Alea-Latin American Journal of Probability and Mathematical Statistics

(The median citation count of Alea-Latin American Journal of Probability and Mathematical Statistics is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Scaling limit of the collision measures of multiple random walks12
Statistical Limits for Testing Correlation of Random Hypergraphs6
The expected degree distribution in transient duplication divergence models6
The Itô-Tanaka Trick : a non-semimartingale approach4
Probability of consensus in spatial opinion models with confidence threshold4
Stochastic processes associated to multidimensional parabolic transmission problems in divergence form4
On the mean projection theorem for determinantal point processes4
Bound on the running maximum of a random walk with small drift4
Functional central limit theorem for tagged particle dynamics in stochastic ranking process with space-time dependent intensities4
Spine decomposition and L log L criterion for superprocesses with non-local branching mechanisms3
An evolution model with uncountably many alleles3
The GHS and other correlation inequalities for the two-star model3
Scaling limits for the block counting process and the fixation line for a class of Λ-coalescents3
Some characterizations for Markov processes at first passage3
Moderate deviation principles for bifurcating Markov chains: case of functions dependent of one variable3
Strict comparison for the Lyapunov exponents of the simple random walk in random potentials3
Directional transience of random walks in random environments with bounded jumps3
Extremal process for irreducible multi-type branching Brownian motion2
Two-sided immigration, emigration and symmetry properties of self-similar interval partition evolutions2
Refined Large Deviation Principle for Branching Brownian Motion Conditioned to Have a Low Maximum2
Malliavin differentiability of solutions of hyperbolic stochastic partial differential equations with irregular drifts2
Large Deviations for the SSEP with slow boundary: the non-critical case2
Bounds on Mixing Time for Time-Inhomogeneous Markov Chains2
Reflected Brownian Motion in a wedge: sum-of-exponential absorption probability at the vertex and differential properties2
Multidimensional Stein’s method for Gamma approximation2
Quantitative bounds for large deviations of heavy tailed random variables2
Growing random graphs with a preferential attachment structure2
On Properties of Random Binary Contingency Tables with Non-Uniform Margin2
Moderate deviations for functionals over infinitely many Rademacher random variables2
Compound Poisson approximation for simple transient random walks in random sceneries2
Optimal Rate of Convergence for Vector-valued Wiener-Itô Integral2
Markov limits of steady states of the KPZ equation on an interval2
Extreme values of critical and subcritical branching stable processes with positive jumps2
U-statistics of local sample moments under weak dependence1
Coagulation dynamics under environmental noise: Scaling limit to SPDE1
Poisson and Gaussian approximations of the power divergence family of statistics1
Cover times for random walk on dynamical percolation1
Long-time asymptotic behaviour of the value function in nonlinear stopping problems1
Factorization and discrete-time representation of multivariate CARMA processes1
On the compensator of step processes in progressively enlarged filtrations and related control problems1
The exploration process of critical Boltzmann planar maps decorated by a triangular O(n) loop model1
Conditional central limit theorem for subcritical branching random walk1
Extinction probabilities in branching processes with countably many types: a general framework1
Maximum likelihood estimation for discrete exponential families and random graphs1
Convex minorants and the fluctuation theory of Lévy processes1
Ordered exponential random walks1
Some toy models of self-organized criticality in percolation1
A de Finetti-type representation of joint hierarchically exchangeable arrays on DAGs1
Exponentially slow mixing and hitting times of rare events for a reaction–diffusion model1
Approximation on slabs and uniqueness for Bernoulli percolation with a sublattice of defects1
Absorption time and absorption probabilities for a family of multidimensional gambler models1
On spectrum of sample covariance matrices from large tensor vectors1
Absorbing-state phase transition and activated random walks with unbounded capacities1
Costly defense traits in structured populations1
Markov Chains and Mappings of Distributions on Compact Spaces1
On the barrier problem of branching random walk in a time-inhomogeneous random environment1
An aggregated model for Karlin stable processes1
The coreness and h-index of random geometric graphs1
Spread of Infection over P.A. random graphs with edge insertion1
Quantization and martingale couplings1
Continuity problem for singular BSDE with random terminal time1
Covering a compact space by fixed-radius or growing random balls1
Limit theorems for iid products of positive matrices1
Seed bank Cannings graphs: How dormancy smoothes random genetic drift1
Stability of weak disorder phase for directed polymer with applications to limit theorems1
On freely quasi-infinitely divisible distributions0
