Professional Development in Education

(The TQCC of Professional Development in Education is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Beyond effective approaches: A rapid review response to designing professional learning18
The Effect of Learning-Centred Leadership and Teacher Trust on Teacher Professional Learning: Evidence from a Centralised Education System18
Instructional leadership, and teacher’s collective efficacy, commitment, and professional learning in primary schools: a mediation model17
The practices of professional development facilitators17
The role of the critical friend in supporting and enhancing professional learning and development16
Reflective conversations as a basis for sport coaches’ learning: a theory-informed pedagogic design for educating reflective practitioners16
Pre-service teachers’ professional identity transformation: a positioning theory perspective15
Illuminating a continuum of complex perspectives in teacher development14
Early career teachers’ expansion of professional learning networks with social media13
What if?: becoming response-able with the making and mattering of a new relationships and sexuality education curriculum13
A complex dynamic systems approach to the design and evaluation of teacher professional development12
How do the leadership strategies of middle leaders affect teachers’ learning in schools? A case study from China12
‘The ability to lay yourself bare’: centering rupture, inherited conversations, and vulnerability in professional development12
Towards a learning community: understanding teachers’ mental models to support their professional development and learning11
Reconceptualizing teacher professional learning about technology integration as intra-active entanglements11
Exploring cultural logic in becoming teacher: a collaborative autoethnography on transnational teaching and learning11
A scoping study of in-service teacher professional development for inter/multicultural education and teaching culturally and linguistically diverse students11
Re-imagining teacher mentoring for the future11
Re-professionalisation or de-professionalisation: how do Chinese high school teachers respond to the new professionalism?10
The poetic humanity of teacher education: holistic mentoring for beginning teachers10
Re-imagining transformative professional learning for critical teacher professionalism: a conceptual review10
An exploration of the relationship between distributed leadership, teacher agency, and professional learning in Turkey10
‘She never actually let you walk into a trap’: exploring relational turning point events in the mentor–mentee relationship in the practicum10
Evaluation of teacher professional learning workshops on the use of technology - a systematic review10
Understanding professional learning in and for practice10
Exploring the role of curriculum materials in teacher professional development10
Mapping the professional learning of primary teachers in Vietnam: a multi-method case study9
Knowledge development in the teaching profession: an interview study of collective knowledge processes in primary schools in Norway9
What does making produce? Posthuman insights into documenting relationalities in maker education for teachers9
Professional development in health education for primary school teachers: A systematised review of the literature9
Using design based research to shift perspectives: a model for sustainable professional development for the innovative use of digital tools9
Professional learning that enables the development of critical praxis9
Divining the professional development experiences of K-12 STEM master teacher leaders in the United States9
International policy borrowing and the case of Japanese Lesson Study: culture and its impact on implementation and adaptation8
Alternatively certified teachers’ perceptions of new teacher induction8
Teacher perceptions of effective professional development: insights for design8
Obstructions in normative teacher identity development: a case study in Turkey8
‘Crossing the bridge’: land education teacher professional development8
Being before: three Deleuzian becomings in teacher education8
Chinese expert teachers’ critical thinking strategies for professional growth7
Responsive leadership within professional learning networks for sustainable professional learning7
Teacher development through language-related innovation in a decentralised educational system7
A systems-thinking approach to evaluating a university professional development programme7
Diffraction as an otherwise practice of exploring new teachers’ entanglements in time and space7
Embracing complex adaptive practice: the potential of lesson study7
Supporting expansive learning in preservice bilingual teachers’ zone of proximal development of the activity system: an analysis of a four-field model trajectory7
Aesthetic-ethical-political movements in professional learning: encounters with feminist new materialisms and Reggio Emilia in early childhood research6
Teacher communities as a context for professional learning: a preschool case study6
Developing early childhood educators with diverse qualifications: the need for differentiated approaches6
