Fire Ecology

(The median citation count of Fire Ecology is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Large California wildfires: 2020 fires in historical context94
Forest fire and smoke detection using deep learning-based learning without forgetting74
Vegetation type conversion in the US Southwest: frontline observations and management responses32
Revitalized Karuk and Yurok cultural burning to enhance California hazelnut for basketweaving in northwestern California, USA32
Housing arrangement and vegetation factors associated with single-family home survival in the 2018 Camp Fire, California30
A review of fire effects across South American ecosystems: the role of climate and time since fire23
From flames to inflammation: how wildfires affect patterns of wildlife disease23
Frequent burning in chir pine forests, Uttarakhand, India22
Climate influences on future fire severity: a synthesis of climate-fire interactions and impacts on fire regimes, high-severity fire, and forests in the western United States22
A systematic review of empirical evidence for landscape-level fuel treatment effectiveness22
Forest fire and law: an analysis of Turkish forest fire legislation based on Food and Agriculture Organization criteria21
Vegetation’s influence on fire behavior goes beyond just being fuel20
Northern spotted owl nesting forests as fire refugia: a 30-year synthesis of large wildfires19
Resilience of Mediterranean communities to fire depends on burn severity and type of ecosystem19
Potential operational delineations: new horizons for proactive, risk-informed strategic land and fire management18
Real-time fire detection algorithms running on small embedded devices based on MobileNetV3 and YOLOv416
Large-scale wildfire reduces population growth in a peripheral population of sage-grouse15
Forest fire pattern and vulnerability mapping using deep learning in Nepal14
A framework for quantifying forest wildfire hazard and fuel treatment effectiveness from stands to landscapes13
Spatial scale in prescribed fire regimes: an understudied aspect in conservation with examples from the southeastern United States13
Detecting shrub recovery in sagebrush steppe: comparing Landsat-derived maps with field data on historical wildfires13
Exploring the use of spectral indices to assess alterations in soil properties in pine stands affected by crown fire in Spain12
Examining socioeconomic factors associated with wildfire occurrence and burned area in Galicia (Spain) using spatial and temporal data12
Decoupling between soil moisture and biomass drives seasonal variations in live fuel moisture across co-occurring plant functional types12
Territories in Transition: how social contexts influence wildland fire adaptive capacity in rural Northwestern European Mediterranean areas12
Assessment of forest fire severity and land surface temperature using Google Earth Engine: a case study of Gujarat State, India12
Fuel treatment effectiveness at the landscape scale: a systematic review of simulation studies comparing treatment scenarios in North America12
Landscape-scale fuel treatment effectiveness: lessons learned from wildland fire case studies in forests of the western United States and Great Lakes region11
Forest fires and climate attributes interact in central Himalayas: an overview and assessment11
Assessing changes in global fire regimes10
Moisture and vegetation cover limit ponderosa pine regeneration in high-severity burn patches in the southwestern US10
Prescribed fire alters structure and composition of a mid-Atlantic oak forest up to eight years after burning10
Cats, foxes and fire: quantitative review reveals that invasive predator activity is most likely to increase shortly after fire10
Short-term drivers of post-fire forest regeneration in the Western Alps9
The footprint of large wildfires on the multifunctionality of fire-prone pine ecosystems is driven by the interaction of fire regime attributes9
Fire history and dendroecology of Catoctin Mountain, Maryland, USA, with newspaper corroboration9
Bats and fire: a global review9
Fire interval and post-fire climate effects on serotinous forest resilience8
Pre-Columbian red pine (Pinus resinosa Ait.) fire regimes of north-central Pennsylvania, USA8
Drivers of understory plant communities in Sierra Nevada mixed conifer forests with pyrodiversity8
Impacts of increasing fine fuel loads on acorn germination and early growth of oak seedlings8
A spatially explicit analytical framework to assess wildfire risks on brown bear habitat and corridors in conservation areas8
