Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications

(The TQCC of Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Study of Compact Heat Exchangers Operating in Self-Sustained Oscillatory Flows83
Effect of Aspect Ratio on Overall Thermal Performance of Forced Convective Heat Transfer Utilizing Turbulent Nanofluid Flow55
Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop Performance of Al2O3/Water and TiO2/Water Nanofluids in Tube Fitted With Simple or Modified Spiral Tape Inserts42
Research on the Phase Transition Process of Sessile Droplet on Carbon Fiber Cold Surface36
Computational Model of Predicting Thermal Performance of a Clothed Human by Considering the Clothing Pumping Effect27
Numerical Investigation Into the Gas–Liquid Two-Phase Flow Regime and Heat Transfer Characteristics in a Gravity Heat Pipe26
Study on Heat Transfer Characteristics of High-Speed Herringbone Gear in Meshing Process Under Oil Injection Lubrication24
Reviewer’s Recognition19
Experimental Research on Heat Transfer Performance of CO2 Tube Bundle Falling Film Evaporator18
Theoretical Analysis of a Self-Condensing CO2 Transcritical Power Cycle With Regeneration Involving Dense Particle Suspensions in a Solar Thermal Power Plant17
Thermal and Electrical Analysis of N-PVT-FPC Hybrid Active Heating of Biogas Plant17
Performance Evaluation of a Fin and Tube Heat Exchanger Based on Different Shapes of the Winglets15
Application of Nonlinear Krylov Solvers for Conjugate Heat Transfer Simulations of Electrical Battery Packs13
Nexus Between Human Thermoregulation and Cardiovascular Functions—A Preliminary Simulation for a Moderate Variation of Temperature12
Enhancing Gas Turbine Power Plant Performance in Tropical Climates by Using Inlet Air Cooling With Desiccant Dehumidification and Evaporative Cooling12
Evaluation of Component Level Degradation in the Boeing 737-800 Air Cycle Machine12
Calculation of Nuclear Reactor Cooling Tower Performance With Limited Data Streams12
Numerical Assessment of Nanofluids in Recharging Microchannel: Thermo-Hydrodynamic and Entropy Generation Analysis11
Natural Convection and Radiative Heat Transfer From Constant Surface Area Vertical Helical Coils: Effect of Pitch and Height11
A Highly Efficient Integrated Silicon-Microchannel Cooler for Multi-Module Electronic Microsystems: Model Design, Optimization, and Performance Validation11
Thermal Performance Analysis of Jet Cooling Method in a High-Power Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor11
Comparative Study of Typical Electromagnetic Heating Methods in Welded Pipe: Induction Heating Versus Contact Heating11
Thermodynamic Optimization of Subcritical and Supercritical Organic Rankine Cycle Power Plants for Waste Heat Recovery in Marine Vessels11
Boeing 737-400 Passenger Air Conditioner Control System Model for Accurate Fault Simulation10
Design and Optimization of Heat Dissipation for a High-Voltage Control Box in Energy Storage Systems10
A Cooling Efficiency Model and Numerical Research of Multiparameter Film Cooling10
Numerical and Experimental Modeling of the Thermal Flow in a Modern Rotary Transfer Machine9
Enhancing the Performance of a Rooftop Solar Chimney Through Flow Disturbers9
A Numerical Study on Heat Transfer Enhancement and Fluid Flow of Enhanced Tube With Ellipsoidal Dimples and Protrusions9
Natural Convection From an Isothermally Heated Hollow Vertical Cylinder Submerged in Quiescent Power-Law Fluids9
Effect of Rarefaction on Thermal and Chemical Non-Equilibrium for Hypersonic Flow With Different Enthalpy and Catalytic Wall Conditions9
A Decomposition Solution of Variable Thickness Absorber Plate Solar Collectors With Power Law Dependent Thermal Conductivity8
Theoretical Investigation of Low Global Warming Potential Blends Replacing R404A: The Simple Refrigeration Cycle and Its Modifications8
A Multivariable Numerical Investigation of Wavy-Based Microchannel Heat Sink Geometry Toward Optimal Thermal Performance8
