ESQ-A Journal of Nineteenth-Century American Literature and Culture

(The TQCC of ESQ-A Journal of Nineteenth-Century American Literature and Culture is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
The Ugly Smell of Nortoniensis: Charles Eliot Norton and Hawthorne's Civil War Romance1
Re-Transcendentalizing the Transcendentalists1
Phillis Wheatley's Abolition Rhetoric and Nineteenth-Century Lyricization1
The Society to Encourage Studies at Home (in a Pandemic)1
Love, Death, and the Nineteenth-Century Americanist: ESQ Scholars Reflect on the Year of the Pandemic0
C19, Covid-19, and Conferencing0
A Welcome: Editor’s Note0
Margaret Fuller and the Alternative Transcendentalism0
Julia Ward Howe and the Coming Day of Jehovah: Eschatology and Rhetorical Flexibility in "The Battle Hymn of the Republic"0
Lydia Huntley Sigourney, Moral Pieces , and the War of 18120
The Year in Conferences—20210
Pandemic Pedagogy: Lessons from Nineteenth-Century Sentimentalism: Historicizing Empathy, Embracing Feeling, and Personalizing Disease in the Covid Era0
The Universe of Englishmen: Emerson's English Traits and the British Empire0
“Painted for Posterity”: Guerilla Violence and Irregular Warfare in Rebecca Harding Davis’ Civil War Writing0
Saying “No!” but not “in Thunder”: Lydia Sigourney and the Poetics of Dissent0
The "Irreligion of Thinking Men": Melville's Materialist Genealogy0
"cling with both hands": Erotic Pedagogy in Elizabeth Stuart Phelps' The Gates Ajar0
Emerson’s Temporalities: The Eternal Present vs. the Not Yet Present0
“To Mold in Clay and Carve in Stone”: Sculptural and Political Form in Margaret Fuller’s Italian Dispatches0
Woman in the Nineteenth Century and the Politics of Reprinting, 1845–19800
A Turn to the Center: The Gothic Spinster and Erotic Solitude0
The Sea Lions: James Fenimore Cooper's Antebellum Jeremiad0
Progressive Portraits: Visual Theory as Politics in Frederick Douglass' Wartime Lectures and Beyond0
Hope, Sound, and the Materiality of Print in Frances Ellen Watkins Harper's Periodical Poems0
"Thank God for Little Children": The Reception History of Frances E. W. Harper's Children's Poetry0
Smoke and Whiskey: Addiction Networks in Rebecca Harding Davis' "Life in the Iron-Mills"0
Women Talking Business: Domestic Settings for Economic Discourses in The Squatter and the Don0
The Noble Reader and the Sound of Thoreau's Words0
Mining the (Virtual) Archive: Navigating Student-Faculty Research During a Pandemic0
Unsettling the Nation: Sigourney and the Poetics of Dissent Appendix0
Gender Trouble in the Hollow Earth: Pantaletta, Mizora , and the American Antifeminist Romance0
"Monarchs – are perceptible": Emily Dickinson's Royal Democrats and the Dignity of Individual Sovereignty0
The Year in Conferences—20220
Thoreauvian Disappointment: Losing the Plot in The Maine Woods0
Emersonian Transcendentalism and the Invention of Religion(s) in the Nineteenth Century0
Cultural (Inter-)Nationalism: Orestes Brownson and the World Republic of Letters0
Many Voices, One Page: Poetic Innovation and Intercultural Protest in “The Cherokee Mother”0
“Sacred Calling” in Nineteenth-Century Authorship: Wordsworth, Emerson, Thackeray0
The Year in Conferences—20200
"If Actresses Ever Are Themselves": Living Pictures, Dying Women, and British Class Pretensions in Alcott's Behind a Mask0
The Sphinx at the Crossroads: Transcendentalism Meets the Anthropocene0
High-Impact Practices and the Pandemic Normal: A Timeline0
Walt Whitman and the Washingtonian Temperance Movement0
Theodore Parker and the Problem of Criticism0
Margaret Fuller, Faithful Female Sceptic: The Politics of (Not) Publishing the 1842 "A Credo"0
“Cobweb Rhymes”: Why (and How) Lydia Sigourney Still Matters0
Thoreau's Saxon Letters0
"Nothing beneath—all?": Rebecca Harding Davis' Critique of Possessive Individualism in "Life in the Iron-Mills"0
A Season for Listing: Melville and Wharton Offer Perspective on Pandemic Reading Practices0
Lydia Sigourney’s Charter Oak “Enthusiasm”0
Henry James' Confederate Sympathies: Ingenuous Young Men from the Past and Corrupt Postbellum Politics0
Nineteenth-Century Disease, Twenty-First-Century Dis-ease: Reflections on Teaching Nineteenth-Century Texts0
"We uncertain step": Emily Dickinson, Disability, and Embodied Learning0