Electronic Journal of Statistics

(The TQCC of Electronic Journal of Statistics is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Concentration inequalities for non-causal random fields31
On sufficient variable screening using log odds ratio filter18
Constructing confidence intervals for the signals in sparse phase retrieval16
Sparse-limit approximation for t-statistics14
Uniform estimation in stochastic block models is slow12
Sparse and smooth: Improved guarantees for spectral clustering in the dynamic stochastic block model12
Mixed moving average field guided learning for spatio-temporal data10
Nonparametric regression in nonstandard spaces9
Improved estimation in tensor regression with multiple change-points8
Envelopes and principal component regression8
Regularized high dimension low tubal-rank tensor regression8
Asymptotics of Yule’s nonsense correlation for Ornstein-Uhlenbeck paths: A Wiener chaos approach7
Estimation of conditional mean operator under the bandable covariance structure7
Minimal σ-field for flexible sufficient dimension reduction7
Estimation of the global mode of a density: Minimaxity, adaptation, and computational complexity6
Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney statistics in randomized trials with non-compliance6
Asymptotic normality of robust M-estimators with convex penalty6
A convex-nonconvex strategy for grouped variable selection6
Efficient sampling from the PKBD distribution5
Species abundance distribution and species accumulation curve: a general framework and results5
Smooth bootstrapping of copula functionals5
Depth level set estimation and associated risk measures5
Flexible inference of optimal individualized treatment strategy in covariate adjusted randomization with multiple covariates5
Stochastic online convex optimization. Application to probabilistic time series forecasting5
Score-matching representative approach for big data analysis with generalized linear models5
Semi-supervised multiple testing5
Post-selection inference for e-value based confidence intervals4
Phase transition in noisy high-dimensional random geometric graphs4
Isotonic regression for elicitable functionals and their Bayes risk4
Regression in tensor product spaces by the method of sieves4
Poisson mean vector estimation with nonparametric maximum likelihood estimation and application to protein domain data4
Optimal convergence rates of deep neural networks in a classification setting4
Tempered positive Linnik processes and their representations4
Scalable Bayesian computation for crossed and nested hierarchical models4
A functional nonlinear mixed effects modeling framework for longitudinal functional responses4
Kernel machines with missing covariates4
On the notion of polynomial reach: A statistical application3
Pathwise least-squares estimator for linear SPDEs with additive fractional noise3
Regression analysis of mixed sparse synchronous and asynchronous longitudinal covariates with varying-coefficient models3
Regression analysis of partially linear transformed mean residual life models3
Modelling time-varying first and second-order structure of time series via wavelets and differencing3
Divide-and-conquer Bayesian inference in hidden Markov models3
Bootstrapping exchangeable random graphs3
LAMN property for multivariate inhomogeneous diffusions with discrete observations3
Testing linear operator constraints in functional response regression with incomplete response functions3
Markov random geometric graph, MRGG: A growth model for temporal dynamic networks3
A sharp lower-tail bound for Gaussian maxima with application to bootstrap methods in high dimensions3
On the choice of the splitting ratio for the split likelihood ratio test3
Multiple regression for matrix and vector predictors: Models, theory, algorithms, and beyond3
Two-sample goodness-of-fit tests on the flat torus based on Wasserstein distance and their relevance to structural biology3
Spectrum inference for replicated spatial locally time-harmonizable time series3
Covariance discriminative power of kernel clustering methods3
Nonparametric inference under a monotone hazard ratio order3
Merging sequential e-values via martingales3
Selective inference for clustering with unknown variance3
A supervised deep learning method for nonparametric density estimation3
Optimal weighting for linear inverse problems3
Multiplicative deconvolution under unknown error distribution2
Learning the smoothness of noisy curves with application to online curve estimation2
Subgroup analysis of high dimensional survival data based on penalized fusion and model averaging2
Limit theorems for entropic optimal transport maps and Sinkhorn divergence2
Statistical inference for the slope parameter in functional linear regression2
Statistical inference for normal mixtures with unknown number of components2
LASSO risk and phase transition under dependence2
Penalized nonparametric likelihood-based inference for current status data model2
A convenient infinite dimensional framework for generative adversarial learning2
Space-time integer-valued ARMA modelling for time series of counts2
A general framework for tensor screening through smoothing2
Revisiting consistency of a recursive estimator of mixing distributions2
Finite sample smeariness of Fréchet means with application to climate2
Nonparametric regression for locally stationary functional time series2
Regenerative bootstrap for β-null recurrent Markov chains2
Fréchet single index models for object response regression2
Estimating the limiting shape of bivariate scaled sample clouds: With additional benefits of self-consistent inference for existing extremal dependence properties2
Optimal multiple change-point detection for high-dimensional data2
Estimating the number of communities by spectral methods2
Training-conditional coverage for distribution-free predictive inference2
Quantile regression by dyadic CART2
Variable selection for single-index varying-coefficients models with applications to synergistic G × E interactions2
Dimension independent excess risk by stochastic gradient descent2
Lagged covariance and cross-covariance operators of processes in Cartesian products of abstract Hilbert spaces2
Pretest estimation in combining probability and non-probability samples2
Multivariate tie-breaker designs2
