Bioscience Journal

(The TQCC of Bioscience Journal is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Study of acute and subacute toxicities and genotoxic and mutagenic potentials of the lyophilized extract of Campomanesia sessiliflora (O.Berg) mattos leaves in wistar rats8
Differentiation of face and auricular shape resulting from diabetes and hypertension in the elderly6
Effect of mite-specific subcutaneous immunotherapy on patients with allergic rhinitis6
Synthesis and evaluation of toxicity and antimicrobial activity of rifampicin associated with iron oxide nanoparticles5
Synergistic effect of sorafenib with Platycladus orientalis (L) leaf extract on cervical cancer5
Factor analysis and cronbach’s alpha for studying the knowledge of adolescents on HIV/AIDS: a construct validation study5
Effect of Tai Chi on stress, anxiety, and self-perception of happiness: a longitudinal intervention study4
The influence of different culture media on Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli, and Staphylococcus aureus biofilm formation4
Effects of alternative fertilization on common bean crops regarding productivity and nutritional levels4
A comprehensive study on nutrient content of raw and roasted nuts3
Seed size and presence of thorns in Caryocar brasiliense on seedling emergence3
Agronomic performance of cassava fertilized with phosphorus doses3
Surface roughness evaluation and whitening efficiency on tooth enamel after using whitening toothpaste: a randomized double-blinded study3
Sowing depth and light intensity in the emergence and development of monocotyledonous weeds3
Evaluation of Genotoxic and Cytotoxic Effects of Gluten in Male Albino Mice3
Impact of occlusal schemes on prognosis of conventional complete dentures in patients with severely resorbed alveolar ridges3
Does a high or moderate nutritional supplementation affect the puberty and productive performance of Nellore heifers?3
Jian-Pi-Yi-Shen drug-containing serum promotes proliferation and activity of mouse osteoblasts3
Nurse knowledge about potentially inappropriate medications for elderly2
Improving the method for determining the physiological and sanitary potential of Gherkin seeds2
A meta-analysis of physicochemical changes in the rhizosphere and bulk soil under woodlands2
Aleyrodid (Hemiptera) diversity in hop varieties grown in Brazil2
Effects of auriculopalpebral nerve block on ocular parameters in dogs2
Morphology of the brain base arteries of the giant anteater (Myrmecophaga tridactyla)2
Luminosity, temperature, and substrates on the germination of Solanum capsicoides2
Physical and hydrological characteristics and modelling of the soil water retention curve in the brazilian semi-arid region2
Multifunctional fluorescent Pseudomonas: effects on maize development and tools for their selection2
Phytochemical, antibacterial and antioxidant screening of Artemisia santolinifolia various parts2
Determination of bioactive compounds, antimicrobial activity, and the phytochemistry of the organic banana peel in Thailand2
Investigating the influence of pinhão manso (Jatropha curcas) seed endocarp on the acidity index of the extracted oil2
Quality of life and adherence to dental treatment in adolescents: a longitudinal analytical study2
Allometric equations to estimate the leaf area of Psychotria colorata (Willd. Ex Schult.) Müll.Arg.2
Antifungal activity of Punica granatum linn extracts against Malassezia pachydermatis2
Effect of type of mature embryo explants and acetosyringone on agrobacterium-mediated transformation of moroccan durum wheat2
Cloning the full-length CDNA of actin gene and analysing alliinase gene expression in tillering onion2
Can different polymerization times affect the surface microhardness, water sorption, and water solubility of flowable composite resins?2
Genetic diversity and structure in natural populations of Cajui from Brazilian Cerrado2
The sward height at the early stockpiling period modifies the structural characteristics of marandu palisadegrass under continuous stocking2
Alternative products to control powdery mildew in soybeans culture in field2
Characterization of milk production systems in the county of Alegrete, RS, Brazil, based on productive indexes2
Comparison of the spermatogenic process in three different mice strains: Swiss, Balb/C and C57BL/62
Agronomic and sensory evaluation of lettuce in hydroponic system2
Biomass and essential oil production of basil at recirculation intervals of nutrient solutions prepared with treated domestic effluents2
Enzymatic activity and gene expression related to drought stress tolerance in maize seeds and seedlings2
Leaching of saflufenacil in soils with different organic matter contents2
The Bradyrhizobium uaiense strain UFLA 03-164T enhanced yield performance of cowpea in soils with low or high phosphorus content2
Lawsuits after dermal filler injection registered in the state Court of São Paulo2
Effects of the pesticides chlorpyriphos, metsulfuron-methyl, and thiamethoxam on ant communities in wheat crop2
Resistance to diseases of sour, sweet and wild passion fruit genotypes2
Gas exchanges and chlorophyll content in green pepper plants under bio-fertilization and times of application2
Punctual mechanical oscillation in modulation of muscular tonus in children with spasticity2
