International Journal of Coal Preparation and Utilization

(The H4-Index of International Journal of Coal Preparation and Utilization is 14. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Study on orthogonal experiments in synergistic ultrasound-assisted adsorption of Cu 2+ by thermal modified fly ash31
Role of capillary pressure on carbon dioxide sequestration: mathematical analysis24
Evolution of coal flocs during flocculation under different stirring velocities22
An integrated method for massive production of graphene from bituminous coal via ultrasonication-assisted emulsion formation22
A characterization of rare earth elements in coal ash generated during the utilization of Australian coals22
Flotation behavior of metallurgical coals from different seams under electrolytic process water21
Study on the separation of lithotypes and their properties: A case study in the Permian period coal of the Dahebian coal mine, Liupanshui coalfield, China18
Investigations of coal beneficiation by using choline chloride and urea-based deep eutectic solvent16
Investigation on pH influence for the effective transportation of coal water slurry using experimental design16
Alkali leaching in dissolved oxygen for efficient desulphurization of low-grade Lakhra coal15
Facile application of used engine oil in high sulfur coal briquetting to reduce the hazardous emission gases15
An experimental investigation of early warning index for coal spontaneous combustion with consideration of particle size: a case study15
Optimization of extrinsic parameters for beneficiation of coal with the help of Cronobacter sp14
Synthesis and kinetic analysis of zeolites based on fly ash14
Numerical modelling of two-phase flow hydrodynamics of column flotation - validation against ERT data14
New approach to evaluate the wettability of low-rank coal powders based on multiple light scattering14