Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science

(The TQCC of Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
SILENCE: Capturing the Feeling of Inner Quietude24
Use of Assistive Technologies and Alternative Means by Older People: The “Actional Model of Older People´s Coping with Health-Related Declines”21
The QBIT theory of consciousness: Entropy and qualia17
Where is the Trouble in Pseudo-empirical Research?16
Strong Ties and Weak Ties Rationality: Theory and Scale Development15
Intentional Understanding Through Action Coordination in Early Triadic Interactions14
Meta-model of Human Recognition-behavioral Adaptation System13
The Making of Delusions: From Imagination to Irreality13
The Popcorn Illusion10
Narrative Understanding as a Means of Understanding the Other: A Review of Andrea Smorti’s Book Telling to Understand9
Music in an Emergent History of Psychology9
Post Memory as Trauma in Anees Salim’s The Blind Lady’s Descendants9
Psychology of Changeability: Basic Principles of Description of Processual Nature of Personality8
An Epistemological Strategy for Initiating Scientific Revolution against WEIRD Psychology8
Art Value Creation and Destruction8
Receive, Retain and Retrieve: Psychological and Neurobiological Perspectives on Memory Retrieval8
Commentary on “The Making of an Ethnoburb” (Liu et al., 2022) and “Boundless China, Backward Asians” (Liu, 2022)7
Thinking of Harm Reduction and Reducing Harm in a Chinese Therapeutic Community for Drug Users7
Introspective Projection: Prototypical Representations of Policing in the Service of Rule of Law6
Embodied Minds: Hearts and Brains in Psychiatry and Chinese Medicine6
‘Measuring’ Collective Trauma: a Quantum Social Science Approach6
Contested Minds Across Time: Perspectives from Chinese History and Culture6
Emergence of Meaning Amidst a Tension Between Forms and Contents6
Emergence of the Revolutionary Subject: Evolutionary Psychology and the Exaptive Tactics of the Everyday6
Biocultural Aspects of Mental Distress: Expanding the Biomedical Model Towards an Integrative Biopsychosocial Understanding of Disorder5
The role of Mathematical Semiotic Signs in Enhancing Working Memory and Inhibition as the Components of Executive Functions5
Back to Actual Behavior – A Modest Proposal on the Example of Exploratory Behavior in Children on the Autism Spectrum5
Doping Existential Despair: Mindful of the Exotic Lure5
The Psychology of Adolf Busemann or Making Sense of Geborgenheit5
An Integrative Hypothesis of Brain Evolution5
Enhancing Enneagram Therapy with Contemporary Research on the Conscious and Unconscious Mind5
Bridging the gap between consciousness and matter: recurrent out-of-body projection of visual awareness revealed by the law of non-identity5
“I Have Been Born, Raised and Lived My Whole Life Here” – Perpetually on the Move While Remaining Still5
Log-Linear and Configural Analysis of Intra-Individual Time Series under Consideration of Serial Dependence5
Basic Evaluation Process and some Associated Phenomena, Such as Emotions and Reactive Defense of Beliefs4
Setting the Theater for Creativity: Proposal for Integrating Temporal and Spatial Artificial Mnemonics as a Qualitative Artificial Development of the Autobiographical Naturalistic Mnemonics (AM)4
Separation in Unity: Dialogical Transformation of Maternal Bond4
Interpreting Neuroscientific Evidence in the Legal Domain: Do the Stereotypes Come In?4
Plasticity-Led Evolution and Human Culture4
Free will: An Example of the Dopaminergic System4
Employee Engagement as Human Motivation: Implications for Theory, Methods, and Practice4
Inner Conflict of Personality in the Paradigm of Existential-Phenomenological Ontology3
Transcending Time and Space in the Search for Synthesis: A Commentary on Paranjpe’s Understanding Yoga Psychology: Indigenous Knowledge with Global Relevance3
Is Culture Learned? The Neglected Role of Evoking Events3
Collective Memory: Metaphor or Real?3
Decision Making: a Theoretical Review3
Personal and social guidance in children’s development. How youth personalize and (re)construct digital TikTok-practices3
