IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management

(The TQCC of IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management is 9. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Reliable Backhauling in Aerial Communication Networks Against UAV Failures: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach175
Avoiding Flow Size Overestimation in Count-Min Sketch With Bloom Filter Constructions151
DOLPHIN: Dynamically Optimized and Load Balanced Path for Inter-Domain SDN Communication139
Reliability-Oriented and Resource-Efficient Service Function Chain Construction and Backup122
Reinforcement Learning Meets Network Intrusion Detection: A Transferable and Adaptable Framework for Anomaly Behavior Identification122
Priority-Dominated Traffic Scheduling Enabled ATS in Time-Sensitive Networking114
CauseFormer: Interpretable Anomaly Detection With Stepwise Attention for Cloud Service108
Resilience of Delay-Sensitive Services With Transport-Layer Monitoring in SD-WAN107
Table of contents105
Restoring Application Traffic of Latency-Sensitive Networked Systems Using Adversarial Autoencoders91
HFL-TranWGAN: Knowledge-Driven Cross-Domain Collaborative Anomaly Detection for End-to-End Network Slicing87
Zero-Trust Blockchain-Enabled Secure Next-Generation Healthcare Communication Network85
ML-Based Performance Modeling in SDN-Enabled Data Center Networks82
Balancing Performance and Energy Consumption of Bagging Ensembles for the Classification of Data Streams in Edge Computing79
Programmable Name Obfuscation Framework for Controlling Privacy and Performance on CCN76
Resilient Control Plane Design for Virtual Software Defined Networks75
Multi-Path Selection and Congestion Control for NDN: An Online Learning Approach74
Deep Learning Model for Content Aware Caching at MEC Servers73
FlexChain: Bridging Parallelism and Placement for Service Function Chains71
Application-Driven Provisioning of Service Function Chains Over Heterogeneous NFV Platforms71
On the Upgrade of Service Function Chains With Heterogeneous NFV Platforms70
PPTMon: Real-Time and Fine-Grained Packet Processing Time Monitoring in Virtual Network Functions66
Federated Learning-Enabled Jamming Detection and Waveform Classification for Distributed Tactical Wireless Networks66
Cellular Traffic Prediction: A Deep Learning Method Considering Dynamic Nonlocal Spatial Correlation, Self-Attention, and Correlation of Spatiotemporal Feature Fusion65
A Novel Hybrid Model for Docker Container Workload Prediction64
Performance of Spatially Diverse URLLC and eMBB Traffic in Cell Free Massive MIMO Environments63
Blockchain-Based WDP Solution for Real-Time Heterogeneous Computing Resource Allocation57
Accelerating Protocol Oblivious Forwarding Programmable Data Plane With Flow Cache57
Forecasting Framework for Mobile Networks Based on Automatic Feature Selection57
Optimal Estimation of Link Delays Based on End-to-End Active Measurements56
Table of Contents56
Cost-Efficient Cluster Migration of VNFs for Service Function Chain Embedding53
Energy-Efficient Joint Task Assignment and Migration in Data Centers: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach53
Unavailability-Aware Backup Allocation Model Based on Two-Stage Shared Protection for Middleboxes51
R1DIT: Privacy-Preserving Malware Traffic Classification With Attention-Based Neural Networks50
Notice of Violation of IEEE Publication Principles: Data Trading with Competitive Social Platforms: Outcomes are Mostly Privacy Welfare Damaging50
A Discrete Interval-Based Multi-Objective Memetic Algorithm for Scheduling Workflow With Uncertainty in Cloud Environment48
Multiobjective Genetic Algorithm for Fast Service Function Chain Reconfiguration48
MetaVSID: A Robust Meta-Reinforced Learning Approach for VSI-DDoS Detection on the Edge44
