Journal of Optical Communications and Networking

(The median citation count of Journal of Optical Communications and Networking is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
Power control strategies and network performance assessment for C+L+S multiband optical transport70
Machine learning techniques for quality of transmission estimation in optical networks67
Efficient preamble design and digital signal processing in upstream burst-mode detection of 100G TDM coherent-PON56
Transceiver technologies for passive optical networks: past, present, and future [Invited Tutorial]43
Machine learning regression for QoT estimation of unestablished lightpaths42
Distributed fiber sensor network using telecom cables as sensing media: technology advancements and applications [Invited]39
4G to 6G: disruptions and drivers for optical access [Invited]38
Optical network security management: requirements, architecture, and efficient machine learning models for detection of evolving threats [Invited]36
Outage probability analysis of a vertical underwater wireless optical link subject to oceanic turbulence and pointing errors36
GNPy model of the physical layer for open and disaggregated optical networking [Invited]34
The Art of 6G (TAO 6G): how to wire Society 5.0 [Invited]31
Optical access network interfaces for 5G and beyond [Invited]30
PON going beyond FTTH [Invited Tutorial]30
Machine-learning-based anomaly detection in optical fiber monitoring30
Comparison of domain adaptation and active learning techniques for quality of transmission estimation with small-sized training datasets [Invited]30
C+L-band upgrade strategies to sustain traffic growth in optical backbone networks29
Machine-learning-based soft-failure localization with partial software-defined networking telemetry28
From CORD to SDN Enabled Broadband Access (SEBA) [Invited Tutorial]28
Comprehensive model for technoeconomic studies of next-generation central offices for metro networks27
Performance comparisons between machine learning and analytical models for quality of transmission estimation in wavelength-division-multiplexed systems [Invited]27
5G network slicing with QKD and quantum-safe security27
PINE: Photonic Integrated Networked Energy efficient datacenters (ENLITENED Program) [Invited]27
Performance analysis of a UAV-based IRS-assisted hybrid RF/FSO link with pointing and phase shift errors26
Machine-learning-based EDFA gain estimation [Invited]26
Monitoring and diagnostic technologies using deep neural networks for predictive optical network maintenance [Invited]25
Overview of high-speed TDM-PON beyond 50  Gbps per wavelength using digital signal processing [Invited Tutorial]25
100  Gbps/λ PON downstream O- and C-band alternatives using direct-detection and linear-impairment equalization [Invited]24
Lightpath QoT computation in optical networks assisted by transfer learning24
Experimental demonstration of flexible information rate PON beyond 100  Gb/s with probabilistic and geometric shaping24
Open whitebox architecture for smart integration of optical networking and data center technology [Invited]24
Simplified digital coherent-based beyond-100G optical access systems for B5G/6G [Invited]24
Concept and implementation study of advanced DSP-based fiber-longitudinal optical power profile monitoring toward optical network tomography [Invited]24
FLCS-PON—an opportunistic 100  Gbit/s flexible PON prototype with probabilistic shaping and soft-input FEC: operator trial and ODN case studies23
Reliable and scalable Kafka-based framework for optical network telemetry21
TAPI-enabled SDN control for partially disaggregated multi-domain (OLS) and multi-layer (WDM over SDM) optical networks [Invited]21
Intent-based networking and its application to optical networks [Invited Tutorial]21
High-port-count optical circuit switches for intra-datacenter networks [Invited Tutorial]21
Extending P4 in-band telemetry to user equipment for latency- and localization-aware autonomous networking with AI forecasting21
Machine learning-assisted nonlinear-impairment-aware proactive defragmentation forC+Lband elastic optical networks21
Cognitive and autonomous QoT-driven optical line controller21
DACON: a reconfigurable application-centric optical network for disaggregated data center infrastructures [Invited]21
Advances in SDN control and telemetry for beyond 100G disaggregated optical networks [Invited]20
Reflective fiber fault detection and characterization using long short-term memory20
Technoeconomic analysis of spatial channel networks (SCNs): benefits from spatial bypass and spectral grooming [Invited]20
Tutorial on filterless optical networks [Invited]20
On the benefits of point-to-multipoint coherent optics for multilayer capacity planning in ring networks with varying traffic profiles19
Optimization of survivable filterless optical networks exploiting digital subcarrier multiplexing19
Indoor optical wireless access networks—recent progress [Invited]19
Advanced architectures for high-performance quantum networking18
