Annual Review of Marine Science

(The median citation count of Annual Review of Marine Science is 7. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Ventilation of the Southern Ocean Pycnocline301
Combining Modern and Paleoceanographic Perspectives on Ocean Heat Uptake203
Lipid Biogeochemistry and Modern Lipidomic Techniques126
New Technologies for Monitoring Coastal Ecosystem Dynamics81
Viruses in Marine Invertebrate Holobionts: Complex Interactions Between Phages and Bacterial Symbionts79
The Enzymology of Ocean Global Change79
Hidden Threat: The Influence of Sea-Level Rise on Coastal Groundwater and the Convergence of Impacts on Municipal Infrastructure79
Aquatic Eddy Covariance: The Method and Its Contributions to Defining Oxygen and Carbon Fluxes in Marine Environments73
Temporal and Spatial Signaling Mediating the Balance of the Plankton Microbiome73
Sociotechnical Considerations About Ocean Carbon Dioxide Removal66
Organic Matter Supply and Utilization in Oxygen Minimum Zones62
The Physical Oceanography of Ice-Covered Moons62
Exchange of Plankton, Pollutants, and Particles Across the Nearshore Region57
Marine Heatwaves56
How Viruses Shape Microbial Plankton Microdiversity51
Climate Change Impacts on Eastern Boundary Upwelling Systems50
Welcoming More Participation in Open Data Science for the Oceans43
Coral Disease: Direct and Indirect Agents, Mechanisms of Disease, and Innovations for Increasing Resistance and Resilience41
The Complexity of Spills: The Fate of the Deepwater Horizon Oil38
Neutral Theory and Plankton Biodiversity38
Modeling the Vertical Flux of Organic Carbon in the Global Ocean36
Combined Use of Short-Lived Radionuclides (234Th and 210Po) as Tracers of Sinking Particles in the Ocean35
Improving Ocean Management Using Insights from Space33
Gender Equity in Oceanography32
Oyster Restoration to Recover Ecosystem Services32
The Global Turbidity Current Pump and Its Implications for Organic Carbon Cycling31
Modes and Mechanisms of Pacific Decadal-Scale Variability31
Standardized Methods to Assess the Impacts of Thermal Stress on Coral Reef Marine Life29
Insights from Fossil-Bound Nitrogen Isotopes in Diatoms, Foraminifera, and Corals28
Production of Extracellular Reactive Oxygen Species by Marine Biota27
Marine Parasites and Disease in the Era of Global Climate Change27
Turbulence and Coral Reefs26
Life in the Midwater: The Ecology of Deep Pelagic Animals23
Incorporating Biological Traits into Conservation Strategies23
Phaeocystis: A Global Enigma23
Metal Organic Complexation in Seawater: Historical Background and Future Directions23
The State of Marine Social Science: Yesterday, Today, and into the Future21
Nuclear Reprocessing Tracers Illuminate Flow Features and Connectivity Between the Arctic and Subpolar North Atlantic Oceans20
A Global Inventory of Natural and Synthetic Estrogens in Aquatic Systems15
Amazon Sediment Transport and Accumulation Along the Continuum of Mixed Fluvial and Marine Processes15
Designing More Informative Multiple-Driver Experiments14
Using the Fossil Record to Understand Extinction Risk and Inform Marine Conservation in a Changing World14
Rhythms and Clocks in Marine Organisms13
The Goldilocks Principle: A Unifying Perspective on Biochemical Adaptation to Abiotic Stressors in the Sea12
The Biological Effects of Pharmaceuticals in the Marine Environment10
Physiological Responses of Fish to Oil Spills10
Natural and Anthropogenic Drivers of Acidification in Large Estuaries10
Carbon Export in the Ocean: A Biologist's Perspective10
The Hydrodynamics of Jellyfish Swimming9
From Stamps to Parabolas9
Impacts of Climate Change on Marine Foundation Species8
The Desiccation and Catastrophic Refilling of the Mediterranean: 50 Years of Facts, Hypotheses, and Myths Around the Messinian Salinity Crisis7
Modeling the Morphodynamics of Coastal Responses to Extreme Events: What Shape Are We In?7