Detecting Unseen Anomalies in Network Systems by Leveraging Neural Networks43
Supporting Sustainable Virtual Network Mutations With Mystique42
Table of Contents41
Secure Socket Shell Bruteforce Attack Detection With Petri Net Modeling40
Influence- and Interest-Based Worker Recruitment in Crowdsourcing Using Online Social Networks40
On Cross-Layer Interactions of QUIC, Encrypted DNS and HTTP/3: Design, Evaluation, and Dataset38
Integrated Sensing, Localization, and Communication in Holographic MIMO-Enabled Wireless Network: A Deep Learning Approach38
Selective Edge Computing for Mobile Analytics38
A Hybrid Blockchain-Edge Architecture for Electronic Health Record Management With Attribute-Based Cryptographic Mechanisms37
Accelerating Reinforcement Learning via Predictive Policy Transfer in 6G RAN Slicing37
Blockchain-Aided and Privacy-Preserving Data Governance in Multi-Stakeholder Applications36
SecEdge: Secure Edge-Computing-Based Hybrid Approach for Data Collection and Searching in IoV35
A Framework for eBPF-Based Network Functions in an Era of Microservices35
Smart Policy Control for Securing Federated Learning Management System35
BDIP: An Efficient Big Data-Driven Information Processing Framework and Its Application in DDoS Attack Detection34
Large-Scale Machine Learning Cluster Scheduling via Multi-Agent Graph Reinforcement Learning34
Delay-Aware Control Plane Virtual Topology Design of Software Defined-Elastic Optical Network34
Service Chain Provisioning With Sub-Chain-Enabled Coordinated Protection to Satisfy Availability Requirements33
MARC: On Modeling and Analysis of Software-Defined Radio Access Network Controllers33
The Evolution of Mining Pools and Miners’ Behaviors in the Bitcoin Blockchain33
Main-Secondary Blockchain Framework: Cross-Domain Trust Management Mechanism Using Trust Ticket33
CD-LwTE: Cost- and Delay-Aware Light-Weight Transcoding at the Edge33
User-Centric Slice Allocation Scheme in 5G Networks and Beyond33
Optimal Network Slicing for Service-Oriented Networks With Flexible Routing and Guaranteed E2E Latency33
AEGIS: Detection and Mitigation of TCP SYN Flood on SDN Controller32
A Software-Defined Networking Solution for Transparent Session and Service Continuity in Dynamic Multi-Access Edge Computing32
Enabling AutoML for Zero-Touch Network Security: Use-Case Driven Analysis31
Efficient DRL-Based Selection Strategy in Hybrid Vehicular Networks31
PSMA: Layered Deployment Scheme for Secure VNF Multiplexing Based on Primary and Secondary Multiplexing Architecture31
Managing Connections by QUIC-TCP Racing: A First Look of Streaming Media Performance Over Popular HTTP/3 Browsers31
Reinforcement Learning-Based Adaptive Bitrate Caching at MEC Server31
Toward Adaptive Joint Node and Link Mapping Algorithms for Embedding Virtual Networks: A Conciliation Strategy31
Joint Bandwidth and Key on Demand (BKoD) Provisioning for Dynamic Service of Optical Transport Networks in F6G31
Preventing DDoS Flooding Attacks With Cryptographic Path Identifiers in Future Internet31
Multi-Service Edge Computing Management With Multi-Stage Coalition Game Task Offloading30
Table of Contents30
Self-Supervised Traffic Classification: Flow Embedding and Few-Shot Solutions30
Dual Attribute-Based Auditing Scheme for Fog Computing-Based Data Dynamic Storage With Distributed Collaborative Verification30
Dynamic Application Call Graph Formation and Service Identification in Cloud Data Centers29
Guest Editorial: Special Section on the Latest Developments in Federated Learning for the Management of Networked Systems and Resources29
Efficient Remote Entanglement Distribution in Quantum Networks: A Segment-Based Method29
Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning for Coordinated Multipoint in Mobile Networks29
