Annual Review of Condensed Matter Physics

(The H4-Index of Annual Review of Condensed Matter Physics is 27. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
The Hubbard Model199
The Hubbard Model: A Computational Perspective157
Random Quantum Circuits156
Active Turbulence154
The Fracture of Highly Deformable Soft Materials: A Tale of Two Length Scales128
Polyelectrolyte Complex Coacervates: Recent Developments and New Frontiers114
Non-Hermitian Topological Phenomena: A Review113
Topological Magnons: A Review104
Generalized Symmetries in Condensed Matter88
Odd Viscosity and Odd Elasticity77
Quantum Many-Body Scars: A Quasiparticle Perspective77
Topology and Symmetry of Quantum Materials via Nonlinear Optical Responses74
Band Representations and Topological Quantum Chemistry64
Irreversibility and Biased Ensembles in Active Matter: Insights from Stochastic Thermodynamics60
Olfactory Sensing and Navigation in Turbulent Environments46
Topological Magnets: Functions Based on Berry Phase and Multipoles46
Symmetry Breaking and Nonlinear Electric Transport in van der Waals Nanostructures46
Enzymes as Active Matter45
Understanding Hydrophobic Effects: Insights from Water Density Fluctuations43
Director Deformations, Geometric Frustration, and Modulated Phases in Liquid Crystals41
The Physics of Dense Suspensions38
On the Role of Competing Interactions in Charged Colloids with Short-Range Attraction36
Floquet States in Open Quantum Systems36
Tensor Network Algorithms: A Route Map31
Superconductivity and Local Inversion-Symmetry Breaking30
Modeling Active Colloids: From Active Brownian Particles to Hydrodynamic and Chemical Fields29
Studying Quantum Materials with Scanning SQUID Microscopy27