RETRACTED ARTICLE: FireXnet: an explainable AI-based tailored deep learning model for wildfire detection on resource-constrained devices8
Short-term benefits of prescribed fire to bird communities of dry forests8
Comparing risk-based fuel treatment prioritization with alternative strategies for enhancing protection and resource management objectives8
Fire severity and tree size affect post-fire survival of Afrotemperate forest trees8
Spatial and temporal drivers of post-fire tree establishment and height growth in a managed forest landscape8
A reconstruction of the recent fire regimes of Majete Wildlife Reserve, Malawi, using remote sensing8
How forest management changed the course of the Washburn fire and the fate of Yosemite’s giant sequoias (Sequoiadendron giganteum)7
What is the color when black is burned? Quantifying (re)burn severity using field and satellite remote sensing indices7
Governing wildfire in a global change context: lessons from water management in the Netherlands7
Vegetation fires along the Czech rail network7
Multitemporal lidar captures heterogeneity in fuel loads and consumption on the Kaibab Plateau7
Indigenous use of fire in the paramo ecosystem of southern Ecuador: a case study using remote sensing methods and ancestral knowledge of the Kichwa Saraguro people7
How do fire behavior and fuel consumption vary between dormant and early growing season prescribed burns in the southern Appalachian Mountains?7
Trends in western USA fire fuels using historical data and modeling7
An analysis of the recent fire regimes in the Angolan catchment of the Okavango Delta, Central Africa7
Determinants of fire intensity in working landscapes of an African savanna7
Multivariate roles of litter traits on moisture and flammability of temperate northeastern North American tree species6
Fuels change quickly after California drought and bark beetle outbreaks with implications for potential fire behavior and emissions6
Consequential lightning-caused wildfires and the “let burn” narrative6
North-facing aspects, shade objects, and microtopographic depressions promote the survival and growth of tree seedlings planted after wildfire6
The scientific value of fire in wilderness6
Prescribed fire in longleaf pine ecosystems: fire managers’ perspectives on priorities, constraints, and future prospects6
Fuel load, stand structure, and understory species composition following prescribed fire in an old-growth coast redwood (Sequoia sempervirens) forest5
Are fire temperatures and residence times good predictors of survival and regrowth for resprouters in Florida, USA, scrub?5
Contribution of remote sensing to wildfire trend and dynamic analysis in two of Ghana’s ecological zones: Guinea-savanna and Forest-savanna mosaic5
High-resolution wildfire simulations reveal complexity of climate change impacts on projected burn probability for Southern California5
Quail on fire: changing fire regimes may benefit mountain quail in fire-adapted forests5
Simulating dynamic fire regime and vegetation change in a warming Siberia5
Modeling of fire spread in sagebrush steppe using FARSITE: an approach to improving input data and simulation accuracy5
Microenvironment characteristics and early regeneration after the 2018 Spring Creek Wildfire and post-fire logging in Colorado, USA5
Plant community response to fuel break construction and goat grazing in a southern California shrubland5
The legacy of fire: long-term changes to the forest understory from periodic burns in a New England oak-hickory forest5
Short-term recovery of post-fire vegetation is primarily limited by drought in Mediterranean forest ecosystems5
Fire, land cover, and temperature drivers of bat activity in winter5
Changing fire regimes in East and Southern Africa’s savanna-protected areas: opportunities and challenges for indigenous-led savanna burning emissions abatement schemes4
The REBURN model: simulating system-level forest succession and wildfire dynamics4
Comparing machine learning algorithms to predict vegetation fire detections in Pakistan4
Burn severity and proximity to undisturbed forest drive post-fire recovery in the tropical montane forests of northern Vietnam4
Opportunities for winter prescribed burning in mixed conifer plantations of the Sierra Nevada4
Degradation and restoration of Indigenous California black oak (Quercus kelloggii) stands in the northern Sierra Nevada4
