Journal of Transportation Safety & Security

(The median citation count of Journal of Transportation Safety & Security is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Pattern recognition from injury severity types of frontage roadway crashes20
A semantic embedding methodology for motor vehicle crash records: A case study of traffic safety in Manhattan Borough of New York City18
Evaluating the safe and eco-driving performances of car-following behaviors in a vehicle platoon under foggy conditions17
Understanding distracted driving patterns of ride-hailing drivers from multi-source data: Applying association rule mining14
Influence of adaptive signal control technology (ASCT) on severity of intersection-related crashes14
COVID-19, tourism and road traffic accidents: Evidence from Greece12
Examining the crash risk factors associated with cycling by considering spatial and temporal disaggregation of exposure: Findings from four Dutch cities11
An integration methodology of safety and security requirements for autonomous vehicles11
Exploring contributing factors to improper driving actions in single-vehicle work zone crashes: A mixed logit analysis considering heterogeneity in means and variances, and temporal instability10
An exploratory analysis of two-vehicle crashes for distracted driving with a mixed approach: Machine learning algorithm with unobserved heterogeneity10
A causal inference analysis of injury severity in motorcyclist crashes in Brazilian highway databases9
A simulation analysis to explore when using a calibration function is preferred over a scalar factor for calibrating safety performance functions9
Vehicle trajectory prediction and collision warning for lane change conditions9
Truck drivers’ self-reported engagement in overloading: An application of the extended theory of planned behavior9
Effects of ambient temperature on drivers’ speed-selective behavior at different risk levels: A driving simulation study9
Near misses and split routes: Comparing rider behavior, driver interaction, and route choice for cyclists8
Determinants of traffic violations in China: A case-study with a partial proportional odds model8
Applying different analytic methods to determine black spots in two-lane highways8
A study of aberrant driving behaviors and road accidents in Chinese ride-hailing drivers8
Contributing factors on the level of delay caused by crashes: a hybrid method of latent class analysis and XGBoost based SHAP algorithm8
Temporal assessment of injury severities of two types of pedestrian-vehicle crashes using unobserved-heterogeneity models8
Macro-level hazardous material transportation safety analysis in China using a Bayesian negative binomial model combined with conditional autoregression prior7
Understanding the mechanism behind young drivers’ distracted driving behaviour based on S-O-R theory7
Characterizing the differences of injury severity between single-vehicle and multi-vehicle crashes in China7
Investigating contributing factors to injury severity levels in crashes involving pedestrians and cyclists using latent class clustering analysis and mixed logit models7
Cluster analysis and multi-level modeling for evaluating the impact of rain on aggressive lane-changing characteristics utilizing naturalistic driving data7
How does older and younger drivers’ risk cognition affect the safety performance: A driving simulator study of sudden lane-changing of the leading vehicle7
Detection of distracted driving through the analysis of real-time driver, vehicle, and roadway volatilities6
A new approach in developing an urban rail transit emergency knowledge graph based on operation fault logs6
Could music reduce driver fatigue? An investigation on music effects in various weather conditions6
Optimizing the guiding sign system to improve drivers’ lane-changing behavior at freeway exit ramp6
Safety evaluation for regulation changes on commercial vehicle operation using multilevel Bayesian methods6
Exploring the heterogeneities in vehicle-involved traffic violations at intersections using latent class clustering and partial proportional odds models6
An integrated solution to identify pedestrian-vehicle accident prone locations: GIS-based multicriteria decision approach6
Modeling non-parametric effects of two-vehicle speed on crash risk at intersections: Leveraging two-dimensional additive logistic regression beyond univariable approach6
A methodology for prioritizing safety indicators using individual vehicle trajectory data6
Enhancing bicyclist survival time in fatal crashes: Investigating the impact of faster crash notification time through explainable machine learning5
Impact of operating speed measures on traffic crashes: Annual and daily level models for rural two-lane and rural multilane roadways5
A two-dimensional lateral interaction crash risk evaluation model considering imbalanced data5
Pattern recognition in speeding related motorcycle crashes5