Correction: Piagetian Theory and the Psychogenetic Development of Humankind throughout History. Towards a General Theory of the Human Being3
Cultural-Historical Theory and the Dialectics of Lower and Higher Psychological Functions3
Correction: The Gray Nine and Parallel Personality Patterns: Big Five, Dark Tetrad, and a “Well-Rounded Personality”3
The Evolution and Integration of Life and Theory in Foucault’s Work on Power3
Evolutionary Psychology and Normal Science: in Search of a Unifying Research Program3
Beyond Dehumanized Gender Identity: Critical Reflection on Neuroscience, Power Relationship and Law3
Negative vs. Positive Psychology: a Review of Science of Well-Being3
Gestures Enhance Executive Functions for the Understating of Mathematical Concepts3
Expert’s View on Central Components of the Actional Model of Older People’s Coping with Health-Related Declines: A Pilot Study with Professional Caregivers3
Temporality, Language and Body in Collaborative Remembering: a Videographic Study3
University without Borders3
Correction to: Griefbots. A New Way of Communicating With The Dead?3
Socioeconomic Status and Childhood Executive Function: Differing Conceptualizations, Diverse Assessments, and Decontextualized Investigations3
Mindfulness, Buddhist Modernity and Cultural Psychology2
Attention and Free Will in Experimental Psychology: An Unexpected Analysis of Voluntary Action by William James and Theodule Ribot2
The Making of an Ethnoburb: Studying Sub-ethnicities of the China-born New Immigrants in Albany, New Zealand2
Development through Borders: Photogrammetry of a Moving Experience2
An Enmeshed Family System? Jean Piaget as a Designated Therapist in 19202
A Critical Sociocultural Understanding of Evidence-Based Research and Practice Paradigm in Contemporary Psychology2
Time Dilation in Motivational Congruence Theory’s Paradigm2
Culturing the Mind: China as a Glocal Site of Epistemological Innovation2
Meditation and Self-transcendence: A Human Need?2
Redefining Meaning: A Micro-Genetic Model of the Constitution of Experience2
Children’s affectionate and assertive attitudes towards their parents: the Oedipus complex or parent–offspring conflict?2
Historical, Theoretical and Methodological Foundations of CHAT: Critical Deliberations2
The Concept of Dialogical CO-Zone of Proximal Development: Intergenerationality in the Making2
Towards an Integrated Concept of Personality in Human and Nonhuman Animals2
Anthropological Prosociality via Sub-Group Level Selection2
The Minds We Make: A Philosophical Inquiry into Theory of Mind and Artificial Intelligence2
Multiple Lurias. Reconstructing Alexander Romanovich’s Life-Writing2
Repressive Moralism: World Making and Petty Fascism in Transgender Politics2
Viktor von Weizsäcker’s Gestaltkreis Theory. The Dynamic and Subjective Relationship of Perception and Movement2
The Necessity to Recognize Processes of Radicalization from a Socio-cultural Perspective2
Review of Andrea Smorti’s Telling to Understand the Impact of Narrative on Autobiographical Memory2
Free Association and Inner Speech—On the Internal Form of Words2
Between War and Peace, Past and Future: Experiencing the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park2
Contexts and Scientific Production of Six Eminent Women Psychologists in the 20th Century2
Indigenous Psychology as a General Science for Escaping the Snares of Psychological Methodolatry2
Dialectic Between Ethics and Aesthetics in Lifestyle: Decision-Making Processes in Dressing among Muslim Women2
Existential Disruptions of Managers as a Collapse of Childhood Patterns: An Interpretative Phenomenological Investigation2
Foucault’s Social, Community, and Cultural Psychology2
Integrative Perspectives on Human Development: Dynamic and Semiotic2
Correction to: Theoretical and Empirical Foundations for a Unifed Pyramid of Human Motivation2
Mindfulness, Phenomenology, and Psychological Science2
An Attempt to Explain Visual Aesthetic Appreciation2
Theoretical and Empirical Foundations for a Unified Pyramid of Human Motivation2