Decompositions of the mean continuous ranked probability score2
Efficient change point detection and estimation in high-dimensional correlation matrices2
Rates of convergence for random forests via generalized U-statistics2
Fitted value shrinkage2
Simultaneous factors selection and fusion of their levels in penalized logistic regression2
On robust learning in the canonical change point problem under heavy tailed errors in finite and growing dimensions2
Nonparametric and high-dimensional functional graphical models2
Efficient density estimation in an AR(1) model2
Finite sample theory for high-dimensional functional/scalar time series with applications2
Nested covariance functions on graphs with Euclidean edges cross time2
Robust consistent estimators for ROC curves with covariates2
Directional testing for high dimensional multivariate normal distributions2
Bayesian inference and prediction for mean-mixtures of normal distributions2
Kernel regression analysis of tie-breaker designs2
Nonparametric estimation of the incubation time distribution1
Functional spherical autocorrelation: A robust estimate of the autocorrelation of a functional time series1
Covariance estimation under missing observations and L4−L2 moment equivalence1
Space partitioning and regression maxima seeking via a mean-shift-inspired algorithm1
Online multiple testing with super-uniformity reward1
Varying coefficient linear discriminant analysis for dynamic data1
Maximum profile binomial likelihood estimation for the semiparametric Box–Cox power transformation model1
A tradeoff between false discovery and true positive proportions for sparse high-dimensional logistic regression1
Improving estimation efficiency for two-phase, outcome-dependent sampling studies1
Prediction in measurement error models1
Two-step mixed-type multivariate Bayesian sparse variable selection with shrinkage priors1
Structure learning via unstructured kernel-based M-estimation1
Point forecasting and forecast evaluation with generalized Huber loss1
The ensemble conditional variance estimator for sufficient dimension reduction1
Reweighting samples under covariate shift using a Wasserstein distance criterion1
Improved estimators for semi-supervised high-dimensional regression model1
Multi-sample comparison using spatial signs for infinite dimensional data1
Conditional independence testing for discrete distributions: Beyond χ2- and G-tests1
Testing the simplifying assumption in high-dimensional vine copulas1
Assessing the estimation of nearly singular covariance matrices for modeling spatial variables1
Asymptotic theory for explosive fractional Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes1
Design and analysis of bipartite experiments under a linear exposure-response model1
Model selection and inference for estimation of causal parameters1
Generalized maximum likelihood estimation of the mean of parameters of mixtures. With applications to sampling and to observational studies1
Motif-based tests for bipartite networks1
Symmetries in directed Gaussian graphical models1
The EAS approach to variable selection for multivariate response data in high-dimensional settings1
Long memory of max-stable time series as phase transition: asymptotic behaviour of tail dependence estimators1
Adaptive randomization in network data1
Bootstrap adjusted predictive classification for identification of subgroups with differential treatment effects under generalized linear models1
Tensor factorization recommender systems with dependency1
Likelihood-free frequentist inference: bridging classical statistics and machine learning for reliable simulator-based inference1
Estimation and inference in sparse multivariate regression and conditional Gaussian graphical models under an unbalanced distributed setting1
Construction of maximin L1-distance Latin hypercube designs1
Estimating the conditional distribution in functional regression problems1
Spatio-temporal point process intensity estimation using zero-deflated subsampling applied to a lightning strikes dataset in France1
Sufficient variable screening with high-dimensional controls1
Gaussian random fields on the product of spheres: Theory and applications1
Classification by sparse generalized additive models1
Deconvolution of spherical data corrupted with unknown noise1
Robust improvement of efficiency using information on covariate distribution1
Regression diagnostics meets forecast evaluation: conditional calibration, reliability diagrams, and coefficient of determination1
Multiclass classification for multidimensional functional data through deep neural networks1
Consistency of a range of penalised cost approaches for detecting multiple changepoints1
A note on estimating the dimension from a random geometric graph1
Limit theorems for non-degenerate U-statistics of block maxima for time series1
Sieve estimation of semiparametric accelerated mean models with panel count data1
Optional Pólya trees: Posterior rates and uncertainty quantification1
Bernstein-von Mises theorem for the Pitman-Yor process of nonnegative type1
On the nonparametric inference of coefficients of self-exciting jump-diffusion1
Space-time covariance models on networks1
Copula-like inference for discrete bivariate distributions with rectangular supports1
Robust sieve M-estimation with an application to dimensionality reduction1
De-noising analysis of noisy data under mixed graphical models1
Dimension-free bounds for sums of dependent matrices and operators with heavy-tailed distributions1
A functional central limit theorem for the empirical Ripley’s K-function1
Optimal detection of the feature matching map in presence of noise and outliers1
Location- and scale-free procedures for distinguishing between distribution tail models1
Reweighted nonparametric likelihood inference for linear functionals1
A principled stopping rule for importance sampling1
The curved exponential family of a staged tree1
Functional estimation of anisotropic covariance and autocovariance operators on the sphere1
Intrinsic and extrinsic deep learning on manifolds1
Harmonizable fractional stable motion: Asymptotically normal estimators for both parameters1
Generalized Rescaled Pólya urn and its statistical application1
Estimation of partially conditional average treatment effect by double kernel-covariate balancing1