IEEE Photonics Journal

(The TQCC of IEEE Photonics Journal is 5. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Enhanced Performance of N-Polar AlGaN-Based Ultraviolet Light-Emitting Diodes With Lattice- Matched AlInGaN Insertion in n-AlGaN Layer49
Tunable Microwave Pulse Generation Based on a Time-Domain Mode Locked Optoelectronic Oscillator48
Effect of Seed Power on the Inter-Modal Four-Wave-Mixing Effect in Distributed Side-Pumped Fiber Amplifiers41
A Novel Compact Fiber Optic Concentration Sensing System Based on Machine Learning Demodulation40
Reflective SFT-FBG Hybrid Micro-Probe for Simultaneous Measurement of Relative Humidity and Temperature36
High-Resolution Phase-Only Holographic 3D Display Based on Light Field Images Rendered in the Frequency Domain35
The Adoption of Chalcogenide Glass Fiber as Pulse Stretcher in an All-Fiber Structured 2 μm Chirped Pulse Amplification System33
Comment on “Rapid Image Reconstruction of Structured Illumination Microscopy Directly in the Spatial Domain” and More About Point Spread Function Shaping for Enhanced Imaging Resolution31
Experimental Demostration of a MIMO-OFDM Underwater Optical Communication System for Reducing Alignment Angle Requirements30
In-Situ Metrology of Large Segmented Detector Based on Modified Optical Truss30
Single-Pixel Imaging for Partially Occluded Objects29
Superior Imaging Performance of All-Fiber, Two-Focusing-Element Microendoscopes29
Square-Wave Spatial Optical Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiplexing29
Inkjet-Printed Patterned Quantum Dots Film for High-Efficiency Displays28
Performance of Coherent Optical MPSK in Underwater Turbulent Channels with Phase Errors27
Dissipative soliton generation in a phase-biased all-PM fiber oscillator in the normal-dispersion regime26
Experimental Demonstration and Characterization of a Non-Mode Selective (De)Multiplexer Using Multi-Plane Light Converter (MPLC)25
Optomechanical Gyroscope Based on Micro-Hemispherical Shell and Optical Ring Resonators24
A CNN-LSTM Phase Compensation Method for Unidirectional Two-way Radio Frequency Transmission System24
Adiabaticity Engineered Silicon Coupler With Design-Intended Splitting Ratio24
Q-Band MMW Transmission Enabled by Joint Probabilistic Shaping and Precoding With MZM-Based OCS Modulation23
Broadband SiN Interleaver With a Ring Assisted MZI Using a Tapered MMI Coupler23
Physical Layer Security Analysis of Multi-Hop Hybrid RF/FSO System in Presence of Multiple Eavesdroppers23
Photonic Horn Jets and Whispering Gallery Modes in Dielectric Micro-Cylinders With Two Point-Source Illumination23
Novel Wide-Range Frequency Offset Estimation and Compensation for Burst-mode CPFSK Upstream Signaling in TDM-Based Digital Coherent PON23
Optimization of Fully Integrated Al Nanohole Array-Based Refractive Index Sensors for Use With a LED Light Source22
Simultaneous Measurement of Humidity and Temperature Using a Hybrid Plasmonic Waveguide Bragg Grating22
Deconvolutional Method Utilizing Power Variable Point Spread Function for Resolution Degradation Mitigation in SBS-Based Optical Spectrum Analyzer22
Compensation of the Thermal Effect in a Mounted Microbubble Resonator22
Scalability Study of All-Photonics Metro/ Access Network With Simultaneous Reception of Wavelength-Multiplexed Control and Main Signals21
Fast Measurement of Surface Topographies Using a Phase-Measuring Deflectometric Microscopy21
Visible to Near-Infrared Light Integrated Photonic Components on PECVD and LPCVD SiN Platform21
A Semiclassical Model for Plasmon-Exciton Interaction From Weak to Strong Coupling Regime21
