Applied Physics Reviews

(The median citation count of Applied Physics Reviews is 7. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
pH sensors based on amino-terminated carbon nanomembrane and single-layer graphene van der Waals heterostructures267
Ultrahigh electromechanical response in (K,Na)NbO3-based lead-free textured piezoceramics214
Intelligent sensing for the autonomous manipulation of microrobots toward minimally invasive cell surgery193
The impact of interface and heterostructure on the stability of perovskite-based solar cells191
Ferroelectrically modulated ion dynamics in Li+ electrolyte-gated transistors for neuromorphic computing180
Charge transport in semiconducting carbon nanotube networks166
High-performance hybrid biofuel cells using amphiphilic assembly based enzyme electrodes140
Achieving low driving voltage and high-efficiency afterglow organic light-emitting diodes through host–guest doping130
Comparison of hexagonal boron nitride and MgO tunnel barriers in Fe,Co magnetic tunnel junctions127
Navigating challenges and solutions in quantitative photoacoustic imaging120
Highly flexible and temperature-tolerant phase change devices for dual-band camouflage108
Near-field nano-spectroscopy of strong mode coupling in phonon-polaritonic crystals107
A new frontier of flexible energy devices: Aqueous proton supercapacitors103
Textural landscapes of VOC-sensitive chiral liquid crystal-based materials102
Tin-lead-metal halide perovskite solar cells with enhanced crystallinity and efficiency by addition of fluorinated long organic cation97
A critical perspective for emerging ultra-thin solar cells with ultra-high power-per-weight outputs96
A comparison of current analytical methods for detecting particulate matter and micro/nanoplastics96
Advanced GeSe-based thermoelectric materials: Progress and future challenge95
Recent advances in radiation therapy and photodynamic therapy90
Experimental observation of anomalous supralinear response of single-photon detectors89
Novel dopant-free ferromagnetic Mott-like insulator and high-energy correlated-plasmons in unconventional strongly correlated s band of low-dimensional gold86
Optical pulse-induced ultrafast antiferrodistortive transition in SrTiO383
Sliding-mediated ferroelectric phase transition in CuInP2S6 under pressure79
Bone tissue engineering via application of a collagen/hydroxyapatite 4D-printed biomimetic scaffold for spinal fusion78
DFT + μ: Density functional theory for muon site determination77
Metalens array for quantum random number76
Transient analysis of photomultiplication-type organic photodiodes74
Two-dimensional electronic spectroscopy from first principles73
Integrated photon-pair sources with nonlinear optics71
Periodic dynamics of optical skyrmion lattices driven by symmetry70
SuperConga: An open-source framework for mesoscopic superconductivity66
Fabrication and application of bicontinuous interfacially jammed emulsions gels63
Galvanically replaced artificial interfacial layer for highly reversible zinc metal anodes62
A generalized model for tribovoltaic nanogenerator62
Customizing polymeric binders for advanced lithium batteries: Design principles and beyond62
Structured illumination with thermal imaging (SI-TI): A dynamically reconfigurable metrology for parallelized thermal transport characterization60
Synthesis and novel applications of graphene fibers60
Predictability as a probe of manifest and latent physics: The case of atomic scale structural, chemical, and polarization behaviors in multiferroic Sm-doped BiFeO360
Control spin–orbit coupling through changing the crystal structure of the metal halide perovskites60
Controlling excitons in the quantum tunneling regime in a hybrid plasmonic/2D semiconductor interface60
Synthesis, engineering, and theory of 2D van der Waals magnets59
Irradiation methods for engineering of graphene related two-dimensional materials58
Deformable lithium-ion batteries for wearable and implantable electronics57
Exciton control enables high-performance colloidal quantum well light-emitting diodes56
The emergence of concentrator photovoltaics for perovskite solar cells56
Adhesive cutaneous conducting polymer electrodes54
Ferroelectric phase transitions in epitaxial antiferroelectric PbZrO3 thin films53
InGaN-based blue and red micro-LEDs: Impact of carrier localization53
Enhancing chip performance and reliability by CMOS+X technologies52
Toward the commercialization of chemical vapor deposition graphene films52
Giant parametric amplification and spectral narrowing in atomically thin MoS2 nanomechanical resonators52
