
(The median citation count of Arthuriana is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
The Romance Forests of Medieval Iceland2
The Fragile Giant1
‘But That’s Another Story’: Wace, LaƷamon, and the Early Anonymous Old French Verse Bruts1
Pearl: A New Verse Translation by Simon Armitage1
They ‘Laʒed . . . Þoʒ Þey Lost’: Laughter in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight1
Choreographic Description: Carole Dancing in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight1
Broken Dreams: Medievalism, Mulataje, and Mestizaje in the Work of Alejandro Tapia y Rivera1
An Arthurian Empire of Magic, and Its Discontents: An Afterword1
Exploration of Rationality: Der Stricker’s Contributions to the Intellectual Revolution in the Thirteenth Century, or, the Transformation of the Arthurian World1
An Invitation to Consider a Potential Arthur-figure Memorial Stone0
Arthur as Icon of the Welsh0
The Bristol Merlin: Revealing the Secrets of a Medieval Fragment by Leah Tether et al.0
Talk and Textual Production in Medieval England by Marisa Libbon0
The Court of Richard II and Bohemian Culture by Alfred Thomas0
The Round Table: News From the North American Branch0
Female Desire in Chaucer's Legend of Good Women and Middle English Romance by Lucy M. Allen-Goss0
‘Truth as They Heard’: Fama in Sir Thomas Malory’s Le Morte Darthur0
Piers Plowman and the Reinvention of Church Law in the Late Middle Ages by Arvind Thomas0
'wepte and shryked:' Social Grief and the Conclusion of Malory's Le Morte Darthur0
How Not to Make a Human: Pets, Feral Children, Worms, Sky Burial, Oysters by Karl Steel0
The Green Knight by David Lowery0
The Devil's Historians: How Modern Extremists Abuse the Medieval Past by Amy S. Kaufman and Paul B. Sturtevant0
Guenevere's Raptus-Sanctus Triumphs in Sir Thomas Malory's Morte Darthur0
The Christian Jew and the Unmarked Jewess: The Polemics of Sameness in Medieval English Anti-Judaism by Adrienne Williams Boyarin0
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight by Marie Borroff0
Why Can't Mermaids Be Ethnically Diverse?: Legends and Legend-Making in Arthurian Studies0
'He sente for a wyse philozopher': Teaching Malory in Terms of Moral Philosophy0
Introduction: The Circle is Broken0
The Historical Arthur and The Gawain Poet: Studies on Arthurian and Other Traditions by Andrew Breeze (review)0
Dramatic Spectacle in LaƷamon: The Brut 's Direct Speeches, Aestheticized Violence, and Gendered Historical Reenactments0
Arthur from the Margins: Race, Equity, and Justice in Arthurian Studies0
Medieval Romance, Arthurian Literature: Essays in Honour of Elizabeth Archibald ed. by A.S.G. Edwards0
Russell A. Peck (1933–2023)0
Women Reading and Women Writing and Men Writing Women Who Read and Write: (Re-) Considering Women's Literate Practices and the Ethics of Women's Literacy in Malory's Morte Darthur0
International Medievalism and Popular Culture ed. by Louise D'arcens and Andrew Lynch (review)0
Women, Writing and Religion in England and Beyond, 650–1100 by Diane Watt0
Early Medieval English Life Courses: Cultural-Historical Perspectives ed. by Thijs Porck and Harriet Soper0
Engela the Saxon Queen and Britain's Legendary History in Bartholomaeus Anglicus' De proprietatibus rerum0
Anticipatory, Active, and Participatory Grief in Malory's Morte Darthur0
Household Knowledges in Late-Medieval England and France ed. by Glenn D. Burger and Rory G. Critten0
The Life of Saint Eufrosine: In Old French Verse with English Translation ed. by Amy V. Ogden0
Chivalric Feats and Fiascos: An Approach to a Lower-Division Survey Course0
Necrology for Professor Fiona Tolhurst (1968–2021)0
Chrétien and the Seven Dwarfs: The Portrayal of Dwarf Characters in the Earliest Arthurian Romances0
He Should Have Listened to His Wife! The Construction of Women’s Roles in German and Yiddish Pre-Modern ‘Wigalois’ Adaptations by Annegret Oehme0
The Middle Dutch Brut: An Edition and Translation ed. by Sjoerd Levelt (review)0
Joan: A Novel by Katherine J. Chen (review)0
Afterlives of the Lady of Shalott and Elaine of Astolat by Ann F. Howey0
Dreaming the Past’s Futures: Rhonabwy’s Dream as Chronofiction0
‘Many straunge sygnes and tokyns’: The Affective Power of Thomas Malory’s Palomides0
Courtly Pastimes ed. by Gloria Allaire and Julie Human (review)0
The Mélusine Romance in Medieval Europe: Translation, Circulation, and Material Contexts by Lydia Zeldenrust0