Interference-Aware NFV-Enabled Multicast Service in Resource-Constrained Wireless Mesh Networks29
Accelerating Deep Packet Inspection With SIMD-Based Multi-Literal Matching Engine29
Adaptive and Reinforcement Learning Approaches for Online Network Monitoring and Analysis29
Table of Contents29
Presync: An Efficient Transaction Synchronization Protocol to Accelerate Block Propagation28
Robust Access Point Clustering in Edge Computing Resource Optimization28
Memory Network Architecture for Packet Processing in Functions Virtualization28
Q-Secure-P²-SMA: Quantum-Secure Privacy- Preserving Smart Meter Authentication for Unbreakable Security in Smart Grid27
Energy and Delay Aware General Task Dependent Offloading in UAV-Aided Smart Farms27
A Privacy-Preserving Federated Learning Framework With Lightweight and Fair in IoT27
UCBEE: A Multi Armed Bandit Approach for Early-Exit in Neural Networks26
Distributed Tactical TE With Segment Routing26
Authentication of Smart Grid by Integrating QKD and Blockchain in SCADA Systems26
Reliable Federated Learning With GAN Model for Robust and Resilient Future Healthcare System26
Machine Learning for Failure Management in Microwave Networks: A Data-Centric Approach26
Distributed Learning Framework for eMBB-URLLC Multiplexing in Open Radio Access Networks26
Incremental Performance Analysis for Accelerating Verification of TSN Network Reconfigurations26
Amount-Based Covert Communication Over Blockchain25
Optimization Model for Multiple Backup Resource Allocation With Workload-Dependent Failure Probability25
Federated Learning Assisted Deep Q-Learning for Joint Task Offloading and Fronthaul Segment Routing in Open RAN25
HVMM: A Holistic Virtual Machine Management Strategy for Cloud Data Centers25
Diversity-by-Design for Dependable and Secure Cyber-Physical Systems: A Survey25
A Multi-Scale Feature Attention Approach to Network Traffic Classification and Its Model Explanation25
BSCDA: Blockchain-Based Secure Cross-Domain Data Access Scheme for Internet of Things24
TCCC: A Throughput Consistency Congestion Control Algorithm for MPTCP in Mixed Transmission of Long and Short Flows24
Crowdsourcing Malware Family Annotation: Joint Class-Determined Tag Extraction and Weakly-Tagged Sample Inference24
TINetS3: SDN-Driven Network Slicing Enabling Scenario-Based Applications in Tactile Internet24
Joint Dataset Reconstruction and Power Control for Distributed Training in D2D Edge Network24
Cybersecurity Threat Assessment Integrating Qualitative Differential and Evolutionary Games24
Risk-Aware Cloud-Edge Computing Framework for Delay-Sensitive Industrial IoTs24
DECC: Achieving Low Latency in Data Center Networks With Deep Reinforcement Learning24
A Semantic Detection Method for Network Flows With Global and Generalized Nature24
Fault Diagnosis in Industrial Control Networks Using Transferability-Measured Adversarial Adaptation Network24
TPMCF: Temporal QoS Prediction Using Multi-Source Collaborative Features24
BCEdge: SLO-Aware DNN Inference Services With Adaptive Batch-Concurrent Scheduling on Edge Devices24
Misbehavior Detection in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks Based on Privacy-Preserving Federated Learning and Blockchain24
Landing AI on Networks: An Equipment Vendor Viewpoint on Autonomous Driving Networks24
Control Message Quenching-Based Communication Protocol for Energy Management in SDWSN24
Performance Modeling and Analysis of P4 Programmable Devices With General Service Times24
Traffic Engineering for Software-Defined LEO Constellations24
A QoS Guaranteed Efficient Integration of UPF and LEO Satellite Networks24
An Efficient Blockchain Assisted Reputation Aware Decentralized Federated Learning Framework23
A Receiver-Driven Transport Protocol With High Link Utilization Using Anti-ECN Marking in Data Center Networks23