On the benefits of domain adaptation techniques for quality of transmission estimation in optical networks18
Associating machine-learning and analytical models for quality of transmission estimation: combining the best of both worlds18
Experimental evaluation of control and monitoring protocols for optical SDN networks and equipment [Invited Tutorial]17
TRA: an efficient dynamic resource assignment algorithm for MCF-based SS-FONs17
Programmable VCSEL-based photonic system architecture for future agile Tb/s metro networks17
Building a digital twin for intelligent optical networks [Invited Tutorial]17
Cost-effective strategies to scale the capacity of regional optical transport networks17
Evaluation of the abstraction of optical topology models in blockchain-based data center interconnection17
Assessment on the in-field lightpath QoT computation including connector loss uncertainties16
Making intelligent topology design choices: understanding structural and physical property performance implications in optical networks [Invited]16
On the impact of launch power optimization and transceiver noise on the performance of ultra-wideband transmission systems [Invited]16
Toward lower-diameter large-scale HPC and data center networks with co-packaged optics16
Performance studies of evolutionary transfer learning for end-to-end QoT estimation in multi-domain optical networks [Invited]16
Achieving high budget classes in the downstream link of 50G-PON16
Potential failure cause identification for optical networks using deep learning with an attention mechanism16
Edge-enhanced graph neural network for DU-CU placement and lightpath provision in X-Haul networks16
Techniques for applying reinforcement learning to routing and wavelength assignment problems in optical fiber communication networks16
Towards explainable artificial intelligence in optical networks: the use case of lightpath QoT estimation16
Deep learning-based real-time analysis of lightpath optical constellations [Invited]15
Innovation and demonstration of optical service unit-based metro-optimized OTN technologies15
High-performance dual-band radio-over-fiber link for future 5G radio access applications15
Demonstration of latency-aware 5G network slicing on optical metro networks14
Improving the performance of a DF relay-aided FSO system with an additional source–relay mmWave RF backup14
Machine-learning-based telemetry for monitoring long-haul optical transmission impairments: methodologies and challenges [Invited]14
100G fine-granularity flexible-rate passive optical networks based on discrete multi-tone with PAPR optimization14
Performance trade-offs in reconfigurable networks for HPC14
Network upgrade exploiting multi band: S- or E-band?13
Quality of transmission estimator retraining for dynamic optimization in optical networks13
Efficiency and fairness improvement for elastic optical networks using reinforcement learning-based traffic prediction13
Optimal and near-optimal alpha-fair resource allocation algorithms based on traffic demand predictions for optical network planning13
Enabling technologies for low-latency service migration in 5G transport networks [Invited]13
Mobility management in multi-tier LiFi networks13
Automated training dataset collection system design for machine learning application in optical networks: an example of quality of transmission estimation13
Analysis and simulation of a hybrid visible-light/infrared optical wireless network for IoT applications13
Machine-learning-aided cognitive reconfiguration for flexible-bandwidth HPC and data center networks [Invited]13
Benefits of counterpropagating Raman amplification for multiband optical networks13
Domain adaptation and transfer learning for failure detection and failure-cause identification in optical networks across different lightpaths [Invited]13
ML-assisted QoT estimation: a dataset collection and data visualization for dataset quality evaluation12
Fast signal quality monitoring for coherent communications enabled by CNN-based EVM estimation12
Dynamic 5G RAN slice adjustment and migration based on traffic prediction in WDM metro-aggregation networks12
Hard-input FEC evaluation using Markov models for equalization-induced correlated errors in 50G PON12
Perspectives on and the road towards 100  Gb/s TDM PON with intensity-modulation and direct-detection12
Availability-guaranteed slice composition for service function chains in 5G transport networks12
Experimental validation of GNPy in a multi-vendor flex-grid flex-rate WDM optical transport scenario12
Bidirectional single-fiber filterless optical networks: modeling and experimental assessment12
Reconfiguring multicast sessions in elastic optical networks adaptively with graph-aware deep reinforcement learning12
OCATA: a deep-learning-based digital twin for the optical time domain12
QoT assessment of the optical spectrum as a service in disaggregated network scenarios11
Classification and forecasting of real-time server traffic flows employing long short-term memory for hybrid E/O data center networks11
Telemetry and AI-based security P4 applications for optical networks [Invited]11
