Applied Physics Reviews

(The H4-Index of Applied Physics Reviews is 51. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
pH sensors based on amino-terminated carbon nanomembrane and single-layer graphene van der Waals heterostructures267
Ultrahigh electromechanical response in (K,Na)NbO3-based lead-free textured piezoceramics214
Intelligent sensing for the autonomous manipulation of microrobots toward minimally invasive cell surgery193
The impact of interface and heterostructure on the stability of perovskite-based solar cells191
Ferroelectrically modulated ion dynamics in Li+ electrolyte-gated transistors for neuromorphic computing180
Charge transport in semiconducting carbon nanotube networks166
High-performance hybrid biofuel cells using amphiphilic assembly based enzyme electrodes140
Achieving low driving voltage and high-efficiency afterglow organic light-emitting diodes through host–guest doping130
Comparison of hexagonal boron nitride and MgO tunnel barriers in Fe,Co magnetic tunnel junctions127
Navigating challenges and solutions in quantitative photoacoustic imaging120
Highly flexible and temperature-tolerant phase change devices for dual-band camouflage108
Near-field nano-spectroscopy of strong mode coupling in phonon-polaritonic crystals107
A new frontier of flexible energy devices: Aqueous proton supercapacitors103
Textural landscapes of VOC-sensitive chiral liquid crystal-based materials102
Tin-lead-metal halide perovskite solar cells with enhanced crystallinity and efficiency by addition of fluorinated long organic cation97
A comparison of current analytical methods for detecting particulate matter and micro/nanoplastics96
A critical perspective for emerging ultra-thin solar cells with ultra-high power-per-weight outputs96
Advanced GeSe-based thermoelectric materials: Progress and future challenge95
Recent advances in radiation therapy and photodynamic therapy90
Experimental observation of anomalous supralinear response of single-photon detectors89
Novel dopant-free ferromagnetic Mott-like insulator and high-energy correlated-plasmons in unconventional strongly correlated s band of low-dimensional gold86
Optical pulse-induced ultrafast antiferrodistortive transition in SrTiO383
Sliding-mediated ferroelectric phase transition in CuInP2S6 under pressure79
Bone tissue engineering via application of a collagen/hydroxyapatite 4D-printed biomimetic scaffold for spinal fusion78
DFT + μ: Density functional theory for muon site determination77
Metalens array for quantum random number76
Transient analysis of photomultiplication-type organic photodiodes74
Two-dimensional electronic spectroscopy from first principles73
Integrated photon-pair sources with nonlinear optics71
Periodic dynamics of optical skyrmion lattices driven by symmetry70
SuperConga: An open-source framework for mesoscopic superconductivity66
Fabrication and application of bicontinuous interfacially jammed emulsions gels63
Galvanically replaced artificial interfacial layer for highly reversible zinc metal anodes62
A generalized model for tribovoltaic nanogenerator62
Customizing polymeric binders for advanced lithium batteries: Design principles and beyond62
Structured illumination with thermal imaging (SI-TI): A dynamically reconfigurable metrology for parallelized thermal transport characterization60
Synthesis and novel applications of graphene fibers60
Predictability as a probe of manifest and latent physics: The case of atomic scale structural, chemical, and polarization behaviors in multiferroic Sm-doped BiFeO360
Control spin–orbit coupling through changing the crystal structure of the metal halide perovskites60
Controlling excitons in the quantum tunneling regime in a hybrid plasmonic/2D semiconductor interface60
Synthesis, engineering, and theory of 2D van der Waals magnets59
Irradiation methods for engineering of graphene related two-dimensional materials58
Deformable lithium-ion batteries for wearable and implantable electronics57
Exciton control enables high-performance colloidal quantum well light-emitting diodes56
The emergence of concentrator photovoltaics for perovskite solar cells56
Adhesive cutaneous conducting polymer electrodes54
Ferroelectric phase transitions in epitaxial antiferroelectric PbZrO3 thin films53
InGaN-based blue and red micro-LEDs: Impact of carrier localization53
Giant parametric amplification and spectral narrowing in atomically thin MoS2 nanomechanical resonators52
Enhancing chip performance and reliability by CMOS+X technologies52
Toward the commercialization of chemical vapor deposition graphene films52
Droplet microlasers: From fundamentals to multifunctional applications51