Structural equation modeling approach for investigating drivers’ risky behavior in clear and adverse weather using SHRP2 naturalistic driving data5
An improved risk estimation model of lane change using naturalistic vehicle trajectories5
Investigating the impacts of driver’s risky driving behavior on traffic crash risk detection model4
Evaluating the benefits of using a context classification system to develop intersection safety performance functions4
Modeling spatial spillover effect on intersection crash propensity: a case study at the county level in Ohio4
A comprehensive analysis of factors that influence interstate highway crash severity in Alabama4
A genetic programming approach for real-time crash prediction to solve trade-off between interpretability and accuracy4
Tempo-categorization of road accident hotspots to enhance the problem diagnosis process and detect hidden hazardous locations4
Considering demographics of other involved drivers in predicting the highest driver injury severity in multi-vehicle crashes on rural two-lane roads in California4
Factors affecting fatal PTW at-fault crash outcome metrics at intersections and non-intersections in South Korea4
How to select distracted driving countermeasures evaluation metrics: A systematic review4
Gate violation prediction at highway-rail grade crossings using tree-based ensemble techniques4
Takeover behavior patterns for autonomous driving in crash scenarios4
Multiscale spatial analysis of macro-level determinants of bicycle crash frequencies in the Phoenix metro region4
Investigating the impact of fatigue level on visual attention of heavy-duty truck driver: An eye tracking study3
Should voice navigation prompts be earlier and more complicated? A study of drivers’ visual attention, physiology and operating performance3
Influential factors of pedestrian and bicycle crashes near Pedestrian Hybrid Beacons: Observing trends through an applied analysis3
Impact of access point density on driving safety in underground loops: Examining drivers’ operational performance and visual characteristics3
Real-time driving risk assessment based on the psycho-physical field3
Exploring characteristics and influencing factors of crash duration on urban arterials and collectors3
Enhancing urban metro system resilience under disruptive events through multi-agent reinforcement learning3
Determinants of driver injury severity in electric vehicle crashes: A random parameters binary probit model with heterogeneity in means and variances3
Traffic safety analysis at interchange exits using the surrogate measure of aggressive driving behavior and speed variation3
An empirical analysis of how asleep/fatigued driving-injury severities have changed over time3
Prudent behavior of young pedestrians: What are the determinants?3
A random parameter bivariate probit model for injury severities of riders and pillion passengers in motorcycle crashes3
Understanding the role of driver behaviors and performance in safety-critical events: Application of machine learning3
Investigating injury severity of pedestrian–vehicle crashes by integrating latent class cluster analysis and unbalanced panel mixed ordered probit model3
Hot-spot analysis of motorcyclist crashes involving fixed objects using multinomial logit and data mining tools2
A latent class multinomial logit analysis of factors associated with pedestrian injury severity of inter-urban highway crashes2
An integrated clustering and Bayesian approach to investigate the severity of pedestrian collisions at highway-railway grade crossings collisions2
Risk preference, risk perception as predictors of risky driving behaviors: the moderating effects of gender, age, and driving experience2
Investigating the safety impacts of discontinuities in cycle network: A case study of London2
Zone-level traffic crash analysis with incorporated multi-sourced traffic exposure variables using Bayesian spatial model2
Does random slope hierarchical modeling always outperform random intercept counterpart? Accounting for unobserved heterogeneity in a real-time empirical analysis of critical crash occurrence2
Advanced stop boxes and their effect on traffic conflict rates between cyclists and turning vehicles2
Modelling participation in road accidents of drivers with disabilities who use hand controls2
Safety evaluation of pedestrian-vehicle interaction at signalized intersections in Changsha, China2
GIS-based assessment of pedestrian-vehicle accidents in terms of safety with four different ML models2
Safety systems and vehicle generations: Analysis of accident and travel data collected using event data recorders2
An analysis of factors influencing driver action on downgrade crashes using the mixed logit analysis2
A novel deep learning framework for detecting seafarer’s unsafe behavior2
An image-based crash risk prediction model using visual attention mapping and a deep convolutional neural network2
Exploring the influence of rider age and experience on motorcycle crash risk: Evidence from a case-control study2