Asymptotic Gaussianity via coalescence probabilities in the Hammond-Sheffield urn0
Asymptotics of k dimensional spherical integrals and applications0
Multitype self-similar growth-fragmentation processes0
Consistent Model Selection for the Degree Corrected Stochastic Blockmodel0
Fitting an ellipsoid to a quadratic number of random points0
Durrett-Levin spatial model of allelopathy0
Occupation time fluctuations of an age-dependent critical binary branching particle system0
Large Deviation Principle for the Greedy Exploration Algorithm over Erdös-Rényi Graphs0
Branching Brownian motion conditioned on small maximum0
Records in the Infinite Occupancy Scheme0
Upper bounds on the fluctuations for a class of degenerate ∇φ-interface models0
On Papathanasiou’s covariance expansions0
Metastability of Glauber dynamics with inhomogeneous coupling disorder0
Gaussian fluctuation for spatial average of the stochastic pseudo-partial differential equation with fractional noise0
Recurrence and transience of Rademacher series0
The Spectra of Principal Submatrices in Rotationally Invariant Hermitian Random Matrices and the Markov– Krein Correspondence0
Characterizations of multivariate distributions with limited memory revisited: An analytical approach0
Subtractive random forests0
Conductance of a subdiffusive random weighted tree0
Functional Gaussian approximations on Hilbert-Poisson spaces0
Monotonicity result for the simple exclusion process on finite connected graphs0
On the support of a hypoelliptic diffusion on the Heisenberg group0
The β-Delaunay tessellation III: Kendall’s problem and limit theorems in high dimensions0
Asymptotic behaviour of the lattice Green function0
Covariance inequalities for convex and log-concave functions0
Uniformly and strongly consistent estimation for the random Hurst function of a multifractional process0
Cutoff for the Fredrickson-Andersen one spin facilitated model0
Diffusive bounds for the critical density of activated random walks0
Countable alphabet stationary processes with at least one memory word and intermittent estimation with universal rates0
On the chemical distance exponent for the two-sided level set of the two-dimensional Gaussian free field0
Exponential ergodicity for stochastic equations of nonnegative processes with jumps0
On monotonicity and couplings of random currents and the loop-O(1)-model0
Asymptotics for Kendall’s renewal function0
Sojourn times of Gaussian and related random fields0
Fractal properties of the frontier in Poissonian coloring0
An algorithm to solve optimal stopping problems for one-dimensional diffusions0
On SDEs for Bessel Processes in low dimension and path-dependent extensions0
Planar Brownian motion winds evenly along its trajectory0
On the spectrum and ergodicity of a neutral multi-allelic Moran model0
Non-universal moderate deviation principle for the nodal length of arithmetic Random Waves0
Hydrodynamic limit of the multi-component slow boundary WASEP with collisions0
Study of a fractional stochastic heat equation0
Complete convergence theorem for a two-level contact process0
Critical window for the vacant set left by random walk on the configuration model0
On the comparison between jump processes and subordinated diffusions0
Reversible Markov kernels and involutions on product spaces0
Joint functional convergence of partial sums and maxima for moving averages with weakly dependent heavy-tailed innovations and random coefficients0
Fluctuation bounds for first-passage percolation on the square, tube, and torus0
Generalized scale functions for spectrally negative Lévy processes0
On the existence of maximum likelihood estimates for the parameters of the Conway-Maxwell-Poisson distribution0
Rates on Yaglom’s limit for Galton-Watson processes in a varying environment0
The secretary problem with non-uniform arrivals via a left-to-right minimum exponentially tilted distribution0
Optimizing stakes in simultaneous bets0
Truncation of long-range percolation models with square non-summable interactions0
Conditional central limit theorem for critical branching random walk0
On the Large Deviations Rate Function for Symmetric Simple Random Walk in Dimension $d \in \mathbb{Z}_{+}$0
On a Markov chain related to the individual lengths in the recursive construction of Kingman’s coalescent0
Totally ordered measured trees and splitting trees with infinite variation II: Prolific skeleton decomposition0
Quantitative Multidimensional Central Limit Theorems for Means of the Dirichlet-Ferguson Measure0
Normal approximation via non-linear exchangeable pairs0
Verifying the Validity of Exponentiality0
Strong laws of large numbers for a growth-fragmentation process with bounded cell sizes0
On the Quenched Functional Central Limit Theorem for Stationary Random Fields under Projective Criteria0
A note on 3d-monochromatic random waves and cancellation0
Sojourns of Stationary Gaussian Processes over a Random Interval0
A characterization of progressively equivalent probability measures preserving the structure of a compound mixed renewal process0
The Small-Noise Limit of the Most Likely Element is the Most Likely Element in the Small-Noise Limit0
Depth of vertices with high degree in random recursive trees0