Droplet microlasers: From fundamentals to multifunctional applications51
Hybrid printed three-dimensionally integrated micro-supercapacitors for compact on-chip application49
Toward autonomous materials research: Recent progress and future challenges48
Nature-inspired miniaturized magnetic soft robotic swimmers48
Multiscale modeling of plasma–surface interaction—General picture and a case study of Si and SiO2 etching by fluorocarbon-based plasmas47
Driving forces and molecular interactions in the self-assembly of block copolymers to form fiber-like micelles47
Liquid/air dynamic behaviors and regulation mechanisms for bioinspired surface47
3D printing of bio-inspired porous polymeric solar steam generators for efficient and sustainable desalination45
Proximity-field nanopatterning for high-performance chemical and mechanical sensor applications based on 3D nanostructures45
Extraordinary second harmonic generation modulated by divergent strain field in pressurized monolayer domes45
Reconfigurable multifunctional neuromorphic memristor fabricated from two-dimensional ReSe2 ferroelectric nanosheet films45
Metal-based nanoparticles for combating antibiotic resistance44
A molecular-level strategy to boost the mass transport of perovskite electrocatalyst for enhanced oxygen evolution44
Additive engineering for highly efficient and stable perovskite solar cells43
The application of one-dimensional nanostructures in terahertz frequency devices42
Brain inspired electronics42
Graphene nanocomposites for real-time electrochemical sensing of nitric oxide in biological systems41
Intrinsically stretchable ionoelastomer junction logic gate synchronously deformable with liquid metal41
Nanoarchitectured MOF-derived porous carbons: Road to future carbon materials40
Time-encoded photonic quantum states: Generation, processing, and applications40
Superorders and terahertz acoustic modes in multiferroic BiFeO3/LaFeO3 superlattices40
Molecular dopants: Tools to control the electronic structure of metal halide perovskite interfaces40
Conformal invariance of 2D quantum turbulence in an exciton–polariton fluid of light39
Probes for noninvasive biological visualization and biosensing of cancer cells39
Device physics of perovskite light-emitting diodes39
Harnessing disorder for photonic device applications38
Time-resolved x-ray imaging of nanoscale spin-wave dynamics at multi-GHz frequencies using low-alpha synchrotron operation38
On the study of proximity magnetism in van der Waals graphene/CuCrP2S6 heterostructure via the anomalous Hall effect38
Non-equilibrium longitudinal optical phonons and their lifetimes37
Materials science and mechanosensitivity of living matter37
Rapid and ultrasensitive detection of mpox virus using CRISPR/Cas12b-empowered graphene field-effect transistors37
3D printing in biomedical engineering: Processes, materials, and applications36
Advances in chalcogenide perovskites: Fundamentals and applications36
Research progress and prospect of polymer dielectrics36
Understanding and utilizing textile-based electrostatic flocking for biomedical applications36
Impact of moiré superlattice on atomic stress and thermal transport in van der Waals heterostructures36
Cooperative near- and far-field thermal management via diffusive superimposed dipoles36
A quantum key distribution testbed using a plug&play telecom-wavelength single-photon source35
A perspective on the pathway to a scalable quantum internet using rare-earth ions35
A multi-stage, first-order phase transition in LaFe11.8Si1.2: Interplay between the structural, magnetic, and electronic degrees of freedom35
Spatially resolved lock-in micro-thermography (SR-LIT): A tensor analysis-enhanced method for anisotropic thermal characterization34
Quantum spin Hall insulating phase and van Hove singularities in Zintl single-quintuple-layer AM2X2 (A = Ca, Sr, or Ba; M = Zn or Cd; X = Sb or Bi) family34
Nonlinear vibration energy harvesting and vibration suppression technologies: Designs, analysis, and applications34
Computational understanding and prediction of 8-electron half-Heusler compounds with unusual suppressed phonon conduction34
Efficient and controllable magnetization switching induced by intermixing-enhanced bulk spin–orbit torque in ferromagnetic multilayers34
Electrospinning research and products: The road and the way forward34
Interplay of graphene–DNA interactions: Unveiling sensing potential of graphene materials34
The role of pre-existing heterogeneities in materials under shock and spall34
Mechanical metamaterials based on origami and kirigami34
Controlling fluidic behavior for ultra-sensitive volatile sensing34
