CBE-Life Sciences Education

(The TQCC of CBE-Life Sciences Education is 8. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Dancing for Parkinson’s: A Gateway for Connectedness to Peers and Social Assurance62
Evaluating the Representation of Community Colleges in Biology Education Research Publications following a Call to Action61
“It’s completely erasure”: A Qualitative Exploration of Experiences of Transgender, Nonbinary, Gender Nonconforming, and Questioning Students in Biology Courses54
Faculty Experiences during the Implementation of an Introductory Biology Course-Based Undergraduate Research Experience (CURE)50
Investigating the Influence of Assessment Question Framing on Undergraduate Biology Student Preference and Affect41
Teaching the Tough Topics: Fostering Ideological Awareness through the Inclusion of Societally Impactful Topics in Introductory Biology40
The Value of Support: STEM Intervention Programs Impact Student Persistence and Belonging38
Undergraduate Lay Theories of Abilities: Mindset, universality, and brilliance beliefs uniquely predict undergraduate educational outcomes36
Learning Introductory Biology: Students’ Concept-Building Approaches Predict Transfer on Biology Exams36
Investigating Instructor Talk among Graduate Teaching Assistants in Undergraduate Biology Laboratory Classrooms33
A Unique and Scalable Model for Increasing Research Engagement, STEM Persistence, and Entry into Doctoral Programs33
Using Systems and Systems Thinking to Unify Biology Education32
Christian Student Experiences During Peer Interactions in Undergraduate Biology Courses30
A Study Planning Exercise Associated with Decreased Distraction Levels among Introductory Biology Students29
Evidence for Professional Conceptualization in Science as an Important Component of Science Identity29
The Case for Biocalculus: Improving Student Understanding of the Utility Value of Mathematics to Biology and Affect toward Mathematics29
A Call to Assess the Impacts of Course-Based Undergraduate Research Experiences for Career and Technical Education, Allied Health, and Underrepresented Students at Community Colleges28
To What Extent Do Study Habits Relate to Performance?26
Improving University Life Science Instruction with Analogies: Insights from a Course for Graduate Teaching Assistants25
Student Thinking in the Professional Development of College Biology Instructors: An Analysis through the Lens of Sociocultural Theory25
Drawing on Internal Strengths and Creating Spaces for Growth: How Black Science Majors Navigate the Racial Climate at a Predominantly White Institution to Succeed23
GenBio-MAPS as a Case Study to Understand and Address the Effects of Test-Taking Motivation in Low-Stakes Program Assessments22
Reading Primary Scientific Literature: Approaches for Teaching Students in the Undergraduate STEM Classroom21
Emotion in Teacher Learning and Professional Development20
Ethical Dilemmas in Current Uses of AI in Science Education19
Costs and Benefits of Undergraduates Revealing Depression to Online Science Instructors19
Developing a Model of Graduate Teaching Assistant Teacher Efficacy: How Do High and Low Teacher Efficacy Teaching Assistants Compare?18
Confronting the Legacy of Eugenics and Ableism: Towards Anti-Ableist Bioscience Education18
Making a First Impression: Exploring What Instructors Do and Say on the First Day of Introductory STEM Courses18
The Making of Future Scientists: Faculty Mentor Cultural Awareness and Inclusive Science Labs17
Design and Implementation of a Tool to Assess Students’ Understanding of Metabolic Pathways Dynamics and Regulation17
Examining and Supporting Mechanistic Explanations Across Chemistry and Biology Courses17
Access Needs: Centering Students and Disrupting Ableist Norms in STEM17
What College Biology Students Know about How Vaccines Work16
To Cope or Not to Cope? Characterizing Biology Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA) Coping with Teaching and Research Anxieties16
Developmental Trajectories of Student Self-Perception over a Yearlong Introductory Biology Sequence16
Probing Internal Assumptions of the Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy16
Reframing Educational Outcomes: Moving beyond Achievement Gaps15
Reflective Practices in Education: A Primer for Practitioners15
Aspects of Large-Enrollment Online College Science Courses That Exacerbate and Alleviate Student Anxiety15
Exploring Black Undergraduate Students’ Communication and Biology Education Experiences about COVID-19 and COVID-19 Vaccines During the Pandemic15
COVID-19 and Undergraduates with Disabilities: Challenges Resulting from the Rapid Transition to Online Course Delivery for Students with Disabilities in Undergraduate STEM at Large-Enrollment Institu14
Factors Influencing the Use of Evidence-based Instructional Practices by Community College Biology Instructors14
Students with Disabilities in Life Science Undergraduate Research Experiences: Challenges and Opportunities14
Preparing Teaching Assistants to Facilitate Course-based Undergraduate Research Experiences (CUREs) in the Biological Sciences: A Call to Action14
“Scientists are People too”: Biology Students Relate More to Scientists When They are Humanized in Course Materials13
Supporting Student Competencies in Graph Reading, Interpretation, Construction, and Evaluation13
Scalable Science Education via Online Cooperative Questioning12
Longitudinal Education and Career Outcomes of a Cancer Research Training Program for Underrepresented Students: The Meharry-Vanderbilt-Tennessee State University Cancer Partnership12
