Psychology of Religion and Spirituality

(The TQCC of Psychology of Religion and Spirituality is 6. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Religious and spiritual struggles and their links to psychological adjustment: A meta-analysis of longitudinal studies.45
The psychology of religion and spirituality: How big the tent?36
Religious identity and psychological well-being among middle-eastern migrants in Australia: The mediating role of perceived social support, social connectedness, and perceived discrimination.35
The role of religiousness and beliefs about sexuality in well-being among sexual minority mormons.27
Religiosity predicts unreasonable coping with COVID-19.23
Transcendent indebtedness to God: A new construct in the psychology of religion and spirituality.22
Theistic relational spirituality: Development, dynamics, health, and transformation.22
Religious/spiritual struggles and depression during COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns in the global south: Evidence of moderation by positive religious coping and hope.22
Sanctification of diverse aspects of life and psychosocial functioning: A meta-analysis of studies from 1999 to 2019.20
Green as the gospel: The power of stewardship messages to improve climate change attitudes.19
Daily religious coping buffers the stress–affect relationship and benefits overall metabolic health in older adults.19
Apostasy and conversion: Attachment orientations and individual differences in the process of religious change.17
“At its core, Islam is about standing with the oppressed”: Exploring transgender Muslims’ religious resilience.17
Prayer and internal dialogical activity: How do they predict well-being?17
Religious and spiritual struggles as a mediator of the link between stressful life events and psychological adjustment in a nationwide sample.16
Religious and spiritual struggles among transgender and gender-nonconforming adults.16
Does think mean the same thing as believe? Linguistic insights into religious cognition.15
A mixed-methods approach to understanding the role of religion and spirituality in healthcare provider well-being.15
Towards a psychology of divine forgiveness.14
What makes life meaningful for theists and atheists?14
Religious sexual minorities, belongingness, and suicide risk: Does it matter where belongingness comes from?13
Oneness beliefs and their effect on life satisfaction.13
A prospective study of clergy spiritual well-being, depressive symptoms, and occupational distress.13
Daily measures of religious/spiritual struggles: Relations to depression, anxiety, satisfaction with life, and meaning.13
Pulling away from religion: Religious/spiritual struggles and religious disengagement among college students.13
(Ir)reconcilable identities: Stories of religion and faith for sexual and gender minority refugees who fled from the Middle East, North Africa, and Asia to the European Union.13
Measures of God representations: Theoretical framework and critical review.12
Religion as an embodied practice: Documenting the various forms, meanings, and associated experience of Christian prayer postures.12
A curvilinear relationship between clear beliefs about God and self-concept clarity.12
Religiosity and positive religious coping as predictors of Indonesian Muslim adolescents’ externalizing behavior and loneliness.12
How parents balance desire for religious continuity with honoring children’s religious agency.11
Fundamentalism as dogmatic belief, moral rigorism, and strong groupness across cultures: Dimensionality, underlying components, and related interreligious prejudice.11
Examining the relationship between awe, spirituality, and religiosity.11
Religiosity and volunteering over time: Religious service attendance is associated with the likelihood of volunteering, and religious importance with time spent volunteering.11
The RSS-14: Development and preliminary validation of a 14-item form of the Religious and Spiritual Struggles Scale.11
How do religious congregations affect congregants’ attitudes toward lesbian women and gay men?11
Uniting and dividing influences of religion on parent–child relationships in highly religious families.10
Who are the religious “dones?”: A cross-cultural latent profile analysis of formerly religious individuals.10
Beyond beliefs: Multidimensional aspects of religion and spirituality in language.10
Are atheists unprejudiced? Forms of nonbelief and prejudice toward antiliberal and mainstream religious groups.10
Supernatural operating rules: How people envision and experience God, the devil, ghosts/spirits, fate/destiny, karma, and luck.10
Black–white biracial Christians, discrimination, and mental health: A moderated mediation model of church support and religious coping.9
Disbelief, disengagement, discontinuance, and disaffiliation: An integrative framework for the study of religious deidentification.9
Valid assessment of spiritual quality of life with the WHOQOL-SRPB BREF across religious, spiritual, and secular persons: A psychometric study.9
Measuring interfaith spirituality: Initial validation and psychometrics.9
What are the core features and dimensions of “spirituality”? Applying a partial prototype analysis to understand how laypeople mentally represent spirituality as a concept.9
Religious coping with interpersonal hurts: Psychosocial correlates of the brief RCOPE in four non-Western countries.9
In the wake of religious conversions: Differences in cognition and emotion across three religious communities of an indigenous tribe in Malaysia.9
What do nonreligious nonbelievers believe in? Secular worldviews around the world.8
Differential effects from aspects of religion on female genital mutilation/cutting.8
Drawn to the light: Predicting religiosity using “God is light” metaphor.8
Do you need religion to enjoy the benefits of Church services? Social bonding, morality and quality of life among religious and secular congregations.8
Religious coping, resilience, and involuntary displacement: A mixed-methods analysis of the experience of Syrian and Palestinian refugees in Jordan.8
Religious/spiritual struggles and suicidal ideation in the COVID-19 era: Does the belief in divine control and religious attendance matter?8
Evaluating the measure of diverse adolescent spirituality in samples of Mexican and Salvadoran youth.8
The role of religiousness and spirituality in health-related quality of life of persons living with HIV: A latent class analysis.8
Call and response: A six-wave study of bidirectional links between religiosity and spirituality among Pakistani Muslims during Ramadan.7
Adolescent suicide ideation in Utah: The role of religion and family.7
The impact of diagnosis and religious orientation on mental illness stigma.7
Intrinsic religiosity attenuates the negative relationship between social disconnectedness and meaning in life.7
Karma and God: Convergent and divergent mental representations of supernatural norm enforcement.7
A multidimensional typology of religiosity in three-generation families.6
Cult conversion from the perspective of families: Implications for prevention and psychological intervention.6
(Life) satisfaction guaranteed? Subjective well-being attenuates religious attendance–life satisfaction association.6
Measuring Muslim religiosity and spirituality: Measurement invariance of Muslim attitudes toward religion and Muslim experiential religiousness scales across China, Iran, Malaysia, and Pakistan.6
Effects of devotional prayer and secular meditation on cardiovascular response to a faith challenge among Christians.6
Conservation of resources theory and spirituality at work: When a resource is not always a resource.6
Worlds apart? Atheist, agnostic, and humanist worldviews in three European countries.6
Implicit and explicit attitudes towards God and life satisfaction.6
Metaphors for god: God is high, bright, and human in implicit tasks.6
Associations between spirituality and mental health in women exposed to adversity.6
Explaining anti-atheist discrimination in the workplace: The role of intergroup threat.6
Will jurors believe nonbelievers? Perceptions of atheist rape victims in the courtroom.6
Parents’ spiritual struggles and stress: Associations with mental health and cognitive well-being following a neonatal intensive care unit experience.6
The lived religion of grace: Exploring diverse Christian narratives.6
Moral stereotypes, moral self-image, and religiosity.6