Prospects and challenges of optical switching technologies for intra data center networks11
Spectrum allocation scheme considering spectrum slicing in elastic optical networks11
Multilayer protection-at-lightpath for reliable slicing with isolation in optical metro-aggregation networks11
Fiber-to-the-room: a key technology for F5G and beyond10
Opening up ROADMs: streaming telemetry [Invited]10
Cost analysis of rural roll-out using a long-reach passive optical network: trading off the upfront cost under uncertainty of the user take-up rate10
DSP-enhanced radio-over-fiber technologies for 5G-and-beyond wired-wireless convergence10
Coherent optics for access from P2P to P2MP [Invited]10
The future of communications is massively parallel10
Storage-assisted optical upstream transport scheme for task offloading in multi-access edge computing10
100  Gb/s dynamically programmable SDN-enabled hardware encryptor for optical networks10
Enhancing the flexibility and functionality of SCNs: demonstration of evolution toward any-core-access, nondirectional, and contentionless spatial channel cross-connects [Invited]10
On the suitability, requisites, and challenges of machine learning [Invited]10
Optics enabled networks and architectures for data center cost and power efficiency [Invited]9
Physical topology optimization for highly reliable and efficient wavelength-assignable optical networks9
Colorless, partially directionless, and contentionless architecture for high-degree ROADMs9
Optimized IP-over-WDM core networks using ZR+ and flexible muxponders for 400 Gb/s and beyond9
Machine learning enhanced next-generation optical access networks—challenges and emerging solutions [Invited Tutorial]9
MONet: heterogeneous Memory over Optical Network for large-scale data center resource disaggregation9
Machine learning for quality of transmission: a picture of the benefits fairness when planning WDM networks8
Knowledge distillation technique enabled hardware efficient OSNR monitoring from directly detected PDM-QAM signals8
Low-cost MIMO-RoF-PON architecture for next-generation integrated wired and wireless access networks8
QoS-aware data center network reconfiguration method based on deep reinforcement learning8
Recursive first fit: a highly parallel optimal solution to spectrum allocation8
Learning EPON delay models from data: a machine learning approach8
Quality-aware resource provisioning for multiband elastic optical networks: a deep-learning-assisted approach8
Programmable disaggregated multi-dimensional S-BVT as an enabler for high capacity optical metro networks8
Multi-period planning in metro-aggregation networks exploiting point-to-multipoint coherent transceivers8
Secrecy performance analysis for a NOMA based FSO-RF system with imperfect CSI8
Efficient deployment of aerial relays in FSO-based backhaul networks8
Machine learning aided optimization for balanced resource allocations in SDM-EONs8
Deep-learning-based path computation without routing convergence in optical satellite networks8
Design and deployment of optical x-haul for 5G, 6G, and beyond: progress and challenges [Invited]8
Dependency-aware task cooperative offloading on edge servers interconnected by metro optical networks7
Reliable and cost effective all-optical wireless architecture for a broadband access network7
Multiple attention mechanisms-driven component fault location in optical networks with network-wide monitoring data7
Machine learning models for alarm classification and failure localization in optical transport networks7
LPsec: a fast and secure cryptographic system for optical connections7
QoT estimation using EGN-assisted machine learning for multi-period network planning7
Delay-aware and resource-efficient service function chain mapping in inter-datacenter elastic optical networks7
Ultraviolet random access collaborative networking protocol based on time division multiple access7
Forecasting loss of signal in optical networks with machine learning7
Suspect fault screen assisted graph aggregation network for intra-/inter-node failure localization in ROADM-based optical networks7
All-optical aggregation and distribution of traffic in large metropolitan area networks using multi-Tb/s S-BVTs7
Cross-layer static resource provisioning for dynamic traffic in flexible grid optical networks7
Pre-established entanglement distribution algorithm in quantum networks7
Disaggregated optical-layer switching for optically composable disaggregated computing [Invited]7
Data augmentation to improve performance of neural networks for failure management in optical networks7
Performance analysis of an L-ary PPM MISO ground-to-satellite free-space laser link with an APD-based receiver over a Málaga turbulence channel in the presence of beam wander7
Architecture and key digital signal processing techniques of a next-generation passive optical network [Invited]7
INTREPID program: technology and architecture for next-generation, energy-efficient, hyper-scale data centers [Invited]7
Iterative supervised learning approach using transceiver bit-error-rate measurements for optical line system optimization7