Content Coverage as a Persistent Exclusionary Practice: Investigating Perspectives of Health Professionals on the Influence of Undergraduate Coursework12
“I don’t Know what I Would do Without it” How Life Science Graduate Students Describe Resource Value12
A card-sorting tool to measure expert versus novice thinking in scientific research12
A Cocurricular Program That Encourages Specific Study Skills and Habits Improves Academic Performance and Retention of First-Year Undergraduates in Introductory Biology11
Few LGBTQ+ Science and Engineering Instructors Come Out to Students, Despite Potential Benefits11
The Influence of Instructor Behaviors and the Perceived Motivational Climate on Undergraduate Students’ Experiences in College STEM Laboratories11
Developing Student Expertise in Evolution: Cognitive Construals Complement Key Concepts in Student Representations11
Assessing Community College Biology Student Perceptions of Being Called on in Class11
How Do Students Critically Evaluate Outdated Language That Relates to Gender in Biology?11
Transfer Student Experiences and Identity Navigation in STEM: Overlapping Figured Worlds of Success11
Comparison of Cluster Analysis Methodologies for Characterization of Classroom Observation Protocol for Undergraduate STEM (COPUS) Data11
A CURE on the Evolution of Antibiotic Resistance in Escherichia coli Improves Student Conceptual Understanding11
Teaching Postsecondary Students to Use Analogies as a Cognitive Learning Strategy: An Intervention11
Exploring STEM Teaching Assistants’ Self-Efficacy and Its Relation to Approaches to Teaching10
Guides to Advance Teaching Evaluation (GATEs): A Resource for STEM Departments Planning Robust and Equitable Evaluation Practices10
Supporting Scientific Practice through Model-Based Inquiry: A Students’-Eye View of Grappling with Data, Uncertainty, and Community in a Laboratory Experience10
Faculty Experiences of the Impostor Phenomenon in STEM Fields10
Which Group Dynamics Matter: Social Predictors of Student Achievement in Team-Based Undergraduate Science Classrooms10
Scientist Spotlights in Secondary Schools: Student Shifts in Multiple Measures Related to Science Identity after Receiving Written Assignments10
Randomized Controlled Trial of a Cohesive Eight-Week Evolution Unit That Incorporates Molecular Genetics and Principles of the Next Generation Science Standards10
Experience with Scientific Teaching in Face-to-Face Settings Promoted Usage of Evidence-Based Practices during Emergency Remote Teaching10
A Course-Based Undergraduate Research Experience Improves Outcomes in Mentored Research9
Current Insights9
Unveiling Concealable Stigmatized Identities in Class: The Impact of an Instructor Revealing Her LGBTQ+ Identity to Students in a Large-Enrollment Biology Course9
The Benefits of Participating in a Learning Assistant Program on the Metacognitive Awareness and Motivation of Learning Assistants9
The Instructor’s Role in a Model-Based Inquiry Laboratory: Characterizing Instructor Supports and Intentions in Teaching Authentic Scientific Practices9
“No matter what your story is, there is a place for you in science”: Students’ Ability to Relate to Scientists Positively Shifts after Scientist Spotlight Assignments, Especially for First-Generation 9
“Oh, that makes sense”: Social Metacognition in Small-Group Problem Solving9
“I Like and Prefer to Work Alone”: Social Anxiety, Academic Self-Efficacy, and Students’ Perceptions of Active Learning9
Development of a Framework for the Culture of Scientific Research9
Relationships between Prediction Accuracy, Metacognitive Reflection, and Performance in Introductory Genetics Students9
Postsecondary Faculty Attitudes and Beliefs about Writing-Based Pedagogies in the STEM Classroom9
Improving Academic Performance and Retention of First-Year Biology Students through a Scalable Peer Mentorship Program9
“It's been a Process”: A Multiple Case Study of Biology Instructor Efforts to Reform their Sex and Gender Curriculum to be More Inclusive of Students with Queer Genders and Intersex Students8
A Course-Based Teaching Experience for STEM Undergraduates Improves Student Perceptions of Teaching Self-Efficacy and Attitudes Toward Teaching Careers8
Elevating Marginalized Student Experiences of Belonging in the Life Sciences: A Qualitative Case Study Approach8
Broadening Access to STEM through the Community College: Investigating the Role of Course-Based Research Experiences (CREs)8
Re-Envisioning the Culture of Undergraduate Biology Education to Foster Black Student Success: A Clarion Call8
Evaluating a National Biomedical Training Program Using QuantCrit: Revealing Disparities in Research Self-efficacy for Women of Color Undergraduates8
Enthusiastic but Inconsistent: Graduate Teaching Assistants’ Perceptions of Their Role in the CURE Classroom8
Current Status and Implementation of Science Practices in Course-Based Undergraduate Research Experiences (CUREs): A Systematic Literature Review8
The Ungrading Learning Theory We Have Is Not the Ungrading Learning Theory We Need8
Dipping Your Toe in The CURE Pool: Longitudinal Tracking of Instructors Suggests Use of a Short-Duration CURE Can Catalyze Expansion to Longer CURE Experiences8
Growth Mindset Messages from Instructors Improve Academic Performance Among First-Generation College Students8
Visualizing Inequities: A Step Toward Equitable Student Outcomes8
Biology Instructors See Value in Discussing Controversial Topics but Fear Personal and Professional Consequences8
Undergraduate R Programming Anxiety in Ecology: Persistent Gender Gaps and Coping Strategies8