Dual-Illumination Ultrasound/ Photoacoustic System for Cervical Cancer Imaging21
Asymmetric Optical Wavelength Switch Based on LCoS-SLM for Edge Node of Optical Access Network20
Design of Fabrication-Tolerant and Compact Waveguide Superconducting Single-Photon Detector Based on TM0 Mode Absorption20
Rectifier Integrated Multibeam Luneburg Lens Employing Artificial Dielectric as a Wireless Power Transfer Medium at Mm Wave Band20
Asymmetrically Clipped Optical Hadamard Coded Modulation (ACO-HCM)20
Highly-Efficient Pulsed Mid-Infrared Generation Based on Intracavity Difference Frequency Mixing20
Generation of Focal Patterns With Uniform Intensity Distribution From Speckle by Hadamard-Genetic Algorithm20
Effect of Signal-Dependent Shot Noise on Visible Light Positioning19
Experimental Demonstration of Linear Inter-Channel Interference Estimation Based on Neural Networks19
Broadened Low Anomalous Dispersion in Athermal Aluminum Nitride Hybrid Waveguides19
Ultra-Low Loss Graphene Plasmonic Waveguide for Chip-Scale Terahertz Communication19
Theoretical Study on Nonreciprocity for Third-Harmonic Generation Process in Nonlinear Photonic Crystals19
Photonic RF Synthesizer Based on a Phase-Locked Optoelectronic Oscillator Using Anti-Stokes Loss Spectrum of Stimulated Brillouin Scattering19
Accelerating Reconstruction of Reflective Fourier Ptychographic Microscopy by Employing a Global Optimal Search Algorithm in a Graphics Processing Unit19
Flexible Microwave Waveforms Synthesis Based on Wavelength Sensitive Bias Shift of a Mach–Zehnder Modulator18
Spatial Consistency Calibration Based on Phase Difference Minimization for Parallel Slightly Off-Axis Digital Holographic Microscopy18
Ultra-Broadband Polymer 1 × 2 Thermo-Optic Mode Switch17
Narrowband Terahertz Emission With Tunable Orbital Angular Momentum by Vortex Laser-Beam Interaction17
Re-Absorption Effect Modeling for Dual-Layer Phosphor Package of White LEDs17
High Power Conversion Efficiency Narrow Divergence Angle Photonic Crystal Laser Diodes17
Whispering-Gallery-Mode Resonator-Based Hybrid Cavity for Mode Stabilization of a Fiber Laser17
Large Energy Q-Switched Fiber Laser With Black Phosphorus Saturable Absorber Fabricated by Sol−Gel Technique16
Research on Biological Detection Based on Reflected Light Images of a Porous Silicon Bragg Mirror16
Tunable Perfect Absorption Structures Based on Cavity Coupling and Plasmon Hybrid Mode16
High Power and Efficient Operation of Tm:YAG Ceramic Laser Resonantly Pumped at 1620 nm16
A Novel Working Scheme for Robust Optical Coupler Unit for Programable Unitary Matrices16
C-HRNet: High Resolution Network Based on Contexts for Single-Frame Phase Unwrapping16
Amplification of GaSb-Based Diode Lasers in an Erbium-Doped Fluoride Fibre Amplifier15
Compact, Hybrid III-V/Silicon Vernier Laser Diode Operating From 1955–1992 nm15
Plasmonic Mach-Zehnder Interferometers Based on Air-Gap Couplers15
Analytic Theory for Parametric Amplification in High-Q Micro-Ring Resonators15
High-Speed 1030 nm Anti-Waveguide VCSELs With 25 GHz Modulation Bandwidth15
Underwater Wireless Laser-Based Communications Using Optical Phased Array Antennas15
Turbo DFE Assisted Time-Frequency Packing for Probabilistically Shaped Terabit Superchannels15
Improving Light Extraction Efficiency of AlGaN-Based Deep Ultraviolet Light-Emitting Diodes by Combining Thinning p-AlGaN/p-GaN Layer With Ni/Au/Al High-Reflectivity Electrodes15
All-Optical QPSK Pattern Recognition in High-Speed Optoelectronic Firewalls15
Improved Far-Field Angle in Narrow-Ridge High-Power Laser Diodes Using a Double Stripe Structure15
High-Security Multi-Level Joint Encryption Scheme Based on SCMA Chaotic Codebook and OCDM Subcarrier Disturbance15