Protection against failure of machine-learning-based QoT prediction7
Performance analysis of SPAD-based optical wireless communication with OFDM7
Bidirectional colorless WDM-PON RoF system with large spurious free dynamic range7
Core and spectrum allocation to achieve graceful degradation of inter-core crosstalk with generalized hierarchical core prioritization on space-division multiplexing elastic optical networks7
Routing and secret key assignment for secure multicast services in quantum satellite networks6
Reconfigurable photonic integrated transmitter for metro-access networks6
Multicore fiber interconnects for multi-terabit spine-leaf datacenter network topologies6
Characterization of the optical spectrum as a service6
Autonomous Raman amplifiers in multi-band software-defined optical transport networks6
Time-aware deterministic bandwidth allocation scheme in TDM-PON for time-sensitive industrial flows6
Design and evaluation of a reconfigurable optical add-drop multiplexer with flexible wave-band routing in SDM networks6
Confidentiality-preserving machine learning algorithms for soft-failure detection in optical communication networks6
Zero touch provisioning compliant with authentications of IEEE PON packages A and B for SDN-enabled broadband access6
Experimental validation of CNNs versus FFNNs for time- and energy-efficient EVM estimation in coherent optical systems6
Enabling hierarchical control of coherent pluggable transceivers in SONiC packet–optical nodes6
Dantzig–Wolfe decomposition for the design of filterless optical networks6
Experimental demonstration of a metro area network with terabit-capable sliceable bit-rate-variable transceivers using directly modulated VCSELs and coherent detection6
Real-time validation of downstream 50G/25G and 50G/100G flexible rate PON based on Miller encoding, NRZ, and PAM4 modulation6
Robust traffic grooming and infrastructure placement in OTN-over-DWDM networks6
Improved QoT estimations through refined signal power measurements and data-driven parameter optimizations in a disaggregated and partially loaded live production network6
ADMIRE: collaborative data-driven and model-driven intelligent routing engine for traffic grooming in multi-layer X-Haul networks6
Techno-economics of fiber versus microwave for mobile transport network deployments [Invited]6
Open EDFA gain spectrum dataset and its applications in data-driven EDFA gain modeling6
Optical access solutions in support of 5G and beyond [Invited]6
Optical networking within the Lightwave Energy-Efficient Datacenter project [Invited]6
Universal optical network architecture for future wireless LANs [Invited]6
Optical access evolutions towards SDN and disaggregated hardware: an operator perspective [Invited]5
Journey toward software-defined passive optical networks with multi-PON technology: an industry view [Invited]5
Charting the future of optical access networks: an operator’s perspective [Invited]5
Evaluation of probabilistic constellation shaping performance in Flex Grid over multicore fiber dynamic optical backbone networks [Invited]5
10.51-Tbit/s multi-channel IF-over-fiber transmission with SDM/WDM/SCM for beyond-5G mobile fronthaul accommodating ultra-high-density antennas5
Optical identification using physical unclonable functions5
Collision-free distributed MAC protocol for passive optical intra-rack data center networks5
Performance analysis of atmospheric optical communication systems with spatial diversity affected by correlated turbulence5
Performance of rectangular QAM/FSO communication systems in the anisotropic non-Kolmogorov ground-to-satellite uplink5
Intra-node high-performance computing network architecture with nanosecond-scale photonic switches [Invited]5
Comparing optical transport technologies for x-hauling 5G small cells in the sub-6 GHz5
Scalable filterless coherent point-to-multipoint metro network architecture5
Peer-to-peer disaggregated telemetry for autonomic machine-learning-driven transceiver operation5
Optical cable deployment versus fiber leasing: an operator’s perspective on CapEx savings for capacity upgrade in an elastic optical core network5
Techno-economic study of very dense optical wireless access using visible or infrared light5
Network traffic analysis under emerging beyond-5G scenarios for multi-band optical technology adoption5
Migration of elastic optical networks to the C + L-bands subject to a partial upgrade of the number of erbium-doped fiber amplifiers5
Flexible resource provisioning of polarization independent coherent PONs based on non-orthogonal multiple access and multiCAP modulation5
On the performance of a relay assisted hybrid RF-NLOS UVC system with imperfect channel estimation5
Analysis of wavelength deployment schemes in terms of optical network unit cost and upstream transmission performance in NG-EPONs5
High-speed reach-extended IM-DD system with low-complexity DSP for 6G fronthaul [Invited]5
Benefits of quasi-continuous symbol rate tunability in links constrained by ROADM filtering5