Blockchain-Based Service Orchestration for 5G Vertical Industries in Multicloud Environment23
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Traffic Management Solution Using Crowd-Sensing and Blockchain23
DeepAir: Deep Reinforcement Learning for Adaptive Intrusion Response in Software-Defined Networks23
Adversarial Network Traffic: Towards Evaluating the Robustness of Deep-Learning-Based Network Traffic Classification23
Supervised and Semi-Supervised Learning for Failure Identification in Microwave Networks23
ProactMP: A Proactive Multipath Transport Protocol for Low-Latency Datacenters23
IntStream: Towards Flexible, Expressive, and Scalable Network Telemetry23
Machine Learning-Based Reliable Transmission for UAV Networks With Hybrid Multiple Access22
Graph-Based Data Publication via Differentially Structural Inference22
IEEE 802.11ax Meet Edge Computing: AP Seamless Handover for Multi-Service Communications in Industrial WLAN22
Improved Chemical Reaction Optimization With Fitness-Based Quasi-Reflection Method for Scheduling in Hybrid Cloud-Fog Environment22
Spatial-Temporal Edge User Allocation: An Expectation Confirmation Perspective Approach22
FedDCT: Federated Learning of Large Convolutional Neural Networks on Resource-Constrained Devices Using Divide and Collaborative Training22
MiddleNet: A Unified, High-Performance NFV and Middlebox Framework With eBPF and DPDK22
Edge Blockchain Assisted Lightweight Privacy-Preserving Data Aggregation for Smart Grid22
A Packet Loss Monitoring System for In-Band Network Telemetry: Detection, Localization, Diagnosis and Recovery22
Virtual Network Embedding for NGSO Systems: Algorithmic Solution and SDN-Testbed Validation22
SINR-Based Analysis of IEEE 802.11p/bd Broadcast VANETs for Safety Services22
On the Bilevel Optimization to Design Control Plane for SDONs in Consideration of Planned Physical-Layer Attacks22
Opportunistic UAV Deployment for Intelligent On-Demand IoV Service Management22
Joint Optimization of Radio Resources and Coverage Enhancement in Massive Microgrid Networks21
Service Deployment Model Based on Virtual Network Function Resizing21
Deployable Models for Approximating Web QoE Metrics From Encrypted Traffic21
Optimizing Network Performance Through Joint Caching and Recommendation Policy for Continuous User Request Behavior21
Low-Latency Dimensional Expansion and Anomaly Detection Empowered Secure IoT Network21
Fault Prediction for Heterogeneous Telecommunication Networks Using Machine Learning: A Survey21
HH-IPG: Leveraging Inter-Packet Gap Metrics in P4 Hardware for Heavy Hitter Detection21
GenSync: A New Framework for Benchmarking and Optimizing Reconciliation of Data21
Reducing Microservices Interference and Deployment Time in Resource-Constrained Cloud Systems20
Multi-Objective Control Plane Dimensioning in Hybrid SDN/Legacy Networks20
VNF Placement and Dynamic NUMA Node Selection Through Core Consolidation at the Edge and Cloud20
Communitychain: Toward a Scalable Blockchain in Smart Home20
Highly-Efficient and Adaptive Network Monitoring: When INT Meets Segment Routing20
Reliability-Aware Resource Allocation for SFC: A Column Generation-Based Link Protection Approach20
Cooperative Multi-UAV Positioning for Aerial Internet Service Management: A Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach20
Adaptive Reliability for the Automated Control of Human–Robot Collaboration in Beyond-5G Networks19
On Sustained Zero Trust Conceptualization Security for Mobile Core Networks in 5G and Beyond19
DDQP: A Double Deep Q-Learning Approach to Online Fault-Tolerant SFC Placement19
AI-driven, Context-Aware Profiling for 5G and Beyond Networks19
CACC: A Congestion-Aware Control Mechanism to Reduce INT Overhead and PFC Pause Delay19