Transportation of stationary random measures not charging small sets0
A generalized Kubilius-Barban-Vinogradov bound for prime multiplicities0
Balls-in-bins models with asymmetric feedback and reflection0
Estimation of the last passage percolation constant in a charged complete directed acyclic graph via perfect simulation0
The central limit theorem and rate of mixing for simple random walks on the circle0
Speed of extinction for continuous state branching processes in subcritical Lévy environments: the strongly and intermediate regimes0
An asymptotic approach to proving sufficiency of Stein characterisations0
Slow, ordinary and rapid points for Gaussian Wavelets Series and application to Fractional Brownian Motions0
Interacting edge-reinforced random walks0
First passage percolation for weakly correlated fields0
Walsh’s Brownian Motion and Donsker Scaling Limits of Perturbed Random Walks0
The non-linear supersymmetric hyperbolic sigma model on a complete graph with hierarchical interactions0
A note on the Rényi criterion for Poisson processes and their identification0
A Markov process for an infinite age-structured population0
The Matsumoto-Yor property in free probability via subordination and Boolean cumulants0
A stochastic adaptive dynamics model for bacterial populations with mutation, dormancy and transfer0
A functional limit theorem for lattice oscillating random walks0
Upper Bounds for the Largest Component in Critical Inhomogeneous Random Graphs0
A martingale approach to time-dependent and time-periodic linear response in Markov jump processes0
Lyapunov exponent for products of random Ising transfer matrices: the balanced disorder case0
Survival of one dimensional renewal contact process0
Fractionally Integrated Moving Average Stable Processes With Long-Range Dependence0
Transportation of diffuse random measures on Rd0
Individual-based SIS models on (not so) dense large random networks0
A note on uniform in time mean-field limit in graphs0
The Loewner difference equation and convergence of loop-erased random walk0
Second Order Expansions for Sample Median with Random Sample Size0
Cutpoints of non-homogeneous random walks0
On renewal theory for cluster processes0
Noise sensitivity of random walks on groups0
First-passage percolation on random simple triangulations0
Stochastic wave equation with Lévy white noise0
Parametric Estimation of Tempered Stable Laws0
Contradictory predictions with multiple agents0
Concentration inequalities for some negatively dependent binary random variables0
Kinetic time-inhomogeneous Lévy-driven model0
The minimal quasi-stationary distribution of the absorbed M/M/∞ queue0
A measure-valued stochastic model for vector-borne viruses0
Branching Brownian motion under soft killing0
Fluctuations of random Motzkin paths II0
Forests on wired regular trees0
Graphical constructions of simple exclusion processes with applications to random environments0
On the local limit theorems for lower psi-mixing Markov chains0
Quantitative bounds in the central limit theorem for m-dependent random variables0
Mean-field limits for non-linear Hawkes processes with inhibition on a Erdős-Rényi-graph0
Particle configurations for branching Brownian motion with an inhomogeneous branching rate0
Mixing reversible Markov chains in the max-ℓ2-distance0
Random walks with drift inside a pyramid: convergence rate for the survival probability0
Estimates for exponential functionals of continuous Gaussian processes with emphasis on fractional Brownian motion0
Decay of harmonic functions for discrete time Feynman–Kac operators with confining potentials0
Fluctuations of the Magnetization for Ising models on Erdős-Rényi random graphs – the regimes of low temperature and external magnetic field0
Dynamical large deviations for the boundary driven symmetric exclusion process with Robin boundary conditions0
The Malliavin-Stein method for Hawkes functionals0
Comparing the inversion statistic for distribution-biased and distribution-shifted permutations with the geometric and the GEM distributions0
The Sk Shuffle Block Dynamics0
A large deviation principle for the normalized excursion of an α-stable Lévy process without negative jumps0
Asymptotic formula for the conjunction probability of smooth stationary Gaussian fields0
Discordant edges for the voter model on regular random graphs0
Scaling limits for the random walk penalized by its range in dimension one0
Undirected Polymers in Random Environment: path properties in the mean field limit.0
Joint convergence of sample cross-covariance matrices0
Limiting Distributions of Largest Entries of Sample Co-variance Matrices from 1-Dependent Normal Populations0
The fluctuations of the giant cluster for percolation on random split trees0
Convergence of high dimensional Toeplitz and related matrices with correlated inputs0
The variance of the graph distance in the infinite cluster of percolation is sublinear0
Arrivals are universal in coalescing ballistic annihilation0
Lower large deviations for geometric functionals in sparse, critical and dense regimes0
Existence of quasi-stationary distributions for spectrally positive Lévy processes on the half-line0
XX^T matrices with independent entries0
Quasi-Limiting Behavior of Drifted Brownian Motion0