Modeling an Evaporative Cooling System to Improve Gas Turbines Performance8
Computational Framework Development for Heat Transfer Studies in Liquid Metal-Cooled Small-Scale Heat Sinks With Non-Circular Cross Sections8
Probing the Accuracy of Experimental Data on Nusselt Numbers Within Miniature Heat Sinks8
Experimental Investigation of the Effect of the Burner Cap Geometry on the Performance of a Domestic Liquefied Petroleum Gas Stove8
Cooling Mechanisms in a Rotating Brake Disc With a Wire-Woven-Bulk Diamond Cellular Core7
Coupling of Volumetric Flowfield and Surface Effectiveness Measurements for Flat-Plate Film Cooling With Cylindrical Holes Using Tomographic Particle Image Velocimetry and Pressure-Sensitive Paint7
Self-Thermal Insulation of Containers by the Precipitation and Formation of a Gas Film at the Walls for Thermal Energy Storage7
Thermal Energy Discharging Performance of Metal Foam/Paraffin Composite Phase Change Material at Pore Scale7
Numerical Simulation Study of Boiling Heat Transfer of R290 Flow in Horizontal Microtubes7
Parametric Study on the Performance of Combined Power Plant of Steam and Gas Turbines7
Experimental Study for Convection Heat Transfer From Helical Coils With the Same Outer Surface Area and Different Coil Geometry7
Impact of Varying the Number of Heat Exchangers Used in the Latent Heat Thermal Energy Storage Unit on the Thermal Performance7
Intelligent Control Strategy of Fresh Air Volume in Cabin under Heating Condition and Evaluation of Its Energy Saving Effect7
Numerical Investigation on Turbulence Statistics and Heat Transfer of a Circular Jet Impinging on a Roughened Flat Plate7
Coupling Phenomenon Between Fugitive Dust and High-Temperature Tail Gas: A Thermal Infrared Signature Study7
Time-Accurate Evaluation of Film Cooling Jet Characteristics for Plenum and Crossflow Coolant Supplies7
Thermodynamic Analysis and Optimization for Exhaust Energy Splitting: An Innovative Method of Improving Exhaust Energy Grade for the Low-Speed Marine Diesel Engine7
Performance Prediction of a Model Rotary Air Preheater Through Porous Media Approach7
Determination of Turbulent Prandtl Number for Thermal Fluid Dynamics Simulation of HVAC Unit by Data Assimilation7
Enhancement of Melting Process Inside Toroidal Tube Heat Exchanger With Different Cross-Sectional Geometries6
Preheating Effects on Compression Ignition Engine Through Waste Heat Recovery Using THNF-Based Radiator Coolant: An Experimental Study6
Lean Premixed Combustion of Raw Biogas Interchangeability in a Porous Radiant Burner Operated in the Submerged Mode6
A Novel Plate Fin Heat Sink Design With Rectangular Slots and Interruptions: A Computational Approach6
Effect of Direct Liquid Cooling Technology With Flow Guide Integration on Avionics Devices Thermal and Electrical Performance6
Analysis and Optimization of a Biomass Heated Two-Stage Desiccant Cooling System Used for Greenhouse Cultivation in Hot and Humid Climates6
Enhancing the Experimental Performance of Axially Rotating Wickless Heat Pipe Using Annular- and Longitudinally Finned Condensers6
Heat Transfer in a Rotating, Blade-Shaped, Two-Pass Cooling Channel With Various 45-Deg Rib Turbulators and a Tip Turning Vane6
Thermal Elastohydrodynamic Lubrication of Herringbone Gear Considering the Effect of Oil Gas Mixture6
Thermohydraulic Performance Optimization of Automobile Radiators Using Statistical Approaches6
Mathematical Modeling and simulation of MED without TVC Applied to Zuara Desalination Plant6
Numerical Study of Single-Phase Heat Transfer Performance of a Mini/Micro-Channel Integrated With Multiple Bypass Micro-Nozzles6
Theoretical and Experimental Study of the Effect of Mini Channel Finned Heatsink on Thermoelectric Generator Performance in Air-Cooled Environment6
Numerical Simulation of Enhanced Geothermal System With Complex Fracture Networks6