QSKA: A Quantum Secured Privacy-Preserving Mutual Authentication Scheme for Energy Internet-Based Vehicle-to-Grid Communication19
Joint Monitorless Load-Balancing and Autoscaling for Zero-Wait-Time in Data Centers19
EV Charging Infrastructure Discovery to Contextualize Its Deployment Security19
Predictive UAV Base Station Deployment and Service Offloading With Distributed Edge Learning19
Dynamic Flow Scheduling for DNN Training Workloads in Data Centers19
Availability-Aware and Delay-Sensitive RAN Slicing Mapping Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning in Elastic Optical Networks19
VNF Embedding and Assignment for Network Function Parallelism19
OROS: Online Operation and Orchestration of Collaborative Robots Using 5G19
Artificial Neural Network-Aided Multiclass Service Provisioning and Prioritization in EONs19
Modeling MTC and HTC Radio Access in a Sliced 5G Base Station19
A Price-Incentive Resource Auction Mechanism Balancing the Interests Between Users and Cloud Service Provider19
Multi-Domain TSN Orchestration and Management for Large-Scale Industrial Networks19
GreenShield: Optimizing Firewall Configuration for Sustainable Networks19
REVAL: Recommend Which Variables to Log With Pretrained Model and Graph Neural Network19
LRB: Locally Repairable Blockchain for IoT Integration18
CoSIS: A Secure, Scalability, Decentralized Blockchain via Complexity Theory18
Time-Distributed Feature Learning for Internet of Things Network Traffic Classification18
Understanding Data Usage Patterns of Geographically Diverse Mobile Users18
Investigating the Dependability of Software-Defined IIoT-Edge Networks for Next-Generation Offshore Wind Farms18
UaaS-SFL: Unlearning as a Service for Safeguarding Federated Learning18
DGS: An Efficient Delay-Guaranteed Scheduling Framework for Wireless Deterministic Networking18
QoE Estimation Across Different Cloud Gaming Services Using Transfer Learning18
CANnolo: An Anomaly Detection System Based on LSTM Autoencoders for Controller Area Network18
Learning-Based Multi-Drone Network Edge Orchestration for Video Analytics18
MPC-Based 5G uRLLC Rate Calculation18
SDFA: A Service-Driven Fragmentation-Aware Resource Allocation in Elastic Optical Networks18
A Survey and Future Directions on Clustering: From WSNs to IoT and Modern Networking Paradigms18
Delay-Sensitive Task Offloading in Vehicular Fog Computing-Assisted Platoons17
FortunChain: EC-VRF-Based Scalable Blockchain System for Realizing State Sharding17
RSLB: Robust and Scalable Load Balancing in Software-Defined Data Center Networks17
Unsupervised GAN-Based Intrusion Detection System Using Temporal Convolutional Networks and Self-Attention17
Supporting Dynamic Insertions in xor and Binary Fuse Filters With the Integrated xor/BIF-Bloom Filter17
Resource Breadcrumbs: Discovering Edge Computing Resources Over Named Data Networking17
Improve the Energy Efficiency of Datacenters With the Awareness of Workload Variability17
Understanding Selfish Mining in Imperfect Bitcoin and Ethereum Networks With Extended Forks17
Proof-of-Monitoring (PoM): A Novel Consensus Mechanism for Blockchain-Based Secure Service Level Agreement Management17
LossDetection: Real-Time Packet Loss Monitoring System for Sampled Traffic Data17
On the Cross-Layer Network Planning for Flexible Ethernet Over Elastic Optical Networks17
OptRISQL: Toward Performance Improvement of Time-Varying IoT Networks Using Q-Learning17
Techno-Socio-Economic Impact of Joint Energy Resource Allocation Scheme in FiWi Network17
Delay-Sensitive Multi-Source Multicast Resource Optimization in NFV-Enabled Networks: A Column Generation Approach17
Self-Learning Multi-Objective Service Coordination Using Deep Reinforcement Learning17
Blockchain-Based Computing Resource Trading in Autonomous Multi-Access Edge Network Slicing: A Dueling Double Deep Q-Learning Approach17