Sub-Micron Monolithic Full-Color Nanorod LEDs on A Single Substrate15
Microwave Photonic I/Q Mixer With Phase Shifting Ability15
Research on All-Fiber Dual-Modulation Optic Current Sensor Based on Real-Time Temperature Compensation15
Increasing Single-Mode Power in VCSELs With Antiresonant Oxide Island15
Numerical Study of Parabolic Pulse Generation in Backward-Pumped Erbium-Doped Fiber Amplifiers14
Investigation on Beam Expansion Method for Weakly-Coupled FMF Connections14
Formation of Fiber Tapers by Chemical Etching for Application in Chaotic Correlation Fiber Loop Ring Down Sensing14
On Line-of-Sight Stabilization of Fizeau Phased Array Telescope System With Delay Compensation-Based Disturbance Observer14
Twisted Electromagnetic Multi-Gaussian Schell-Model Pulsed Source and Its Propagation14
Silicon Photonics for Inter/Intra-Chip Wireless Communication Using RF On-Chip Antennas14
Optical Reflection Interference Equalization for Single-Wavelength Bidirectional WDM-PON Transmission System14
Deep Learning: A Rapid and Efficient Adaptive Design Approach for Phase-Type Optical Needle Modulators14
Sapphire Fiber Fabry-Perot Sensors With High Fringe Visibility14
Non-Hermitian Optical Tunable System Based on Lithium Niobate Coupling Resonator14
Guest Editorial Special Issue on Progress in Photonic Spin-Orbit Interaction (SOI)14
Training Free In-Service Chromatic Dispersion Estimation Using Power Spectrum Analysis for MZM Based IM/DD Optical Communication Systems14
Band-Rejection Feedback for Chaotic Time-Delay Signature Suppression in a Semiconductor Laser14
Faraday Angle and Accuracy Measurement of Magneto-Optic Current Transmission Based on New Telluride Glass14
Coordinated Beamforming Design for Multi-User Multi-Cell MIMO VLC Networks14
Improving the Laser Performance of Yb3+-Doped Phosphate Fiber: Population Simulation of the Yb3+ Level13
Proposal of Unsupervised Gas Classification by Multimode Microresonator13
Broadband Achromatic Metalens in the Long-Wave Infrared Regime13
Secure Spread Spectrum Communication Using Super-Orthogonal Optical Chaos Signals13
245Gb/s P2MP Mobile Fronthaul Downstream Transmission Using Code-Division Multiplexing and Self-Homodyne Coherent Technologies13
A Compact Low-Loss Broadband Polarization Independent Silicon 50/50 Splitter13
On-Chip Cascaded Bandpass Filter and Wavelength Router Using an Intelligent Algorithm13
Phosphor-Converted Laser-Based Illuminant With High Color Rendering Index and Low Blue Light Hazard13
Harnessing Geometric Phase Metasurfaces to Double the Field of View in Polarized Structured Light Projection for Depth Sensing13
Corrections to: Experimental and Numerical Demonstration on the Gain and Power Saturation of Yb-Doped Double-Clad Fiber Amplifiers in Multiwavelength CW and Ultrafast Pulsed Operation13
Dual-Polarized WDM Access Network With Fiber to the Extension (FTTE) Connection13
Reduction of the Relative Intensity Noise of Broadband Sources Using Dual Fiber Ring Resonator13
Novel Approximate Distribution of the Sum of Lognormal-Rician Turbulence Channels With Pointing Errors and Applications in MIMO FSO Links13
Corrections to “Propagation Properties of Gaussian Schell-Model Beam Array in the Jet Engine Exhaust Induced Turbulence” [Dec 20 Art no. 6501113]12
Three-Dimensional Imaging and Reconstructions of Objects Under Rainy Conditions Using the Generation and Propagation of Coherent Structured Signal12
Evaluation of Signal Degradation Due to Birefringence in a Multiple Reference Optical Coherence Tomography System With Polarization-Based Balanced Detection12