Quality of life and the work capacity of professional nursing staff in the hospital environment1
Effectiveness of Echinacea purpurea extract on immune deficiency induced by azathioprine in male albino rats1
Physiological and morphological responses of two beans common genotype to water stress at different phenological stages1
Serum biochemical reference ranges for pregnant sheep1
Hospitalization of elderly people for conditions sensitive to primary health care in a city in the Triângulo Mineiro1
Contribution of the carbonized rice husk added to the substrate in the production of vegetable seedlings1
Delineation of management zones in a grain production area1
Measurements of coherence in eeg signal in brazilian people: a comparison of different consciousness states1
Ecophysiology and water use efficiency of soybean cultivars under field conditions1
Influence of game therapy on urinary incontinence patients: a systematic review1
Multifunctional microorganisms and phosphorus dosages in soybean-maize and soybean-rice successions under no-till systems in the cerrado1
Effect of Tai Chi on adult mental health during the pandemic and factors associated: a cross-sectional study1
Ellagic acid on the quality of the adhesive interface of class I composite resin restorations after aging1
Insecticidal potential of organic extracts of Calotropis procera to Spodoptera frugiperda1
Nucleotide sequences of mitochondrial cytochrome b gene for phylogeny of some species of Rodentia1
Determination of biotechnological potential of poultry litter isolated bacteria1
Efficacy of collagen-only scaffolds compared to polymer-associated collagen and nanomaterials in skin wound repair – a review1
Sweet sorghum: broth clarification with enzymatic treatment increases the quality of the fermentation wort for ethanol production1
Fruit quality of wild, sweet and yellow passion fruit genotypes in Distrito Federal, Brazil1
Copper formulations in bacterial blight control and toxic effects on coffee seedlings1
Artificial pollination and use of growth regulators in atemoya ‘Gefner’ fruits1
Herbicide performance in the control of Conyza spp. where three plant heights1
Acute effect of different orders of concurrent training on glycemia1
Olive oil: research model to clarify its health benefits and its unique mechanism of action1
Phenol compound content and antibacterial activity of gaharu leaf extract products (Aquilaria malaccensis)1
Effectiveness of ultrasonic activation associated to glycolic acid on smear layer removal, dentin structure and bond strength to root dentin1
Genotypic reaction of chickpea to Fusarium oxysporum and seed sanitary quality1
Proposal for a new non-linear model to describe growth curves1
Exposure to the herbicide atrazine induces oxidative imbalance, morphological damage and decreased survival in juvenile fish1
Optimization of soybean yield in ultisols through adaptive varieties screening and plant growth promoting Rhizobacter1
Predictors of efficacy, tolerability and discontinuation of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) for Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) and Alzheimer’s Disease (AD): a meta-analysis and meta-re1
Physiological quality of Capsicum chinense 'Adjuma' seeds during development1
Atmospheric evaporative demand and water deficit on the ecophysiology of Rubber seedlings1
Methods of macrophages activation and their modulation for the prospection of new antileishmania drugs: a review1
RA92A recombinant protein as immunogen to protect cattle against tick challenge in Brazil and Uganda1
Optimizing factors for the efficient expression and purification of spao and lamb from Salmonella typhi1
Survey on the risk factors for cervical cancer known by biomedicine students1
Effect of reciprocating instrumentation on chlorhexidine substantivity on human dentin: chemical analysis followed by confocal laser microscopy1
Anti-tyrosinase, anti-skin pathogenic bacterial, and antioxidant activities and phytochemical constituents of Dracaena cochinchinensis (Lour.) S.C. Chen extract1
Classification of the sperm chromatin compaction alterations in bulls (Bos taurus) and its correlation with the efficiency of the in vitro production of embryos1
What is the optimal fertigation start time and frequency in lettuce seedlings?1
Organic onion growth, yield and storage improved by foliar sprays of microalgae and fulvic acid as a natural biofertilizer1
The incidence of unfilled second mesiobuccal canals and periapical lesions in maxillary molars by cone-beam computed tomography E-VOL DX software1
Study on extraction conditions and characteristics of protein from burdock roots1
Rhizobia inoculation increases pea grain yield: an overview and challenges1
Pod positioning and grain yield of common bean as affected by sowing density, nitrogen fertilization and fertilization depth1
Biophysical characteristics of soybean estimated by remote sensing associated with artificial intelligence1
Correlation of biometric characteristics of fruits and seeds with the vigor of Agonandra brasiliensis seedlings in northern Amazonia1
Biofertilizer and reduction of water losses in soil cultivated with tomato irrigated with moderately saline water1
Effect of oral health intervention program on the self oral care of children attending childcare facilities: a quasi-experimental study1