Wall Heat Transfer Characteristic of Parallel-Plate Channel Filled With Open-Cell Metal Foams in Large Flow Velocity Range6
Thermal Control System of Space Laser Communication Payload6
Design of the Cooling Water System Upgrade for 42 T Resistive Magnet at the CHMFL6
Comparative Study of Straight and Venturi Channel Cross Sections of Microchannel Heat Exchangers6
Designing, Modelling and Experimental Investigation of Direct Evaporative Cooling System Coupled With Commercial Desiccant Dehumidifier6
Nonlinear Temperature Gradient Focusing of Deoxyribose Nucleic Acid in a Microfluidic Channel With Patterned Surface Charges: A Numerical Study5
Study on Thermal–Hydraulic Characteristics of Novel Channels for Printed Circuit Heat Exchanger Using Supercritical CO25
Air-to-Liquid Heat Exchanger Fabricated Using Deposition-Based Additive Manufacturing Processes5
Evaporation Characteristics of Lubricant/Gasoline Blending Oil Film Under Different Thermal Radiations5
Investigation and Application of Bio-Inspired Microscale Structures to Turbine Endwall for Enhancing Film Cooling Performance5
Multi-Objective Optimization of Air-Cooled Perforated Micro-Pin Fin Heat Sink Via an Artificial Neural Network Surrogate Model Coupled With NSGA-II5
Effects of Reynolds Number and Tooth Front Angle on Leakage Loss and Heat Transfer Characteristics in a Rotating Labyrinth Seal5
Evaluation of Pressure, Surface Characteristics, and Fluid Properties Effect on Pool Boiling Heat Transfer Over Plain and External Micro-Finned Cylindrical Surfaces5
The Quantitative Study on the Influence of Operating Parameters Upon Thermal Performance of Heating Furnace5
Numerical Model of the Railway Brake Disk for the Temperature and Axial Thermal Stress Analyses5
Combustion of Raw Biogas/Hot Air in a Porous Radiant Burner and Performance Prediction Using a Machine Learning Algorithm5
Thermal Response of Dielectric Nanoparticle-Infused Tissue Phantoms During Microwave-Assisted Hyperthermia5
Thermo-Economic Comparative Study and Multi-Objective Optimization of Supercritical CO2-Based Mixtures Brayton Cycle Combined With Absorption Refrigeration Cycle5
Thermal Analysis of the Effect of Absorber Plate Geometric Parameters on the Dynamic of an Indirect Type Solar Dryer5
Theoretical Analysis of Energy, Exergy, and Environmental-Related Aspects of Hydrofluoroolefin Refrigerants as Drop-In Alternatives for R134a in a Household Refrigerator5
Comparison of Theoretical Methods Describing the Heat Transfer in Vertical Tube Condensers Under Conditions Corresponding to the Condensation of Flue Gas From a Biomass Boiler5
A Comparison of the Performance of Constant and Dual Height Pin Fins in Phase Change Material Cooling Technique5
Experimental Assessment of Thermohydraulic Performance of a Rectangular Solar Air Heater Duct Using Twisted V-Shaped Staggered Ribs5
Performance Study of Battery Thermal Management System With a Bionic Cooling Plate Based on Leaf Vein Channels of Plantain5
Thermodynamic Analysis of the Volumetric Absorption Solar Collector-Driven Direct Contact Membrane Distillation System5
Experimental Exploration of Cellulose Material for Battery Separators and Artificial Neural Network-Driven Predictive Modeling for Enhanced Thermal Safety in Electric Vehicles5
Numerical Analysis of Enhanced Forced Convection in Perforated Surface Wavy Plate-Fin Core5
Thermal Performance Optimization of Nano-Enhanced Phase Change Material-Based Heat Pipe Using Combined Artificial Neural Network and Genetic Algorithm Approach5
Thermal and Hydraulic Performances of Porous Microchannel Heat Sink Using Nanofluids5
Effects of Upstream Step Geometries on Endwall Film Cooling and Phantom Cooling Performances of a Transonic Turbine Vane4
Temperature Elevation in the Human Eye Due To Intraocular Projection Prosthesis Device4
Performance Analysis of a Phase Changing Material Based Thermocycler for Nucleic Acid Amplification4