Demonstration of 3 kW-Level Nearly Single Mode Monolithic Fiber Amplifier Emitting at 1050 Nm Employing Tapered Yb-Doped Fiber12
Fiber-Chip Bi-Wavelength Multiplexing With Subwavelength Single-Etch Grating Coupler and Diplexer12
Effect of Inductively Coupled Plasma Etching Parameters on n-Al0.5Ga0.5N Ohmic Contact12
Controlled Generation of Orbital Angular Momentum Beams With Coherent Beam Combining Digital Laser and Liquid-Crystal q-Plate12
Single Exposure Optical Image Watermarking Using a cGAN Network12
Extreme Double/Triple Asymmetric Epitaxial Structure Based Diode Lasers for High Powers and High Efficiencies12
A Novel Timing Synchronization Method for DCO-OFDM-Based VLC Systems12
Wide-Field-of-View Modulating Retro-Reflector System Based on a Telecentric Lens for High-Speed Free-Space Optical Communication12
Analytical Models for External Cavity Lasers Using Tunable Etalons12
Photonic Generation of Switchable Dual-Band Dual-Chirp Microwave Waveforms12
An Efficient Iterative Least Square Method for Indoor Visible Light Positioning Under Shot Noise12
Few-Mode Based Beam Shaping for Multi-User Indoor Optical Wireless Communications With Time-Slot Coding12
Low-Cost Fiber Optic Cantilever Accelerometer With a Spherical Tip Based on Gaussian Beam Focusing12
51-nm Uniform-Intensity Tuning of Superstructure Grating Active-DBR Laser for 2-μm Wavelength Band12
Multiple Optical Beam Switching for Physical Layer Security of Visible Light Communications12
Narrow Linewidth 49 W All Fiber Linearly Polarized Picosecond Laser Operating at 1016 nm12
A Six-Section Photonic Integrated Transmitter With Chirp Control for Extension of the Transmission Reach12
Self-Alignment FSOC System With Miniaturized Structure for Small Mobile Platform12
Forward Prediction and Inverse Design of Nanophotonic Devices Based on Capsule Network12
Corrections to “Deep Learning-Assisted Enhanced Fano Resonances in Symmetry-Breaking SOI Metasurface” [Feb 22 Art. no. 5702107]12
A Controller for Si MZI-Based Spanke-Benes Optical Switch Fabric With Automatic Calibration Capability12
Lossy Mode Resonance Sensors Based on Planar Waveguides: Theoretical and Experimental Comparison12
Curvature Sensing-Based Pupil Alignment Method for Large-Aperture Telescopes12
High-Quality and Enhanced-Resolution Single-Pixel Imaging Based on Spiral Line Array Laser Source11
Numerical Analysis of Integrated Fabry–Perot Interferometers Based on Four Core Fiber With a Helical Phase Microdisk11
Precise Measurement of Polarization Variation Using Weak Measurement With Double Pointers11
The Influence of Deposition Temperature and Material Stress on Low-Loss Silicon Nitride Films for Integrated Quantum Optics11
Time Characteristics of the Imaging Quality Degradation Caused by Aero-Optical Effects Under Hypersonic Conditions11
All-Optical In-Phase/Quadrature Microwave Mixer for Antenna Remoting Applications11
Residual Intensity Modulation Induced Error in Resonator Fiber Optic Gyroscopes With Reciprocal Detection11
Ultra-Low Noise Figure in Optical Fiber Amplifier by Tailoring the Mode Field Profile of Erbium-Doped Fiber11
Tuning the Plasmonic Resonance Peak for Al Nanorods on AlGaN Layer to Deep Ultraviolet Band11
A Complementary Gray Code Like Double N-Step Phase Shift Method Without Gray Code Fringe Images11
Study on the Quantum Confinement of Photo-Generated Carriers in Quantum Wells11
The Structural Defects and Optical Performance of Polarization-Maintaining Hollow-Core Photonic Bandgap fiber11
Novel Frame Buffer Pixel Circuits and Silicon Backplane Development for Polarization-Independent LCOS11