Recent advances in small angle x-ray scattering for superlattice study33
Highly selective and sensitive detection of volatile organic compounds using long wavelength InAs-based quantum cascade lasers through quartz-enhanced photoacoustic spectroscopy33
Stretchable conductive nanocomposites and their applications in wearable devices33
Polarization-rotation-driven modulation of second harmonic generation in van der Waals layered ferroelectric CuInP2S633
Rydberg superatoms: An artificial quantum system for quantum information processing and quantum optics33
Molecular physics of persistent room temperature phosphorescence and long-lived triplet excitons32
Photonic Ising machines for combinatorial optimization problems32
Publisher's Note: “Detection of two-dimensional small polarons at oxide interfaces by optical spectroscopy” [Appl. Phys. Rev. 10, 031406 (2023)]32
Structural and angle-resolved optical and vibrational properties of chiral trivial insulator InSeI31
Spin-induced nanomaterials for detection of chiral volatile organic compounds31
Attosecond state-resolved carrier motion in quantum materials probed by soft x-ray XANES31
Unraveling electrocatalyst reaction mechanisms in water electrolysis: In situ Raman spectra31
Unraveling the fundamentals of pulsed laser-assisted synthesis of nanomaterials in liquids: Applications in energy and the environment31
Ferroelectric polymers for neuromorphic computing31
Untethered kirigami soft robots with programmable locomotion30
High-pressure studies of atomically thin van der Waals materials28
In situ cryptography in a neuromorphic vision sensor based on light-driven memristors28
Flexible perovskite solar cells: Material selection and structure design28
Manipulating molten pool dynamics during metal 3D printing by ultrasound28
Sagnac interference in integrated photonics28
Encapsulating perovskite solar cells for long-term stability and prevention of lead toxicity28
Phase-transition-induced giant Thomson effect for thermoelectric cooling27
Structure and ionic conduction enhancement mechanisms at CeO2/SrTiO3 heterointerfaces27
Charge-carrier dynamics and regulation strategies in perovskite light-emitting diodes: From materials to devices27
Functionalized Ti3C2Tx MXene with layer-dependent band gap for flexible NIR photodetectors27
Fluorite-structured antiferroelectric hafnium-zirconium oxide for emerging nonvolatile memory and neuromorphic-computing applications27
Emergent quasi-two-dimensional ferromagnetic state with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy at La0.7Sr0.3MnO3/SrCuO2 interface27
Epitaxy of hexagonal ABO3 quantum materials26
Atomic layer deposition of metal phosphates26
Preface to Special Collection: “Renewable Energy Technologies and Systems”26
Recent progress in advanced flexible zinc ion battery design26
Mechanical forces amplify TCR mechanotransduction in T cell activation and function26
Tripling energy storage density through order–disorder transition induced polar nanoregions in PbZrO3 thin films by ion implantation26
Nano-engineering the evolution of skyrmion crystal in synthetic antiferromagnets26
Silk materials at the convergence of science, sustainability, healthcare, and technology25
Alloying effect of rare-earth tritellurides on the charge density wave and magnetic properties25
Smart transformable nanoparticles for enhanced tumor theranostics25
Advances in volatile organic compounds detection: From fundamental research to real-world applications25
Toroidal dipole bound states in the continuum in asymmetric dimer metasurfaces25
Improving our Peer Review Process—Editorial25
Enhancing photostability of 2D Ruddlesden–Popper perovskite via molecular acceptor passivation of metallic lead defects24
Timestamp boson sampling24
Photoemission spectroscopy of battery materials24
Precise Fermi level engineering in a topological Weyl semimetal via fast ion implantation24
Distinct CO2-run-out regime from steric effect of electric double layer in electrochemical CO2 reduction24
Atomically thin interlayer phase from first principles enables defect-free incommensurate SnO2/CdTe interface23
Biomimic and bioinspired soft neuromorphic tactile sensory system23
Exchange bias at the organic/ferromagnet interface may not be a spinterface effect23
Constitutive and fracture behavior of ultra-strong supercrystalline nanocomposites23
From micro- to nano- and time-resolved x-ray computed tomography: Bio-based applications, synchrotron capabilities, and data-driven processing23
Volatile threshold switching devices for hardware security primitives: Exploiting intrinsic variability as an entropy source23