Analysis of factors affecting the frequency of crashes on interstate freeways by vehicle type considering multiple weather variables2
Combining emerging hotspots analysis with XGBoost for modeling pedestrian injuries in pedestrian-vehicle crashes: a case study of North Carolina2
Analyzing the time-varying patterns of contributing factors in work zone-related crashes2
Exploring the main and interaction effects of traffic flow characteristics, roadway design and weather conditions on the real-time crash risk for urban roads with mixed logit model1
Long-term safety evaluation of the primary seat-belt law1
A novel deep learning approach to predict crash severity in adverse weather on rural mountainous freeway1
Identifying nonlinear effects of factors on hit-and-run crashes using interpretable machine learning techniques1
Data-driven gale-induced risk assessment strategy for the high-speed railway system1
Plateau effect on driver’s hazard perception response mode: Graph construction approach1
Analysing the injury severity characteristics of urban elderly drivers’ traffic accidents through the generalised ordered logit model: A case of Seoul, South Korea1
Exploring injury severity of bicycle-motor vehicle crashes: A two-stage approach integrating latent class analysis and random parameter logit model1
Pattern recognition from light delivery vehicle crash characteristics1
Mixed logit models for examining pedestrian injury severities at intersection and non-intersection locations1
An exploration of the effects of various street lighting conditions on driver behaviors and safety at stop-controlled intersections: A driving simulator experiment1
Calibrating safety-based design charts for horizontal curves using system reliability analysis and multivariate models1
Predicting pedestrian crash locations in urban India: An integrated GIS-based spatiotemporal HSID technique1
Analyzing single-vehicle and multi-vehicle freeway crashes with unobserved heterogeneity1
Utilizing angle-based outlier detection method with sliding window mechanism to identify real-time crash risk1
Exploring the spatiotemporal heterogeneity of freeway secondary crashes using GTWR model1
Identifying attribute associations in fatal speeding crashes using latent class clustering and association rule mining1
Investigating the impact of influential factors on crash types for autonomous vehicles at intersections1
Investigating the application of deep learning to identify pedestrian collision-prone zones1
An approach for evaluating traffic safety of expressway weaving segments: Investigating risk patterns of lane-changing conflicts1
A three-step methodology to complement underreporting maritime accident records1
An aggressive driving state recognition model using EEG based on stacking ensemble learning1
A comparison of patterns and contributing factors of ADAS and ADS involved crashes1
An ensemble machine learning method for crash responsibility assignment in quasi-induced exposure theory1
Surrogate safety assessment of super DDI design: A case study in Denver, Colorado1
Prediction of high-risk bus drivers characterized by aggressive driving behavior1
Exploring the effects of Connected and Autonomous Vehicles on traffic safety and operation at full-cloverleaf interchanges1
Injury severity analysis of drivers in single-vehicle rollover crashes: A random thresholds random parameters hierarchical ordered logit approach1
Corridor-level network screening and modeling of fatal and serious injury crashes on urban and suburban arterial corridors in Florida1
Evasion planning for autonomous intersection control based on an optimized conflict point control formulation1
A deep learning and full consistency approach to roadway safety scoring1
Injury severity of single-vehicle weather-related crashes on two-lane highways1
Exploring the heterogeneous effects of zonal factors on bicycle injury severity: latent class clustering analysis and partial proportional odds models1
Analysis of driving left-turn errors of young and older drivers at urban intersections1
Investigation of factors contributing to bus-crash severity based on extended hierarchical ordered probit model with heteroscedasticity1
Identification and spatiotemporal evolution analysis of high-risk crash spots in urban roads at the microzone-level: Using the space-time cube method1
Identifying spatio-temporal pattern of electric vehicles involved traffic accidents1
Modeling car and heavy commercial vehicle crashes on two-lane rural highways using the Poisson-Tweedie regression approach1
Analysis of risk factors affecting delay of high-speed railway in China based on Bayesian network modeling1
Categorical principal component analysis (CATPCA) of pedestrian crashes in Central Florida1
Exploring the heterogeneities of factors affecting e-bicyclist severities in delivery e-scooter crashes1
An integrated decision support system for ship collision avoidance1