From Iceland to the Americas: Vinland and Historical Imagination ed. by Tim William Machan and Jón Karl Helgason0
Sleep and Its Spaces in Middle English Literature: Emotions, Ethics, Dreams by Megan Leitch0
'Why is He Indian?': Missed Opportunities for Discussing Race in David Lowery's The Green Knight (2021)0
Alle Thyng Hath Tyme: Time and Medieval Life by Gillian Adler and Paul Strohm (review)0
Babylon 5, An Arthurian World in Space0
Medieval Literature and Social Politics: Studies of Cultures and Their Contexts by Stephen Knight0
Bonds of Secrecy: Law, Spirituality, and the Literature of Concealment in Early Medieval England by Benjamin A. Saltzman0
The Second Coming of King Arthur: Conspirituality, Embodied Medievalism, and the Legacy of John F. Kennedy0
Objects of Affection: The Book and the Household in Late Medieval England by Myra Seaman0
Medievalism in English Canadian Literature: From Richardson to Atwood ed. by M.J. Toswell and Anna Czarnowus0
Translation and Temporality in Benoît de Sainte-Maure’s Roman de Troie by Maud Burnett McInerney0
Anything You Can Do: Gawain, Lancelot, and Failure in Malory's Le Morte Darthur0
‘Bi þat watz Gryngolet grayth and gurde with a sadel’: Characterizing Gringolet in Old French and Middle English Romances0
From Camelot to Spamalot, Musical Retellings of Arthurian Legend on Stage and Screen by Megan Woller0
The Roman de toute chevalerie: Reading Alexander Romance in Late Medieval England by Charles Russell Stone0
Miroirs arthuriens entre images et mirages: Actes du XXIVe Congrès de la Société Internationale Arthurienne ed. by C. Girbea et al0
True Repentance? Malory’s Gawain and the Performance of Emotion0
'He spekeþ no more with me': Elegy and Lament in Sir Tristrem0
‘Not Quite Dead Yet’: Zombies and Le Morte Darthur0
Tales of Merlin, Arthur, and the Magic Arts: From the Welsh Chronicle of the Six Ages of the World by Elis Gruffydd (review)0
Bestsellers and Masterpieces: The Changing Medieval Canon ed. by Heather Blurton and Dwight F. Reynolds (review)0
Männliche Hauptfiguren im ‘Tristan’ Gottfrieds von Strassburg. Charakterisierung, Konstellation und Rede by Anna Karin0
The Norse Myths That Shape the Way We Think by Carolyne Larrington (review)0
The Medieval Tournament as Spectacle: Tourneys, Jousts and Pas d’Armes, 1100–1600 ed. by Alan V. Murray and Karen Watts0
'A Mythology for England': Teaching Tolkien's Arthurian Inspirations0
Another Version of the Truth: Treachery, Testimony, and Triumph in the Old French Lay of Tyolet0
Seminal Semiotics and Pornographic Displeasures in David Lowery’s The Green Knight (2021)0
Elegiac Additions: Marking Arthur's Death in Manuscripts of Geoffrey of Monmouth0
Launcelot's Lovers: Ghostly Women in Malory's Morte Darthur0
White Merlin: A Modern Misconception about the Legendary Merlin0
Rewriting a Demon: Merlin's Changing Characterization in Three Versions of Of Arthour and of Merlin0
In Memoriam: Dr. Roger Simpson (1938–2022)0
Germans and Poles in the Middle Ages: The Perception of the 'Other' and the Presence of Mutual Ethnic Stereotypes in Medieval Narrative Sources ed. by Andrzej Pleszczyński and Grischa Vercamer (review0
The Erotics of Grief: Emotions and the Construction of Privilege in the Medieval Mediterranean by Megan Moore (review)0
Scripting the Nation: Court Poetry and the Authority of History in Late Medieval Scotland by Katherine H. Terrell0
Arthurian Cosmopoiesis: Wolfram's Parzival0
Iban by Ulrich Fuetrer (review)0
The Many Endings of Malory's Morte : The Experience of an Early Audience0
Writing Arthur’s Shadow and Speaking Otherwise0
French Romance, Medieval Sweden and the Europeanisation of Culture by Sophia Lodén0
What Does the Gaze Want? Teaching the Breton Lais with Visual Culture and Psychoanalysis0
The Original Robin Hood: Traditional Ballads and Plays Including All Medieval Sources by Thor Ewing0
Affective Medievalism: Love, Abjection, and Discontent by Thomas A. Prendergast and Stephanie Trigg0
‘First you get the money’: Anachronism, Brexit, and King Arthur in Lavie Tidhar’s By Force Alone0
Beowulf—A Poem by Andrew Scheil (review)0
The Oxford Handbook of Victorian Medievalism ed. by Joanne Parker and Corinna Wagner0
Landscape in Middle English Romance: The Medieval Imagination and the Natural World by Andrew M. Richmond0
