Annual Review of Analytical Chemistry

(The median citation count of Annual Review of Analytical Chemistry is 7. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Emerging Areas in Undergraduate Analytical Chemistry Education: Microfluidics, Microcontrollers, and Chemometrics45
Microfluidics for Biofilm Studies44
Environmental Toxicology Assays Using Organ-on-Chip40
Advances in the Development of Bacterial Bioluminescence Imaging39
Genetically Encoded Sensors for the In Vivo Detection of Neurochemical Dynamics39
Raman and Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering Detection in Flowing Solutions for Complex Mixture Analysis35
Beginner's Guide to Micro- and Nanoscale Electrochemical Additive Manufacturing32
Nondestructive 3D Pathology with Light-Sheet Fluorescence Microscopy for Translational Research and Clinical Assays26
Probing and Visualizing Interfacial Charge at Surfaces in Aqueous Solution22
Advances and Emerging Medical Applications of Direct Mass Spectrometry Technologies for Tissue Analysis20
Saliva Diagnostics19
High-Specificity Imaging Mass Spectrometry19
Environmental Aspects of Oxide Nanoparticles: Probing Oxide Nanoparticle Surface Processes Under Different Environmental Conditions17
The Future of Nanotechnology-Driven Electrochemical and Electrical Point-of-Care Devices and Diagnostic Tests17
Surface Analysis Techniques in Forensic Science: Successes, Challenges, and Opportunities for Operational Deployment16
Protein Dynamics by Two-Dimensional Infrared Spectroscopy16
Developments and Ongoing Challenges for Analysis of Surface-Bound Proteins15
Photoluminescence Probes in Data-Enabled Sensing15
Emerging Optical Microscopy Techniques for Electrochemistry14
In Situ Electrochemical Atomic Force Microscopy: From Interfaces to Interphases14
Recent Progress in the Analytical Chemistry of Champagne and Sparkling Wines14
Bacteriophage-Based Bioanalysis13
The Present and Future Landscapes of Molecular Diagnostics13
Sensors for Coastal and Ocean Monitoring12
Developing FRET Networks for Sensing12
Enhanced Multiplexing Technology for Proteomics11
Aqueous Two-Phase Systems and Microfluidics for Microscale Assays and Analytical Measurements11
Recent Advances in Single-Molecule Tracking and Imaging Techniques11
Bipolar (Bio)electroanalysis10
New Advances and Applications in Field-Flow Fractionation10
Efficient Validation Strategies in Environmental Analytical Chemistry: A Focus on Organic Micropollutants in Water Samples10
Oxygen Measurement in Microdevices10
Label-Free Optical Technologies to Enhance Noninvasive Endoscopic Imaging of Early-Stage Cancers10
Technologies for Frugal and Sensitive Point-of-Care Immunoassays9
Emerging Designs and Applications for Biomembrane Biosensors9
Integrated In-Plane Nanofluidic Devices for Resistive-Pulse Sensing9
In Vivo Assays for Amyloid-Related Diseases9
Label-Free Super-Resolution Imaging Techniques8
Toward Unrivaled Chromatographic Resolving Power in Proteomics: Design and Development of Comprehensive Spatial Three-Dimensional Liquid-Phase Separation Technology8
In Situ X-Ray Techniques for Electrochemical Interfaces7
Gels in Microscale Electrophoresis7