Film Cooling Effectiveness and Flow Structures of Butterfly-Shaped Film Cooling Hole Configuration4
Performance Analysis of a New ORC-VCC System With Mechanical Overheating and Correlation Fitting of Most Important System Parameter4
Conjugate Heat Transfer and Flow Features of Single-Hole and Combined-Hole Film Cooling With Rib-Roughened Internal Passages4
Methodologies for Predicting the Effectiveness of Full-Scale Fixed-Bed Regenerators From Small-Scale Test Data4
Heat Transfer and Second Law Analysis of Ethylene Glycol-Based Ternary Hybrid Nanofluid Under Laminar Flow4
Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Methane/Air and Biogas/Air Coflow Flames in a Confined Coaxial Burner4
Experimental and Numerical Investigations on Flexible Paraffin/Fiber Composite Phase Change Material4
Experimental Investigation on the Thermal Performance of a Large-Size Aluminum Vapor Chamber for Multi-Point Heat Sources4
Computational Analysis of Air/Mist Film Cooling Using a Sweeping Jet Fluidic Oscillator–Part I: Sweeping Air-Only Jet With Detailed Analysis of Vortex Dynamics4
Assessment of Turbulence Models for Low Reynolds Number Flows and Their Computational Costs, Part 1: Staggered Tube Bank4
Temporal Convolutional Neural Network-Based Cold Load Prediction for Large Office Buildings4
Numerical Inspection of Location, Density Ratio, and Turbulent Kinetic Energy of Vortex Generator in Gas Turbine Blade Film Cooling Application4
Computational Fluid Dynamics Study on Exhaust Heat Recovery of Various Spiral Tube Heat Exchangers4
Influence of Flue Gas Pattern Flow in Boiler Radiant Section on Heat Transfer4
Multi-Physical Field Numerical Simulation of Electromagnetic Heating in Heavy Oil Reservoirs With Different Well Configurations4
Experimental Research on an Embedded Heat Source Vapor Chamber for Aerospace Electronic Cooling4
Soft Computing Model for Inverse Prediction of Surface Heat Flux From Temperature Responses in Short-Duration Heat Transfer Experiments4
Potential Waste Heat Recovery Analysis From Molten Steel Slag: The Case Study of Sidenor Steelworks in Basauri (Spain)4
Effect of Variation of the Aspect Ratio of Rectangular Twisted Tapes Inserted in a Circular Pipe on the Thermal Performance4
Performance and Economic Analysis of Bubble Column Humidification and Thermoelectric Cooler Dehumidification Water Desalination System4
Application of Artificial Intelligence on Predicting the Effects of Buoyancy Ratio on Magnetohydrodynamics Double-Diffusive Mixed Convection and Entropy Generation in Different Nanofluids and Hybrid N4
Thermodynamic Performance Assessment of Air Conditioner Combining Evaporative and Passive Cooling4
Experimental Study on the Heat Transfer Performance of a Stainless-Steel Heat Pipe With Sintered Fiber Wick4
Calculation of Equivalent Thermal Conductivity of Motor Winding Based on Conductor Distribution4
Nanoliquid Jet Impingement Heat Transfer for a Phase Change Material Embedded Radial Heating System4
An Investigation of the Thermal Performance of a Tropical Greenhouse Constructed With an Earth Air Heat Exchanger4
A Simplified Numerical Approach to Characterize the Thermal Response of a Moving Bed Solar Reactor4
Heat Transfer Coefficient Distribution of W and Broken W Turbulators at High Reynolds Numbers4
Novel Non-Fourier Ice Heat Conduction Model Considering Latent Heat Via Specific Heat Capacity Functionalization and Its Potential Application4
Numerical Investigation of Turbulent Offset Jet Flow Over a Moving Flat Plate Using Low-Reynolds Number Turbulence Model4
Numerical Design and Studies of Multipurpose Concentrated Solar Thermal Heating System4
Experimental and Computational Investigation for Accelerated Testing and Characterization of Next-Generation Steam Turbine Rotors4
Experimental Investigation on the Thermal Performances of a New Design of Pulsating Heat Pipe With Two Condensers4
Design Optimization of a Shell-and-Tube Heat Exchanger Based on Variable Baffle Cuts and Sizing4
