Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences

(The TQCC of Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
The Human Genome Project as a Singular Episode in the History of Genomics13
The Politics of Early Programming Languages6
Special Issue Introduction6
Social Scientists4
The Vaccine4
Nature and Modernity in an East Asian Key4
The Cool Air3
Bioarchaeology of the Self3
Addiction Beyond a Cure3
Museums and the History of Science3
Between the Mountain, the Meadow, the Calm, and the Storm2
Scholars are Failing the GPT Review Process2
Yeast Sequencing2
An Icy Feud in Planetary Science2
Blurry Authorship2
AI, Science, and What We Can Learn from the Printing Press2
Designing the Virus2
Becoming Visible2
Science and Really Existing Socialism in Maoist China2
Science, Interrupted1
Making Belgian Big Science1
Black Public Health1
“Machinery Hurtful to [Scientific] Commonality”1
A Black Hole in Ink1
How to Capture Movement1
Finding the Invisible Workers in Astronomy1
Science in the Age of Invincible Surmise1
Secrecy and the Genesis of the 1951 Dutch-Norwegian Nuclear Reactor1
Drawing on the Difuentes1
On Slavery, Medicine, Speculation, and the Archive1
Archival Wounds1
Blending Borders and Sparking Change1
Decolonization and Self-Reflection1
The Ventilator1
The Power of Phosphate1
From the Model to the Glance1
When Scientists Disagree1
Discoverer and Methodologist1
Gaia’s Tissue1
Our Pigs, Ourselves1
Tortoise Traffic1
A Kaleidoscopic Introduction to the History of Science1
Funny Origins of the Big Bang Theory1
Tracing Absence1
Logistical Natures1
Re-Envisioning the History of Cellular and Molecular Biology1
East Asia and Ethics in Technoscience1