Magnetic straintronics: Manipulating the magnetization of magnetostrictive nanomagnets with strain for energy-efficient applications22
Phononic Weyl pair, phononic Weyl complex, phononic real Chern insulator state, and phononic corner modes in 2D Kekulé-order graphene22
Controlling acoustic non-Hermitian skin effect via synthetic magnetic fields22
Recent progress and future prospects of perovskite tandem solar cells22
Sustainable carbon sources for green laser-induced graphene: A perspective on fundamental principles, applications, and challenges22
Electrochemically responsive materials for energy-efficient water treatment and carbon capture22
Coexistence of surface oxygen vacancy and interface conducting states in LaAlO3/SrTiO3 revealed by grazing-angle resonant soft x-ray scattering22
Charge carrier trapping management in Bi3+ and lanthanides doped Li(Sc,Lu)GeO4 for x-ray imaging, anti-counterfeiting, and force recording22
Vanishing space-charge effects in contact-limited thin-film diodes21
Charge-transfer hyperbolic polaritons in α-MoO3/graphene heterostructures21
Graphite–hexagonal diamond hybrid with diverse properties21
Two-dimensional molecular crystal Sb2O3 for electronics and optoelectronics21
Fibrous wearable and implantable bioelectronics21
Intercalation of quaternary ammonium cations as a key factor of electron storage in MoS2 thin films21
Minimization of the electrical contact resistance in thin-film thermoelectric device21
Skyrmion battery effect via inhomogeneous magnetic anisotropy21
Suppressing the interlayer-gliding of layered P3-type K0.5Mn0.7Co0.2Fe0.1O2 cathode materials on electrochemical potassium-ion storage21
Observation of spatially resolved Rashba states on the surface of CH3NH3PbBr3 single crystals21
Unconventional exchange bias and enhanced spin pumping efficiency due to diluted magnetic oxide at the Co/ZnO interface21
Unveiling magnetism in individual CuCrP2S6 flakes by magnetic proximity effect21
Atomic layer deposition of magnetic thin films: Basic processes, engineering efforts, and road forward20
Wavelength-tuned transformation between photonic skyrmion and meron spin textures20
Water-based devices for advanced control of electromagnetic waves20
Real-time nondestructive methods for examining battery electrode materials19
Synthesis and characterization of amine-functionalized graphene as a nitric oxide-generating coating for vascular stents19
Pyrochlore-type lanthanide titanates and zirconates: Synthesis, structural peculiarities, and properties19
A practical guide for separator selection, characterization, and electrochemical evaluation for supercapacitor application19
Approaching scalable quantum memory with integrated atomic devices19
Advancements in miniaturized infrared spectroscopic-based volatile organic compound sensors: A systematic review19
Charge self-shuttling triboelectric nanogenerator based on wind-driven pump excitation for harvesting water wave energy19
Fast, accurate, point-of-care COVID-19 pandemic diagnosis enabled through advanced lab-on-chip optical biosensors: Opportunities and challenges18
Self-powered UV photodetectors based on ZnO nanomaterials18
Core–sheath polymer nanofiber formation by the simultaneous application of rotation and pressure in a novel purpose-designed vessel18
Operando nano-mapping of sodium-diglyme co-intercalation and SEI formation in sodium ion batteries' graphene anodes18
Nonlinear nanoresonators for Bell state generation18
Calcium fluoride as high-k dielectric for 2D electronics18
Van der Waals epitaxy growth of 2D ferromagnetic Cr(1+δ)Te2 nanolayers with concentration-tunable magnetic anisotropy18
Barium titanate-based thermistors: Past achievements, state of the art, and future perspectives18
Robust liquid repellency by stepwise wetting resistance18
Massive, soft, and tunable chiral photonic crystals for optical polarization manipulation and pulse modulation18
Au-coated carbon fabric as Janus current collector for dendrite-free flexible lithium metal anode and battery17
Recent advances of dynamic molecular crystals with light-triggered macro-movements17
Recent advances of phase transition and ferroelectric device in two-dimensional In2Se317
Chemically exfoliated inorganic nanosheets for nanoelectronics17
Flexoelectricity-stabilized ferroelectric phase with enhanced reliability in ultrathin La:HfO2 films17
Spectroscopic signature of negative electronic compressibility from the Ti core-level of titanium carbonitride MXene17
Spatial filtering and optimal generation of high-flux soft x-ray high harmonics using a Bessel–Gauss beam16
Defect-characterized phase transition kinetics16