Investigation on Characteristics of 3–5 μm Mid-Infrared Optical Parametric Amplification in LiInS211
Relative Humidity Sensor Based on Double Sagnac Interferometers and Vernier Effect11
All-Optical Format Conversion for Rectangular 8QAM Signals Based on Phase-Sensitive Amplification and Nonlinear Mach-Zehnder Interferometer11
Liquid Crystal Display Based Angle-of-Arrival Estimation of a Single Light Source11
The Multiparameter Measurement Technique in a Large-Aperture Rectangular Laser Beam Aberration Correction System11
Research on the Performance of Multimode Optical Chaotic Secure Communication System With Multidimensional Keys and a Complex Entropy Source11
Error Analysis and Improvement for Pointing System of Mobile Photo-Electric Telescope11
Segmented Cladding Fiber With a High-Index Ring in Core for Wideband Single-Mode Operation in Any Bending Orientation11
Design and Optimization of InAs Waveguide- Integrated Photodetectors on Silicon via Heteroepitaxial Integration for Mid- Infrared Silicon Photonics11
Tunable Narrow Linewidth Erbium-Doped Fiber Ring Laser Based on Saturable Absorber and Self-Injection Feedback11
Rigorous Design Optimization of a Fiber-Enabled Polarimetric Waveguide Interferometer for Biosensing11
A Novel Trench-Assisted Optical Fiber With Ultra-Low Microbending Loss for the Full Ocean Depth Communication11
Experimental Investigation of an Optical Reservoir Computing System Based on Two Parallel Time-Delay Reservoirs11
Monolithic Yb-Doped Femtosecond Fiber Laser With >300 W Average Power11
Classical Ghost Imaging: A Comparative Study of Algorithmic Performances for Image Reconstruction in Prospect of Plenoptic Imaging11
Feature Fusion Combined With Raman Spectroscopy for Early Diagnosis of Cervical Cancer11
Hybrid Solution for Joint Transfer Time Signal With Both RF Frequency and Optical Frequency11
Optical Wireless Performance Monitoring Using Asynchronous Amplitude Histograms11
Comparison Study of Multi-Slot Designs in Epsilon-Near-Zero Waveguide-Based Electro-Optical Modulators11
Numerical Simulation of Metal Defect Detection Based on Laser Ultrasound10
Effects of the Intramode-Group Coupling Induced by the Elliptical Deformation of Orbital Angular Momentum Fibers10
Chromatic Dispersion Compensation in Phase-Stabilized Dissemination System of Broadband Signals Based on Phase Conjugation10
Optical Microwave Waveforms Generation Based on the Round-Trip Phase of the DFB Laser10
Design and Experimental Investigation of Decode-and-Forward and Amplify-and-Forward Relaying FSO-CDMA10
Grating-Assisted Directional Coupler in Lithium Niobate for Tunable Mode Filtering10
Ultra-Compact 50 W Flat Supercontinuum Generation in Single-Stage Self-Q-Switched Fiber Laser With Photonic Crystal Fiber10
Curved Computer-Generated Integral Imaging Based on Backward Ray-Tracing Technique10
Methodology for Fabrication-Tolerant Planar Directional Couplers10
Performance of Injection-Locked Quantum-Dash MMW Source Under Clear and Dusty Weather Conditions10
Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface Enabled Spatial Modulation for Visible Light Communications10
Using an LED Light Source Coupled With Spectral Image Analysis for Non-Invasive Glucose Detection10
Purely Gain-Coupled Distributed Feedback Bragg Semiconductor Laser Emitting At 795 Nm With a Wide Tunable Range10
Fourier Transform Analysis on Random Quasi-Phase-Matched Nonlinear Optical Interactions10
Integral Equation Formulation for Planar Plasmonic Structures With Finite Thickness in Layered Media10
Reconfigurable Low-Threshold All-Optical Nonlinear Activation Functions Based on an Add-Drop Silicon Microring Resonator10
