Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal

(The median citation count of Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
The lean startup method: Early‐stage teams and hypothesis‐based probing of business ideas105
Policy for innovative entrepreneurship: Institutions, interventions, and societal challenges65
Are family female directors catalysts of innovation in family small and medium enterprises?41
The CEO beauty premium: Founder CEO attractiveness and firm valuation in initial coin offerings41
Knowledge‐based theory, entrepreneurial orientation, stakeholder engagement, and firm performance39
Entrepreneurial space and the freedom for entrepreneurship: Institutional settings, policy, and action in the space industry36
The influence of women on SME innovation in emerging markets27
What matters more for entrepreneurship success? A meta‐analysis comparing general mental ability and emotional intelligence in entrepreneurial settings27
Founder team prior work experience: An asset or a liability for startup growth?27
From tensions to synergy: Causation and effectuation in the process of venture creation25
Marketplace lending of small‐ and medium‐sized enterprises24
The government whispering to entrepreneurs: Public venture capital, policy shifts, and firm productivity24
Who can claim innovation and benefit from it? Gender and expectancy violations in reward‐based crowdfunding21
Do policy makers take grants for granted? The efficacy of public sponsorship for innovative entrepreneurship21
Under pressure: Family financial support and the ambidextrous use of causation and effectuation20
The impact of customer ties and industry segment maturity on business model adaptation in an emerging industry20
Time to unicorn status: An exploratory examination of new ventures with extreme valuations20
Entrepreneurial responses to crisis19
External enablers and entrepreneurial ecosystems: The brokering role of the anchor tenant in capacitating grassroots ecopreneurs18
Impact measurement based on repeated randomized control trials: The case of a training program to encourage social entrepreneurship18
Catalyzing change: Innovation in women's entrepreneurship18
A meta‐analysis of agglomeration and venture performance: Firm‐level evidence17
Relationship between human capital, new venture ideas, and opportunity beliefs: A meta‐analysis17
The Track One Pilot Program: Who benefits from prioritized patent examination?16
Looking forward: Creative construction as a road to recovery from the COVID‐19 crisis16
Simultaneous experimentation as a learning strategy: Business model development under uncertainty—Relevance in times of COVID‐19 and beyond16
In pursuit of diversification opportunities, efficiency, and revenue diversification: A generalization and extension for social entrepreneurship15
Microfinance and entrepreneurship at the base of the pyramid15
Serving rural low‐income markets through a social entrepreneurship approach: Venture creation and growth14
Turning rebellion into money? Social entrepreneurship as the strategic performance of systems change14
From Knightian uncertainty to real‐structuredness: Further opening the judgment black box14
Nonresponse bias in survey‐based entrepreneurship research: A review, investigation, and recommendations12
Cross‐cultural implications of linguistic future time reference and institutional uncertainty on social entrepreneurship12
Maneuvering the odds: The dynamics of venture capital decision‐making11
When entrepreneurial rhetoric meets strict regulations: Implications for the valuation of health science firms11
Corporate venture capital and interfirm rivalry: A competitive dynamics perspective10
Experimentation, planning, and structure in early‐stage ventures: Evidence from pitch decks10
Insights from creation theory: The uncertain context rendered by the COVID‐19 pandemic10
Gender differences in peer review of innovation10
Economic inequality and entrepreneurship: Micro‐evidence from China10
Local context and post‐crisis social venture creation10
Strategic leadership in liminal space: Framing exploration of digital opportunities at hierarchical interfaces9
User entrepreneurs in times of crisis: Innovators you can count on9
Entrepreneurship at a crossroads: Meta‐analysis as a foundation and path forward8
External enablers in existing organizations: Emergence, novelty, and persistence of entrepreneurial initiatives8
Entrepreneurial strategies during institutional changes: Evidence from China's economic transition8
Constrained but not contained: How marginalized entrepreneurs overcome institutional bias and mobilize resources8
Do the personal attributes of CEOs matter in the IPO pricing process? An examination of charisma and humility8
A cloud's silver lining? The impact of policy interventions on new and maturing technology ventures' online recruitment8
Innovators' gains from incumbents' exit options in R&D alliances: A reconciliation of real options and transaction costs logics7
Corporate‐startup partnering: Exploring attention dynamics and relational outcomes in asymmetric settings7
Business modeling under adversity: Resilience in international firms7
Mitigating a crisis of confidence: The effect of crisis response strategies on reward‐based crowdfunding success7
Seizing the moment—Strategy, social entrepreneurship, and the pursuit of impact7
Upgrading adaptation: How digital transformation promotes organizational resilience7
Does the timing of integrating new skills affect start‐up growth?7
The impact of growth mindset training on entrepreneurial action among necessity entrepreneurs: Evidence from a randomized control trial6
Uncertainty and entrepreneurial judgment during a health crisis6
Attention across borders: Investor attention as a driver of cross‐border equity crowdfunding investments6
After the startup: A collection to spur research about entrepreneurial growth6
Conversion and contagion in entrepreneurship: A cross‐country analysis6
Pipes, prisms, and patent sales: How personal wealth expands and contracts the gender gap in entrepreneurship6
Outside board members and strategic orientation of new ventures in the startup phase6
Social insurance and entrepreneurship: The effect of unemployment benefits on new‐business formation6
Who do you take to tango? Examining pairing mechanisms between underwriters and initial public offering firms in a nascent stock market5
A theory of missed external enablement5
Do overconfident and over‐optimistic entrepreneurs invest too much in their companies? Theory and evidence from Italian SMEs5
Environmental change, strategic entrepreneurial action, and success: Introduction to a special issue on an important, neglected topic5
A legitimacy‐based view of the impact of government venture capital on startup innovation: Evidence from a transition economy5
Strategic leaders' ecosystem vision formation and digital transformation: A motivated interactional lens5
Corporate venture capital contributions to strategic renewal: Neglected paths and barriers5
Entrepreneurial judgment governance adaptation for digital transformation in established firms4
The emergence of new knowledge: The case of zero‐reference patents4
Catch me if you can? Staggered inevitable disclosure doctrine (IDD) rejection and entrepreneurial activity in the US4
Developing theoretical insights in entrepreneurship research4
Born into chaos: How founding conditions shape whether ventures survive or thrive when experiencing environmental change4
Learning to be entrepreneurial: Do family firms gain more from female leadership than nonfamily firms?4
The signaling effect of entrepreneurship subsidies on initial public offering investor valuation: An anticorruption campaign as a quasi‐natural experiment3
Simple rules for a world of change: Reflections on “turning a process into a capability”3
The emergence and evolution of cognition‐ and affect‐based trust in Russian entrepreneurial ventures3
Venture team membership dynamics and new venture innovation3
A cognitive approach to the expected value of work integration social enterprises3