Analog control of La0.5Sr0.5FeO3-δ electrical properties through oxygen deficiency induced magnetic transition16
Shallow traps-induced ultra-long lifetime of metal halide perovskites probed with light-biased time-resolved microwave conductivity16
Fundamentals and applications of the skyrmion Hall effect16
Beyond the chloride threshold concept for predicting corrosion of steel in concrete16
Liquid metal gallium-based printing of Cu-doped p-type Ga2O3 semiconductor and Ga2O3 homojunction diodes16
Recent advances in bubble-based technologies: Underlying interaction mechanisms and applications15
Orbital angular momentum of light for communications15
2D layered halide perovskite for field-effect transistors15
Giant bulk spin–orbit torque and efficient electrical switching in single ferrimagnetic FeTb layers with strong perpendicular magnetic anisotropy15
On-the-fly autonomous control of neutron diffraction via physics-informed Bayesian active learning15
Exploring advanced microwave strategy for the synthesis of two-dimensional energy materials15
Machine learning for materials discovery: Two-dimensional topological insulators15
Universal imprinting of chirality with chiral light by employing plasmonic metastructures15
Self-powered MXene/GaN van der Waals Schottky ultraviolet photodetectors with exceptional responsivity and stability15
Quantum computer based on color centers in diamond14
Detection of two-dimensional small polarons at oxide interfaces by optical spectroscopy14
Applications of magnetic field for electrochemical energy storage14
Erratum: “Threshold voltage instability in III-nitride heterostructure metal–insulator–semiconductor high-electron-mobility transistors: Characterization and interface engineering” [Appl. Phys. Rev. <14
Nanostructured binary transition-metal-sulfides and nanocomposites as high-performance electrodes for hybrid supercapacitors14
MA2Z4 family heterostructures: Promises and prospects14
Reconfigurable 2D-ferroelectric platform for neuromorphic computing14
Exploring new logic devices: Unlocking potential with floating-gate transistor14
Electrodermal activity in pain assessment and its clinical applications14
Aluminum textile-based binder-free nanostructured battery cathodes using a layer-by-layer assembly of metal/metal oxide nanoparticles14
Current-induced perpendicular effective magnetic field in magnetic heterostructures14
Graphene-based mid-infrared photodetectors using metamaterials and related concepts13
Converged wireless infrastructure with acoustic holographic array13
Benchmarking contact quality in N-type organic thin film transistors through an improved virtual-source emission-diffusion model13
Atomic-scale understanding on the physics and control of intrinsic point defects in lead halide perovskites13
Hybrid integration of chipscale photonic devices using accurate transfer printing methods13
Deep-reactive ion etching of silicon nanowire arrays at cryogenic temperatures13
Printing flexible thin-film transistors13
Microfluidic organ chip of fluid–solid dynamic curved interface13
Porphyrin-based nanoporous materials for photocatalytic applications13
Bioprinting 3D muscle tissue supplemented with endothelial-spheroids for neuromuscular junction model12
Phonon engineering in thermal materials with nano-carbon dopants12
Observation of resilient propagation and free-space skyrmions in toroidal electromagnetic pulses12
Defects in Ge and GeSn and their impact on optoelectronic properties12
Scalable multiphoton quantum metrology with neither pre- nor post-selected measurements12
Recent progress in the JARVIS infrastructure for next-generation data-driven materials design12
A multiscale 3D hotspot-rich nanostructured substrate for biomolecular detection of SARS-CoV-212
Light element (B, N) co-doped graphitic films on copper as highly robust current collectors for anode-free Li metal battery applications12
Study of sacrificial ink-assisted embedded printing for 3D perfusable channel creation for biomedical applications12
Charge-transfer-enhanced dd emission in antiferromagnetic NiPS312
Control of half-skyrmion movement for possible applications in memory, logic, and neuromorphic computing prototype devices11
The photophysics of Ruddlesden-Popper perovskites: A tale of energy, charges, and spins11
Demystifying metal-assisted chemical etching of GaN and related heterojunctions11
The noise of the charge density waves in quasi-1D NbSe3 nanowires — contributions of electrons and quantum condensate11
A review on graphene oxide: 2D colloidal molecule, fluid physics, and macroscopic materials11
Oxide magnonics: Spin waves in functional magnetic oxides11