The Arthurian World ed. by Victoria Coldham-Fussell, Miriam Edlich-Muth, and Renée Ward (review)0
The Round Table0
News from the North American Branch0
Encyclopedia of the Holy Grail by Jeffrey John Dixon (review)0
Love out of Measure: Comparing Malory’s Palomides and Lancelot0
Romans, Celts, and ‘Others’: Residual Colonial Models and Race in Contemporary Arthurian Novels0
'Men shal nat maken ernest of game': The Knights of the Alt-Right0
Courtly and Queer: Deconstruction, Desire, and Medieval French Literature by Charlie Samuelson (review)0
Painful Pleasures: Sadomasochism in Medieval Cultures ed. by christopher vaccaro (review)0
Safe Behind Doors? Sleep Deprivation in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight0
Form and Foreskin: Medieval Narratives of Circumcision by A.W. Strouse0
Teaching the Old French Grail Tradition0
The Oxford Handbook of Chaucer ed. by Suzanne Conklin Akbari and James Simpson0
In Memoriam: Geoffrey Thomas Leslie Ashe, MBE FRSL (29 March 1923–30 January 2022)0
Aggravain in the Night: Malory's Comet-Villain0
Chivalric Adventure (Âventiure) as Resistance to the Law0
Cultural Translations in Medieval Romance ed. by Victoria Flood and Megan G. Leitch0
‘The forme to the fynisment foldes ful selden’ (l.499): A Comparison of David Lowery’s Screenplay and His 2021 Film Adaptation The Green Knight0
In Memoriam: Douglas Kelly (1934–2022)0
Literary Narratives and the Cultural Imagination: King Arthur and Don Quixote as National Heroes by María Odette Canivell Arzú0
Meter and Modernity in English Verse, 1350–1650 by Eric Weiskott0
News: From the North American Branch0
The Great Book of King Arthur and His Knights of the Round Table: A New Morte D'Arthur by John Matthews (review)0
The United States of Medievalism ed. by Tison Pugh and Susan Aronstein0
Enlistment: Lists in Medieval and Early Modern Literature ed. by Eva Von Contzen and James Simpson (review)0
Who is Asking?: Afro-Arthurian Legend-making in N.K. Jemisin's Far Sector0
What Should a Knight Do for Ladies? Knightly and Scholarly Ethics and the Different Versions of the Morte Darthur0
English Begins at Jamestown by Tim William Machan (review)0
A New Companion to Critical Thinking on Chaucer ed. by Stephanie L. Batkie et al0
Translation Effects: Language, Time, and Community in Medieval England by Mary Kate Hurley0
Teaching the Legend of Tristan and Isolde0
Chevalerie et royauté dans le roman d'Erec de Hartmann von Aue by Patrick Del Luca (review)0
Writing the North of England in the Middle Ages: Regionalism and Nationalism in Medieval English Literature by Joseph Taylor (review)0
Towards Narrative Plenitude: Asian Representation in Young Adult Arthurian Fantasy0
Medieval Things: Agency, Materiality, and Narratives of Objects in Medieval German Literature and Beyond by Bettina Bildhauer0
The Gift of Narrative in Medieval England by Nicholas Perkins0
Launcelot's Swoon: Mourning and Memorial in Malory and the Stanzaic Morte Arthur0
Environmental Realism in the Arthurian Forest of Adventure0
‘Misdo No Messanger’: Death and Delivery in the Alliterative Morte Arthure0
Some Thoughts on The Northman (2022)0
The Costs of Funerals in Malory's: Morte Darthur0
Winner and Waster and its Contexts: Chivalry, Law and Economics in Fourteenth-Century England by W. Mark Ormrod0
The King, the Giant, and Time: Temporality in the Encounter at Mont Saint Michel in the Alliterative Morte Arthure0
William Langland: Piers Plowman, The A Version by Michael Calabrese0
The Nordic Beowulf by Bo Gräslund (review)0
Teaching King Arthur: A Creative Project0
The Round Table0
The Thirteenth-Century Animal Turn: Medieval and Twenty-First-Century Perspectives by Nigel Harris0
Camelot dir. by Bartlett Sher (review)0
Arthur, Authors, and Authorities: The Influence of Modern Historians on Arthurian Historical Fiction0
The Clerical Proletariat and the Resurgence of Medieval English Poetry by Kathryn Kerby-Fulton0
Is Ugliness Only Skin Deep?: Middle English Gawain Romances and the ‘Wife of Bath’s Tale’0
Teaching T.H. White's The Once and Future King0
The Wife of Bath: A Biography by Marion Turner (review)0
The Knight without Boundaries: Yiddish and German Arthurian Wigalois Adaptations by Annegret Oehme (review)0
Dating Beowulf: Studies in Intimacy Daniel C. Remein and Erica Weaver0
Robin Hood: Legend and Reality by David Crook0
Mrs. Davis by Tara Hernandez and Damon Lindelof (review)0