Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management

(The H4-Index of Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management is 27. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
The metaverse in the hospitality and tourism industry: An overview of current trends and future research directions241
Impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on employees’ work stress, well-being, mental health, organizational citizenship behavior, and employee-customer identification124
The Great Resignation and Quiet Quitting paradigm shifts: An overview of current situation and future research directions91
ChatGPT and the hospitality and tourism industry: an overview of current trends and future research directions85
Anthropomorphism and customers’ willingness to use artificial intelligence service agents82
A look back and a leap forward: a review and synthesis of big data and artificial intelligence literature in hospitality and tourism65
A silver lining in the COVID-19 cloud: examining customers’ value perceptions, willingness to use and pay more for robotic restaurants59
Examining the effects of environmentally-specific servant leadership on green work outcomes among hotel employees: the mediating role of climate for green creativity55
Servant leadership in hospitality: a meta-analytic review53
Examining the effects of AI contactless services on customer psychological safety, perceived value, and hospitality service quality during the COVID‐19 pandemic44
Does employee resilience exacerbate the effects of abusive supervision? A study of frontline employees’ self-esteem, turnover intention, and innovative behaviors44
Customer engagement research in hospitality and tourism: a systematic review43
Emotional exhaustion and its consequences for hotel service quality: the critical role of workload and supervisor support43
Determinants of online hotel booking intentions: website quality, social presence, affective commitment, and e-trust42
Hospitality services in the post COVID-19 era: Are we ready for high-tech and no touch service delivery in smart hotels?42
Customer delight, engagement, experience, value co-creation, place identity, and revisit intention: a new conceptual framework41
An investigation of underlying dimensions of customers’ perceptions of a safe hotel in the COVID-19 era: effects of those perceptions on hotel selection behavior41
Consumers’ usage of food delivery app: a theory of consumption values39
Modeling consumers’ trust in mobile food delivery apps: perspectives of technology acceptance model, mobile service quality and personalization-privacy theory38
Impact of green human resource management practices on the environmental performance of green hotels36
How does the tourism and hospitality industry use artificial intelligence? A review of empirical studies and future research agenda35
Sharing economy in hospitality and tourism: a review and the future pathways34
A meta-analysis of customer uncivil behaviors in hospitality research33
The role of servant leadership, self-efficacy, high performance work systems, and work engagement in increasing service-oriented behavior32
Understanding trust and perceived risk in sharing accommodation: an extended elaboration likelihood model and moderated by risk attitude31
Consequences of job insecurity for hospitality workers amid COVID-19 pandemic: does social support help?31
The effects of message framing in CSR advertising on consumers’ emotions, attitudes, and behavioral intentions28