Sensitivity Analysis of Schlieren-Particle Image Velocimetry System for Simultaneous Measurement of Flow and Temperature Field of a Free Convective Flow Inside a Cubic Cavity4
Performance Analysis and Optimization of Supercritical CO2 Recompression Brayton Cycle Coupled With Organic Flash Cycle With a Two-Phase Expander4
An Analytical Solution to Predict Temperatures of Dumbbell-Shaped Rubber Specimens Under Cyclic Deformation4
Reviewer’s Recognition4
Design Impacts on Ram Air Vane Cooling in an Ultra-Compact Combustor4
Multi-Objective Optimization Design of a Cobweb-Like Channel Heat Sink Using Particle Swarm Algorithm4
Modeling and Multi-Objective Optimization of a Miniature Refrigeration System4
Micro-Channel Cooling of Hot Spots Through Nonuniform Aspect Ratio Designs3
Numerical Study of Heat Transfer During Oblique Impact of a Cold Drop on a Heated Liquid Film3
Operational Flexibility Evaluation and Techno-economic Analysis on Hot Primary Air Temperature Boosting by Reheated Steam in a Lignite-fired Power Plant3
A Novel Non-Intrusive Imaging Technique to Quantify Shrinkage of Elephant Foot Yam During Convective Drying3
Pool Boiling Heat Transfer Enhancement Using Perforated Twisted Tape Fins3
Improved Heat-Transfer Correlation for Transcritical Methane Based on a Velocity Profile Correction Term3
Thermodynamic Optimization of a Combined Cooling and Power System Utilizing Industrial Waste Heat3
Numerical Investigation of a Phase Change Material Building Integrating Solar Thermal Collector PCM-BST3
Parameter Study of Geometrically Induced Flow Maldistribution in Shell and Tube Heat Exchangers3
Multi-Criteria Optimization of a PCM based Heat Sink—Effect of Geometric Parameters on Operational Time and Melt Fraction3
Computer Simulation of Heat Transfer in Alumina and Cement Rotary Kilns3
Multi-Physical Simulation of Stirring Effect on Heating Uniformity in a Microwave Reactor With an Interlayer3
Thermodynamic and Comparative Analysis of Ejector Refrigeration Cycle and Absorption Refrigeration Cycle Integrated Wet Ethanol-Fueled HCCI Engine for Cogeneration of Power and Cooling3
Magnetic Field Effect on the Buoyancy-Driven Convection and Fluid Motion in Fe3O4/Water Nanofluid Filled Inside an Enclosure With Mutual Orthogonal Heaters3
Characterization of Transient Wall Heat Load for a Low NOx Lean Premixed Swirl Stabilized Can Combustor Under Reacting Conditions3
Thermo-Fluid Design Simulation of Nd3+ POCl3 Transverse Flow Liquid Laser Cavity3
Experimental and Numerical Studies on an Automobile Air Conditioning System With the Refrigerants R134a, R1234yf, and R1234ze(E)3
Numerical Research on the Heat-Transfer Enhancement of Printed Circuit Heat Exchanger in the Presence of Pulsating Flow3
Experimental Investigation on Finned Solar Still With Enhanced Thermal Energy Storage3
Numerical Study of Double-Jet Film Cooling on a Semi-Cylindrical Leading Edge3
Prediction of Heat Transfer for Compact Tube Heat Exchanger Based on Porous Models3
Effects of Jet-to-Target Surface Spacing and Pin-Fin Height on Jet Impingement Heat Transfer in a Rectangular Channel3
Modeling and Simulation of a Vertical Multi-Effect Diffusion Solar Still Coupled With a Tracking Solar System and a PV/T-SWH System3
Performance Enhancement of Tubular Solar Still With Various Rotating Wicked Materials—An Experimental Approach3
Thermal Characterization of Building Walls Under Random Boundary Conditions3
Heat Transfer in a Rib Turbulated Pin Fin Array for Trailing Edge Cooling3
Homogeneous and Automated Cooling of a Mold Segment by Multiple Water Jet Impingement and a Cross Air Flow3
Impact of Real-Time Blind Slat Angle Control on Reducing Total Energy Consumption of a Library Building Using an Optimized Artificial Neural Network Model: A Case Study of the Six Moroccan Thermal Zon3
A Multiple Regression Convolutional Neural Network for Estimating Multi-Parameters Based on Overall Data in the Inverse Heat Transfer Problem3