Study on the Influence of Random Phase Interference on the Positioning Performance of a Four-Quadrant Detector10
Metal-Dielectric Thin Film Structure Metamaterial for Obtaining High Equilibrium Temperature Under Direct Solar Optical Radiation10
Side-Channel Free Measurement-Device- Independent Quantum Key Distribution Based on Source Monitoring10
On Estimating the Location and the 3-D Shape of an Object in an Indoor Environment Using Visible Light10
Broadband Wavelength Swept Laser With Bidirectional Photonic Resonance for High Resolution Optical Coherence Tomography10
A Method Combining Mobile Transmissometer and Lidar for High Precision Measurement of Visibility10
Nanosecond Pulse Generation in Optically Pumped Dual-Wavelength Vertical-External-Cavity Surface-Emitting Laser10
Deep Learning Piston Sensing for Sparse Aperture Systems With Simulated Training Data10
Recognizing Optical Vortex Modes in Ultralow Illuminating Power With Convolutional Neural Network10
Ultra-Wide Color Gamut of Three-Primary and Four-Primary Laser-Based Displays With Large Circadian Tunability10
Preliminary Characterization of Coverage for Water-to-Air Visible Light Communication Through Wavy Water Surface10
Queuing Delay Analysis for Wavelength Routing Optical Satellite Networks Over Dual-Layer Constellation10
Distributed Transverse Stress Sensor Based on Mode Coupling in Weakly-Coupled FMF10
Ultra-Broadband Spectrally Selective Absorber for Solar Thermal Absorption Based on TiN Square-Ring Meta-Structure10
High-Efficiency Nanosecond Green Laser Based on Extra-Cavity Second-Harmonic Generation of a Nd:YAG MOPA System10
Inverse-Designed Non-Uniform Silicon Nitride Gratings With High Beam Steering Performance10
Impact of Correlation and Pointing Error on Secure Outage Performance Over Arbitrary Correlated Nakagami-$m$ and $\mathcal {M}$-Turbulent Fading Mixed RF-FSO Channel10
Dynamic Subcarrier Assignment in OFDMA-PONs Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning10
High-Contrast and Compact Integrated Wavelength Diplexer Based on Subwavelength Grating Anisotropic Metamaterial for 1550/2000 nm10
Co-Doping Effect of Bismuth Ions on the Gain Characteristics of Er-Doped Silica Optical Fiber10
Real-Time Multi-Focus Biomedical Microscopic Image Fusion Based on m-SegNet10
Design and Analysis of Ultra-Wideband Highly-Birefringent Bragg Layered Photonic Bandgap Fiber With Concave-Index Cladding10
QKD-Enhanced Cybersecurity Protocols10
Platform-Independent Optimization of Pump Power Threshold for Microcomb Generation10
DRL-Based IRS-Assisted Secure Visible Light Communications10
Tapered Multicore Fiber for High-Power Laser Amplifiers10
Application of $L_{1}-L_{2}$ Regularization in Sparse-View Photoacoustic Imaging Reconstruction10
Polarization Splitting Grating Coupler for Optical Antenna of LiDARs Consisting of Two Gratings Coupling Light in a Perfectly Vertical Direction9
High Refractive Index Sensor for Tellurite Photonic Crystal Fiber Based on Soliton Self-Frequency Shift9
Analysis of the Optical Coupling Between GaSb Diode Lasers and Passive Waveguides: A Step Toward Monolithic Integration on Si Platforms9
Transporting MIL-STD-1553 Signals by Means of Optical Wireless Interfaces9
On Effective Secrecy Throughput of Underlay Spectrum Sharing $\alpha -\mu$/ Málaga Hybrid Model Under Interference-and-Transmit Power Constraints9
Three-Dimensional Curve Reconstruction Based on Material Frame and Twisted Multicore Fiber9
Efficient and Rigorous Modeling of Light Scattering From Complex Plasmonic Nanostructures With Multiple Incident Excitations9
Indoor Lidar Plenoptic Array Based on Time-of-Flight Reflection9