Virtualization of elastic optical networks and regenerators with traffic grooming5
SL-Hyper-FleX: a cognitive and flexible-bandwidth optical datacom network by self-supervised learning [Invited]5
Performance of improved mode diversity reception for free-space optical communication under atmospheric turbulence5
Faulty branch identification in passive optical networks using machine learning5
Scalability analysis of machine learning QoT estimators for a cloud-native SDN controller on a WDM over SDM network5
Simplified coherent optical network units for very-high-speed passive optical networks5
End-to-end service provisioning based on extended segment routing in multi-domain optical networks of F5G5
Accelerating parallel data processing using optically tightly coupled FPGAs5
Flexible and scalable ML-based diagnosis module for optical networks: a security use case [Invited]5
Hybrid 3DMA for multi-user MIMO-VLC5
Machine learning enhancement of a digital twin for wavelength division multiplexing network performance prediction leveraging quality of transmission parameter refinement5
Capacity scaling in metro-regional aggregation networks: the multiband S-BVT4
Towards 6G: fast and self-adaptive dynamic bandwidth allocation for next-generation mobile fronthaul [Invited]4
Graph-based conflict-free MAC protocol and conflict analysis for a two-layer ultraviolet communication network4
Virtualized PON based on abstraction, softwarization, and service chaining for flexible and agile service creations [Invited]4
Gravity-based network traffic abstraction and laser ON/OFF control in optical satellite networks4
ReSAW: a reconfigurable and picosecond-synchronized optical data center network based on an AWGR and the WR protocol4
Probabilistic low-margin optical-network design with multiple physical-layer parameter uncertainties4
Remote mmW photonic local oscillator delivery for uplink down-conversion in DML-based optical hybrid C-RAN fronthaul4
NFV orchestration over disaggregated metro optical networks with end-to-end multi-layer slicing enabling crowdsourced live video streaming4
Interpreting multi-objective reinforcement learning for routing and wavelength assignment in optical networks4
Experimental demonstration of hidden node problem in visible light communication networks4
Amplified radio-over-fiber system linearization using recurrent neural networks4
STAR: a carrier sense agnostic MAC scheme for a crowded NLoS-FSOC optical LAN4
Network traffic characteristics of hyperscale data centers in the era of cloud applications4
Multi-band chaotic non-orthogonal matrix-based encryption for physical-layer security enhancement in OFDM-PONs4
Network-aware compute and memory allocation in optically composable data centers with deep reinforcement learning and graph neural networks4
5G/6G optical fronthaul modeling: cost and energy consumption assessment4
Scalability of integer linear programming path computation for functional block-based disaggregation supporting a flexible grid mechanism [Invited]4
Dimensioning networks of ROADM cluster nodes4
Flexible transceiver for an access network: a multicarrier entropy loading approach4
Deep reinforcement learning for proactive spectrum defragmentation in elastic optical networks4
Outright fit resource allocation approach for advance reservation requests in elastic optical networks4
Performance improvements by dynamic amplifier reconfigurations for C + L-band optical networks in the presence of stimulated Raman scattering4
Principle and strategy of using probabilistic shaping in a flexible coherent passive optical network without optical amplifiers4
Distributed intelligence for pervasive optical network telemetry4
On establishing and task scheduling of data-oriented vNF-SCs in an optical DCI3
Link load prediction in an optical network with restoration mechanisms3
FPGA-based implementation of two-step schedulers for modular optical interconnection networks3
Large-scale quantum key distribution network simulator3
Tree-determination, routing, and spectrum assignment using point-to-multipoint coherent optics3
Non-integer-oversampling digital signal processing for coherent passive optical networks3
Impairment- and fragmentation-aware, energy-efficient dynamic RMSCA for SDM-EONs3
Mapping sub-wavelength service with heterogenous security demand over physical-layer secured optical transport networks3
Unitary checkerboard precoded OFDM for low-PAPR optical wireless communications3
Impairment-aware routing, modulation, spectrum, and core allocation with bit loading in spectrally–spatially flexible optical networks3
Introduction to the JOCN Special Issue on Advanced Monitoring and Telemetry in Optical Networks3
DRL-assisted joint allocation of antenna, radio, and front-haul resources in TWDM-PON-based NG-RANs with mMIMO-enabled beamforming3
RIFL: a reliable link layer network protocol for data center communication3
SDN-enabled path computation element for autonomous multi-band optical transport networks3
Performance analysis of a 1024-port Hipoλaos OPS in DCN, HPC, and 5G fronthauling Ethernet applications3