An Experimental and Modeling Study for a Novel Bank-Type Earth Air Heat Exchanger for the Summer Season Using Full Factorial Design3
Numerical Analysis of Heat-Pipe-Based Battery Thermal Management System for Prismatic Lithium-Ion Batteries3
Effects of pH and Surfactant on the Forced Convection of Al2O3/Water and TiO2/Water Nanofluids3
Influence of Exhaust Gas Recirculation on Performance, Combustion, and Emission Characteristics of a Common Rail Direct Injection Diesel Engine Fueled by Diesel/Higher Alcohol Blends3
Aerothermal Optimization of Film Cooling Hole Locations on the Squealer Tip of an HP Turbine Blade3
Topology Optimization Design of Scramjet Structures With Forced Convective Heat Transfer on Unstructured Meshes3
Closure to “Computational Analysis for Mixed Convective Flows of Viscous Fluids With Nanoparticles” (Farooq, U., Lu, D. C., Ahmed, S., and Ramzan, M., 2019, ASME J. Therm. Sci. Eng. Appl., 11(2), p. 03
Study on the Exergy Transfer Characteristics of the Heat Transfer Process of the Tube Heating Furnace3
Numerical Investigation of Temperatures in Ultra-Large Off-the-Road Tires Under Operating Conditions at Mine Sites3
Numerical Studies for the Thermal Regime of a High-Speed Railway Tunnel Considering Piston Action on Seasonally Frozen Regions3
Numerical Simulation of Soil Heat and Moisture Migration Containing Different Stones Using Lattice Boltzmann Method3
Performance Analysis of a Compact Offset Strip Fin Heat Exchanger for Lubrication System in Aero Engine3
Parametric Study on Axially Grooved Heat Pipe With Two Heat Sources and One Heat Sink With Multiple Branches3
Skin Cooling of Turbine Airfoils by Single Wall Effusion: Part I—Reduced Order Modeling3
Analysis of Condensation Flow Pattern and Heat Transfer of a Cryogenic Loop Heat Pipe With Different Heating Powers3
Implementation of a Model Predictive Control Strategy to Regulate Temperature Inside Plug-Flow Solar Reactor With Countercurrent Flow3
Numerical and Experimental Investigation of Melting of Paraffin in a Hemicylindrical Capsule3
Thermal Performance Optimization of a Parabolic Trough Collector Operating With Various Working Fluids Using Copper Nanoparticles3
Understanding Thermo-Fluidic Characteristics of a Triangular Solar Air Heater Having W-Shaped Rib-Turbulators: A 3D Computational Fluid Dynamics Study3
Numerical Survey on Performance of Hybrid NePCM for Cooling of Electronics: Effect of Heat Source Position and Heat Sink Inclination3
A Systematic Optimization Design Method for Thermal Management of Passenger Vehicles3
Effect of Sucrose Catalyst in the Catalytic Converter on Performance and Emission of Spark Ignition Engine3
Parametric Studies on a Two-Stage Evaporative Cooler During Tropical Climates in India3
Simulation of the Regulation Law of Buildings With Unbalanced Heating by Using the Method of Partition Intermittent Heating3
Experimental Study and Simulation of Thermal Conductivity of Saturated Frozen Soil3
Cooling Heat Transfer Attributions of Supercritical CO2 in a Spiral Groove Tube Casing Heat Exchanger: A Numerical Investigation3
Experimental and Numerical Investigations of Extended Jet Effects on Multiple-Jet Impingement Heat Transfer Characteristics3
Alternative Approach for Thermo-Hydraulic Modeling of Direct Steam Generation in Parabolic Trough Solar Collectors3
A Fully 3D-Printed Flexible Polymeric Heat Pipe3
Embedded Microfluidic Cooling in Aluminum Nitride HTCC Substrate for High-Power Radio Frequency Chip Array3
A Novel Electric Vehicle Thermal Management System Based on Charging Station Heat Pump System During Fast Charging3
The Effect of Single-Sided Ribs on Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop Within a Trailing Edge Internal Channel of a Gas Turbine Blade3
Simulations With Compressible Multiphase Formulation on Heat Transfer Studies in a Rocket Thrust Chamber With Experimental Validation3