Academy of Management Annals

(The median citation count of Academy of Management Annals is 17. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
Transaction Cost Theory: Past Progress, Current Challenges, and Suggestions for the Future136
The “Other” Time: A Review of the Subjective Experience of Time in Organizations93
Entrepreneurship for the Public Good: A Review, Critique, and Path Forward for Social and Environmental Entrepreneurship Research86
What Does Homophily Do? A Review of the Consequences of Homophily85
Stigma Beyond Levels: Advancing Research on Stigmatization84
Multicultural Experiences: A Systematic Review and New Theoretical Framework74
Is What’s Past Prologue? A Review and Agenda for Contemporary Employability Research70
Leadership Styles: A Comprehensive Assessment and Way Forward70
The Translucent Hand of Managed Ecosystems: Engaging Communities for Value Creation and Capture69
Network Agency67
Configurations of Craft: Alternative Models for Organizing Work47
Bureaucracy for the 21st Century: Clarifying and Expanding Our View of Bureaucratic Organization39
Killing The Cat? A Review of Curiosity at Work37
How Does Diversity Affect Team Cognitive Processes? Understanding the Cognitive Pathways Underlying the Diversity Dividend in Teams35
Organizational Science and Health Care34
Red Giants or Black Holes? The Antecedent Conditions and Multilevel Impacts of Star Performers33
The Diffusion of Differences: A Review and Reorientation of 20 Years of Diffusion Research33
Can High-Quality Jobs Help Workers Learn New Tricks? A Multidisciplinary Review of Work Design for Cognition30
Geographic Mobility, Immobility, and Geographic Flexibility: A Review and Agenda for Research on the Changing Geography of Work29
The Social and Relational Dynamics of Absenteeism From Work: A Multilevel Review and Integration29
Team Cognition at a Crossroad: Toward Conceptual Integration and Network Configurations29
New Perspectives and Critical Insights from Indigenous Peoples’ Research: A Systematic Review of Indigenous Management and Organization Literature29
The Aesthetic Dimension of Organizing: A Review and Research Agenda27
A Racialized View of Entrepreneurship: A Review and Proposal for Future Research27
The Dark Side of Strong Identification in Organizations: A Conceptual Review27
Understanding Communities of Practice: Taking Stock and Moving Forward26
Individual-Centered Interventions: Identifying What, How, and Why Interventions Work in Organizational Contexts24
Organizations as Artificial Intelligences: The Use of Artificial Intelligence Analogies in Organization Theory23
Expert Critics, Rankings, and Review Aggregators: The Changing Nature of Intermediation and the Rise of Markets with Multiple Intermediaries23
An Intellectual History of Institutional Theory: Looking Back to Move Forward22
Theorizing Gender in Social Network Research: What We Do and What We Can Do Differently22
Intraorganizational Network Dynamics: Past Progress, Current Challenges, and New Frontiers21
Reconceptualizing Imitation: Implications for Dynamic Capabilities, Innovation, and Competitive Advantage21
A Strategic View of Team Learning in Organizations20
Listening in Organizations: A Synthesis and Future Agenda20
Incentive Effects on Ethics20
Barriers and Boosts: Using Inequity Frames Theory to Expand Understanding of Mechanisms of Race and Gender Inequity20
Cognitive Diversity at The Strategic Apex: Assessing Evidence on the Value of Different Perspectives and Ideas among Senior Leaders20
Transitioning the Study of Role Transitions: From an Attribute-Based to an Experience-Based Approach18
Mental Health and Mental Illness in Organizations: A Review, Comparison, and Extension18
The Dynamics of Work Orientations: An Updated Typology and Agenda for the Study of Jobs, Careers, and Callings18
Unpacking “Ideas” in Creative Work: A Multidisciplinary Review17
Missed Connections Between the Leadership and Work–Life Fields: Work–Life Supportive Leadership for a Dual Agenda17
Principled Leader Behaviors: An Integrative Framework and Extension of Why Leaders Are Fair, Ethical, and Nonabusive17