Optical Wireless Communications That Exploits the Human Vision’s Tolerance of Light Fluctuations in Intensity and Chromaticity9
Pulse-Profile-Maintaining Characteristics of Gain-Switched Nanosecond Raman Fiber Laser and Amplifier9
Dynamic Device Characteristics and Linewidth Measurement of InGaN/GaN Laser Diodes9
Time-Stable Receiving System With Local Digitization Based on a Dithered Sample Clock9
Quasi-Continuous Wave Pumped Slab Laser Based on Nd:CTGS Crystal9
Linear Regression vs. Deep Learning for Signal Quality Monitoring in Coherent Optical Systems9
Theoretical Investigation of Strain-Adjustable Ge0.92Sn0.08 Light-Emitting Diodes With Giant Magnetostrictive Stressor for Short-Wave Infrared Light Source9
Electromagnetically Induced Transparency and Absorption in Directly Coupled Whispering-Gallery Mode Microcavities9
End-to-End 1024-Port Optical Packet Switching With 25 Gb/s Burst-Mode Reception for Data Centers9
Tunable Triple-Band Terahertz Absorber Based on Bulk-Dirac-Semimetal Metasurface9
Orthogonal-Sided Polished Microstructured Optical Fiber-Based SPR Sensor for Simultaneous Measurement of Temperature and Refractive Index9
All-Optical Pulsed Signal Doppler Frequency Shift Measurement System9
Study on Dynamic Error Compensation of Laser Emitter for Digging Navigation System9
Optical Frequency Combs in External Cavity SiN Hybrid Lasers9
Design of High-Speed UTC-PD With Optimization of Its Electron Transit Performance and Parasitic Capacitance9
Compact Lithium-Niobate-on-Insulator Polarization Rotator Based on Asymmetric Hybrid Plasmonics Waveguide9
A Negative-Curvature Hollow-Core Fiber Structure With Double Trigonal-Symmetrical Anti-Resonant Elements9
Fourier Expression of the Quantum Radar Cross Section of a Dihedral Corner Reflector9
Colloidal PbS Quantum Dots for Visible-to-Near-Infrared Optical Internet of Things9
Design and Fabrication of Liquid Pressure Sensor Using FBG Sensor Through Seesaw Hinge Mechanism9
Hypergraph Based Resource Allocation Algorithms for VLC Network With Heterogeneous LEDs and Varied Users9
Direct Design of Thin and High-Quality Direct-Lit LED Backlight Systems9
All-Optical Synapse With Directional Coupler Structure Based on Phase Change Material9
Performances of Conventional SOAs Versus QD-SOA in 1530-nm Upstream Transmission of 40 Gb/s Access Network9
Tailoring the Generalized 2D Airy Beam9
Simulation and Design of LiNbO$_{3}$ Modulators With Switched Segmented Electrode Structure for High Bandwidth and Low Half-Wave Voltage9
Recognition of Suspension Liquid Based on Speckle Patterns Using Deep Learning8
High-Power Yb-Doped and All Fiber-Based Nanosecond MOPA Laser8
Comprehensive Performance Analysis of Hovering UAV-Based FSO Communication System8
A Tunable Dual-Band Metamaterial Filter Based on the Coupling Between Two Crossed SRRs8
Performance Investigation of Modulation Format Identification in Super-Channel Optical Networks8
Ultra-Compact Broadband In-Line Mode Converter Based on a Width-Modulated Silicon Waveguide8
Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing With Index Modulation Based on Discrete Hartley Transform in Visible Light Communications8
Label-Free Detection of Morpholino-DNA Hybridization Using a Silicon Photonics Suspended Slab Micro-Ring Resonator8
1.9 μm Few-Cycle Pulses Based on Multi-Thin-Plate Spectral Broadening and Nonlinear Self-Compression8
Fully Reconfigurable Fano Resonator on a Silicon Photonic Chip8
Global Source Optimisation Based on Adaptive Nonlinear Particle Swarm Optimisation Algorithm for Inverse Lithography8
Performance Evaluation and Security Analysis of UAV-Based FSO/CV-QKD System Employing DP-QPSK/CD8