Understory community shifts in response to repeated fire and fire surrogate treatments in the southern Appalachian Mountains, USA4
A novel post-fire method to estimate individual tree crown scorch height and volume using simple RPAS-derived data4
Prescribed fire limits wildfire severity without altering ecological importance for birds4
Assessing the role of short-term weather forecasts in fire manager tactical decision-making: a choice experiment4
Fuel build-up promotes an increase in fire severity of reburned areas in fire-prone ecosystems of the western Mediterranean Basin4
System-level feedbacks of active fire regimes in large landscapes4
Fuel treatment response groups for fire-prone sagebrush landscapes4
New types of investments needed to address barriers to scaling up wildfire risk mitigation3
Fuel treatments in shrublands experiencing pinyon and juniper expansion result in trade-offs between desired vegetation and increased fire behavior3
Timing of fire during summer determines seed germination in Mediterranean Cistaceae3
Guiding principles for transdisciplinary and transformative fire research3
The impact of UAS aerial ignition on prescribed fire: a case study in multiple ecoregions of Texas and Louisiana3
Persistent, viable seedbank buffers serotinous bishop pine over a broad fire return interval3
Prescribed burning mitigates the severity of subsequent wildfires in Mediterranean shrublands3
Camera traps link population-level activity patterns with wildfire smoke events for mammals in Eastern Washington State3
Humans and climate modulate fire activity across Ethiopia3
Fire severity influences large wood and stream ecosystem responses in western Oregon watersheds3
Modeled interactions of mountain pine beetle and wildland fire under future climate and management scenarios for three western US landscapes3
Characterizing post-fire delayed tree mortality with remote sensing: sizing up the elephant in the room3
Predicting wildfire impacts on the prehistoric archaeological record of the Jemez Mountains, New Mexico, USA3
RETRACTED ARTICLE: Federated recognition mechanism based on enhanced temporal-spatial learning using mobile edge sensors for firefighters3
Contradictions and continuities: a historical context to Euro-American settlement era fires of the Lake States, USA3
Forest thinning and prescribed burning treatments reduce wildfire severity and buffer the impacts of severe fire weather3
Reliability of cross-regional applications of global fire danger models: a Peruvian case study3
Introduction to the article by Harold Biswell: Prescribed Burning in Georgia and California Compared2
How an unprecedented wildfire shaped tree hollow occurrence and abundance—implications for arboreal fauna2
Landscape controls on fuel moisture variability in fire-prone heathland and peatland landscapes2
Fire frequency effects on plant community characteristics in the Great Basin and Mojave deserts of North America2
Blanket bog vegetation response to wildfire and drainage suggests resilience to low severity, infrequent burning2
Modeling fuel break effectiveness in southern Spain wildfires2
Correction to: A reconstruction of the recent fire regimes of Majete Wildlife Reserve, Malawi, using remote sensing2
Evaluating fireline effectiveness across large wildfire events in north-central Washington State2
RETRACTED ARTICLE: Wildfire risk exploration: leveraging SHAP and TabNet for precise factor analysis2
Strategic fire zones are essential to wildfire risk reduction in the Western United States2
Short-term vegetation responses to the first prescribed burn in an urban pine rockland preserve2
Wildfires alter stream ecosystem functioning through effects on leaf litter2
Modeling fuel moisture dynamics under climate change in Spain’s forests2
Air quality and health impacts of the 2020 wildfires in California2
Fire history and vegetation data reveal ecological benefits of recent mixed-severity fires in the Cumberland Mountains, West Virginia, USA2
Wildfire probability estimated from recent climate and fine fuels across the big sagebrush region2
Environmental health of wildland firefighters: a scoping review2
Flammability features of native and non-native woody species from the southernmost ecosystems: a review2
Operational fuel model map for Atlantic landscapes using ALS and Sentinel-2 images2
Frequent burning and limited stand-replacing fire supports Mexican spotted owl pair occupancy2
Principles of fire ecology2
Shaded fuel breaks create wildfire-resilient forest stands: lessons from a long-term study in the Sierra Nevada2