield component traits in cowpea [Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.]0
Hybridization between progenies and agronomic characterization of the F2 generation in quinoa0
Inbreeding and founder cultivars contributions in low chill requirement peaches and nectarines0
Initiation of breeding programs for three species of Corymbia: Introduction and provenances study0
BRS Pampa CL: a new IMI herbicide-resistant premium quality grain irrigated rice cultivar0
BRS 700FL B3RF: an outstanding fiber quality upland cotton cultivar with high seed cotton yield0
Phenotypic and genotypic evaluation of Parkia platycephala families: a proposal for pre-selection0
BRS 429: sweet cassava with yellow pulp and high technological and sensory qualities0
Germplasm the key factor for development of oat cultivars URS OLADA And URS POENTE0
Efficiency of indirect selection for green biomass production of Urochloa ruziziensis0