The search for evidence-based features of effective teacher professional development: a critical analysis of the literature6
Leading transformative professional learning for inclusion across the teacher education continuum: lessons from online and on-site learning communities6
‘Frankly, as far as I can see, it has very little to do with teaching’. Exploring academics’ perceptions of the HEA Fellowships6
Why does teacher learning vary in professional development? Accounting for organisational conditions6
Continual professional development for science lecturers: using professional capital to explore lessons for academic development6
Harnessing technology to enable the flow of professional capital: exploring experiences of professional learning in rural Scotland5
English language teacher professional identity aesthetic depiction: an arts-based study from Afghanistan5
Professional development initiatives as a lever for inclusive education: a multiple case study using qualitative comparative analysis (QCA)5
Virtual team professional learning and development for practitioners in education5
Exploring teacher leadership for professional learning in response to educational disruption in Qatar5
Leveraging third space amid Chinese and Spanish student teachers’ teaching practicums: a transformative learning perspective5
Policy, culture and practice in teacher professional development in five European countries. A comparative analysis5
The need for recognised educational infrastructures to support superintendents’ professional development5
Teachers’ job crafting: The complicated relationship with teacher self-efficacy and teacher engagement5
Formal and informal professional development during different Covid-19 periods: the role of teachers’ career stages5
Exploring student teachers’ ‘stuck moments’: affect[ing] the theory-practice gap in social justice teacher education5
Student voice and its role in creating cognitive dissonance: the neglected narrative in teacher professional development5
Rethinking teacher PD: a focus on how to improve student learning4
Beyond reproduction: the transformative potential of professional learning4
Navigating identity tensions in a research community: a narrative inquiry of a teacher of Romanian4
Feedback for teaching development: moving from a fixed to growth mindset4
Moving within learning communities as an act of performing professional wellbeing4
Self-initiated online communities of teachers as an expanded meso space4
Mediating influences in professional learning: Factors that lead to appropriation & principled adaptation4
Exploring teacher awareness of intuition and how it affects classroom practices: conceptual and pragmatic dimensions4
Education, collaboration and pedagogical phronesis: essential dimensions in professional learning and development4
Teachers’ constitutive motivations for professional learning in England’s context of high-stakes accountability4
Chinese higher education-based physical education teacher educators’ professional learning needs for involvement in research activities4
Exploring the discursive positioning of members of a literacy professional learning community4
Expert learning in (micro)communities of practice: a case study examining teacher professional development4
Technology-mediated professional development for early intervention service providers: connecting adult learning with caregiver support4
Moving beyond the transmission of knowledge in the lecture hall: a self study4
University teachers’ professional agency for learning and leading sustainable change4
Examining the practice of elementary mathematics specialists through narratives: implications for professional learning and development4
Being a fish inside and outside the waters of self-study4
Informal learning through social media: exploring the experiences of teachers in virtual professional communities in Kazakhstan4
Professional development for inclusive and adaptive education: Lesson Study in a Norwegian context4
Forging the role of the digital technology coach: flexibility, responsiveness, and resourcefulness in supporting teacher professional learning4
Formative interventions for science teachers’ expansive learning and practices with multilingual learners: A case study from Lebanon4
Professional learning and development: fit for purpose in an age of crises?4
‘I don’t want them to feel like we’re part of the establishment’: teachers’ learning to work with refugee families as entangled becomings4
A review of the empirical research literature on PLCs for teachers in the Global South: evidence, implications, and directions4
The transformation of pedagogical practices into dialogic teaching: towards a dialogic notion of teacher learning4
Balancing fidelity with agency: understanding the professional development of highly accomplished teachers4
Learning, leadership, and agency: A case study of teacher-initiated professional development4
Rethinking teachers’ professional learning through unseen observation4
Teacher leadership and teachers’ learning: actualizing the connection from day one4
‘It was a breath of fresh air across the school’: school leaders’ mediation of contested spaces during practitioner inquiry professional learning4