A Hierarchical and Location-Aware Consensus Protocol for IoT-Blockchain Applications17
CCS: A Cross-Plane Collaboration Strategy to Defend Against LDoS Attacks in SDN17
Adaptive Feature Selection and Construction for Day-Ahead Load Forecasting Use Deep Learning Method17
Swarm of UAVs for Network Management in 6G: A Technical Review17
AI-Based Radio Resource Management and Trajectory Design for IRS-UAV-Assisted PD-NOMA Communication17
A Neighborhood Aware Caching and Interest Dissemination Scheme for Content Centric Networks17
A Multivariate KPIs Anomaly Detection Framework With Dynamic Balancing Loss Training17
IoMT: A Medical Resource Management System Using Edge Empowered Blockchain Federated Learning17
Toward Programmable DOCSIS 4.0 Networks: Adaptive Modulation in OFDM Channels16
Credible Link Flooding Attack Detection and Mitigation: A Blockchain-Based Approach16
Holu: Power-Aware and Delay-Constrained VNF Placement and Chaining16
FeD-TST: Federated Temporal Sparse Transformers for QoS prediction in Dynamic IoT Networks16
MTP-NT: A Mobile Traffic Predictor Enhanced by Neighboring and Transportation Data16
Planning of Survivable Wavelength-Switched Optical Networks Based on P2MP Transceivers16
Over-the-Air Software-Defined Vehicle Updates Using Federated Fog Environment16
Dependency-Aware Dynamic Task Offloading Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning in Mobile-Edge Computing16
Network Services Anomalies in NFV: Survey, Taxonomy, and Verification Methods16
Performance-Aware Orchestration of P4-Based Heterogeneous Cloud Environments16
Adaptive Scheduling of Shared Grant-Free Resources for Heterogeneous Massive Machine type Communication in 5G and Beyond Networks16
Improving Open Virtual Switch Performance Through Tuple Merge Relaxation in Software Defined Networks16
Real-Time Classification of Real-Time Communications16
Re-Scheduling IoT Services in Edge Networks16
Packet Loss in Real-Time Communications: Can ML Tame its Unpredictable Nature?16
Resource Optimization and Delay Guarantee Virtual Network Function Placement for Mapping SFC Requests in Cloud Networks16
Autonomous Flow Routing for Near Real-Time Quality of Service Assurance16
MSFL: Model-Safeguarded Federated Learning With Intelligent Reflecting Surface for Industrial Networks16
Interval Mean Estimation Under (ε,δ)-Local Differential Privacy16
Service Prioritization in Information Centric Networking With Heterogeneous Content Providers16
Energy Efficient Clustering and Resource Allocation Strategy for Ultra-Dense Networks: A Machine Learning Framework16
An Online Entropy-Based DDoS Flooding Attack Detection System With Dynamic Threshold15
Event-Triggered Sliding Mode Controller for Cognitive Internet of Things15
Resource-Efficient Low-Rate DDoS Mitigation With Moving Target Defense in Edge Clouds15
SHAPE: A Simultaneous Header and Payload Encoding Model for Encrypted Traffic Classification15
Availability Model for Data Center Networks With Dynamic Migration and Multiple Traffic Flows15
ML-Based IDPS Enhancement With Complementary Features for Home IoT Networks15
DRel: Dynamically Assigning Per-Packet Reliability at the Transport Layer15
Auditable Homomorphic-Based Decentralized Collaborative AI with Attribute-based Differential Privacy15
EfShard: Toward Efficient State Sharding Blockchain via Flexible and Timely State Allocation15
PA-Cache: Evolving Learning-Based Popularity- Aware Content Caching in Edge Networks15
Robust Deployment Model for Parallelized Service Function Chains Against Uncertain Traffic Arrival Rates15
Toward Security-Enhanced In-band Network Telemetry in Programmable Networks15
Characterization and Prediction of Mobile-App Traffic Using Markov Modeling15
Energy-Efficient Hierarchical Resource Allocation in Uplink–Downlink Decoupled NOMA HetNets15